With the attached raw file, and the below settings already in place, why is it that when I move the Highlights slider to the right, the image darkens, and to the left, it lightens? Something rather odd is happening in the lower half of the histogram. The original file has very low contrast. I haven't seen this behavior with other files.I'm Using LR 5.3 in Windows.
I recently downloaded Lightroom 3 (currently have L2 version) and upgraded to do a 30 day trial version. As I finished working on some new pictures and started working on a slideshow the application quit and asked me if I wanted to upgrade again, as I did that when the application started again the folder of the images I was working on was not there any more. How can I retrieve this again? Did I loose the images and the work I did on them?
I was developing the other day in LR my fingers hit a key on the keyboard that sent the marching ants around the blown sky on my image. I was able to bring back ALL the detal in the sky by sliding the highlight slider down and I can tfigure out how in the world I got that selected?
How do I retouch in LR4 on a Mac on selected areas for example in the highlights. It is very easyly done in Aperture 3 but it seems more complicated in LR4. Yes I am new with LR and have installed the Helpfile....but still.
I am using LR 4.1 on a Mac with OS 10.6.8, and my highlights are showing banding or steps in the highlights as they gradate from bright to pure white. Seems to happen no matter which camera was used. Also, tiffs and jpegs output from the raw file exhibit the same banding. I do not remember this being an issue in LR 3.6 which I just upgraded from, but when I just now opened the same image in LR 3.6 I see the same problem. I just upgraded the OS before installing LR 4.1. Is there a known issue with this in LR4? The only local adjustment I have made is spot removal.
This is happening in Lightroom 4 final and is possibly related to this issue: Re: Brightening shadows darkens highlightsBrightening shadows darkens highlights.
Start with a fresh imageSet Whites to a highish value, like 55-60 or better 100.Slowly move the Highlights or Shadows slider to the left
The image gets brighter even it is supposed to get darker. If you move Highlights to the positive side, the image gets darker.
I have somehow lost the option of adjusting highlight, shadows, and whites on my Develop:Basic panel. What happened to those adjustments and how do I get them back?
Somehow I managed to "disappear" the thumbnail slider for resizing that's usually shown in the bar just above the Filmstrip. Missing in Library, Develop and Slideshow modules. I don't see a pull-down where I can reselect it. Had difficulty searching for info in PDF. Using Lightroom 4.1, Windows 7.
I have Razer nostromo keypad for lightroom and photoshop. I bought it because of Paddy for lightroom but it's TOO massy and hard to mapping the shortcut. Moving those sliders without the mouse is impossible without the paddy right now... Is there any other program to control those sliders by keypad?
Why does the clarity slider seem different to me in LR4 (4.1 RC actually)? IN LR3 I loved that thing. I would ramp it up quite a bit with many photos. It would give it a nice crisp look. Now it seems as if it just makes my shots look like they have too much contrast. Also, when using the clarity brush, many times it seems as if where I paint it on it actually lightens it up. I havce had to look as see if I had the exposure tool on instead.
Also, I swear a "medium contrast" tone curve setting is different now as well. This was the default setting in LR3. Now default is linear. But if I apply a medium curve from the drop down, it looks over cooked? What the heck? Are these things just me? BTW I am working RAW files.
In LR5 when I go to use one of the 5 zone adjustment areas in the Develop module histogram, there is a 2 - 2.5 second delay before I can use them for each image. The individual sliders below, e.g., exposure, contrast, etc, don't exhibit the delay.
This is not the case with LR4.4... and it is a cause of frustration for me due to the slowdown in my wedding workflow. I'm on a Mac Quad Core, 12 GB, SSD, etc, so I'm not sure what the problem is, as I said there's no problem with 4.4. I searched but did not see this problem listed. Also, LR 5.2RC does not fix the problem.
Let's say that I have three stops difference between the luminance of my computer screen and the paper white under the lamp in my room. Which setting should I use for the brightness slider on the print module?
In Lightroom 3 when you moved through images these modify keys (+ and -) would always remain at the temperature slider. It seems to now always default to exposure. Is there anyway you can change this?
