when I changed the brush size and paint it looks bigger/smaller but the cursor itself stays the same width other times as the brush got bigger the circle got bigger now its not so its hard to see where the brush will end up. any idea how I can changed this back ? I already went to preferences and and saw that its in set right just not showing .
Photoshop CS3ext.When I go to size an image and try to adjust the size, the numbers take off on their own with out me even trying to adjust. Also in layers, all the slider bars, the numbers go crazy, up and down without me doing anything
I have contacted Adobe about issues with Photoshop brushes recently. My issue is that the brush size is smaller than the circle that represents the brush. In other words, when I hoover over the area that I want to paint or erase with the circle and then click, the painted or erased area is smaller that the circle. It's really frustrating when fine tuning an image, you never know how close you are to what you want to correct. This is only visible when you zoom in quit a bit. I worked with an Adobe tech for over an hour and he could not simulate the problem. Then he finally asked if I was using a retina display, (he was not).
I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.
for some reason when I change brush size by the pallette or the [ keys I only see the cross hairs with a dot in the middle. I've tried ctrl, alt shift to reinsate all settings but still do not see a visual representation of the brush size.
When I make the brush size for any tool bigger part of it will disappear. Only the small brush sizes are shown as complete circles. This happens with all tools that use a brush size. If I make the brush bigger or zoom into the document only a small part of the brush size will be visible. This part of the brush is placed inside a square. The edge of this square cuts the cursor off at the bottom and right.
If I move something with the move tool and it's a bit fast, the same square size will pop up, dividing the object into squares.
The first one makes it impossible to work in Photoshop since I can't use big brushes (with either pencil, brush, erasor): I can not see the cursor when the brush is big or if the document is zoomed in. If the document size is 100% and the brush is big the same thing happens.
Working on a brand new workstation. XP 2002 SP3. Intel Quad corre Q9550 @2.83 Ghz. I.98 Ghz 2.98 GB RAM. Graphics card NVIDIA Quadro FX 1700. Extra hard drive 1 Tb.
When I use a brush for anything and I want to increase or decrease the size by using the bracket keys the brush will not increase as large as it did in CS3 and part of the circle disappears leaving a half circle at best. Is this due to some plug-ins that I have from NIK or FixerLabs?
How do I make cursor size the same as paint brush size in CS6? It isn't and it makes selecting more difficult. Preferences>cursor does not seem to fix.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 with a Wacom cintiq, and the brush size is stuck at 1 px, it won't change size no matter what -even if the brush size is set to 1000 px, the brush will paint a scraggly thin line...
I've changed brushes/ opacity/ flow/ pen pressure/ restarted photoshop/ restarted computer/ shut down, etc. It doesn't changeIt works just fine in the mixer brush tool, but not the regular brush tool..
I have my preferences set up for my cursor to show as brush size, but suddenly my brush shows up as a tiny dot no matter what size I change it to (I've gone all the way up to 5000 pixels with no effect when using the brush, healing brush, and clone tools). My image is 1402x996 pixels at 200ppi. I've tried zooming in with no effect. I'm probably missing something obvious, but I can't think what.
I was practicing using the Elements 10 Spot Healing Brush, and it was working fine. I closed out of Photoshop so I could go view some more tutorials. When I opened it again, I was unable to see the physical size of my brush..in Spot Healing or in Clone. It registered as a number in the upper bar, but I could not see the brush size as before. I had been using the brackets to raise and lower the size before I lost the ability to view the physical size.
When you select a certain size brush say 150 pixels and you paint it only paints a size of about 120 pixels. What adjustments are there so you paint exactly the same size as the brush indicator. I am running Photoshop CC on Mac OSX 10.6.8
In CS 3 suddenly i cant change the size of my brushes anymore. Well i can from very tiny -when you only see a cross- to about 45 pixels (with a default brush) when i use the slider it can show 2500 pixels but its still the 45 pixels from before. I dont understand, everything worked fine, i was working already abour 45 minutes without any problems, and suddely this happens....can anyone tell me what could be wrong or what to do about this?
Is it possible to map '[' and ']' to the wheel on a mouse? I think that it would be much easier to control brush size like this than using those keys. If not, I'll just try to find adjacent keys on the left size of the keyboard to do that.
