Photoshop :: CS6 - And Keys Stop Resizing Brush

Dec 3, 2012

I very recently installed CS6.  I have used Photoshop for years (CS5, CS3, CS, ...).
Now under CS6 I find that periodically the [ and ] keys will not resize the brush.  I have to restart Photoshop to get them to work again.

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Photoshop :: Bracket Keys Stop Resizing Tools

Jun 29, 2012

In cs5 my brackets for resizine tools occasionally stopped working. I would restart and all would be  well . . for a while. I figured that there was something wrong with cs5. Now I am getting the same thing in cs6.

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Photoshop :: Why Do Arrow Keys Stop Working With Type In CS6

Sep 19, 2012

I searched this issue and found many forums discussing the topic, but no solution. When using PS CS6, the arrow keys randomly stop working when navigating around in text. This is extremely frustrating. Per other discussions, and my experience, there doesn't seem to be a constant trigger. Saving the PS file when it happens SEEMS to fix it - at least temporarily. It's been happening off and on since I upgraded.
Adobe reps (they're say "employee") monitoring the forums suggested the fix is to close all other apps. No one works that way. Chrome (or other browsers) were speculated to be the cause. but I just had this happen without any browser open.
Sysytem details:
CS6 upgrade form CS5 Premium
Lion 10.7.4 / 16G / i7 Intel
Safari / Chrome
MS Office
Mac Mail
FontAgent Pro

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Photoshop :: Fn Keys 1+2 Change Colour Theme - How To Stop

Nov 19, 2013

on the new keypad that comes with the newiMac (27", 3.5ghz, i7) Fn1 and 2 are set to brighten or darken the screen, but I have checked the preference box to stop this i.e. to use the Fn keys as normal rather as assigned by Apple.
Oddly my other Fn assignations work fine  but fn 1+2 brighten or darken the photoshop colour theme and I can't find anywhere where it is set to do that , so can't stop itwhich is very annoying as usually I have well learned and often used actions assigned to those keys.
Mac Os 10.9. Photoshop CS6.

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Photoshop :: Shortcut Keys Stop Working With Input...

Aug 21, 2008

Almost all of the common shortcut keys stop working when input language is set to Māori. eg. ctrl-n, v, b pretty much everything apart from ctrl, alt and space.

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Photoshop :: Launching CS6 Macos 10.8.3 Causes Spacebar / Enter And Arrow Keys To Stop Working

Mar 25, 2013

i have a mac air 10.8.3 with cs6 V13.1.2 x64. The machine is running fine. I use an external usb apple keyboard, which is brand new (having just been returned from apple after a warranty case).
Launching Photoshop causes the space bar, the enter key, the up-down-left-right keys to become unresponsive to the entire operating system, even after photoshop is closed. Restarting the mac resolves the issue. Photoshop is the only foreground application launched, nothing else is running (other than background services and things like dropbox, sip, etc).
The issue affects both the external usb keyboard, and the in-built keyboard.I have tried deleting my photoshop prefs file, which makes no difference.
I have noted that bringing up the keyboard viewer ( Keyboard preferences > 'show keyboard & character viewers in menu bar'; then from the icon choosing 'Show keyboard viewer' ) will not show the key as being depressed. CLICKING on the SPACEBAR key, the ENTER or ARROW KEYS in the keyboard viewer also does not work!

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Photoshop :: How To Stop 3D Text From Resizing / When Resize Canvas

May 12, 2013

When I resize canvas my 3d text also resizes.How do you stop the 3d text from resizing when canvas resizes?

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Photoshop :: How To Stop 3D Text From Resizing When Resize Canvas

Apr 15, 2012

When I resize canvas my 3d text also resizes. How do you stop the 3d text from resizing when canvas resizes???

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After Effects :: How To Stop Window From Resizing When Loading Project

Aug 19, 2013

Every time I load any project (even one I saved and closed 5 minutes ago) After Effects resizes the window.  I would like to disable this 'feature' how do I do that?

