I have a picture of the Vietnam Veterans memorial and I would like to highlight three names. I want to make a video for my father and I would like each name to fade-in to a brighter color.
I had a picture of a person. The picture taken in a low light place so the picture was very dark. I wanted to make the picture brighter so that the person in the picture can been see clearly. How to brighten it?
I have Elements 10. Whenever I try to edit, brighten, enhance in any way animated GIF files with Photoshop, after I save the files again on my computer, the files no longer are animated, I.E they don't move no more.
I save the files as GIFs. The files were originally saved to my computer right, they moved like they should. How can I edit animated GIF files and still have them be animated?
Adjustment layer- curves. I have always used a Curves Adjustment Layer in CS3 to brighten images and increase contrast. I have just upgraded to CS6 and when I open the adjustment layer and try to Command Click choose points in the photograph to drag the line up or down to darken or lighten I get instead some crazy saturation changes.
how to birhgten and shapren and use the stamp tool to remove unwanted objects. but how would i go about making this picture look fantastic. im using it as my desktop but it looks a little fuzzy. i added title and switz flag to it.
I am making some painting schemes for a truck. (The drawings are not finished yet but i would like to post the question in advance so i don't have to wait later on and i can experiment before going to the real deal)
I would like to brighten them up so the customer gets the best possible (within my power and knowledge of gimp )
it is possible to select a part of a video scene and apply brightness/contrast just to that part of the scene. I have a scene with a sign in the foreground which is in shade whereas the rest of the scene is well lit.
it is possible to select part of an image using the 'magic wand' feature of Paint Shop Pro and wondering if this can be done within VSX4.
I guess it could be done the hard way of splitting the clip into separate frames and then brighten the sign in each frame using Paintshop Pro and then 'reassemble' the frames back into a video clip but this would be very time consuming.
When I have a drawing open in AutoCAD LT 2012 any xrefs are very dull or perhaps dark is a better description and on a black background tend to be very difficult to see. Is there a setting somewhere I can change to brighten up the xref?
I am brand spanking new to Paint and completely lost! I was referred here when asking how to edit an image I took. I took and image of a shoe on an all white background. However, there are shadows and you can see the seams in the background. I would like to brighten the white and remove shadows so that the shoe image looks professional. I tried uploading the image but it would not allow it........i will attempt again
This is happening in Lightroom 4 final and is possibly related to this issue: Re: Brightening shadows darkens highlightsBrightening shadows darkens highlights.
Start with a fresh imageSet Whites to a highish value, like 55-60 or better 100.Slowly move the Highlights or Shadows slider to the left
The image gets brighter even it is supposed to get darker. If you move Highlights to the positive side, the image gets darker.
I am trying to do text to path and I finally got it to work, but it is not bringing the text color that I assigned. Instead the text becomes a black outline of the real text. I uploaded this to the application I wanted to use it in, and the text was gone.
I am a web designer and regularly get sent logos etc from clients. More recently I have been sent a jpg image black and white of a girl with a wedding veil on. There is some handwriting text to the left which is a white colour.
As I dont have access to the original psd file I am trying to find an easy way to change the text colour to a pink the client has chosen.
I am using adobe photoshop cs6 and have tried using the colour swap option under image tab but it just seems to change the colour to gray and not the pink i have selected.
I have been sent a text logo in EPS format that I want to change to JPG or GIF. I need to change the text color. How do I do this please? I can change the format - it is changing the text color that is my problem.
I write a line of text. I would now like to select the text field to change the color of the text rather than highlighting the actual text itself. This is because highlighting the text changes the bg color to black over the text you highlight and alters the color of the text (I think it inverts it). Is this possible?
I have CS4. I want to do something that's really easy in most inexpensive graphics programs - make text with one color and put a border around the text with a second color. I made the text with Padres blue. Now I want to have a white border around the text.
I have CS4. I want to do something that's really easy in most inexpensive graphics programs - make text with one color and put a border around the text with a second color. I made the text with Padres blue. Now I want to have a white border around the text.
How can you creat text that is the colors of a flag? For instance, if you had the word 'TEXT' in block form and wanted the colors of an American Flag to fill the text. I bet it's simple. Just not for the simple minded.
I cannot seem to get color to a new image or text in photoshop. I was following tutorials and walk-throughs in different websites. Now let's see. I draw a huge circle on a new page. I click on the gradient tool, and choose a swatch color. Now, you can see the different colors to choose from. I just cannot seem to be able to apply this colors to anything. I tried doing it with text. I see the boxes with the colors, and above that once you select the color, your box should turn that color. Mine does not, it just gets darker or lights. ( As from black, to gray to white)
I choose black, make some text and accept the outcome.I then click in the file to do it again, and the text box color at the top reverts to white. CS5?
I need to insert text over some mottled regions so I want to insert black text with a white background. I can't find a way to give the text a background color. I can do this with Powerpoint and Visio, so why not with Photoshop?
So far I was able to copy a white region in the background layer and drag it to the place where I need it on the text layer, but that seems klutzy to me.