I am working on a photo of a city skyline that I took. I am looking to superimpose blue sky and clouds which normally isn't a problem if there were only buildings. The white spaces in between tree leaves such as palm trees are especially challenging to fill. They can be hundreds of distracting white spots in the scene to fill .
I am running Windows7 64 bit and although I am fairly OK with most things in X3, there is one very simple thing that is baffling me! How do I edit existing text?
For example:
I create a plain white background. Click on the "Text" button and add some text. Click the green "Apply changes" and then do something else e.g add some graphics etc.
How can I then edit the text that was created (Correct a spelling mistake, change font size colour etc).
Sometimes after editing jpeg files in PaintShop Pro X5, attempting to save them raises an error and they can only be saved to a different file name. After closing out of PSP, the original file cannot be deleted in Windows Explorer. Shift-Delete removes the file from the list momentarily, but a refresh brings it back. Normal delete (to Recycle Bin) raises an error that admin authority is required, but clicking to proceed fails. Starting Windows Explorer as administrator does not resolve the problem. Process Explorer doesn't show PSP or any component of it that I recognize still running (and perhaps having exclusive control of the file). After a reboot, the file can be deleted. I have observed this problem on both machines where the software is loaded and registered. Both machines are malware-free. Both are running Windows 7 x64 Home Premium. Could very well be a Windows problem, but I don't have a similar problem with files that are created or modified with any other application.
I have several thousand photos and I need to edit the names with some system that uses my time efficiently. In the past I used windows explorer, which allowed me to modify groups of titles but now I just updated to windows 7 and it does not seem to allow that. Is there some way with Paint Shop Pro to modify the names of groups of photos - extract certain characters or words, add other characters or words, etc?
Or perhaps there is a photo organizing program that provides that kind of tool?
I'm a longtime user of PSP 8 and just downloaded the trial version of PSP X5, thinking to buy it. With PSP 8, if I wanted to edit two images on the screen at the same time, I loaded them both into the program and then used the minimize button at the upper right hand of each image to switch them out of full-screen mode and put them next to each other. PSP X5 no longer has the minimize buttons attached to the images. I can tab back and forth from one image to the other, but I can't figure out how to put them both on the screen simultaneously. Is this feature still present somewhere in PSP X5? How do I access it?
I'm still using PSP X3. What format more knowledgeable people for me use for editing images.
In the past, I'd take the jpeg produced by my camera, convert it to PSP format, and then when finally finished, save it as jpeg again.
I understand that the PSP format is no longer used, so should I just work in jpeg format? My understanding is that any intermediate saving would compromise image quality; if not jpeg, then what?
I scanned some old pictures at 600 dpi. Using a Canon CanoScan LiDE 700F and PSPPX3 Ultimate.
I had to take the bmp images out of the temp folder last night since I need to shut my computer down. The bmp files were the scans, but not exported yet. They open in image viewing programs, but they are not cropped or anything.
I wanted to export them as tif and jpeg files. Then I'd edit some. I was wondering if this weird dpi number they now have at 599 instead of 600 will be a problem. Could an image viewer, editor or editing, etc maybe have issues? Or dpi being moved, rotated, effects applied, etc would be a problem? What about using it in a program like CorelDraw, would that have issues?
Since installing X3 I edit an image ... save and then try to open another image and the program freezes ... everytime. I have to end the process and restart the application. Never had this problem with Paint Shop Pro previous versions. I'm very close to uninstalling and asking for a refund. The install and patches ran fine. Running on XP SP3 ... 3+GHz machine with 4 MB RAM ... Dual Core.
There is no error message. I can see the progam in task manager using 25% CPU with memory usage climbing. I've waiting several minutes and the program does not return.
Another question as I consider upgrading from Jasc PSP 8 to Corel PSP X5. PSP 8 includes a feature, Animation Shop, which is real useful for editing animated GIF files. Does PSP X5 have this capability?
I had a ipart that i already published into the content center library, how do i go back and edit the model? not all the published data but the ipart model its self
I'm working with PSP XI version on Windows XP machine.
I have been successfully editing many jpegs without issue, reviewing in slide show "Quick review" and doing one step correction "Quick Fix" in some cases. But now in one batch of photos whilst editing one picture an error message occurred (did not note it down) once during slide show preview; application locked; and having restarted PC / application this one file cannot be edited. Error message does not recur, Organiser tray simply shows grey box for this file.
When selecting this image in Organiser tray whole application still locks. Working with other images is fine.
Windows Explorer says that this one jpeg file is corrupt and copying and renaming does not fix.
Other preview software cannot recognise the jpeg either.
Just lost an important photo.When I open X5, I select a photo. I click on one of the "Instant effects" The photo changes to whatever I selected. The problem. if I don't like it, that's tuf as the go back button does nothing 9 times out of 10 ("revert current editing") so, to get the original back I close X5 expecting to get the message "Save changes to xxxxx. No it seems it has saved it to whatever effect I chose.... no turning back it seems.
I can't find any preferences for changing the photo editing area background colour. I am not sure what it is called but what I am talking about is the space in the middle of the program where photos open up into (not the workspace option which changes the menu bar colours of which I am using the blue option.) At the moment the centre area is a charcoal colour. When I am editing a photo which is smaller than this space it is surrounded by this colour and it makes it hard for me to see the thin black border which I place around some photos. Can I change the colour of the editing area to white?
I have been doing some very simple editing of photo's taking a copy from part of one and pasting it as a new layer on another photo. I can then manipulate the size, placement and orientation easily with my X4 version of PSP.
I just purchased the new x6 and am ASTONISHED that this simple exercise doesn't work at all in the 64 bit version and only partially in the 32bit version of x6. What happens is that the screen isn't redrawing the changes as you move the pasted part around. It can be refreshed manually but gets into such a mess when you are trying to place the image that it's unusable. I go back to X4 and using exact same photo's I can work without any problem.
I'm on win7 ultimate all upto date and an 8800 GTS graphics card with latest drivers. There should be no reason x4 works and x6 does not.
I am sure that you must be able to do it...surely..but how can you see images side by side, so that the original is on the left and the edited on the right?
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?
I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.
Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?
I want to publish foto's to my iPad. In Lightroom 3, there is no problem. In Lightroom 4 I only have the choice between "Create published Smart Folder" or "Create a set of folders". The possibility "Create Published folder" is not available. I work on a Mac.
I recently upgraded from LR4 to 5. When I opened LR5 it asked to convert my LR4 catalog. That all went well, I thought. Once completed, I created my Flickr published services connector. How do I now tell LR5 that I have previously published photos to Flickr in LR4 so that I do not have to republish those 1000+ photos? If I were to do that, then I'm afraid all comments will be lost, etc.
I alreayd published to HDD a series of five images. I then rename the images, and mark the images to republish. But when they're published again, the old names are there. So, I change the publishing service to a custom name, mark the images to republish again, and try once more. Still, the old names are there.
Recently upgraded to Lightroom 5. Now when I publish photos, those photos are the originals, without any of the edits that were made in Develop (such as crop, color, etc.). The tags are being published and updated, but that's all. This is happening for both publish to hard drive as well as online services.
If I right-click on a published collection there is a command "Edit Published Collection". In the dialog box that comes up it seems the only thing I can do is rename but there is already a rename in the right-click menu. Hitting EDIT in the dialog seems to do NOTHING. What am I missing on the use of this command. There doesn't seem to be any info on this in a Google search.