here are many people who feel that there are better formats available. One of the such format is the animated PNG (APNG). Despite its advantages over GIF, APNG has been rarely heard by content creators. One postulation is the lack of authoring tools and browser support, hence the lack of accessibility in creating such animations. I would like to ask if the future version of Photoshop will ever allow the creation of APNG files.
I built an animated sequence in Photoshop 5, but when I try to add a new frame to the end of it in PS6, that last frame appears in plastered over all the frames before it. Is there something that I have to click on or off to keep that image on the one frame, instead of propigating it ot every frame?
why the create animated sequence (Make Preview) will often times freeze and get stuck on one frame even though the time is progressing? Quite often when I create my previews, it will progress to a certain point and the frame won’t progress and it will continue to create the same frame over and over even though the time slider is progressing through the animation. I’m using Max 2011 and 2012 but this has happened in 2009 and 2010. To fix it I have to keep a close eye on the sequence images and stop the preview to restart it at the point it stopped.
3ds Max 2013/2014 Autodesk Inventor & AutoCAD HP xw8600 Workstation Windows 7 64Bit Dual Intel Xeon 2.83 E5440 GHz 8.00 GB of Ram
I set my viewport to render with a "graphite" style, and I click on the viewport's plus sign menu, and choose "create preview" > "create still image file", I get a fantastic anti-aliased, detailed export of the viewport. I'd like to make a movie version of that, but when I choose "create animated sequence file", I get a horrible chewy gross looking version of the still as a movie. Is there a way to improve the quality of the animation version so it looks as good as the stills version does? I've tried a bunch of settings in the animation dialog box, and nothing works.
3dsmax 2012 64-bit Windows 7 64-bit SP1 NVidia Quadro FX 580
why my video plays faster than the set animated sequence i have saved in the playback preferences. I have a camera on a motion path and have slow the playback speed to 3fps yet when i play the avi video in quicktime after it's rendered it plays much faster.
I really need to find a way to take a numbered image sequence and, through some File Browser magic, open them all into one PS document as Layers. Now, I noticed that the Photomerge option does just this, but then goes on to rearrange the layers into a panorama which I don't want.
 I'm trying to create a timelapse sequence using CS4 Extended. Im using an iMac with Snow Leopard... LR4, and CS4Extended.  I've got my sequence of shots, edited in LR - and exported to a new folder.  Using file Open, I select the folder with the images in, click on the first image only... but the Sequence box is greyed out, and I can't use it - or make the time lapse.
I'm using CS5 (Windows) and I'd like to export a video as an image sequence BUT I want to define the frame interval (e.g. export ONLY every 5th frame and ignore the rest). I guess it's possible to manually delete those frames that I don't need after exporting them; however, I have thousands of frames and it work if I could automate it. Â Is it possible to do this in Photoshop or should I look for another software?
A few months ago, I installed a trial for Photoshop 5 to create a few gifs. About a month after the trial ended, I acquired the full version of Photoshop 6 to make some more gifs. However, the option to load as an image sequence is not present as it was before:As I recall, the tick box to load as an image sequence should be at the bottom of the window.
I need to create a clip of a sketch being executed stroke by stroke - tool recording seems to give me this possibility, but how do I save the palyback as an image sequence?
When I try and open images using image sequence, it does not open all the consecutively numbered files. It only opens about half of them 471 or 873. Why is this? I have copied the files, batch renmaed a few times, and still it does not open all 873. I can tell this by the short length and when I go to export it only says "files up to 471" and it is not the entire folder.Â
After selecting 2 (or more) files and right clicking and choosing Multi camera sequence from source, I drag the newly created sequence on to the time line but all I get is the two files on the time line stacked over one another. the sequence never gets created.Â
what setting, the end mp4 video will always have black vertical margins. I never have this problem when generating videos with Quicktime using the same source.
