What can I do to stop this software from resetting to factory default settings? This is very frustrating because I end up changing the settings to what I want, only to have it reset again later. I am using Windows XP on a PC.
I'm running PS5 on Mac OS Mountain Lion. I'm having to reset the preferences file a lot at the moment, as some of the presets are going missing from the drop down box.
This is happening in the Levels adjustment dialog box. So, when I reset the preferences file the drop down presets that come with PS5 then reappear. Does the preferences file keep getting corrupted? If so, why?
While my Photoshop CS is loading it gets stuck on "reading text global resourse" so it takes awhile to finally open. I have also noticed that its slowing down when processing some photos. I've previously reset my preferences and thats taken care of the problem. Here lies my current problem. While PS is loading I press and hold Alt-Control-Shift keys and nothing happens. Photoshop just contines to load and it never prompts the "delete Preference settings" box. I'm on a PC and can't seem to find how to resolve this.
2. Rename the Adobe Photoshop CS2 Prefs.psp file (for example, to Adobe Photoshop CS2 Prefs.old) in the Documents and Settings [username] Application DataAdobePhotoshop9.0Adobe Photoshop CS2 Settings folder.
3. Start Photoshop. Photoshop creates a new preferences file."
That's all very well and fine, but I'm pretty sure I remember something about a keyboard command that could be used during PS startup to reset preferences. I've looked through 3 or four pages of search results to find it, and no dice.
Why do I have to keep going to preferences to reset every time I open CS6. Plus a made a action and saved it and now it is not there? is this a way to get use to use CC?
I think I wore my CS2 out. | It's doing all sorts of wierd little things, click on images in Bridge and the images open twice, go to click on HELP to see what I need to do to fix and the HELP throws me out an error, It's telling me I don't have enough ram to save a picture, (when I know I have plenty!)
I have heard that resetting preferences is always a first step, but how do I do that again in CS2?
I read in a search here to find the preferences file in adobe through Explore, but I can't for the life of me find a preferences folder.
I have PS CS5 and adobe says that in order to reset Rulers you need to 'To reset a ruler’s origin to its default value, double-click the upper-left corner of the ruler.'
But when I try that nothing happens. I have tried resetting my workspace as well but still not working.
I use the line tool (U) quite a bit and for some reason now after I make my first line the next line i try to make is white/negative amd the line tool has the little minus mark (-) next to it. How do i reset it to the (+)? currently i am having to make a line, rasterize the layer and make the next line.
I have gone from using dual monitors to a single monitor. As a result, some of my dialog boxes (such as the Canvas Size) are located off the right, where the second monitor used to be, and I can't access them.
Is there a command that will reset the positions of all the dialog boxes and toolboxes so they appear in my main monitor window again?
Twice now, upon a restart of my computer, Photoshop has reset to factory settings, and deleted all my custom brushes I've made since a particular point in time. I've had to remake some brushes for my digital art course twice, and now I'll have to do it a third time. This is EXTREMELY DISTRESSING...
This started happening only recently. I can only guess perhaps an update to Windows or something has really jerked up my Photoshop, not sure.
When I have an object and I scale it down to 50%, then I go to the Hierarchy tab and push the Reset: Scale button, the scale of the object reads 100%. But when I click Pivot: Reset Pivot, the scale goes back to 50%. Is there a way I can permanently normalize the scale to 100% even after I have scaled the object from it's original state?
I ask because I am exporting this geometry and the scale gets exported as 50% into my other software (Maxwell Studio) which causes issues further down the line.
I have been continuously since buying CS5/Illustrator. Our company had its logo designed by another firm, and it has been my job to use it in brochures and marketing collateral. The logo uses a two instances of a radial gradient applied to two separate elements of the logo. The gradients are off-center. However, when I place the file into a document, save, close and re-open, boom! the gradient is reset to center, throwing off the logo. This has happened when I have least expected it, and even resulted in a very expensive reprint.
I have converted the file to different formats: EPS, JPEG and PDF, but with the first, there is a loss of image quality, and with PDF, the gradient still moves out of place.
Im trying to reset illustrator Preferences with the shortcut option+command+shift but its not working, it worked with photoshop but with illustrator its not working why ?
also in CS6 where to find illustrator Preferences file to delete them in case short cut dont works
I accidentally added an entire folder of images to my stencils toolbox. That makes it extremely hard to find the ones I am looking for. Is there a way to delete all the stencils at once? Or reset the toolbox to its default stencils?
