Photoshop :: Locking Panels In CS4

Nov 18, 2008

Is there a way to lock the height of the panels in CS4?

I like to have my navigator panel small and at the top with my History underneath and then my layers Panel the largest under that.

However, the sizes keep getting defaulted back and so it ends up the layer panel really small and the navigator panel bigger. This becomes 'pane' (sorry about the pun) having to keep stretching them out to how I want them?

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Photoshop :: CC Locking Up

Sep 15, 2013

I had PS CS6 since it came out, and it was steady as a rock. Ever since I've moved to PS CC, it locks up about every 30-60 minutes. It doesn't crash, just freezes. I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del and start the task manager and kill the application there to start over.

I'm running windows 7 on the same machine that had CS6 on it, and I'm not doing anything different than I used to do with CS6. I've applied all the patches that are available in CC.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Locking Up System?

Feb 23, 2012

I have a 32 bit PC that I recently upgraded. I put in the most amount of RAM memory I could and upgraded the system from XP to Windows 7 Ultimate.Yesterday I upgraded from Photoshop CS2 to CS5 and have suddenly been having problems with the system locking up on me in the middle of a project.

Also, when first using the program I could not figure out how to get the HISTORY window to open. That is a function ALWAYS USE!!It should ALWAYS open automatically I now have it working properly, but when opening the program for the first time the HISTORY window should ALWAYS BE THERE and ready to use

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Photoshop :: Locking A Layer?

Dec 26, 2005

I use the Pattern Overlay feature alot, but I have a problem.. When I add a pattern I have no problems, but if I want to rotate the layer that has the pattern overlay on it the image rotates, but the pattern overlay does not thus messing up the rotated image.. How can I get the pattern to rotate with the layer?

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Photoshop :: Cursor Locking

Jan 11, 2005

cursor locking in photoshop, ie you are able to select items from the toolbox but the cursor doesnt change from a pointed arrow. To say a text cursor. You can move layers around the screen with the keyboard but not with the mouse.

This happens about 10 mins into using photoshop and I have to restart photoshop for it to become "unlocked"

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Photoshop :: Locking The Files?

Aug 5, 2004

is there any tools/facility in photoshop that can lock a file with password?

just like in MSWord or MSExcel...?

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Photoshop :: Locking System Of Layers In CS6

Aug 24, 2012

the locking system of layers in CS6 is a bit different. I created a folder, dropped a layer in there w/ a graphic. Duplicated the layer, and then began using the arrow keys to make the separation so I can move it around to a different location. Both layers are moving together. They are not linked. So I tried locking one, but the 'freed' layer won't move at all now: Could not use the move tool because linked layers are locked.
The application is automatically linking layers that are within the same folder. how do I keep them separated? There is no option to unlink...another flaw w/ CS6. Linked layers is grayed out.

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Photoshop :: Locking A Single Parameter

Aug 21, 2012

I have a very placement sensitive project . though i am going forward with the project i find myself having to lock and unlock many layers in a 44 layer project.
I am have been making mostly color and effects changes to create the style. So i was wondering if there was a way to lock the position and still edit the effects mentioned?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Channels And Layer Locking

May 9, 2012

Is it possible to have the RGB, Red, Green, Blue and Alpha 1 channels active and lock the background layer so it can not be moved?

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Photoshop :: Locking/Joining Layers Together?

Apr 9, 2009

I am trying to make a background or an overlay of this pattern i created. i want to drop the opacity on all of it and be able to edit all of the parts of the image with one action, instead of all of the layers seperately.

all of the graphics are seperate layers on their own. i took and created new layers out of one another, from an original. so i have like 15 or so of them. is there a way to lock/join/merge them together into one, single editable layer?

i want to drag it onto another image and make them translucent. i can link them (with the little chain symbol on my layers window) and drag them all, but then if i try to do any editing, it will only do one at a time.

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Photoshop :: Locking Opacity When Brushing?

Apr 12, 2009

Is there a way to lock a specific opacity while brushing out color? I want to brush a color out on my document that is at about 25% opacity and I don't want the opacity to "build" as I paint over color I've placed already? I want the color to remain at 25%. I'm not using the airbrush feature and I've been unable to find any setting that solves the problem. Each time I brush over my color the opacity builds, making obvious, unwanted streaks of more solid color.

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Photoshop :: Locking And Dragging Layers

May 12, 2009

I have a image that displays the following....

This template has been shrunk down to

300 DPI for file size reduction, it is actually

1200 DPI. To size it back up to 1200 DPI,

Lock all of these layers and then open up

a new 1200DPI file (width 3.4,height 2.2)

and drag these locked layers to that file,

then hit Ctrl+T then hold Ctrl+S and resize

the template. The template will look and

print much clearer after it’s re-sized.

