My printer told me to add 5% C 5% M and 5%Y to my 100%k channels as without it I can see the black comes out a little/touch fury on things like small thin text.
Is this the same on all other colors too? Eg. say 100% Cyan color, should I add 5% M, Y and K?
When I'm doing RGB retouch I'm often converting the image to CMYK just to use the Channel Mixer in that mode. I can never seem to get the hang of channel mixer in RGB to the same result, I guess I just understand CMYK plates better.
Is there any way of seeing the CMYK slider in RGB mode?
I'm exporting a design for the print shop, and have the following problem:
I have converted all colors to CMYK, and that's fine so far... however, I have imported a few PNGs with alpha channel into the design, and in the PDF output, these create a 'box' around them that seemingly has a flattened RGB version of whatever was behind it + the PNG image.
Same happens with any objects that have drop shadows.
The project is a photo montage. It was 4-color, now must become 2 colors. So I've changed each of the original 4-color photos (jpg and eps) into separate psd files (as grayscale/duotone/montage-and assigned it One pantone color)
In a new psd "montage" file, I plan to place each photo on its own layer, adjust tints, transparency, etc, to create one new montage/flattened.I'm not sure which color mode is best when setting up this new file, CMYK or grayscale?
Once the PS doc is done, the job will be saved as a PDF for 2-color printing.I want to insure the 2 pantone colors separate properly at press.
I have just lost proper color in my CS5 suite and it appears that I dropped a channel (red?). I did not change my profile and trying to do so has no effect.
Color is correct in all other programs and my monitor is correctly calibrated using Huey Pro. Attached is a screen shot of a side by side of the same image displayed in IrfanView and in Photoshop.
Color pencil is a transparent medium, most like watercolors; as a result, it is equivalent to the CYMK mode in Photoshop.
I'm working on an exercise to use only the primary colors in color pencil. If I am in CYMK mode in Photoshop, I can separate each channel to see how much pigment goes into each color. However, I would like to print it on a transparency IN COLOR, so I can superpose them onto each other to see each contribution in its original color.
But whenever I have only one channel left - say, magenta - the image appears in grayscale.
Is there a way to have each channel show up only in its own color, rather than in grayscale?
How to make a Spot Color Channel on Photoshop? I am using this image as an example. The blue color in the background needs to be printed mostly with a spot color that is close to the original painting color (ex: Pantone Blue 072C) . But the CMYK color still should be present in within the blues to resemble the subtle nuances of the brush strokes. I can’t figure it out on my own.
For more samples of painting images, go to
The reason I am doing this is because the artist’s works were represented on many publications over the years from many different countries. And we found out that CMYK color alone cannot duplicate the blue color very well (I mean the blue only, no problem with other colors). I know, it is hard to believe, but if you see all the publications and compare it to the original art, you would see the huge difference in color saturation and luminosity. That is the reason, I think it is necessary to use a spot blue for an upcoming catalog of the artist.
I accidentally had my files marked at 16 bits/channel, went ahead and saved them as jpegs. Got a software prompt prior to saving that said "File must be saved as a copy with this selection." I did not know what it meant. I went ahead with the save. Now I am realizing my mistake because I have tried printing my images at a lab and the colors are WAY off. Very gray and horrible. I have my master files saved as psd files as well and have opened those, changed the bits/channel to 8, tried to print and the colors are still awful. I have many files that were saved this way. There has to be some kind of a fix without me having to re-edit dozens and dozens of photos.
For a long time I have been struggling to find a good workflow for what I would call "multi channel color separation". What I want is to reduce a full color RGB image into an image with only a limited number (e.g. 5-8) well-chosen colors, for instance to use as set of masks for screen print. (I'd also like to use this as an effect in itself, mimicking a typical 'screen print' or 'litho' effect on an inkjet print)
The idea is to create a set of monochrome layers or spot color channels. Colors are to be selected by myself (so not necessarily RGB or CMYK). Each channel/layer has to be a continuous tone that I transform myself into a dedicated half tone screen (e.g. with the Andromeda screen filter).
Till sofar it is clear to me. My issue is: How to separate the image in the predefined set of colors?
I can not just select a color range: I can adjust a "tolerance" but that is too general. I need the pixels of with a specific hue but with the full range of lightness (e.g. all the purple pixels that range from dark/medium purple to very light purple). The dark colors can be made dark with a black channel. I'm not sure how to deal with the saturation range.
An approach that gives sometimes a result that is to some extent acceptable is to transfer from RGB mode to an Indexed Color mode and use a custom palette. However, this does not give much control on the halftone screening process.
I envision for instance an approach of filling a layer with a solid given color, select in one way or another only those parts that correspond to the original image and subtract that layer somehow from the image. This process is then to be repeated for each color. Up till now I have not been able to figure the right options to do this. But maybe there is a better way to do it.
One final wish: it would be great if the process can take into account that some layers in the final print are (semi-)transparent. In my opinion this would exclude just selecting a color and deleting de pixels.