I cant make the music duration slider in the slideshow go to 3.7. I can only get it to go between 3.6 & 3.8 Can this be done. Fit to Music does not work for slideshow. Music ends before pictures
In the local adjustment brush, the noise slider default position is 0.Does it reduce more noise if the slider is in positive position or negative position .
In a book I am working on, the zoom toggle suddenly stops working. It shows up, but moving the slider does not change the image size in the photo cell. I can still move the photo around in the cell, but cannot zoom in or out. I can right click to change to zoom to fill or zoom to fit, but cannot manually zoom in or out from that. Tried changing the default method to Z2Fit and Z2Fill, but neither mode solves the problem. I have been working on this book for a while, and the manual zoom has worked seamlessly up til now, and suddenly it doesn't work. I am hoping I accidentally hit a keyboard toggle to turn it off somehow, and just can't figure out how to get it back.
fwiw the problem cropped up as I started adding photos from another source, which were Nikon-based jpg files whereas all the rest previously added were either digitial scans (jpeg or tiff) or Pentax files (RAW & jpegs). I cannot imagine this has anything to do with the problem, but mentioning it just because its the only thing that was different when the problem cropped up.
I updated my Mac OS to Mavericks. Now in Lightroom 5 I've noticed that in the Basic module the "temp" and "tint" slider buttons no longer appear in color, but rather in the same grayscale as the rest of the slider buttons. They still function normally but having the color appear on the slider worked for me in my workflow. how (or even if) it's possible to get the color back?
I'm working on a time lapse sequence and when I apply the new clarity slider in LR4 to the batch of images the effect seems to apply itself very specifically to each frame introducing random variations in tone and exposure that cause unwanted "flicker" in the sequence. I'm adjusting one image and then syncing it's adjustments to the batch. Is there another way to do this that will apply a fixed value without reinterpreting each and every photo?
In upgrading to LR4 I wish to keep my process 2010 photos as process 2010. There is no need to redo them because the update pretty much forces you to start again with most processed photos.
My problem is that I now find that LR4 greys out the detail and color sliders for Luminance and color noise reductionas if they are process 2003 photos. That is, I do not have access to the detail and color for the noise reduction section.
I can only assume this is a bug or that Adobe have changed the Noise reduction engine.
I have pretty strange behaviour on concert pictures I import from my D700. Usually I import with camera profile Vivid V4. The concert pictures have strong reds due to the flood lights.
My camera histogram shows a slight clipping of the reds (even though I underexpose 1-2 stops).
After import of the RAW files using Vivid V4, the histogram in Lightroom looks strange, and also the controls behave strange:
- a strong red spike in the histogram at about 1/5th away from clipping level (the picture in Lr shows blown out parts in red)
- hovering over different areas of the pictures and checking the percentage indicator underneath the histogram shows significant areas of 100 % red, even though there are still tonal differences in those areas
- moving exposure to the right: the histogram content left to the spike is shifting as expected, but the spike is growing and staying at 1/5th, nothing is appearing to the right of the spike (more areas in the picture are blown out)
- no other basic control can flatten out the spike, even not the highlight slider
- only the saturation control has some influence, and also with the tone curve I can fill the histogram, but picture is still looking blown out
The situation improves a lot by using Camera Neutral V4, the red is more spread out in the histogram, also beyond the 1/5th the highlight clipping level. Significant areas in the picture are still at 100 % but less blown out. Basic controls are behaving more normal, and it is possible to fill the histogram by increasing the exposure or other controls.
The question is.. is this unintended behaviour of Lightroom, or is is as good as we can get it with the strong red colors, and is it better not to use Vivid V4 in these cases?
Yes, I'm probably the only person on the planet that wants this, but I liked how the Auto Tone auto adjusted the Exposure slider (ONLY!) and left all the other sliders at zero in the Lightroom 4 beta.
Is there a way to write a preset that returns that behavior?
Alien's Eye Candy is messing with me. When clicking on any effect, the sub window appears with the effect applied, but all the adjustment sliders read "0". If I adjust any of the sliders, the effect goes away, and I have to exit back to PS. Code: