A question for the PSPx5 experts. Under Adjust/Digital Noise Removal there is a check box for 'Camera Preset'. I like to use this and have set up a preset for my Nikon D7000. The problem is that if I'm not quick to click the check box, PSPx5 starts to run the noise removal. (It seems as though once started there is no going back. If I start again I get an 'over processed' image). Is there a way of opening Digital Noise Removal with the 'Camera Preset' as the default? Or is the 'Last Used' option using the 'Camera Preset' that I last used? Ideally I would like the 'Camera Preset' box checked all the time.
I actually do like using the software and I do like the updates and where it is heading.
I ran into a small problem last night when using the Digital Noise Removal plugin. I was playing with settings and unlinked the Noise Correction sliders and moved them about. Then I tried linking them back and clicked on the Large slider to make further adjustments when a blank alert dialog popped up. I can click the blank button and it disappears and seems to continue work, although the settings barely move. Each time I adjust the Large slider after this I get the same dialog.
I have been experimenting with removing backgrounds. I can see it is easy to work with solid block objects like buildings and vehicles and stuff like that.
I want to use it with people when their hair is wind swept. So far it isn't working within the flying hair very well and if there is a small spot that needs the background to come through it doesn't work well and also takes out the main foreground as well.
What is a VERY good noise filter plugin for X4 or X5? In the past few months I demo's Adobe's Lightroom which had an excellent noise removal capability.. AMAZING really. The problem with Lightroom was NO support for PNG files.. and I have 10's of thousands of them. Many of my images need such a noise filter, and the stock one isn't so hot.
I just spent 30 minutes describing in detail a problem I am having with PaintShop X5, and the connection timed out and I lost everything.
Since Corel stated pushing some upgrade notices to my PC about X6 I have been getting weird vertical noise bands on my images that had previously been fine.
This appears on RAW, and TIFF in the manage window and the edit window. JPEG images appear to be fine.
I have uploaded a file attachment after much bruh hah hah about image size in dimensions and number of bytes thta shows the problem.
I'm currently going through a batch of digital photos I took of my nephew, some of which have serious red eye issues.
using the inbuilt red eye removal tool under the adjust drop down has proven quite useful, but I am limited in terms of iris colors. none of the default colors seem to be a good match for his own eye color and they are noticeably inaccurate in the final result. is there any way to either mix the default iris colors then save the new color, or add extra colors any other way?
Using PaintShop Pro on Windows 7: I am trying to restore an old photo that I scanned as a TIF. When I open the file, I can use the Scratch Remover tool without any difficulty. Once I switch to Object Remover though, I cannot go back to the Scratch Remover -- the Object selection stays active and even though I can drag the scratch tool, it won't do anything. How can I kill the Object Remover?
I have used PSP since version 7 but mostly for graphics. I have recently purchased a dslr camera and upgraded to PSP X4. I am slowly learning some of the photo editing features but would like imput on the best workflow for "fixing" digital photos. I am aware that all digital photos need some sharpening and some noise removal. My question is this -- should the sharpening and noise removal be after other adjustments (brightness, clarify etc.) or should those come first? I should mention that I have been shooting all pictures in RAW.
I just bought a new laptop with Windows 7 Professional and tried to move my Corel Photo Album 6. Windows 7 says I need a digital signature...what do I do with this?
I need to generate some decent grain/noise bakground for web page of size 128x128 or similar size.
I found - Grain Generator at [URL] ...... but it does not allow setup a spicle/grain size only 1pixel. I want dirrerent and random sizes from 1x1px up to 4x4px size.
Can it be simply generated in PSP X2/X4 or some good even online generator?
when I lighten up a photo certain dark areas (not all and not all the time) get very grainy / noisy looking. Is there anyway to remove or compensate for that? Unfortunately, I was shooting in very low-light level conditions and I could not use a flash (shots of horses). I would like to be able to get clean 8x10 prints out of these, but the grain is so bad.
I want to use the "Add Noise" effect but have it apply to a transparent layer. In other paint programs, this would just add generated noise pixels to the currently selected layer, but in Paint.NET it appears like it's using the source pixels as input for the noise effect. While visually this effect is pretty on existing image, it doesn't work on transparent layers. Is there a way to just add regular noise to my transparent layer? What I'm just trying to achieve is generate a television static effect, but have those pixels that were left untouched by the noise effect remain transparent. I need the transparency for use outside of Paint.NET. Is there a way to do this?
just downloading Paint.NET v3.5.9(Beta Release build 3.59.4278.36311).
I have a PNG file for which I would like to remove the whitebackground howto do it in this latest version. I found an answer for this issue in the webhowever I cannot find the "Alpha Mask" under "effects" instep #2.
bestand easiest steps to complete this task in v3.5.9.
i've been digging around trying to find a plugin for 'spot removal', but haven't had any luck. am i missing it? i've found only one post in a all the forums that even mentions the word "spot".
