So, i would like to become a Graphic Designing or atleast keep it as a hobby. More likely, i would like to design characters for games, in the beginning 2d sketches and why not 3d models. So, my first question is, what do I have to learn first to become a decent graphic designer, how to start, and what should i focus on?
My second question relates to Paint.NET. So, i've been experimenting with making sprites of images that already exist, by taking parts of them and putting them together, and changing colours and stuff. But now that i've tried making sprites of my own, i've got some problems of making a starting black and white sketch. I've been using the lines and curves tool but the curves are hard IMO to use. I would wanna know if i could copy somehow curves and reverse them, ill give you an example of why I want to do it.The head of the sprite would be cooler, if both right and left side would be symmetric.
There is a plugin that can solve the edge problem when using the tool redraw characters?Sure I can write each character in its own layer with its own color but maybe there is a simpler solution.
I am trying to fix the above picture to the canvas .I have a background picture downloaded from the net, the picture fills the default size of the canvasand is 110 Kbyte, the two pictures I want to insert on the picture are 121 Kbyte and 1.4 Mbts.As soon as I insert the 1.4Mb picture on to the background picture this resizes it's self and shoot up to the left hand top corner of the canvas, how can I fix it so that it remains it's original position.
I have a number of issues with PSP X4. When I try to set text I get outlined characters, and I can't figure out how to get the outlines filled with color. I am selecting solid fonts. I'd like to use the figure in making my own tubes as well as signing my photos.
if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?
I love doing web devlopment/design, so I'll continue on that, but I also want to get into texture art for video games.
I did a general search in Amazon, and found a good deal of books - but many are using Photoshop 7 and I get the feeling that the techniques in said book are just as old.
What I wouldn't give to have the time to properly pursue a BA in Graphic Art.... My dream job would be a web developer/graphic artist for a major label game developer.
I'm trying to alter a games texture images. The images are in PNG format with transparent backgrounds with a size of 128 x 128. I would like to increase this to 256 x 256.
Now, I know that enlarging an image like that is frowned upon because of the lose in quality considering PS has to pretty much guess at the color and placement of those pixels.
I realize that I wont be able to simply press a buttons a BAM I have a game with twice the graphics. I know I'll have to do some altering and touch up but I'm hoping for some input on how to do this. Here, I'll upload an example.
Maybe I am just missing something but I am only able to record when I play any game when it is in a windowed mode, no matter the size, but does not record any game that is in a full screen mode. No matter if I select a specific part of the screen it or default full screen to record it will just record the background not the game. Also if I try to force the screen capture to the game specific it will try to switch to it then back to the screen capture menu with nothing recorded or changed.
I am using VideoStudio x5 pro version
Win8 64-bit i7-3770k @3.5 ASUS sabertooth z77 mobo 8GB DDR3 Radeon HD 6970
I've been working on a new website and came up with something pretty clean/simple which I really like (so far anyways). I was just getting it ready to show to the client, and I ran into some trouble. Every time I go to export it (I've tried restarting it a few times to see if it helped, didn't...this is save for web btw) I get these waves of color where there shouldn't be any. Check out this link to see what i mean. I'm curious if anybody knows why this is happening, because I've tried playing with all my export settings and I haven't gotten very far. I've tried flattening all my background layers which are involved with the color, still nothing.
If it would be possible to make a working scoreboard with PS and if not what process or program do they usually make those in?
My son is thinking of doing live webcast of games and would like to get a scoreboard that is onscreen and can be updated to tell score, inning, teams outs etc.
I just downloaded after about 6 hours of trying to accomplish my goals with MS Paint - this is a LIFESAVER...I can't believe I didn't hear about it earlier. It's allowed me clean up a scan of a plat map 99%. The only problem that I have now is somehow the black lines got changed to black and shades of gray and I'd just like to clean it up some so that it doesn't look so....jagged.Is there a way to reduce the color pallette to about 6 colors? Or is there a better way?
How to design an avatar picture? I play a game, and they are going to have an avatar dress up contest soon...I'm trying to make it a Saint Patty's Day theme....
The 'saying' I am trying to create in a spiral format is 165 characters and spaces. I have pasted it into the spiral effects text box. It will only accept 65 characters in the text box.
If I use the circle effect, I can paste all 165 characters and spaces and the circle adjusts to the size where the entire saying fits into one circle.
How do I expand the amount of characters and spaces the spiral text box will accept and use to create the text image I want?
I want to design a square icon with round corners. How do I get rid of the little white triangles in the four corners? I tried to design my icon on a transparent square canvas but I still get the little white triangles in the corners!!! And it does not seem possible to resize canvas to "fit" image size...
I wanted to use the program to design a robot for our school vex competition. Vex has provided cad files for all the parts. So, how i can import the seperate parts into one design. I can only open each part individually but cant find a way to combine them so can assemble the robot in one design.
I just made a copy of assembly in Design Assistant.I opened the copied assembly in Design Assistant to make some changes.Parts are accessible but I have only "Clear" option possible. URL....
I bought Design & Web premium (NL), and I have a question about the spacing between characters in Photoshop. To show it's not a font-problem i used Verdana, Arial and now Tahoma, all with the same problems........I checked, all the text spacing is 0.
I am currently working on somthing that will require me to make cartoon characters and color them. So far ive drawn them on paper and put them on my computer. My plan was to scan the image to my computer and use it as a template to place vectors over and reshape them.
Any good way to make cartoon characters using photoshop.
I have Photoshop CS and when I try to use the text tool, it does not print out characters but straight lines. So if I type A it is reproduced on the screen as ---- and if I type B it is reproduced as --- and so on.
I am trying to use the "TM" trademark symbol from a font SYMBOL. I do not how to get to the character map in Photoshop like you do in MS word. Is there a way to do that in Photoshop CS2?
how to add color to my drawings with photoshop. iv seen a few tutorials from different websites but they all seem a bit to complicated. they also look real pixelated and tacky when i try to do them.
Using one of my fonts I created lettering that has the middle of each character knocked out so that only the outline shows. The trouble is when I create the jpg for the web the color seems to become runny so it looks like its slightly smudged.
When I create a URL link in a CS6 InDesign document, InDesign is immediately discarding the "?," "=," and " &"characters and rereformatting them incorrectly, breaking the link.For the record, it's turning the:
? into %3F = into %3D & into %26
Upon further research, I see that InDesign is encoding these characters unneccessarily, since they only need to be encoded when they're not being used in URL syntax, which they are here.
I am trying to superimpose 2 people together from two separate photos. I have limited knowledge of Photoshop. Would the below steps be the easiest & most effective way of doing this?
-Import both photos as 2 separate layers -Use magic wand tool to split characters up / delete backgrounds -Place characters on a new background layer -Edit the light of the characters & background to match each other -Degrade/enhance all 3 images to match each other -Touch up edges of characters until blended into background.
I am supposed to be translating a website from english to japanese; having received an Excel document with all of the translated copy, Photoshop refuses to utilise any fonts other than something called 'ms mincho' or 'ms meiyro' (sic).
I want to employ any of the fonts designed for the japanese alphabet which i have researched and purchased online. Photoshop refuses to display these. I have also activated the 'asian fonts' under 'preferences'.
Any decent fonts which will display the japanese alphabet on copy/paste of characters from another application, or is this an adobe photoshop failing.