The PAINTING CURSOR is set to BRUSH SIZE, and when I have the BRUSH selected, and press the ] key to enlarge the brush size on the fly (to ensure it's just not a small brush), it stays as what seems to be a PRECISE cursor.
Sure enough, when I apply the brush, the size is huge, but the cursor is not the size of the brush like I want. I even increased the HARDNESS value to 100%, and it acts the same way.
I'm using Photoshop CS on Leopard (Mac) with a standard Apple keyboard (QWERTZ, suisse-german). However I cannot use the Brush Size shortcuts [] or Shift+[]. I pressed every single key on my keyboard but I can't find the keys.
I am using the brushes within Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
I made a tiff out of the psd file. I put this into InDesign so I can add text.
When I print from InDesign, the brushes (not all of them, but mostly the butterflies, flowers...stuff from the nature set) come out in low res. It looks kinda blurry when printed. I have the image set to 300dpi..is there something else I can do with the brush settings?
When changing brush size in CS6, I've noticed that it is has granular resolution from 0 pixels up to around 500pixels, incrementing in size very slowly. However, above 500 pixels it increases in size very rapidly, jumping to 800, 1200, 1500 and then into the 2000s.
As most of the photos that I work on have a high pixel count I find that my ideal brush size is between 400 and 1000, occasionally I use it at around 100 pixels, and occasionally at 2500.
Is there any way of changing the scale of the brush size so that it allows greater sensitivity in the 400 to 1000 range?
Since I have Photoshop installed CC works there the possibility to change the brush size by pressing the ctrl + alt key especially in the Liquify filter anymore. The same problem I have with the zoom function. In PS 6 I was able to press the alt + space key and while moving the mouse in the image in or out back. also that no longer works?
This happens occasionally-out of nowhere the brush tool stops showing as a circle of specfic diameter and shows as a crosshairs, which does me no good whatever. This goes for all tools using the brush presets-brush, eraser, and stamp. I can't do anything. because I can't see the tool I'm working with. I tried restarting PS, then restarting with trashed prefs. Neither worked. I know that sooner or later it will come back and all wil be well, but meanwhile, the deadlines are creeping closer & closer. The enemy is at the gates.
I had a problem in brush tool, when i increase size brush tool become 31px - 2500 px it will become lagging, but in 30px - 1px not lagging It just brush tool and another tool there is no lag like that.I choose another color still having lag, and the another tool no having like that.
When I choose the Liquify option from the Filter menu, the Liquify tool opens and I have access to the custom set of Liquify tools. Unlike almost any other tool where you select a brush size, the Liquify tool requires you to modify the position of a slider rather than selecting the brush size dynamically by right-clicking.
The problem is that the brush size selector control goes from 0 to 15,000px diameter. In order to make effective use of a 15,000 pixel liquify push tool, you'd have to have a really large image. Perhaps there is a case where someone at some time used a 15,000 px diameter nudge brush in the Liquify tool, but in my nearly 20 years of using Photoshop, I have never come across the need for a brush that large.
Regardless, because the selector uses a linear scale, it is really difficult to select a small brush size (say less than 100px) without manually incrementing the slider.
I would really like to see Adobe standardize the tool size/preset selector so that it is always available via the context menu (or equivalent) and that an option exists to enable relative slider values or percentage slider values in incremental selectors like brush size. Percentages could be setup where 100% was the largest side of the current image and then brush sizes could be selected via percentage of your image (of course converting to pixels, but the scale would be percentage-based). Even an exponential scale that favored the smaller values would be useful. Or perhaps, movable caps that would allow you to set your own Max and Min values that would rock.
I might be able to select more appropriately scaled brushes in the Liquify tool when I am working with images where a 15,000 pixel brush head is unreasonable.
In cs5 i could stroke the path based on the brush size/shape when i choose "brush" and simulate pressure to get those nice faded out lines.
In cs6 I do the same thing but the stroke size never changes to the brush size even when i make sure "brush" is selected.
Second question... I want to add some lights with Knoll Light Factory; is there a way to preview the lens flare on top of all the current layers to see what it will look like? Sometimes i'm trying to position it on top of a very specific area. I know I can change the background layer to the specific place, but getting a full preview would be great.