Paint Shop Pro :: Text Not Filled In X4 - Getting Outlined Characters?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a number of issues with PSP X4. When I try to set text I get outlined characters, and I can't figure out how to get the outlines filled with color. I am selecting solid fonts. I'd like to use the figure in making my own tubes as well as signing my photos.

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AutoCad :: Dimension Text Filled White And Outlined With Selected Color

Sep 13, 2012

The thing is that my dimension text is colored white and outlined with the cyan( the color I want to use it for).

I have attached an image so that you can see. How to remove this white and have some other color instead of that.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Text Turned And Filled Leaves White Spots

Apr 8, 2013

I am creating an image, mostly text and color. I want to create words with letters that have been turned cw and ccw, alternating. After that, I plan to flood fill the words. Unfortunately, I get some white inside where I flood filled.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Draw Non Filled Box

Dec 21, 2012

While I have been using PSP for many years (but currently using version 9), I don't get into major editing of shapes and text effects. So, not having a graphic design education, I get very annoyed when I can't figure out how to do certain very simple things.

Right now, all I want to do is draw a beige box on a green background. But I don't want a filled in box, I want an outlined box. Beige lines, if you will. Not sure how to describe it other than it should be a box drawn in beige. But all I am getting is a solid filled beige box, not a nice "outlined" box. I'm looking at the book that came with the software, and still can't figure it out. It should be a very simple thing to do.

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Illustrator :: Opening PDF - Some Font Characters Outlined And Some Not

Dec 21, 2013

Let's say I create a poster with a couple of blocks of text in Illustrator, using a single font. Then, I generate a PDF of the poster.

Now, on the same computer, I open the PDF in Illustrator, and Illustrator pops-up an alert saying some text has been outlined to preserve appearance. And, indeed, here and there throughout the text, some words, combination of words, or whole lines of text have been outlined, but most of the text is still live.
Why does this happen? There's no difference, font-wise, between the text that is untouched, and the text that got outlined. Same face, same weight. In fact, the same word, set the same way, will be untouched in one line, and be outlined elsewhere in the text. It's really baffling.

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Paint.NET :: Spiral Text Limitations - Only Accept 65 Characters In Text Box

May 12, 2011

The 'saying' I am trying to create in a spiral format is 165 characters and spaces. I have pasted it into the spiral effects text box. It will only accept 65 characters in the text box.

If I use the circle effect, I can paste all 165 characters and spaces and the circle adjusts to the size where the entire saying fits into one circle.

How do I expand the amount of characters and spaces the spiral text box will accept and use to create the text image I want?

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Paint.NET :: How To Change Color Of Different Characters In Text Logo

Dec 5, 2012

I simply want to type the name of the website and change the first 2 letters to another color without having to do it in 2 separate words .

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Paint Shop Pro :: Space Added To End Of Text / Text Off-center?

May 8, 2011

I do a lot of CD designs, and often I have my text centered on the front covers. When I put the text centered, however, PSP is added an extra space to the end of text, so when I center it on the canvas the text is actually off-center to the left. When I go into edit the text, there is no space on the right of the words to delete.

With the text selected this is how it looks: The right edge of the frame should be flush with the right edge of the last 'T'.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Make X3 Text Tool Remember Text?

Mar 22, 2012

Way back when I originally bought PSP X3, I used it for a short while then went back to X2. Mostly because the X3 text tool would not remember text I had used. Now I've recovered from a hard-drive death and want to move forward and use my X3.

How can I make the X3 text tool remember text?

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Photoshop :: How To Text Get Outlined

Jan 6, 2013

- when I use swatches to give it a color I happens from time to time, I am tired of this

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Paint Shop Pro :: When Use Text Tool / Text Cannot Be Moved

Sep 9, 2011

I have a .jpg file with an image, which I copied from the Clipboard. I now want to add text NEXT to the image. That is I now want to type text and position the text after is typed.

When I use the Text Tool, the text cannot be moved.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Text To Curves Rotating Text

Nov 15, 2013

I would like to create a number wheel with the numbers at 90deg to the circle but I cannot find any way to achieve this and it seems like something that should be doable within the text to curves feature.

Here is an example of what i would like to achieve.

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Photoshop :: Creating Outlined Text Using Filters

May 5, 2013

I was experimenting with applying filters to text. I managed to make the background black and the text converted to a white outline. I believe I did it using artistic/watercolor. I made a series of five images using this process and now I can't recreate the effect. I definitely did not use strokes or any of the other common ways of creating outline text: It was really quite accidental and done entirely with filters.