Okay so I've browsed these forums and everybody keeps saying to turn off Align new Objects to pixel grid well I've done that and it still keeps resetting. I've been using a Print document since I am trying to draw illustrations for a children's book but somehow when I choose anything below 1 pt it keeps going back to 1 pt no matter what.
Opened up transform panel too but it's not checked and grayed out so I can not turn on / off again. I am using Adobe Illustrator CS5.
I have Illustrator CC (at the moment I am using the trial version), and I have used it a few times. The only problem is that every time I have made some changes to the hotkeys/keyboard shortcuts, and added a few brushes, this disappears (like it resets back to factory settings by itself) when I re-open Illustrator.
I have a drawing with 13 layouts for a set of easement documents. They are in TN state plane and if I close and open the drawing the coordinate system in every single viewport on every single layout resets itself centered about the origin (state plan of this part of TN is around (2210437,238922.) so 0,0 is a long way from there.)
This error can be reproduced simply by saving and opening the drawing again but only in this one single drawing. I have never encountered this before in 12 years. I have done it over and over hoping it would not repeat but it happened again and now I have to redo all of my layouts...again. This is costing me a great deal of time. I am running Civil 3d 2013 and am going to move this drawing back to 2012 in the hopes of stopping this bug.
I have audited repeatedly and I purge all of my drawings often.
I am running 64bit ACAD on a 3.4ghz Xeon with 8gb ram.
I have been programming our document and version control values into the sheet set object, as a result the custom property list per drawing is getting a little large and is becoming a bit hard to manage. There are now properties with values that are no longer needed. Is there a way to delete or clear or maybe reset the customproperty bag per sheetset object / sheet object?
I have been playing around with code that looks like this:
Private Sub DeleteCustomProperties(ByRef myItem As IAcSmPersist, Optional ByVal Lock As Boolean = True) ''Throw New NotImplementedException Dim myDB As AcSmDatabase = myItem.GetDatabase Try Select Case myItem.GetTypeName Case "AcSmSheetSet" If True Then Dim mySheetset As AcSmSheetSet = myItem mySheetset.GetCustomPropertyBag.Clear() End If Exit Select Case "AcSmSheet" If True Then Dim mySheet As AcSmSheet = myItem mySheet.GetCustomPropertyBag.Clear() End If Exit Select End Select Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub
but when i get to "set" the new custom properties (which works normaly when updating a custom property or adding a custom property to a custom propertybag that I have not "cleared"), I am getting a object not set to an instance error...
Do I have to "recreate" the custom propertybag with the InitNew(ByVal pOwner as IAcSmPersist).
This is all on a single PC. If backburner is half way through a job (like frame 30 out of 300) and the PC reboots, it will start over at from 0. If it completes, it will make that and not restart a completed job. I have also seen is restart suspended jobs on a reboot too. This is all on Windows 7.
i click on the brush and change its color and or size then, when I go to paint it goes back to previous settings. (after that I can change its setting and it will work, but I always have to make a mark with the settings I don't want before I can change it to desired settings)
I've used the Clone Tool a lot over the years but I've never worked out how to reset the source point without having to go back to the clone tool. I know a right click resets but it defaults to the position of the clone (why?), so I usually have to right click at least twice.
I made a few changes to our Standard template. To test out the changes I made sketches, faces, flanges etc.Unfortunately, when we create a new part, the first sketch starts at Sketch17, the first face is Face11, the first flange is Flange4, etc. Also looking at my part parameters, I start at d53.
Is there a way to reset these counts back to 1? I know I can start a fresh template using the CTRL+SHIFT + new part, but this erases all changes to the template I have made.*
I'm running Inventor Pro 2012 (Student's license) via Bootcamp on a Macbook Pro.
I've recently noticed that the function keys (at least F7, F8 and F9) are not working as they used to. I now need to use the fn key and the specific function key in order to execute a command. This doesn't even work in assies so it isn't possible to view the constraints I've applied.
I've tried rebooting and resetting the shortcut keys (had never changed those settings) but nothing has worked.
I think i may have a 'major' problem, when i do a detach skin, the skeleton is ok but the skin changes size and direction as well as place, i think it's because i resized after the first bind skin, now i'm trying to reset bindpose but doesn't seem to affect the skin, i need to fix this so bad and i feel like i'm between a rock and a hard place, is there a way out of this mesh?