Photoshop :: CS6 / Flash Panels Custom Icon Are Not Displayed
Jul 22, 2013
I have a problem after latest update Photoshop CS6 (13.1.2 Win 7 x64). Custom icons for Flash extension panels (i use Adobe Configurator 3.1.1) are not displayed. [URL]
Upon saving, usually there is a progress box in the middle of the screen. It appears after the save begins. Usually the box shows the progress is about half way along, and shortly, it gets to the end, then after a few moments, it eventually disappears and all is saved. However, occasionally, the toolboxes turn black and even flash during the saving process!
It's very strange. I have dual monitors on the computer; the left monitor is for the main application and the right is where I keep all the tool panels, mainly layers, appearance, glyphs, navigator/info, transparency, character/paragraph/opentype, document info/attributes, brushes, graphic styles, gradient and stroke with appearance. I have the UI set to light grey to work with.
I did go to the preferences and changed the icon panel to hide but it does not work... I also did what is suggested and exited the program to activate any changes and it still does not work. I've seen folks who produce tuts with this feature so I know its possible.....
I have a few action sets from CS6 that came with custom panels that were installed after the actions were loaded using the Adobe Extension Manager for CS6. Can these panels be installed for CC? Is there an extension manager that will do the install, and if so how does one access it?
My computer crashed and had to reinstall everything, well almost everything, still re-installing. The issue that I am having is the Instant Project-Wizard button/icon, that is suppose to be located above the Timeline is not being displayed. This applies to both programs, VideoStudio X4 & X5 versions.
(CS6 - 64 bit) Anyhow, somehow my blur gallery (Tilt-Shift, Iris and Field) got screwed up. Whenever I brought them up, they wouldn't work and I couldn't get out of the gallery.
I called tech support and after taking control of my computer, he reset my Preferences and all was well - or so I've thought. Now I find I've lost my custom Actions and Panels.Is there a way to retreive these and other things I may have lost, or must I start from square one?
I have made a 2012 LT custom ribbon and a custom panel. I have transferred buttons from my autocad 2006 to my 2012 LT. They work just fine. The probem is that in 2006 I had drop down buttons to save toolbar space. I want to be able to add the drop down button feature to my new panel. I do not see how to create that type of button, so I can add the regular buttons to it and have one drop down button with those commands in it.
I want to use VSx4 to create a custom sized .swf, flash file for a website. I plan to use a free program called Any Video Converter to covert my final VSx4 creation to the .swf as I hope that future versions of VS will have .swf output.
I'll be creating the video using stills with transitions in between.
Now I haven't tried this yet but...
I know how to change the project properties to custom frame sizes which is fine but what should I aim to be creating? I was thinking of an MP4 (H264) file but just wondering if you have other thoughts on what I should create as a video file before converting to .swf
The stills will be j-pegs. No audio will be involved
I am looking through the custom shapes and I have every shape there I could think of, besides a camera one. Is there any freeware packs of custom photoshop shapes that have a icon kind of thing in? I am wanting it to make some new buttons for my website.
is there a menu which has the icons for endpoint and midpoint. If not is there a way to create and icon that corresponds to these commands? I use these commands continuously and get tired of typing them in.
I've been battling with moving tool bars between my CorelX4 PC's. I think I've finally figured out how to do it so far. Export/Import RecordedMacro.bas 'First' and make sure it's the same name on both PC's as importing a new one renumbers the *.bas file. I think this made a difference anyway.
Export/Import Workspace Toolbar next. I found if I imported the workspace first, I couldn't get the new toolbar to work.
Now, if I want to edit the colors of the toolbar as shown below, the current color doesn't show in the editing window, nor do I have any color options.
When I loaded some photo actions into my new PSE11 it show only a generic icon in the effects palette, not the icon from the maker so it takes extra time to search for the action I need. How can I get the icon from the maker to show as the icon in the palette?
I'm using Photoshop CS4 on Windows 7 at work and every time I minimize or close Photoshop and then maximize/re-open, my Swatches and Layers panels are minimized.My workspace is saved, and I've tried resaving it (including panel locations, shortcuts and menus).
If i'm just simply switching programs/windows, it doesn't happen. Its only when the entire program is closed or minimized.It doesn't make any difference if I have a file open or not. Screenshots: left is before minimizing, right is after minimizing and maximizing again.hasn't always happened. Its jsut been in the last few months, and its driving me nuts. I mean its not like its hard to open them again, but when i'm switching back and forth between other programs and trying to do things quickly, it gets extremely irritating.