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Photoshop :: Bracket Keys No Longer Increased Brush Size

Jun 29, 2013

I'm having multiple issues with Photoshop CC.  I just installed it yesterday and all went well.  I began working on a project and discovered that the bracket keys no longer increased the brush size, but instead jumped from one brush to another.  The following day I tried to open the app and got a blank white window and a spinning beach ball. It won't start.

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Photoshop :: Number Keys Not Changing Opacity In Brush Tool

Nov 13, 2012

I always used the number keys to set opacity in brush tool.  Suddenly it now affects flow, not opacity.  At the same time this functionality changed I started having to click on a mask for the [ ] keys to change brush size.  I used to be able to change size without selecting the mask.  Did I inadvertently change some setting?  I am using CS5 12.0 x 64 on Mac in 10.6.8. 

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Photoshop :: Stop Brush Jittering

Jul 17, 2007

when i use brushes I get a jitter when moving the brush as shown in the picture. if i trace the line several times it gradually fills in but with curved lines this is hard. is there any way to stop it doing this? i am using cs2.

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Photoshop :: Brush Resizing With Pen

Aug 29, 2012

Using Photoshop CS6, is there any way to make the up and down motion of control+option+pen ALSO control brush size?  I keep making erroneous minute up/down changes to hardness or opacity while resizing left and right.

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Photoshop :: Resizing A Frame Brush

Jun 17, 2012

I have a brush which is rectangular frame, i want to apply it to a square image.The only method i can see to resize the brush just constrains it and makes it a smaller rectangle...
Any way of resizing the height and width separately?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Stop Streaking / When Using Spot Healing Brush

Jun 19, 2012

When I use the spot healing brush, streaks or lines occur?  How do I stop this.  It usually happens when my picture has a strong contrast in colors between the background and the person's clothing or face..

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Brush Tool Continues To Stop Working

Mar 25, 2014

I've reset all tools, completely shut down my macbook but nothing is working.

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Photoshop :: How To Turn Off Transparency View When Resizing Brush On CC

Nov 22, 2013

So, when Adobe introduced the "brush preview" when using the Control+Option drag to change the brush size/hardness (not sure if it's called this way), I was ecstatic! It made my workflow much faster without having to go to the menu to change the brush size or to the bracket keys. Now on CS6 they added a feature that basically broke that for me. Now it not only shows the size/hardness, but it also shows the transparency. It  sounds like a great idea, and it is when you work with bigger opacities, but I work a lot with opacities below 10% and it basically becomes invisible, so it's hard to know if I'm using a hard/soft brush when adjusting the brush size. Is there a way to turn just the transparency preview off?!

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Photoshop :: Recover Lost Shortcut (resizing Brush Size)?

Oct 18, 2011

shortcut that i can not use since two days. To redim the brush size it is possible to use the shortcut ALT + right click. This is very useful when doing painting or drawing on Photoshop. The problem is that i no longer have the possibility to use this shortcut, and i do not know why. My keyboard is correctly set up and i even reset Photoshop, but still nothing.

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Illustrator :: Bracket Keys For Increase / Decrease On Brush Size Don't Update Display Settings

Jun 8, 2013

I’m a PS user new to Illustrator (CS6). In PS, using the bracket keys [] to increase/decrease brush point size will simultaneously update the data displayed in the tool panel at the top.
While I can use the bracket keys in Illustrator to change the appearance of the brush stroke, it is not being updated in the tool panel input or in the stroke window…so I can essentially have (2) 3 pt strokes created with the same brush that don’t visually match but whose display properties DO match. Because I will be doing lots of editing I certainly don’t want to work this way.

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Lightroom :: Adjustment Brush Draw A Straight Line By Clicking The Start And Stop Points?

Mar 11, 2012

Can a Lightroom adjustment brush draw a straight line by clicking the start and stop points?