I use paint.net all day long in my career - I have the task of editing age old technical drawings that have been scanned. Some go back 50+ years.
I'm looking for a plug-in on steroids similar to the "Reduce Noise" that is already contained within Paint.net. Some of our drawings are QUITE speckled and the existing command doesn't "despeckle" enough.
I've looked on the forum and came across "GREYCstoration Wrapper" , which was supposed to have been replaced by the "Reduce Noise" plug-in. Both of those return an error page when I try to view the post.
I have an awesome photo .......except that there was a spotlight pointing in my direction as I took it. The result is a glare. Otherwise the pic is a classic chiaroscuro cityscape.
I know it cannot be totally removed, but is there a way its effect can be reduced almost unnoticeably. I tried -Adjustments: brightness/contrast- but reducing either just created a grey blot with a distinct "border".
Is there another PAINT.NET trick of the trade similar to "redeye removal" that can disguise these glares please, because I am sure this comes up quite often?
I have rather large blueprint that is black and white. Their is some noise around some of the black lines / text / etc on the drawing that I want to get rid of as well as get rid of the white back round all together (which I am hoping will reduce the file size a bit).
How to best remove the white backround / remove the noise from this large drawing?
I have pictures that have different objects over a canvas like/un uniform back ground.
I need to remove that background without any part of the objects them self.
I mange to get most of the background out using the magic wand , but i'm left with many random single/groups of noise pixels left in the picture since they were not captured with the magic wand.
most of the time i can remove those using the eraser or use the selection tools with different shapes around the pixels and press delete.
but those methods take lots of time, specially around a complex objects and as i'm getting near to them, i need to make my selections/eraser radius smaller and smaller.
I have tried to use a plugin called "Reduce Noise" that i found , but it does not work.
faster way how to remove this noise pixels without any part of the objects?
a plugin that "scans" the image/selected area and remove all pixels that are surrounded by transparency in it?
p.s I can't always select only the object/s itself/them self and just move it/them to a new picture.
p.s.2 maybe a plugin that the user can choose up to what size, a group of pixels, should be removed ?
I looked at most of the editing software out there and they all seem to have the same type of format. The only thing I see different is more bells and whistles such as tools (that you probably will never use) and more plugins and the cost.
I have several discs/flash drives with digital pictures frames that I would like to insert pictures into some of them, but everytime I do as the instructions tell me, by first clickling new, inserting the frame, then I go to start and drag the photo over and invariably, the photo turns into a background, not a layer that will easily insert into the frame, a lot of the frames are png, do I need to change their format or what. It looked so simple on the U tube video I watched and it sure isn't that way when I try it. I bought a lot of these photo frame discs on ebay a while back and at that time they gave me a simple program to use to insert photos into these frames, but since then I've change computers a few times and lost the program, will do the insertion of photos into these frames.
I'm a Model Railroader, as the screen name implies. "RRArtist" RailRoad Artist. Anyway, I have a MoPar garage, planned, I have this 3D model, built, I'm merely working on a sign, that is based off I think the 1950's.....This sign, will depict my interests in MoPar, a "Hemi", and the classy girls used back in the day, as part of the sign, AND will be lighted......SO, in 1/87th to the foot scale (Pretty small) its nearly impossible to get a "Hemi" motor, and be able to see that it is a Hemi! SO, my plan, is to take a 1:25th scale Hemi motor, and mount it to a sign pole, that's a pipe, to carry wires for lighting. Then UNDER this sign, will be a girl, that looks as tho, she is holding up a sign that says "Hemi" in the old "MoPar" signage.....UNDER her will be this Hemi Motor.....BUT the lighting is the fun part as the "lamp shades. will be CHROMED Hemi Valve Covers.....With the motor itself, painted orange, with black valve covers.....
Now this girl on the sign, is the issue.............. The girl is actually a blonde.....(don't ask LOL) I need to change her hair color... to red! Problem is? The clothing shes wearing, a short skirt, or short shorts, that are also...........RED.... so, it leaves way to much "red" for the sign......Looks good as is, don't get me wrong, BUT, if I can replace her blonde hair with red hair, to match the "looks" of the image, to be "believable" is GREAT, BUT I want to remove the red from her clothing, and make it Hemi Orange.......... trimmed in black with the silverish looks it already has, blended into the red as you will see...
This whole project is going on a display I'm adding to my layout for looks for when I run trains and to show my other interest.......... old MoPar muscle cars that were Hemi with a garage to repair them, from back in the day......Trying to make all the colors fall into place is my issue!
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?