Photoshop :: CS3 Acting Slow On MAC / Purge Cache?
Dec 3, 2012
Using my MAC version 10.5.8, and when searching for images in Bridge, whether it is among 3 external hard drives or just one, the search has many long delays, somtimes I think it is my mouse, then I see the images taking a long time to scroll and long time for thumbnails to appear. My mouse seems to jump around, but I think it is a delay. Do I need to purge cache?
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Mar 4, 2012
I'm using PSCS5.1 and when I open Bridge I get the message "Bridge encountered a problem and is unable to read the cache. Please try purging the Central Cache Preferences to correct the situation." where "Central Cache Preferences" are located? I found in Bridge under Tools the "Cache" but It does not say anything about Central Cache Preferences.
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Jul 30, 2013
that is having really slow performance using AE CS6 or AECC and possibly AE CS5.5 I think i might of found out what the problem is.My System specs are below:
Dell T7600 Dual XEON E5-2687W 3.1/3.8GHz w turbo / Dell M6700 i7 -3940XM 3.9GHz
64GB Ram / 32GB Ram
Nvidia Quadro K5000 / Nvidia Quadro K5000M
Windows 7 x64
Here are the issues I was having
- Really slow performance when scrubbing along the timeline.
- Adaptive Resoltion wasn't working at all super slow previewing
- Multiprocessor rendering not working, or taking forever to start up, and sometimes it would work but still not the way it should it was hit or miss
- Disk Caching not working
- many others that I can't think of at the moment
SOLUTION for slow scrubbing of the timeline for Quad, Six and Eight core systems
Here is what I figured out after hours and hours of testing and configuring. I even went back to AE CS5.5 to see if all these problems existed in that version. Although some did but not all
From what I can tell it looks like certain plugins are not compatible to Quad, Six and Eight Core machines. The main plugin that has the problem is Keylight 1.2 that comes bundled now with CS6 and CC.
If you turn off the plugin on your layers scrubbing the timeline speeds up and works like it should. If you want to use keylight then do the following:
- under screenmatte, set the screen softness to 0
- shrink and grow to 0.
If you use any number other than these settings it causes scrubbing and rendering of the timeline to go extremely slow.
SOLUTION for all the issues above for Quad, Six and Eight core systems
After hours and hours of testing I have come to the conclusion that AE CS6 and CC don't work well with Quad, six and eight core systems in general and especially with the keylight plugin.
FIX: Go into your Bios of your computer and set your multiple core to either 1, 2 cores, theis will give you 2 thread or 4 threads. This will fix all the issues as stated below. I haven't tested 4 cores yet but soon will.
But I know that 6 and 8 cores definitely does not work it causes all the major issues above.
After setting my system to 1 or 2 cores, Ae is extremelly fast and responsive. Timeline scrubbing is super fast now even with keylight 1.2 and all it's settings. Adaptive resolution now works, Multiprocessing starts up
immediately and disk caching is working.
I am not able to set my system to use 8 or all cores in my bios, This causes so many performance issues in AE CS6 and CC and some in even CS 5.5. I need to use either 1 or 2 cores. As you might no this really sucks when I am limiting myself to only 4 threads when I could be using 32 threads. Pleas Adobe look into this issues with these systems that have 4, 6 or 8 core systems. This could possibley just be for Dual core systems too since that is what I have here.
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Jan 22, 2014
Why is the scrolling on the timeline so slow when Cache indicators are enabled? It's very useful to have cache indicators on but when they are enabled the scrolling (up-down/left-right) on the timeline becomes significantly slow and unresponsive enough to make it unusable. It's more noticeable the more layers are present in each composition. It's very frustrating and it is something that started happening from 5.5 onwards.
I am now on After Effect 12.2 with a Macbook Retina 2.6Ghz i7 and 16gb of ram. The problem was also present on my previous laptop.
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Mar 3, 2014
Here's the text:
1. Should Media Cache Files and Media Cache Database be in separate folders? Does it matter?
2. Can I open an "in progress' project from P Pro CS4 with CC P Pro and continue editing?
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Mar 9, 2009
I use this all the time. Today out pf the blue, whenI click save for web, it trys to force me to into using gifs and slices....
Any ideas on how to get this back to 'normal'?
