I have a group photo of some fellow co-workers and would like to add 2 other individuals that weren't in the group photo. When I add the 2 people to the group shot however it's clearly visible that they were photoshoped in because the coloring, saturation, etc of the individuals are different from the group shot.
I have photoshop elements 11. People analyzer will not recognize people or allow me to tag people in my photos. It works with my older camera photos such as from my Nikon D300 but will not work with photos from my D800 (RAW).
I need to print 200 profile cards (sized A6). There will be information about the individual along with a photograph. My questions are:
The photos are all 680 x 1024 at 72dpi - I'm sure these will print ok at A6....?All candidates are on a white background - some backgrounds look brighter than others - what's the best way to make it look whiter (photos will be cropped and placed on a white background) and is there a way to do this on mass?
Hoping someone can help me with something that I think is simple but can't find out how to do it.
I have a picture that has a dark boarder which I want to blend evenly into a black background. I've tried the gradient tool but can only seem to blend a small part of the picture and not all four sides evenly. Is there another way?
I am superimposing a person into a picture. I need blend/soften the edges of their hair line into the background so they look more a part of the picture. What's the best way to do this? (I'm using CS4)
I've tried a couple of blends, thru layers, but I can't get it right! I want to put a face into a matrix background, with the falling matrix blended into the face, and the face sticking out from the screen (3D like effect)...
I'm creating an image for a webpage, I'ts a statue with a blue cloudy sky behind it. I'd like to smooth the edges of the image so that the sky blends nicely into the white web page.
I was hoping PS had something like a sponge that an artist would use on a canvas to diffuse any sharp edges at the edge of a painting.
I recently upgraded from PSE 10 to PSE 11. I already used tags to identify People by name. However, in the new People View not all of my people tags are present as People Stacks despite running the face recognition function. If I use the Add People function it just runs the face recognition feature that I have already run and named the specific person I want to see in the stacks.Strange thing is when I click the Add Group button I can see the missing people but do not know how to get them shown in the People Stacks?
I have about 11,000 pix in PSE 11 and growing, all of a large family. Using 'Add People" in organizer worked well up till I reached 9,000 pix. I get the msg that all faces have been tagged. I've been scanning about 300 pix from our old albums and always try to add people after each group. I am not even getting the "Is this a person" message. I can go to each batch and manually answer "Who is this? Database size problem??
I have a picture has hard edges and I was able to blend these edges using lasso, mask and then Gaussian blur, check attached picture. is there a another way can produce better result or that result is enough ?
i'm having trouble blending 2 images together for the background. I'm using alphamask but it's not what i wanted. visit this link [URL] and look at steps 2-6. It shows the pictures being blended smoothly. I've used photoshop but it's to complicated and laggy.
Basically I've got the cut out that I want to blend into a picture, and what I do is get the images as near the centre of the canvas as I can, then copy and paste a new layer. Take the new layer and reduce it in size by say 95%, then try to centre it within the original image behind is as best I can. Select round it with the fuzzy select tool, then delete the smaller image. Move back to the original image and then add mask layer and use gradient blur to introduce a gradually fading of a few pixels round the edges.
The trouble is this method is not really good for complex shapes and often involves some iWarping to get the smaller image within the boundary of the larger one. So my question is, is there an easy way to fuzzy select round an image boundary that can introduce an arbitrarily chosen margin, say 5 or 10 pixels?
Anyway this is the kind of thing I am working on at the moment, making trippy fantasy images using dead animal's skulls.
How do i blend a picture into a background? It's like this. I make a picture of an anime char and the background is all gray or white, but when i put it onto the background, the gray or white part of the pictures shows up and blocks the background a little? How do i Overlay the background onto the picture gray background? For example:
Picture 1 is what happens, but I want to learn how to do it like Picture 2.
I currently make an A5 magazine using corel draw x3.I am looking to make a full page advert with a photo at the bottom of the page (3rd of the page landscape) and then I would like to match the colour from the top of the photo and use it for the rest of the page.However I would like it to blend.
I try to shoot all my pics same light, etc. I want to paste all my designs on this uniform towel (no background).As you can see the square pasted on with basketball is on the same cloth but looks unmatched.
how I could blend/edit it in with the towel, keeping basketball & Kyle the same? Or should I try doing something else?
I am new to the gimp software and am struggling blending a photo into a solid color background.I cannot seem to get rid of the hard end of the photo. I have tried applying a mask then using the blending tool, but still cannot remove the line.
Blurring image, i'm just messing around to try... [URL]....
main picture - group of people (no room at either end to insert anyone)
2nd picture - 2 people standing together
Best place is to put them at the back of the group. But how do I do this? I am new to gimp and think I have to play with layers, but don't know how to.
I have just upgraded from PSE 9 to PSE 11 and have imported some pictures that I have tagged in another program. Importing tags for everything other than people works fine (already used tags are recognized and reused). But importing tags for people proved to be a problem. They did not merge automatically with my previous people tags in PSE. My imported people tags ar now placed under "Imported Keyword Tags" in the "Media" workspace. How do I merge or move them to the "People" work space where the people tags for PSE 11 is placed?
I also wonder why people and other tags are put in different places. Is it possible to view all keyword tags in one list/place?
I've been fooling around with trying to make a few friends of mine look like old people. Ive been tried the spray brush with lighten and I have tried the smudge tool with darken, but I cannot seem to get the desired effect. Keep in mind the pictures are also in gray scale. Any suggestions or techniques?
i saw a lucozade advert a while back, where a woman was tottaly made of water.....and i thought i'd have a go, but the thing is, is just doesnt look right to me, i knew i couldnt get water, so i tried glass instead :
how i can get her to look like see through glass......also more defined, because she too blended with background for my likesGlas woman.
Anyone have a link to a tutorial on how to make people look as if they are frozen over? I would also like to thank everyone on this board for all their help all the time. This may not be the biggest photoshop forum on the net.
If I have photographs with my children from age 1 through 40 in them, Should I sequence the search from age one on up, at say, one year increments? When you tell it to IGNORE is it just for that pass? Why does it constantly miss the obvious, known, face and ask about the bend in the chair that is not even a person?
I'm attaching a photo, I'd like to be able to "blend" the black backdrop paper into the floor. I've seen that done before, just not sure how people do it. Anyone know? I know it needs cropping, this is a "raw" file, just concerned with blending the paper into the wood.
A college showed me a Wedding video (low Budget) he brought back from Istambul containing about 180 photos simular to the accompaning, which are seemingly cut out in some detail. As far as I know there are no magic solutions but if I was to use my normal PS pen-tool to cut images out it would take aniternity.
ie. photo take back ground? - tools ? - settings etc....