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Illustrator :: Outlined Text Distorts Upon Export To EMF?

Mar 22, 2013

I'm working on headers and footers for a client to use in MS Word. The headers and footers are mostly text-based, and look bad in any rasterized image format, so I think the best option is to export to EMF.
Even though I have all of the fonts I'm using installed on Word, it's still treating some of them strangely. So I'm trying to convert the text to vector images with the Create Outlines command. But when I export the image to EMF, I end up with distorted text. It distorts the logo image portion too, but it's less noticeable than the text.
I'm using CS5 on an iMac running OS 10.6.8.

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Illustrator :: Preserve Appearance Some Text Has Been Outlined?

Oct 22, 2013

When i open a PDF in acrobat X Pro, edit object, it open in Illustrator, its coming normal with all editable text, after making the changes saved the file. Again if I open same pdf in Illustrator (from as edit object in Acrobat X Pro) some text fields are becoming outline (The document contains PDF objects that have been reinterpreted: To preserve appearance, some text has been outlined.

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Photoshop Elements :: Inserting Text That Is Outlined?

Nov 18, 2013

How does one insert text that is outlined to make it stand out from image.

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Illustrator :: Subtract Some Outlined Text From Larger Shape

Aug 30, 2013

Sometimes I have to subtract some outlined text from a larger shape. Usually I just select the shape, and the text group, and execute a compound path. Works fine.
Occasionally, this method is not so convenient If I need to knock out additional outlined text into an object that has already been compounded with some other elements. For this, I use the Shape Tool, minus-ing out the additional text,
What I've noticed is that as I do this, the process gets slower and slower as each path is minus'd out with the Shape Tool. Eventually it can take as long a minute or more to remove more areas. Then I discovered something. I uncompounded the final result to discover that the Shape Tool creates hundreds and hundreds of duplicate paths. And very specific duplicates at that. Here is what I discovered:

I can only draw the conclusion that there is something seriously wrong with this tool. Surely all those extra path copies hidden within the resulting compound path can't be right.

If you'd like to download the AI6 version go here: [URL]...

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Illustrator :: Outlined Text Is Changing When Using Pathfinder Or Resizing

Sep 30, 2013

So occasionally, when working on customers files, outlined text becomes warped when resizing or using Pathfinder. For instance, I have "III" written and outlined, but for some reason if I resize this, the middle line become thicker than the other lines. Other text changes as well making it very hard to make the necessary changes to my artwork without ruining the text.

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Illustrator :: How To Cut First Stroke From Double Outlined Text Element

Mar 22, 2013

I have text with two strokes apllied to it. I want to cut/delete the first stroke to have the apperance of a stroke that has a gap between the text fill and the stroke. Or if there is an easier way to have the outline apllied, expanded (for lack of a better term) off of the fill?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Watermark In Text

May 7, 2013

I am trying to find a way to watermark my photos using text for uploading to the net to try and prevent image theft. Canon Zoom Browser adds text but only 1 pic at a time.

I have searched this forum without success and searched the internet without success except for Alamoon which does one pic at a time ok but to do in batches requires you upgrade at a cost of about half the price of upgrading to PSP x5.

I read a comment by a subscriber here dated 2010 referring to PSP x3 but it said that after going to Image->Watermarking->Visible Watermark, you have to load a "pre-made image ..." Where do you get this pre-made image from ? Remember, I only want to add a couple of words of text. Surely this is not beyond the capabilities of Corel? Alamoon does it very easily. It doesn't take numerous windows and dozens of clicks with multiple layers to negotiate etc.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Creating Text On X5?

Mar 22, 2013

Trying to follow tutorials to create text. They all say to choose type (vector, floating, or selection) from the box on the text toolbar. I have been over it with a microscope and can't find it. I have expanded all arrow flyouts - nothing.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Can't Get Text To Work

Jun 3, 2011

I just got psp x3 and i can't get my text to work all it dose is put the 1st letter in and the rest is blank or it put the 1st letter and the 2nd is blank then the 3rd one come up and the 1st letter is gone. I up new up dates in and it doing the same thing

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 And X4 Cannot Use ANY Text Other Than Vector?