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Nov 8, 2006
Alien's Eye Candy is messing with me. When clicking on any effect, the sub window appears with the effect applied, but all the adjustment sliders read "0". If I adjust any of the sliders, the effect goes away, and I have to exit back to PS. Code:
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Oct 24, 2005
press i or select the eye dropper tool, the colour you pick becomes the foreground colour. You can also press alt to select the colour for the background. However somehow this action has been reversed and now i have to press alt to select the foreground colour.
Really annoying as it slows down my workflow when painting. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this, there doesn't seem to be anything in the prefs dealing with this. Also reinstalled ps a week ago which fixed it, but has now happened again!
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Mar 9, 2009
Today out pf the blue, whenI click save for web, it trys to force me to into using gifs and slices....
how to get this back to 'normal'?
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Apr 8, 2013
All the tools on my toolbar are working/acting as the eraser tool, ie. attempting to crop erases, using the type tool erases. I've reset the tools and tool presets but the issue still stands. I am not in quick mask, the issue starts immediately when I open Photoshop.
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May 13, 2008
when I changed the brush size and paint it looks bigger/smaller but the cursor itself stays the same width other times as the brush got bigger the circle got bigger now its not so its hard to see where the brush will end up. any idea how I can changed this back ? I already went to preferences and and saw that its in set right just not showing .
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Jul 9, 2007
I was in the middle of creating something when the text tool stopped working. I will type something and it won't show up but in the layer tool box the name of the layer will change to what I typed. I've tried playing with everything, it doesn't have anything to do with the formatting of the text (font size, spacing, color etc) and it isn't hidden behind any layers or anything.
Closing/restarting doesn't work either and it does this on every new/old image I try to open/create. I haven't changed any settings or anything and I can't figure out why it randomly stopped working.
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Oct 3, 2012
CS6 keeps crashing and doing crazy things on me while working on my 2D/3D composite digital room setting. It seems to me like what's causing most of the crashing is the materials. Here's the problems:
- Crashes constantly while simply trying to select a material from the 3D panel
- Sometimes places meshes in a totally different spot in the scene and dissallows me to move them elsewhere
- Meshes are gone when opening the file, and I can't get them to reappear
I'm trying to stay composed at this point. My artwork would look great if, well, 3D in CS6 would simply WORK. But I'm remaining calm, and consulting you all..
I'm modeling, texturing, and UV mapping the 3D room objects (such as tables, chairs, hutches, etc.) in Maya 7, exporting as .obj files and placing into PS, and merging them with the scene layer in order for everything to have consistent lighting.I've also tried taking the 3D settings to Basic and the shadow quality to low, in case the crashes are due to cpu performance. I've also went and got the latest update for PS CS6
Here's some system specs:
Win7 Home Premim, 64 bit
2.8ghz Intel Core i7
8gb ram ddr3
NVidia GeForce 310 512 mb
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May 31, 2008
I have a problem with my smudge tool. Every time I try to smudge around with a shape, it seems to draw a rectangulair box around the shape, and when you smudge out of those boxes white edges appear around the smudge.
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Jul 31, 2007
my rectangular crop tool is now rounded on the corners and i can't get it to make a rectangle with square corners.
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Jul 31, 2004
I have a layer with a shape on it and the rest of the layer is empty (transparent).
I applied the "glass" filter to the layer and got a cool effect where the glass rippling is translucent.
When I tried to reproduse the effect, the filter uses the background color (selected in the tool bar) to fill in the spots where in the previous version it became translucent.
The filter still works properly on a shape that is merged on a layer with no transparency (ie the layer is filled).
I don't know what I could have changed but obviously something changed.
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Sep 8, 2013
Photoshop CS3ext.When I go to size an image and try to adjust the size, the numbers take off on their own with out me even trying to adjust. Also in layers, all the slider bars, the numbers go crazy, up and down without me doing anything
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Aug 23, 2013
how to make my photshop application fast few days ago it was working good but now its performance is slow and my computers speed is also slow. How to fix it?
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Aug 30, 2011
We've got a couple drawings where circles in the model tab are hiding objects behind them like a wipeout will, but only when printing or print previewing.
We're using AutoCAD 2010 and the viewport shad plot setting is set to hidden.
