Photoshop :: CS5 Edit Action To Ensure Included Save As Command Always Saves Image In Its Original Folder
Feb 18, 2013
I have an action which applies Levels and Curves to my black and white TIFFs. At the end it "saves as" a JPEG. Originally it saved them at quality level 10 but I re-recorded the action to set the quality at 12. However, since this change the action keeps saving as into the folder where the image I used for the re-recording was located.
I have some photos that look beautiful on the computer screen. They are each about 8MB and, according to the color settings menu, I am using sRGB. This all being said, I was sad to see that when I got 8X10 prints made, they did not measure up. Colors were not as good. Shadows looks blochy. Some of the light was different. Some pictures looked overexposed after printing. how to ensure the prints turn out like the original?
Below are two versions. Picture 1 is a smaller version of an original image. Picture 2 is a scan of the 8X10 I got printed of that same picture.In picture 2, the colors look more saturated.
In picture 1, the shadow fading in the background is smooth. In picture 2, the shadow fading becomes blochy as it fades more. This is MUCH more evident in the 8X10 print. The scanner didn't pick it up that well.
I've created an action that uses the save for web dialogue to optimise images for the web. When I use the batch command to process a full folder of images, even though I have "Override action "save as" command" checked, it ignores this and still uses the location that was used when the action was created.
Apparently this is a known issue in CS6 and previous versions but whether this has been fixed in Photoshop CC?
-- I can write without problems Action for each special folder, but it take too many time to make 1000 Actions like 1000 folders I have. The problem is in SAVE AS command wich I use in Action. It remembers folder witch was used while recording. Then if I try "Override SAVE AS" option in the Batch window I get edited original files without creatig copies.
I can choose destination NONE, SAVE AND CLOSE, FOLDER. Simply, what I need is SAVE AS COPY AND CLOSE.
At random moments when I'm saving layered Photoshop CS5 files, a message pops up with the following text: Could not save "...FileName..." because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. Use the 'Properties' command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.
Well the strange thing is that I'm the administrator, the only user of this PC and even when I set/check the properties of the folder containing the files this continues to happen. What is even more disturbing is that I have to save my file as a new file in a new location and when I check the original file, it is no longer in it's original folder.
I save all my files to the local HD and I use an external device to backup my files. I regularly get notices on my backup device telling me that various files were deleted, but will be kept until I need the room. These are files which I did not delete, they are files which I'm still working on.
I'm having to save to the original job folder first, save to the desktop when I get the notice saying I can't save, and then save back into the original folder when I can't save on the desktop anymore because of the same error message. I sometimes get a similar Adobe error message which is basically along the same lines, but I haven't noted the exact text yet.
I no longer run my back up continuously while I'm working because while it's great to have the peace of mind that I'm regularly backed up, my files can get up to 2GB in size and I think the backup running at the same time is slowing Photoshop processes down, so I most often pause it until I take a break. On this occasion, I had been running it while working (smaller file) and so I was able to retrieve an earlier version from my backup which saved me from having to re-do the job completely. I didn't get this problem when I was using CS5 on Vista, it's been since I've been using Windows7 and my back up drive.
I only recall having had this problem with PSDs, but that could just be because these files can take up to ten hours to complete and there's a higher chance of getting an error message over a longer period of time.
I'll disconnect my back up drive while I'm working and see how it goes. It's not ideal, but probably worth a try.I don't know if there's a connection, but occasionally windows randomly sticks a lock on zipped folders which I create, regardless of the permissions I apply to the upper level folder they sit in. I'm told by a friend that it won't affect other people accessing these zipped folders from other machines. I don't know if that's the case, I always change the zipped folder's permission to include 'Users' and that makes the lock disappear.
DELL XPS 730X Total amount of system memory 6.00 GB RAM System type 64-bit operating system Number of processor cores 4
Basically, my action processes a picture in different ways and saves each version in different folders within a main folder on the desktop. The action works fine but as soon as I rename or delete the main folder, the change is reflected in the action which forces me to re-record the "save as" parts of it. I would like to use the same folder structure since I have duplicates of it.
Is it something new in PS CC or specific to the Mac OS (Maverick)?
I just noticed that some of my photos are missing from the library in lightroom, specifically the original versions of photos that have virtual copies edited in photoshop in folders that have since been synchronized. Weird, and very anoying. The files are still there (in wondows explorer) but when I try to re-import them lightroom doesn't see them, only the PS edited copies (.tif files). I told lightroom to allow duplicates and it sees all the photos in the folder except those missing ones. This does not happen to my PS edited virtual copies in folders that have not been synchronized. It is not a matter of stacking, or at least Lightroom does not think the PS copies are stacked at all so I can't unstack them. How to get them back into lightroom (preferably with the accompanying development settings) and also how to avoid this problem in the future.
PS: I import files from my camcorder using a different program because lightroom does not acknowledge that particular video file format. That's why I have to synchronize some folders and not others.
When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom 4 and save it back to Lightroom, the photo ends up somewhere else in the folder than it's original location. This is a hassle as my folders can have hundreds of photos. Is there a setting that will place the file back to where it came from?
I made an action that I have to use for many images. The action creates an image, saves it, then closes it. The problem is when I try to run the action, it saves over the previous image. Instead of making new files, it just saves over the same one over and over. Is there a way to make it automatically save in succession?? (image001, image002, image003, etc.).
I have AutoCAD 2010 on a 2002 Windows XP Professional system. I do not know what I did to cause it but when I do a "save as" using the button, I no longer get a window. I can only save through the command bar. I cannot seem to change the save to folder using the command bar so I really need to get the window back.