Dec 11, 2011

have used Paint Shop Pro X3 for as long as it has been around and could always change text(select the text tool)from Vector to floating before actually typing the text. Now after not making any changes to psp pro x3 I it sticks on vector all the time. PSP PRO X4 Does the exact same as well. It defaults to vector and will not let me change to floating.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Adding Text In X3

Jul 13, 2011

When I was using PSP X I was able to add text to a template document simply by pressing the 'A' text tool, positioning the cursor, left clicking to open the text entry box and then typing (usually just the date), this I can't do in PSP X3 as the ' highlighted input box' hovers over a saved documents' previous input - (usually a month) and won't open or move without dragging the month with it. The cursor offers spurious flashes before leaving me with a flashing horizontal bar unable to proceed. The problem still occurs regardless of which previously saved and archived document I try to make adjustments to.

I had this problem too 12 months ago with a trial version which I had expected was a download fault but I think not. The routine still works fine on PSP X

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Paint Shop Pro :: Text Upside Down X4?

May 10, 2012

I'm having a problem in one project. When I enter the text mode there is a cross-hair with a t on an arc. When I type text it's upside down. I've tried adjusting the direction, changing fonts still doesn't work. It doesn't happen on any other projects.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Editing Text In Pro X3

Mar 11, 2012

I am running Windows7 64 bit and although I am fairly OK with most things in X3, there is one very simple thing that is baffling me! How do I edit existing text?

For example:

I create a plain white background.
Click on the "Text" button and add some text.
Click the green "Apply changes" and then do something else e.g add some graphics etc.

How can I then edit the text that was created (Correct a spelling mistake, change font size colour etc).

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AutoCad 3D :: Make Outlined Text From Illustrator Extrude Properly

Jul 16, 2012

I am currently trying to make a bracelet with text engraved in the outside of it with autocad, and my current problem is that I have to make the text 3D before I can subtract it from the bracelet. I am using autocad for mac, which means I dont have the express tools, most notably textexp. I am fairly sure that, without other programs, making 3d text with autocad for mac is impossible. I have tried making text in adobe illustrator, outlining it, and exporting it to autocad, but when I explode it (with the default explode command) and extrude the text, it looks like this:

As you can see, very few of the letters get properly extruded, and some arent even effected at all. I've tested other fonts, and they all have the same problem, albeit with some differences in exactly which letters are changed. Except papyrus, in which none of the text gets extrudedhow to make outlined text from illustrator extrude properly, be my guest! The same goes if you have a different way to make 3D text.

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AutoCad :: Arrow Head Is Filled In Block Editor But Not Filled In Drawing (model Space)?

Jan 16, 2012

I have this north arrow that is not working in a clients drawing. Look at this drawing with the block in it and determine why the arrow head is filled in the block editor but not filled in the drawing (model space)???

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Paint Shop Pro :: Vector Text In Script?

Feb 6, 2012

(PaintShop Pro v8.10)

I have a single vector text instance in my (PSP file) image. It says "cat". I want to make multiple copies of the image but with the word "cat" localized into different languages. Rather than editing the vector text via the "Text Entry" dialog box I was hoping to be able to do this with a script. The the idea is that I would have a copy of the script for each language, change the relevant text as required and run the script. E.g. For French, I would edit the script changing "cat" to "chat" and then run the script against the French image.

So first I wanted to identify the part of the script that I would need to edit. To do this I created a script as follows: I started the script recorder, change the text "cat" to "dog" in the Text Entry dialog box, saved the script, opened it in a text editor and searched for the text "dog". However, the word "dog" does not appear anywhere in the script. I don't understand this. Where is the vector text "dog" being stored? If I run the script against a different image that also has a single instance of vector text, it changes the text to "dog", so the script is working correctly.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Text On Vector Layer

Jun 27, 2012

I've been marking-up images with vector text (on vector layer) and have some issues. After clicking to position the text box, typing in text and then clicking the CHECK tool button to 'set', how does one go about deselecting that text object? It's not working smoothly here!!

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Paint Shop Pro :: Text Position And Matrix?

May 7, 2012

This part is logical. Add text to a vector layer and write a script to show the text and the position. From what I can tell, the Characters key is the text and the Start key is the (X,Y) position.

So far no problem, click the text 1 pixel right and the Start[0] increases by 1. Same with 1 pixel down and Start[1] increases by 1.

Now for the crunch... Rotate the text and Start does not change (no matter how much you move the text).

By trail and error, I find that the Matrix key changes.

Now, Matrix has 9 values and from what I can tell Matrix[0], Matrix[1], Matrix[3] and Matrix[4] somehow relate to angle. Probably sin and cos of the angle from the x- and y- axis respectively.

Matrix [2] and Matrix[5] do increase linearly with shifts in x and y. How does this relate to the actual position of the text

You can see a more detailed description of the problem and my sample script here. [URL]

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