It doesn't happen on my colleague's computer, and she has the same version of everything. I've never seen it happen before (before it started doing this).I have CS5 (and have had CS3 and CS4 in the past) on my Mac at home and its never happened. Although you can't actaully minimize Photoshop on Mac anyway.
Why do ALL tutorial videos show the panels on the right of the screen? I loaded CS6 this week and thought I'd change them to the left. Why? Because I'm right handed and I tend to sit more to the left of the screen, which means I have to squint across to the right side of my very wide monitor to see the edit panels. I have successfully set up a profile with the panels on the left, and find it much easier to use (see below).
But... when I open an image it automatically loads to the left of the monitor (partly under the panels). I can get around that by hitting the 'F' key to get full screen mode with panels and menu, but is there a way to change the default position of the loaded image? I want to move it over to the right side as a default - like it is in screen grab below.
Is there a way to lock the height of the panels in CS4?
I like to have my navigator panel small and at the top with my History underneath and then my layers Panel the largest under that.
However, the sizes keep getting defaulted back and so it ends up the layer panel really small and the navigator panel bigger. This becomes 'pane' (sorry about the pun) having to keep stretching them out to how I want them?
I am currently building a website in Flash 8. I have been creating most of the graphics with photoshop CS2. I have recently run into a problem with transferring the photoshop work over to flash. I used to just drag a .psd right onto the stage in flash and it came in perfectly. Now all of a sudden flash does not recognize the file type.
I have Photoshop cs5 for the mac and I want to display 2 images of my project. I did this buy going to window>arrange>New Window For "project name" I want to be able to see one zoomed out and just have it displaying in the top corner. I position this new window on the top of my screen, but when I click on my "main" window, the new one just goes behind it and disappears.
My question is can I have my "main working window" tabbed in Photoshop, while I have the smaller zoomed out duplicate window floating on top of it?
I would like for the smaller window to always be on top of my "main" working window of my project even while I have the "main" window selected. Is this possible on the mac version? To solve this, I can make both of them floating windows and position them so that they do not overlap, but this takes up a lot of room on the screen.
Is there any way to enlarge the text in the panels, such as the "layers panel"? My eyesight just isn't what it used to be, and I would like to make it bigger. Is this even possible???
Working panels always used to lock into place inside frames in prior versions of Photoshop, but are free-floating in CS6; is there a way to anchor them as in prior versions?
I need to install a custom one that is working for CS5 and CS6, so that it can be seen and used in CC. But I don't know where to put it? (on the Mac)
for CS5 it goes here:
Main 3.0: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/3.0/panels/ User 3.0: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/3.0/panels
for CS6 it goes here:
Main 4.0: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/4.0/panels/ User 4.0: /Users/[userName]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/4.0/panels
This is the issue:The other day i got an error message in Photoshop saying that Generator crashed and can't start until i uninstall other 3rd party plugins and reinstall PS. So I went to Extension manager and tried removing but ended up with an "Error code: -451 can't remove extension." Huh? Okay so I went on to do this the manual way following the [URL]...
Great! Now everything s clean. I reinstall PS as asked. and Duh! Nothing changed! The extensions are still there.So I tried uninstalling again, using the adobe cleaner tool and ten reinstall. Same thing - it's still there but the generator won't work.
Ok now I'm starting to get desperate. First I uninstall EVERYTHING adobe (even flash player), use the cleaning tool and then search the harddrive for anything having to do with adobe - all adobe folders, including temp folders, all registry accounts and remved them. Then I removed all things having to do with the extensions, searched the entire hd and if found any instance i removed it.
So I redownloaded Adobe Cloud, started a new account (for safety) and started to reinstall...After launching PS I see that the generator "reflow" option is back again, great! But, what the duck?! The extensions are still there!!
So I launch Extension manager, and it's empty completely empty.How am I now supposed to update the extensions? And how do I remove them
The panels windows take up so much space on screen. It's mainly the width of the panel. I'm constantly having to move the panels over and back in forth in order to see what I'm doing.
Here's what it looks like.... Nearly 1/3 of the workspace is taken up. Is there any way to make the panel thinner?