I have a mac and photoshop cs3

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Photoshop :: PC Locking Up Editing Templates

Jul 27, 2008

My pc, a P4 with plenty of ram is locking up using PSD CS3 occasionally. I am editing some premade website templates and that's when it's doing it. Clean browser running but AVG is running.

It was doing it with one template, but then stopped. Now, with a new temp it's doing the same thing.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Locking Up And Running Slower Than In CS5 Version?

Aug 20, 2012

Bridge and Photoshop CS6 have been locking up after installing as part of Creative Cloud.  I thought CS6 was suppossed to run faster than CS5.  I am a PC user, running Windows 7 with 16 GB of Memory and I& proccessor. 

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Photoshop :: Locking A Layer To Top Of All Layers Permanently?

Dec 1, 2008

Is there a way of locking a layer and have it fixed to the very top level of the layers no matter what other images, text etc are added?

Basically I have 2 lines that act as borders and i need these to remain ontop of whatever images i add sort of like a mask.

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Photoshop Elements :: Locking Up While Scanning For Plug-ins?

Oct 22, 2012

not sure why pse9 is locking up on scanning for plug-ins

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Photoshop :: Align Layers Based On Content Locking Up CS6

Nov 10, 2012

Using "Align Layers..." is a function I use daily.  Many, many times.  Yesterday, using this normal function began locking up my Photoshop session.  I have 1.5GB+ of scratch disk available.  I'm using the same procedures I've always used.  I've reinstalled Photoshop CS6. I'm into work around mode, since I have lots of work to do, but I'd love to get this process back on track so I can get back to a normal workflow.

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Photoshop :: Locking A Layer To Topof All Layers Permanently

Dec 1, 2008

Is there a way of locking a layer and have it fixed to the very top level of the layers no matter what other images, text etc are added?

Basically I have 2 lines that act as borders and i need these to remain ontop of whatever images i add sort of like a mask.

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Photoshop Elements :: Stop The Magic Extractor From Locking Up?

Nov 20, 2012

Everytime I use the magic extractor function ir freezes/locks up the program. I do get the status of the extraction process after picking my background & forground, yet when I attempt to preview my photo it acts as if the process is working, but in the end I don't get a preview image of my selection & the program has locked up. I'm running XP with SP3, 3.49 GB of available RAM and 20.8 GB of free space on my drive. The image I am working with is 2592x3888.

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Photoshop :: Panels Keep Minimizing (CS4 - Win 7)?

Jul 18, 2012

I'm using Photoshop CS4 on Windows 7 at work and every time I minimize or close Photoshop and then maximize/re-open, my Swatches and Layers panels are minimized.My workspace is saved, and I've tried resaving it (including panel locations, shortcuts and menus).
If i'm just simply switching programs/windows, it doesn't happen. Its only when the entire program is closed or minimized.It doesn't make any difference if I have a file open or not. Screenshots: left is before minimizing, right is after minimizing and maximizing again.hasn't always happened. Its jsut been in the last few months, and its driving me nuts. I mean its not like its hard to open them again, but when i'm switching back and forth between other programs and trying to do things quickly, it gets extremely irritating.
It doesn't happen on my colleague's computer, and she has the same version of everything. I've never seen it happen before (before it started doing this).I have CS5 (and have had CS3 and CS4 in the past) on my Mac at home and its never happened. Although you can't actaully minimize Photoshop on Mac anyway.

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Photoshop :: Why Panels Always Shown On Right

Jun 27, 2012

Why do ALL tutorial videos show the panels on the right of the screen? I loaded CS6 this week and thought I'd change them to the left. Why? Because I'm right handed and I tend to sit more to the left of the screen, which means I have to squint across to the right side of my very wide monitor to see the edit panels. I have successfully set up a profile with the panels on the left, and find it much easier to use (see below).
But... when I open an image it automatically loads to the left of the monitor (partly under the panels). I can get around that by hitting the 'F' key to get full screen mode with panels and menu, but is there a way to change the default position of the loaded image? I want to move it over to the right side as a default - like it is in screen grab below.
click image for large view 

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Photoshop :: Bridge CS4-no Right Panels In...

May 26, 2009

I have about 100 images in my Essential display.  I do not have any panels on the right side of the view.  Neither do I have a scroll bar. 

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Photoshop :: CS5 Interface Locking Up And Windows Disappearing In OSX Mountain Lion?

Oct 9, 2012

This has suddenly started happening to me using Photoshop CS5 on my mac running the latest version of Mountain Lion.  When I open a PSD file at first it doesn't appear to be there.  If I check under the "view" menu the interface says that the document is open.  If I use tab to switch between views, the document appears and the palettes on the right disappear. Tab again and the interface reappears around the document,  palettes are still gone but they are replaced by transparent grey blocks where the palettes should be.  I can't bring up any new palettes and I can't move the document window.  If I have multiple documents open, one remains in front even though the titles in the title bar change.
I've reinstalled Java.  Unistalled and reinstalled Photoshop CS5 but nothing is working.  I've opened Photoshop CS3 and it works fine.