The source dimension is 4256x2832, and specifying this as output size will also create the bars.
how to do it had taken an animated gif (butterfly) and placed it on her breast in a still photo of herself. I know that she used Image Ready and as I recall, she created the same number of frames of the still image as the animated butterfly and then she somehow merged the two together. Can someone help, is there a tutorial somewhere? I'm using 7.0.
i have an jpeg image, & also aminated gif image, how do i place the animated gif image over (in the center of the image) a jpeg image & save it as gif file ??
I have been using Photoshop on a Mac for several years to make animated gif files for our company website and for our customers as well and have never had a problem until recently. On some Windows computers, these files are now appearing with ghost images bleeding through from one frame to another.
I have made sure that all layers that are not needed in a particular frame are turned off and I have tried various ways of saving the gif out of Photoshop but have had no luck. I did discover if I turned the option for transparency off in the Save for Web and Devices box the image bleed issue would go away, but then white lines appeared in my gifs instead. After doing some research it appears the image bleed problem is happening in the Internet Explorer 9 browser, but does not happen in any other browser I have tested - Safari, Firefox on Mac and Firefox on Windows.
I'm trying to open an animated gif into Image Ready from PS but can't seem to get past square one.
I've done this before but quite awhile ago and my memory is not helping me. When I open the gif file in Image Ready it only shows one frame instead of a stack of frames.
I have PS 6.0 along with Image Ready 3.0. What I want to do is take an animated space background with stars in motion from left to right or visa versa and overlay a space craft photo onto it?
a client (web design / dev) is adamant that i use a particular "logo" for her organization's web site. the logo, as it turns out, is an animated gif. i've been granted license to modify the logo as needed in order to get it to look better on the web site, so i want to trim away some fat.
i wish to avoid trimming the same piece from every frame. i'd like one modification to propagate across all of the frames (as there is no motion there). my approach so far has been these unsuccessful steps:open the original gif from animation window's from layer's window, ensure that "propagate frame 1 changes" is checked choose select all from menu in main canvas areac] finally, use the eraser tool to eliminate some extra bits of speckle which detract from my ability to cast a nice drop-shadow it's at this point that i realize that only that frame which was originally selected has been modified
I am thinking of purchasing VideoStudio pro X3, but I can't seem to find out from the website if it will do exactly what I need.
I want to use an image sequence of an animation created in Lightwave 3D, bring it into VideoStudio and then create a BluRay disc with it on. I am hoping to do this in one go rather than convert it to a movie file first.
I could design and build this project in my sleep in Fireworks. I use Photoshop for retouching, not design. Â Anyway, my client wants the files delivered in Photoshop, so I am working in PS CC. Â I have sliced my image up and one part is an animated GIF and the rest should be static GIFs. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to assign animation vs static for slices. Everything is animated. How do I assign a slice to be static. In Fireworks you can choose GIF or Animated GIF. Simple.
I want to make an animated GIF in Adobe ImageReady and save it out as a .gif file. I've made the animation Ok, but when i go to 'saved optimized as' and select 'HTML and IMAGES', the HTML file works fine, but the .gif file will not open. I get an error message that reads: 'could not complete this operation because the file was not found.
I allways want to animate some text on my sigs...animate then as in it looks like your watch the text being type right in front of for instance what you see on ur screen when u type...I haven't found any good tutorials for it in image ready, well I really haven't found ne tutorials...if ne1 wants to nudge me in the right direction it would be apreciated...maybe a lil hint on how toget moving with it....I am not good in image ready
I tried working on PNG image sequences instead of video footages.the problem is Smoke recognizes the fps as 59.94, and i want to make it down to 25fps.i tried using PAL.cfg, the frame rate did change to 25fps but when the sequences are imported in the timeline, its still 59.94fps.
I am using After effects cs6 and when i try to choose a format there is no option to save as an image sequence. This goes for any clip I try to render. The picture below is where I am having the problem, under the format tab. There are only about 10 options under the tab and image sequence is not one of them.
I've got an image sequence that uses white on pngs, once they've been made into animated gif the white turns less white and slightly grey, how do i remedy it?