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GIMP :: When Use The Text Tool Can't Type Anything Because All Keys Acts As Shortcut Keys

Jul 8, 2013

I've just installed GIMP to see if it can replace Photoshop for me. But I experience some weird troubles. When I try to use the text tool I can't type anything because all the keys acts as shortcut keys. Aren't these supposed to be overridden when using things like the text tool? I also have the same problems with dialog boxes. The tab key is used to hide toolbars, but when I open dialog boxes I would rather want to use tab to jump from one input box to another. Plus I couldn't enter numbers because the number keys was shortcuts for zoom level.I guess I'm just doing this all wrong? I'm on OSX Maverick.

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Photoshop :: HOT Keys....function Keys?

Mar 20, 2006

is there a way to make "hot" keys so you can get to a function with out navigating flatten an image has none but hue/saturation has ctr-u

and selective color has none ...any tips tricks or insults...... just playin

i waste a lot of time navigating photoshop add those seconds up and you have another work day....

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Photoshop :: Resizing Images With Resizing Tool

Dec 12, 2012

I need to be able to re-size images that are large than 1MB in order to put them on our MLS site.

My previous computer had 2 arrow icons on the desktop.

One was for re-sizing horizontal pics and the other for re-sizing vertical pics.

I could simply drag/drop the image file onto these re-sizing icons and they would be re-sized.

The smaller file size thumbnail would appear on the desktop.

How can I get these re-sizing tools on my new computer's desktop?

I am using CS6.

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Photoshop :: Brush Size On Paint Brush / Clone Stamp Are Not Working Properly

Nov 11, 2012

The brush size on my paint brush and clone stamp are not working properly.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Paint 1 Pixel Brush Line (with Brush Not Pencil)

May 28, 2013

you can see what i mean in the following picture examples.
Selecting a brush (any 1 pixel) brush

shows my selection . Drawing a straight line
Zooming in to the line (600%) you can see i can draw a marquee through half of it ...
No matter what 1 single pixel brush i use this will happen... no matter which computer i use cs6 on and different copies of the installation.   Anyway have any insight into this?  frankly... it's somewhat limiting that i can't use the brush for stroking a shape if i need a pixel line and yet soft curves that a pencil won't get you. 

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Photoshop :: Brush Tool Setting To Make It Just Like An Actual Paint Brush

Sep 8, 2012

I am not very good with photoshop, and if there was a brush tool setting to make it just like an actual paint brush.

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Photoshop :: Pick Brush Tool And Try To Get Soft Brush From Dropdown Menu

Jul 27, 2012

When i pick my brush tool and try to get a soft brush from the drop down menu they all look white, i don't see a soft brush from a non soft brush.

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Photoshop :: Brush Preview Size Does Not Match Brush Stroke

Jan 24, 2013

The brush preview size does not match brush stroke. I've insert a pic of the problem. I tried allmost everythning, but nothing works.
I use a wacom tablet.

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Photoshop :: How To Make Brush Mild Like White Brush On Website

Jan 29, 2011

I'm a web developer but have little knowledge of Photoshop. I got a web design job to create something very similar to URL.... Firstly i want to know how to make a brush mild like the white brush on that website. It doesn't overshadow the blue background.

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Photoshop :: When Change Brush Setting For 1 Brush It Changes Settings For All Brushes

Apr 13, 2013

There are a few things I just don't get about brush settings.  Sometimes it seems my brushes go all wonky.
When I change the settings for 1 brush... say I add some jitter to a smooth brush - then suddenly the other brushes get the same jitter applied to them.
How can I set the brushes so that each brush has a different setting that doesn't change when I change any other brush settings?
p.s.  I also don't get why Adobe has you lock a brush by UNlocking it?  Seems to me it should be the other way around?

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Photoshop :: Brush Size Is Smaller Than Circle That Represents The Brush

Dec 19, 2012

I have contacted Adobe about issues with Photoshop brushes recently.  My issue is that the brush size is smaller than the circle that represents the brush.  In other words, when I hoover over the area that I want to paint or erase with the circle and then click, the painted or erased area is smaller that the circle.  It's really frustrating when fine tuning an image, you never know how close you are to what you want to correct.  This is only visible when you zoom in quit a bit.  I worked with an Adobe tech for over an hour and he could not simulate the problem.  Then he finally asked if I was using a retina display, (he was not). 

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