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Photoshop :: TMP Files Locking Portable Drive(s) When Editing GIFs

Feb 17, 2012

I have a bunch of random files named *MVM_*.tmp randomly split between my second internal drive and a portable drive (or more if another external drive is connected) when editing or opening a .GIF file in PS CS5.
These files make it impossible to remove the portable drive without first saving my work and closing PS (once I had to reboot in order to remove the drive). Also, often as not, some of the files remain on the portable drive.
No 3rd party plugins, just vanilla PS. I saw another thread but that was about PNG files (this happens too), not GIFs.
Also happens when Liquify tool is used.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Locking Up - Clicking Tools / Layers / Brushing On Canvas And Nothing Happens?

Nov 14, 2013

've been having this annoying problem with CS6 where every now and then no matter what I click, nothing would happen. I try clicking tools, layers, brushing something on the canvas and nothing happens. Even when I try to close the window i am using nothing happens. When I roll over the X the colors light up and everything but nothing happens (same when I roll over tools and swatches).

Can't close or minimize anything. I've noticed it happening more often when I work on big files over 80mb. The only thing I can do is use shortcut keys to save whatever I have, quit photoshop and reopen again. Sometimes I have to reopen more than once. It also happens a lot when I minimize PS and browse the web for a bit and come back. It's so annoying, and I worry that one day I won't even be able to use shortcut keys or access the top menus.
I have a Macbook Pro with OS X Mavericks. I recently updated to Mavericks, but even with the OS I had before that (10.7) I still had this same problem.

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Photoshop :: Horizontal And Vertical Guides On And Off Versus Clearing Them Or Locking Them?

Aug 25, 2008

Is there anyway to turn the horizontal and vertical guides on and off versus clearing them or locking them?

I have had instances lately where I don't want to see them while I try out another idea but I don't want to lose the layout by "clearing" them.

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Photoshop :: Overlapping Windows And Panels

Aug 20, 2012

I have Photoshop cs5 for the mac and I want to display 2 images of my project.  I did this buy going to window>arrange>New Window For "project name"  I want to be able to see one zoomed out and just have it displaying in the top corner.  I position this new window on the top of my screen, but when I click on my "main" window, the new one just goes behind it and disappears.
My question is can I have my "main working window" tabbed in Photoshop, while I have the smaller zoomed out duplicate window floating on top of it?
I would like for the smaller window to always be on top of my "main" working window of my project even while I have the "main" window selected.  Is this possible on the mac version? To solve this, I can make both of them floating windows and position them so that they do not overlap, but this takes up a lot of room on the screen.

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Photoshop :: Enlarge Text In Panels?

Jun 18, 2013

Is there any way to enlarge the text in the panels, such as the "layers panel"?  My eyesight just isn't what it used to be, and I would like to make it bigger.  Is this even possible???

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Photoshop :: Anchor Panels To Frames In CS6

Aug 8, 2012

Working panels always used to lock into place inside frames in prior versions of Photoshop, but are free-floating in CS6; is there a way to anchor them as in prior versions?

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Photoshop :: Where Are File Info Panels For CC

Jun 20, 2013

I need to install a custom one that is working for CS5 and CS6, so that it can be seen and used in CC. But I don't know where to put it?  (on the Mac)
for CS5 it goes here:

Main 3.0: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/3.0/panels/
User 3.0: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/3.0/panels
for CS6 it goes here:

Main 4.0: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/4.0/panels/
User 4.0: /Users/[userName]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/XMP/Custom File Info Panels/4.0/panels

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Photoshop :: Extensions / Panels - Not Working?

Oct 7, 2013

This is the issue:The other day i got an error message in Photoshop saying that Generator crashed and can't start until i uninstall other 3rd party plugins and reinstall PS. So I went to Extension manager and tried removing but ended up with an "Error code: -451 can't remove extension." Huh? Okay so I went on to do this the manual way following the [URL]...

Great! Now everything s clean. I reinstall PS as asked. and Duh! Nothing changed! The extensions are still there.So I tried uninstalling again, using the adobe cleaner tool and ten reinstall. Same thing - it's still there but the generator won't work.
Ok now I'm starting to get desperate. First I uninstall EVERYTHING adobe (even flash player), use the cleaning tool and then search the harddrive for anything having to do with adobe - all adobe folders, including temp folders, all registry accounts and remved them. Then I removed all things having to do with the extensions, searched the entire hd and if found any instance i removed it.
So I redownloaded Adobe Cloud, started a new account (for safety) and started to reinstall...After launching PS I see that the generator "reflow" option is back again, great! But, what the duck?! The extensions are still there!!

So I launch Extension manager, and it's empty completely empty.How am I now supposed to update the extensions? And how do I remove them

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