I creat an alpha channel it shows up as white on my Photoshop Version 6 while my friend's alpha channel comes up in black on Photoshop CS. Obviously each is a default setting. How do you change the alpha channel color from white to black and vice versa.
I'm trying to find out if there's a way to choose which font you want Photoshop to use as a substitution rather than it choosing on its own? I found another thread asking the same thing but the answer didn't actually answer the question. To clarify, is there a way to tell Photoshop which font to use throughout a document (or even better, all the time) as a substitute for a particular missing font?
I'm using the 3D render engine vray, using its multimatte render element which assigns mattes of certain materials (or objects) in the scene to a channel: R, G, or B.
I'm curious about the best way to composite once I have this file rendered out. The simplest way I can think of is doing a color range selection on the matte channel's solid color, then using that selection to modify my image as necessary. But I have used After Effects to do this also, and there is a "channel select" effect that extracts the channel and converts it to an alpha mask in one step... makes me think there's a more elegant way in Photoshop as well.
When I save an OIL PAINT file created in Photoshop CS6, it saves with red and blue shapes over the image. Before saving, the image looks fine. I'm running windows 8. Is it me or a CS6 bug?
i have always used a designer to come up flyer designs for events. They all go for commercial printing. Thing is when i try and design something in cmyk, the colours always go slightly dull, but yet when my designer does the design in cmyk the colours remain bright.
Last I checked, Arial was a default font and I have always had it on my system. It's still there too. Why is CS2 being wonky about this?
Every text layer has a little yellow triangle and harasses me about changing the font which if it does, I wouldn't know since it just changes it back to what I had before anyway.
This question is more theoretical, as I have found a work around. On a layer, I have a gray color, which I sample, and it becomes the desired Foreground color.
I would like to Fill a Selection in an Alpha Channel with this gray color.
However, when I view the Alpha channel, my forground color is lost to black/white, which I understand, as the Alpha channel is a gray scale image.
But, I am able to sample a gray Swatch to make a Foreground color, but how can I preserve my chosen Foreground gray selected from a Layer? The only way that I know would be to make a new Swatch, and then use that when I am in Channels.
I have a photo of an object on a black background, and during the editing process the cmyk values of the black background are c=75 m=68 y=67 k=90. As this image is to be placed on a business card, if it is possible to change the values to 100% K or 40% C 100 %.
I am working on a very large poster graphic and am coming across some odd issues, at least odd to me. I'm not sure the reasoning behind it, or if there is reasoning behind it? I must be doing something wrong.
I created a ribbon/wave graphic in Photoshop in RGB color mode then converted to CMYK. I then cropped the large (310.875") canvas in to 4 separate images).
I created a new Photoshop file for each canvas to then begin placing different text and graphics on each. The idea was to have the wave behind the images in the forefront of each poster be continuous and flow from one poster to the next. Once done I saved each poster as a tif and then laid them out in inDesign to verify the transition. To my surprise the color for each wave was off or slightly different than the other.
I am using CS2 Indesign and Photoshop 7 on a PC. I have to prepare color photos for a printer located in China. They want all images to be CMYK .tiff.
I now have an assortment of about 100 images from various sources around the world, there are .tif, .jpg. .bmp, and .psd. All of them appear to be RGB. There are images with: 1) no color profile, 2) sRGB IE60966-2.1, and Adobe RGB 1998.
I need to create a document, which i want to print, in CMYK mode, but this is not possible on Photoshop elements 5. Apparently Photoshop doesn't support CMYK. Some of my colleagues are graphic designer who also work with Photoshop and they say, that CMYK is always available... I don't understand why it's not available on my software. Do i need to change the setting or something?
I am a screen printer and I print my separations from Photoshop. I routinely work with multi channel files or RGB files with additional spot color channels. I have created actions to place my registration marks, re-size images, etc to get ready to print but I manually have to create the text labels for each screen if they are missing from the original artwork.
The files I work with have channels named as "Base White, Red, Green, 284 Blue" etc indicating the ink color. What i would like to be able to do is click an action that would copy the text from the channel name and insert it into a separate or each/all channels near the top of the file so that when I print each positive it has a corresponding label for ink color.
I am not sure if this is even possible, and I am limited on my knowledge when it comes to actions and have pretty much got lucky in the past getting them to do what I want without unnecessary steps.
On my registration target action it creates a new channel with each individual reg mark then combines them into one separate channel in which I just copy the contents and select all the ink channels and fill with black to make them appear, i'm happy with the steps it takes as it isn't too much trouble and if this could do the same with labels I would be happy with that.
I'm working in Photoshop CS 5.5 on a Mac, and I want to apply a specific CMYK color to a selection in an image. I create the color with the values C=0, M=100, Y=100, K=10 and add it to my color swatches. Then I select the section of the image where I want to apply the new color and fill it with the paint bucket. The color fills the section just fine and life is good. But then when I roll over the section with the eyedropper to double-check the CMYK values in the Info window, it shows that they've inexplicably shifted to C=9, M=100, Y=100, K=1.