I am trying to access the edit original (edit with) option to edit a photo that has not been edited yet. I right click and go through the edit menu and does not appear or is not available? Would I have to reopen it manual in photoshop or is there a way around this to access that setting? it sometimes does not appear on my already edited photos.
I would prefer not to open each photo again, as some files i do not have and were imported into the document with another computer.
When I want to save a jpeg file into the same folder I opened I click 'save as' and the wrong folderopens but with the correct file number I am working on ready to save.I have to search in pictures and re-open the correct folder to save into.
The photo also appears in the wrong folder and I have to delete it from there.I have been using PS3 for years and this has just started happening for no reason.
And it is totally random. I use a differnt library for every shoot I do (weddings mainly) and sometimes when I edit the image in PS, it comes back fine. But the other times right to the top of the stack in front of the first picture of the day, miles away from the orginal! No ryme or reason. And yes in preferences in external editing I have clicked 'stack with orginal'. this is sucking up alot of my time haiving to reorganizing every picture I take into PS from LR.
Installed Elements 12, converted catalog but now my sub folders are shown as main folders in Organizer folder view. How can I get back my original folder/sub folder system? When I look at Windows folders my system is as it was so the two don't match any more. On searching further came across more info on Community-powered support for Photoshop Family and it seems Adobe have removed the option of sub folders.
i create an action with a save for web command, i change the image size to 400x400 pixels. But when i run the action on a larger or smaller image the image size will change proportionatly. Not 400x400pixels. If i add to the action before i save for web to resize the image through the menu commands i end up with lost resolution.
When I save a photo using the Photoshop CS3 'save for the web' command, I resize the photo to, for example, 800 pixels on the long side. It comes back the correct size but sometimes the colors look different (a little red usually). Is this because I was editing the original photo in RGB? Should I convert to profile, sRGB before I save for the Web? Or does Photoshop do this automatically? OR, should I convert to sRGB and then do color adjustments for the web?
I am trying to resize one image to 4 different sizes. So far I have an action created to do all of this, with only one minor problem. Whenever it saves the images, they are always saved as the wrong file name. I was wondering if there would be a way to keep the original file name, but then add a suffix to it- all within the action.
If it's not possible to automatically add a suffix, how do I keep the original file name when it's saving within the action?
I found an older post (URL...) that was very similar to what I'm trying to accomplish, but the question was never fully resolved.
I have Photoshop CS6 installed on my Macbook pro, os x lion, I read the other threads saying to delete plug ins from older versions of PS or third party softwares and I'm pretty sure I got them all but the problem persists.
I ran the system info option and the last 2 lines are this Plug-ins that failed to load:
Lighting Effects NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Lighting Effects.plugin” Variations NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Variations.plugin”
I have about 1000 folders all that have a file inside called; sample.jpg. I need to resize each of them and I have to use the Save For Web option so that these files are as small as possible. Save As makes the images too big. My plan was to make an action and batch process the files. It's easy enough to open all the documents, within the root directory, that are called, sample.jpg, by using the finder search features, but what I can't seem to do is get the Save to Web option to recognize the image's source folder. If I create an action, I see that the location I used when I created the action, is hard coded, so all I'm able to do is overwrite the same file, over and over again.
needs to overlay a grid over a photo and then save it as another file. In CS5.5 or earlier, no problem, but in CS6 it is not working for either of us.
The batch action (run from either Photoshop or Bridge) stops and prompts at the Save command every time no matter what format we save it in (psd, png, jpg, save for web, etc.).
I have been through the Web and the Adobe Forums and cannot find a work around for this. He cannot just hit enter everytime the popup window comes up because he has over 2700 photos to put this grid on.
A digi image, cropped (crop tool), resized (resample), and saved (save as). Everything on 'default' (usual settings for this) or as I would like. Close and re-open, the image shows as the cropped image, but the thumbnail is the original.
I bought a new camera card today, having run out of settings to try. Took a pic, copied over, and it cropped and saved fine. So I went back to those taken yesterday, still full image thumbnail. Took new ones on new card, but full image thumbnails. Recropped the original photo that saved earlier today with cropped thumbnail - the full image is now in its thumbnail.
When saving a psd file I can no longer save in "compatibility mode". I'm using a Mac computer with OSX (version 10.8.3) and Photoshop CS6 (version 13.1.2 x64). I just noticed this problem tonight when I tried to bring a psd file into a MUSE project. Now whenever I save a PSD file the menu that asks if I want to save in compatibility mode doesn't appear (it just saves the file). I've reset the preferences and restarted my computer but Photoshop still doesn't give me a compatibility mode option when saving a PSD file.
Can anyone tell me what color settings I need to set in photoshop in order to avoid this from happening? It only happens once in a while and I don't know what I've done to fix it or screw it up. What happens is that when I'm in photoshop and I do a "save for web" my document jumps to image ready and when viewing '2 up' for optimization purposes and comparison, I realize that the original view is actually duller in color and does not look like the original in photoshop. The blacks are definitely not as black.
i put copyright text on my photos, i didn't flatten image but " save as" in JPEG,click "save" then before i close the photos , it said "save changes to the adobe photoshop document ...before closing?" then i clicked NO.
And now i opened these photos to change the size of the copyright text and year, i can't because there's no layer for the text, only a background which means the text and photo are in one layer. What should i do? or did i make a mistake somewhere?
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.
I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".
I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.
It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.
Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.
URL....I am using PSE 12 as a photo editor for Aperture 3.5.1 and the photo is duplicated (as a tiff) in Aperture and PSE editor opens with the image. When I close the file and say to save the file it brings up the save as window.
I tell PSE 12 to "on first save -- save over current file" it now brings up the "save as" window and won't save over the file (changes the file type from .tiff to .tif)