I have a problem with the 3D brush cursor in PS CC being offset and not where I'm putting the pen down. Best described by a vid which is here: URL....
The capture is a bit laggy so both brushes look a little delayed, in reality the CS6 cursor paints exaclty where you'd expect it to, the CC one is offset and it feels very unnatural. It's most evident on the first 2 strokes.Some system info, if it's of use:
Windows 7 Pro x64
Wacom Intuos 4L
i7 3930K
my paint brush is set to black but when i paint with it, it paints gray. i was messing around with the colors and dont know what i did. how do i get the color back to black? elements 11
My need is to create up to 50 points from the same origin in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system but I’d also like to have a labels for each point that show up in the feature tree.
Are there Inventor 2013 plugin (i.e., add-on, 3rd party, AP) to convert a list 3D Cartesian coordinate system locations (i.e., points) to Inventor to work points(x, y, z)?
I found that I cannot create 3D points in the assembly. Is this correct? I did find that an Inventor part may be used to create a 3D sketch that creates points in 3D space. In the past few days, I found two ways to create 3D points within a iPRT; the batch way uses an Excel file but it then does not allow me to name the points in the feature tree. The second way is to create them one at a time but that take way too much time.Â
I saw another thread on this, but it went unanswered, so I am going to ask it with some better information.I installed inventor pro 2012, and it was working fine for a few days, but it now is missing the input boxes for the Precise Input window. URL....
I am UNABLE to follow a tutorial on how to make a repeatable pattern using 'texture transfer' on some fire I want to make into a pattern!!! every time I select the area I want to use and the 'input map' and paste as new image and I tell Resynthesizer to use that image it ALWAYS errors out as "The Input Map Should Be The Same Size As The Input Texture Image" according to the tutorial another person gave me on this forum he said NOTHING about being the same size!!! in fact, his selection was SMALLER than the actual image that he was using Resynthesizer on!!!
you can see what i mean in the following picture examples.  Selecting a brush (any 1 pixel) brush  [URL]........
shows my selection . Drawing a straight line  [URL]........  Zooming in to the line (600%) you can see i can draw a marquee through half of it ...  [URL].........  No matter what 1 single pixel brush i use this will happen... no matter which computer i use cs6 on and different copies of the installation.  Anyway have any insight into this? frankly... it's somewhat limiting that i can't use the brush for stroking a shape if i need a pixel line and yet soft curves that a pencil won't get you.Â
The brush preview size does not match brush stroke. I've insert a pic of the problem. I tried allmost everythning, but nothing works. Â I use a wacom tablet.
I'm a web developer but have little knowledge of Photoshop. I got a web design job to create something very similar to URL.... Firstly i want to know how to make a brush mild like the white brush on that website. It doesn't overshadow the blue background.
There are a few things I just don't get about brush settings. Sometimes it seems my brushes go all wonky.  When I change the settings for 1 brush... say I add some jitter to a smooth brush - then suddenly the other brushes get the same jitter applied to them.  How can I set the brushes so that each brush has a different setting that doesn't change when I change any other brush settings?  p.s. I also don't get why Adobe has you lock a brush by UNlocking it? Seems to me it should be the other way around?
I have contacted Adobe about issues with Photoshop brushes recently. My issue is that the brush size is smaller than the circle that represents the brush. In other words, when I hoover over the area that I want to paint or erase with the circle and then click, the painted or erased area is smaller that the circle. It's really frustrating when fine tuning an image, you never know how close you are to what you want to correct. This is only visible when you zoom in quit a bit. I worked with an Adobe tech for over an hour and he could not simulate the problem. Then he finally asked if I was using a retina display, (he was not).Â
the brush, stamp brush and eraser tools are giving me a hard time the actual working area from the tool is so much smaller than the outside frame of it URL....
i'm using cs6.the picture i'm working with was enlarged to 400%.the brush, stamp brush tool was at size: 12px, hardness 100%.opacity 100% Â in the presettings i saw the brush was set to normal size.also i played with the jitter sizes, to no avail.
I tried defining a new brush but the sample doesn't recognize color and texture. Is there a way of sampling a small piece of a drawing and making a brush out of it? With the multi colors of the sample?
I'm getting input lag (about 1-2 seconds) after about an hour of work. Specificly anything I do to a document (pan, brush, clone, move etc). If I restart photoshop, it goes away, but comes back after an hour or so. How do I fix this? I'm running winxp, ive tried turning my anti virus off. I've turned the gpu stuff on and off. History states are at 100 and 6 cache levels. This is a quad core with 2 gigs of ram.
When I use the healing brush is tends to "skip". It leaves a line of circles like a stamp would instead of a flowing line like it should leave. No matter how slow I move the brush it leaves a circle and then as I continue to draw nothing happens until I reach the edge of the first circle, it then drops another circle and it continues that way as long as I draw with it.  The brush tool works fine, leaves a smooth line. The Spot Healing and Patch Tool work fine but the healing brush will not heal in a smooth stroke. It skips along a leaves a tail of circles the size of the brush. I am using a fast computer, i7 processor, 16bg ram and a SSD drive so I do not think speed is an issue. I upgraded from CS4 where the healing brush worked fine on this computer
Hi, I'm having some issues with my brush. It won't brush any other color, I select different colors on "set foreground" and "set background" colors and no matter what I select it brushes white. Does anyone know why?
In CS5.5 and previous, when text was selected/highlighted you could just click in the font size box and type in the size you wanted. This appears to be gone in CS6.If the text layer is selected you can but if you double click the type to go in and edit it, i can't input and manual font size value.... i can only choose from the default options.This is very hard to work around if you have specific sizes your fonts need to be & if there is more than one size i the same layer.how to get rid of the annoying placeboard/brandground that is in CS6. I'd like to get it back to how it was i.e no backgroud.
I've been handed the task of creating a new logo for my Committee at my University. We're in charge of setting up parties and various events for our semester.
Only problem is that we've been lacking a proper logo for the last year, that we've existed, and as I'm the only one with Photoshop skills in the committee, it was decided that i should create it. Problem is though - I've hit rock bottom.
Our Committee's name is " Ninkasi ". This is the best that I've come up with, but I don't like it at all! It doesn't represent our objectives as a committee for parties and events at all, IMO.
The monkey picture is essential, as it is what represents us - but how to make a cool logo out of it though?
GIMP has great tools for creating smooth lines from tablet input:
These options allow for a great range of input raniging from just remoiving jiter to creating very smooth lines with a delayed pen stroke. Â The only option I've found like this in PS is the "Smoothing" checkbox in the brush propeties box, but it has very little affect and can not be manupulated. Is there anything like this available in Photoshop, or as a plugin for Photoshop?
The template has two user input box (User and Password). I did all the design modifications to the template, but when I want to save it for web, both user input are only images, and the user can't write anything on it.
Is there any way to add a favorite brush stroke to the list of brush strokes, or do you always have to open the original file to access the brush stroke?
I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.
Background: We have a correctly functioning installation of Win XP, and PS CS3 Extended which appears to work normally in every other regard. No obvious errors; no crashes, no start-up complaints; nothing seemingly out of order. I use several installed languages in Windows (Eng UK, Russian, Swedish, etc). All of these work normally. All of my installed fonts work correctly in every application on the system except for CS3. Â There would appear to be something wrong with CS3's keyboard mapping in foreign languages. When typing with a non-English keyboard setting (any other language) and using True Type fonts (not Open), only 'missing character' boxes appear in the artwork. The Layers menu displays the typed text correctly, but this will not appear in the artwork. If I use an old install of PS7, I can type using these same fonts correctly in any language. These layers can be imported into CS3, and these WILL display correctly on the artwork. However, the Layers menu in this case displays nonsensical characters. Ergo, I suspect that CS3's keyboard input data is errant. Â Where does PS3 keep its information regarding language / keyboard layout? It is possible to edit this file(s)?
Can not change the font size or tracking in the Character Window. It always gets random numbers in the input field. System: MacbookPro Retina, OSX 10.8.4, Photoshop CC 14.0
I bought the hard-copy, CD version of Photoshop CS6 and I want to install it on to my laptop, however I have no CD input/player on/in my laptop. How can I install this? Is there anyway online?