Photoshop :: Best Way To Eliminate Water Drop From Image
Jul 6, 2012
I took a picture when it was raining and I got a couple of drops in my lens. the corresponding images have a clear somewhat colored ovals from the drops and i was wondering which approach could be the best and fastest.
I took picture while it was raining and I've noticed water drop on my lense. I've tried to remove it in Photoshop using Burn tool, changing Curves and Levels, yet I didn't manage to fix it As you can see it covers area on left side and its pretty big.
i'm having issues finding the right tutorials to do what i'm trying to do.
Basically i want a water ripple like the one you see in the lake, but not from the top down, kinda like the front angle view. Then falling down would be a water drop with a globe in it.
If that's kind of hard to do, anythign with a water drop and ripples and a globe is fine,
Water drops on a white surface, that's all I want. Some of them give a great result when creating a water drop on a photo, but none give a realistic water drop when a white background is used.
I want to create an effect wherein I have a pic with a drop of water, and I want to create a effect where the sun is hitting the water and gives of a shine.
We work on landfills that need stormwater control terraces and letdowns. It occurred to me to ask if there is some way to modify the water drop trace function (which examines a surface and determines the 90 degree to contours path) so that you could specify an angle to the contours of your choice. This would basically automate finding the flow path of a diversion berm. Any method of laying out, for instance a 2% flowline along a 3to1 slope or tougher yet, a face with variable slopes.
Every time I go to use the water drop tool on a surface I have to change from the default layer 0 to my 'water drop' layer. I'm sure there must be a way to change it but I couldn't seem to find it in the surface styles...
A friend of mine show me how to draw a water drop, in three clic using illustrator's pen tool.
He do the folowing:
1)clic and drag:
2) clic and drag:
3) ALT + clic and drag:
and he get (when unselected):
It is possible to do the same using Xara designer pro 5 in three clics ?I think that Xara designer pro 5 is more powerfull than Illustrator, but I don't know how to do the same in three clic.
Surface does exist as we can see the triangles/contours or whatever we choose to display. When we run the Water drop command, we are getting a message saying that the point is outside of the surface. We have selected a valid surface by both picking it visually and selecting it from the dialogue. All layers are on and thawed and we are picking well inside of the surface.
Why it would be telling us that the point is outside the surface?
how I would make the background in my image completely disappear. I already have the background on my image transparent, but with a flashy orange background this so-called transparent background displays a grayish color. I want the background of my image to be completely eliminated and let the flashy orange flow thru it. I am missing a step here somewhere I know it. I am using Photoshop CS and when browsing online I saw mention of "alpha 1". Perhaps this will eliminate the background from my image completely, but I am unsure. The image is a GIF and PNG, so it is possible.
Within the last 18 months, I've run across an Adobe TV tutorial describing how to eliminate power lines in an image but I'm unable to find the show. method besides just using the cloning tool? Or, know of the tutorial?
eliminate the fragments from a grayscale image. I used a JPG. You never get just black and white because of the edge transition. So, the image was made bitmap transparent, and contone recolored light and dark to red. You don't get edge blending this way. Xara alphe channel traces to black, therefore the image needs to be something other than black. I made a bitmap copy/alpha for tracing. You need a copy othewise the trace image would be gray scale. Xara seeems to take what is in memory. I think you can see the alpha channel traces black. Xara appears to trace from the bottom up, and the bottom of the image will trace to the background object.
I have my current install set to save the dwg down to 2010. how come the preview images are blank? its only when i save down do the images become blank. if i save in the current version the preview image is there.
I think that is it name were you can put the image in to the text, bevel and embos so the text looks like a water mark made up from the image. can this be done in elements 11
I want to make a fountain that has water jets that cause ripples when they hit the water. I have tried the basic reactor water and Pflow setup, as well as super spray, but neither seem to work. Is there any way to accomplish this without "faking" it by doing something creative with the water's texture?
I have a rectangular screen grab (Windows application) that I would like to simply round the corners and add a border. The image is not a photograph, but since I have Paint Shop Pro X3 and like how it works, I thought I would try it . I have spent some time trying to do this with Paint Shop Pro X3 with no luck. None of the pre-defined frames seemed to do what I need. I would also like to create a drop-shadow behind the image. how to do this or a video that I can watch. A list of steps would also be OK.
I'm using Photoshop CS6 and when I drag and drop a color image from one screen to another, all the color disappears and the color image becomes B&W. Additionally, when I tried to use my brush tool to color the B&W image, the only color that works is gray - even though I used the color picker to select an exact match brush color.
I have this image, and would like to extract the drop shadow from it. I made the drop shadow using the blending options. I would like to just have the drop shadow so I can use it as a background image in a div.
I am doing a thermography project for a wedding in which the printer will only do two-color processing. the text will be black and a cherry blossom jpeg is illustrated in watercolor-y pinks. all will be raised printing. how do i transform the watercolor-y pinks to one pantone pink without losing the brush stroke quality of the image? do i select & replace color pixels varying the translucency of one pink pantone color? is there an easier way? i am using photoshop cs on a mac.
I use illustrator most of the time. I'm designing a brochure and I've always embedded images, but now I'm trying to it correctly by linking them instead. So I have an image in ps as a tiff. I created a drop shadow for the image in illustrator.
I want to copy and paste it behind the image into the same file so both are one file linked to the brochure. Also the drop shadow pastes as too small, then i also can't get it positioned right etc.
I tried to install the latest pacth but that doesn't fix my problem. (photoshop CS5 12.04 MAC) As i said in the title: when I'm under hand tool mode or when I hold the spacebar down to get the hand tool, the image mouves around and just continue to glide as if it wears ice skates!
Can someone please show me or point me to the right tutorial that will illustrate how to create a thin background image that has a drop shadow on both the left and right borders that run vertically down a centered web page?
The image has a white middle where content is placed and the left and right borders have a drop shadow. After the image is sliced to roughly 760 pixels wide by 1 pixel tall, it will repeat vertically down the page. It is typically placed in the container or wrapper div? It is similar to a faux column.
Do any of you have any tips or ticks for removing a drop shadow from a flattened image?
I have a jpg that I received from a client for a website I'm doing for him. He does not have the logo in any other format. The image is on a white background, which will not work with the design I'm making for him.
The image is fairly simple, it's just some text with triangles, but the text has some layer effects applied to it that I'm not sure where they came from or how to recreate them.
Any ideas on how to remove the drop shadow? I have attached part of the image. If any one has ideas on how to recreate the text effects (including the texture) I am willing to do that and recreate the logo instead of trying to edit out the drop shadow.