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Mar 8, 2014
When importing MXF files they are all playing/acting like one clip. When playing in the preview or dragging to timeline.
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Mar 20, 2012
I'm working on a big document (we use cdr for producing brochures). I know that when I save it takes around 30s, but as soon as I click the save icon it greys out as if it's saved the document instantaneously (as do the save, save as and save as template menu commands).
Unless I wait the 30s or so, when I try to do something the program either doesn't respond or crashes. If I wait, it's ok - trouble is I don't know exactly how long to wait as there is no on-screen indication (and the icon is telling me it's all done, which it isn't).
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Aug 2, 2013
I have made a few blocks that contain a few attributes. I have populated the Tag, Prompt, and Value for each block. When I insert the block the value seems to take on a life of its own and populate with text different than what I have entered.
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Nov 22, 2012
Whenever I use the move command on a line or series of lines that are touching other lines, the lines that aren't part of my selection move with that one line. cad-movecommand.jpg Here's a series of screenshots showing what I mean. I can't move just that line without moving the other lines around it.
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Sep 26, 2013
I'm using AI CS6, opened it up today and all the text boxes are behaving like paths. I can only resize them using the direct select tool. I don't know what happened, I've checked type preferences, nothing there seems to be odd.
I would attach a screenshot, but the "Insert Image" button brings up a white box that tells me the "Operation timed out." Not my day for software.
Basically, once I create a text box, I lose the ability to resize it unless I manipulate one corner at a time with the direct selection tool.
Illustrator CS6
OSX 10.8.5
2.66 GHz i7
8GB 1067 MHz DDR3
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Jul 26, 2013
The Eye Dropper tool is acting funky. It was preventing me from picking up the color of my template when in outline mode - instead selecting no fill and no stroke. I finally got it to work by unchecking "Appearance" in the tool options. I didn't actually change any settings inside appearance (everything inside is still checked). That did allow me to select the templates color, but now it is also selecting my "path color". If my layer's color is set to Cyan for example, eye dropper actually selects cyan if i click on the path.
Is there a way to allow template color selection but avoid path color selection?
EDIT: I just discovered that these settings don't even pick up the template color correctly. They choose the color of the auto-dim/opacity that occurs when setting a template.
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Feb 2, 2014
With the attached raw file, and the below settings already in place, why is it that when I move the Highlights slider to the right, the image darkens, and to the left, it lightens? Something rather odd is happening in the lower half of the histogram. The original file has very low contrast. I haven't seen this behavior with other files.I'm Using LR 5.3 in Windows.
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Mar 15, 2013
I have a simple multi value list variable, but when I try to get the data from the list it loops through the first text in the list return each letter in the word. Example: If the first text in the multivalue list variable is "Hello" when looping through the list I get "H' then "e" then "l" and it never goes to the second item in the list.
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Dec 22, 2011
All of my commands under the right click menu are not responding properly. I make a selection, Right-click, (command) then it asks me to select objects again like it doesnt recognize that i have objects selected..
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Jan 30, 2013
Choosing Edit: Purge: Histories or Edit: Purge: All isn't purging the history list (or affecting it in any way). This is true regardless of whether or not I have "Allow Non-Linear History" checked in the History Options. I can still clear the history with the "Clear History" option from the History panel's own drop-down list, but the Purge option (which seems enabled -- i.e. it isn't grayed out) seems to do nothing.
I remember the Purge option working fine. Currently I'm running Photoshop CS6 (13.1.2 x64) on a Snow Leopard (10.6.8) Mac. Why Purge isn't working?
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Jun 28, 2008
have Photoshop CS3 on Xp
When i go to purge i never see that it has any effect on my available free ram memory. I have a 3rd party program that shows me free ram availability and when I get low on RAM when using Photoshop...I think of Purge...but it does not free up anything noticable.
Am I expecting too much from Purge...maybe I dont understand that it only does part of a job.
What to you do when your large photoshop project takes up 80% of your system ram...I usually close everything...shut down Photoshop...then relaunch Photoshop...then I now have about 60% of my 2 gigs to use again. I crash in photoshop when I get to 14% of usable Ram left.
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Aug 17, 2013
I'm not doing video ( I dound that in the drop down menu.) I want to empty the photoshop cache.
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