When I was using PSP X I was able to add text to a template document simply by pressing the 'A' text tool, positioning the cursor, left clicking to open the text entry box and then typing (usually just the date), this I can't do in PSP X3 as the ' highlighted input box' hovers over a saved documents' previous input - (usually a month) and won't open or move without dragging the month with it. The cursor offers spurious flashes before leaving me with a flashing horizontal bar unable to proceed. The problem still occurs regardless of which previously saved and archived document I try to make adjustments to.
I had this problem too 12 months ago with a trial version which I had expected was a download fault but I think not. The routine still works fine on PSP X
I just want to be able to add text to a photo. I follow the steps, choosing 12pt, but when I try to type on the photo, I can tell something is trying to show up on the photo, but it is so tiny, it is not visible.
I am using PSP version 6.10.48 - 64 bit on Windows 7.
I saw a video and read some instructions about adding and modifying text and I just keep getting confused. For the most part, I am trying to add some text to a photo and I get messed up.
I've set up a couple toolbars with extensive customized buttons that make workflow easier.. though I cannot find a way to add SPACERS in between clusters of similar tool buttons. BTW do you have multiple custom toolbars defined for various tasks?
At first install', the palette bar contains 2 items. If I want add one (History), it is impossible to be embed in this bar. If a palette is Anchor, it is automatically "un anchored" when I move it.
I am using version X4, which I am new to, having bought it just a week ago.
I have approximately 70 jpg images I'd like to add borders to. All of the images will have the same color and thickness.
Is it possible to create some sort of batch process that automatically adds borders to all 70 images? Right now, I've been adding borders one-by-one to the images. It got tedious after the first dozen.
If there is a way to automate the procedure? If so, what must I do? If it's possible, will all 70 images be re-saved automatically, as well?
What is the easiest way to add a border around the ellipse of an image like this?
Ideally the border would be better 'outside'. Once I have a method, I could of course make the border a bit fancier by adding another thinner one outside it.
I use PSP8, but reckon I could adapt methods suggested for later versions.
I have a layer with a vector circle. I only want to use a segment of the circle. Placing the cursor on the circle does not give the +ADD. How can I put some nodes on the circle so that I can delete the rest?
Have only recently purchased and installed X5. I am coming from PSPv9 (and doing so reluctantly.)
I am attempting to duplicate the tool toolbar that I am use to in PSPv9 in X5. I have been successful except for one group. In PSPv9, the Dropper tool and the Color Replacer tool are in the same group. I have been able to create a new Button Group and place both tools into it. What I can not figure out is how to have the new button group display an icon. All other groups display the icon of the first tool in the group listing.
I do a lot of CD designs, and often I have my text centered on the front covers. When I put the text centered, however, PSP is added an extra space to the end of text, so when I center it on the canvas the text is actually off-center to the left. When I go into edit the text, there is no space on the right of the words to delete.
With the text selected this is how it looks: The right edge of the frame should be flush with the right edge of the last 'T'.
Way back when I originally bought PSP X3, I used it for a short while then went back to X2. Mostly because the X3 text tool would not remember text I had used. Now I've recovered from a hard-drive death and want to move forward and use my X3.
I have a .jpg file with an image, which I copied from the Clipboard. I now want to add text NEXT to the image. That is I now want to type text and position the text after is typed.
When I use the Text Tool, the text cannot be moved.
I would like to create a number wheel with the numbers at 90deg to the circle but I cannot find any way to achieve this and it seems like something that should be doable within the text to curves feature.
Here is an example of what i would like to achieve.
Every time I try to make a outlined text, the actual picture disappears after it renders.Here is what I do:
1. Open up picture in Paint.net 2. Make new layer 3. Type what i want on the new layer 4. I click effects->stylize->outline 5. adjust the settings 6. Boom, my picture is gone with the text looking gargled.
What is the correct way of adding outline to text?I tried the plugins and they do not work.
I am trying to find a way to watermark my photos using text for uploading to the net to try and prevent image theft. Canon Zoom Browser adds text but only 1 pic at a time.
I have searched this forum without success and searched the internet without success except for Alamoon which does one pic at a time ok but to do in batches requires you upgrade at a cost of about half the price of upgrading to PSP x5.
I read a comment by a subscriber here dated 2010 referring to PSP x3 but it said that after going to Image->Watermarking->Visible Watermark, you have to load a "pre-made image ..." Where do you get this pre-made image from ? Remember, I only want to add a couple of words of text. Surely this is not beyond the capabilities of Corel? Alamoon does it very easily. It doesn't take numerous windows and dozens of clicks with multiple layers to negotiate etc.
Trying to follow tutorials to create text. They all say to choose type (vector, floating, or selection) from the box on the text toolbar. I have been over it with a microscope and can't find it. I have expanded all arrow flyouts - nothing.
I just got psp x3 and i can't get my text to work all it dose is put the 1st letter in and the rest is blank or it put the 1st letter and the 2nd is blank then the 3rd one come up and the 1st letter is gone. I up new up dates in and it doing the same thing
have used Paint Shop Pro X3 for as long as it has been around and could always change text(select the text tool)from Vector to floating before actually typing the text. Now after not making any changes to psp pro x3 I it sticks on vector all the time. PSP PRO X4 Does the exact same as well. It defaults to vector and will not let me change to floating.
I'm having a problem in one project. When I enter the text mode there is a cross-hair with a t on an arc. When I type text it's upside down. I've tried adjusting the direction, changing fonts still doesn't work. It doesn't happen on any other projects.
I am running Windows7 64 bit and although I am fairly OK with most things in X3, there is one very simple thing that is baffling me! How do I edit existing text?
For example:
I create a plain white background. Click on the "Text" button and add some text. Click the green "Apply changes" and then do something else e.g add some graphics etc.
How can I then edit the text that was created (Correct a spelling mistake, change font size colour etc).
I have a single vector text instance in my (PSP file) image. It says "cat". I want to make multiple copies of the image but with the word "cat" localized into different languages. Rather than editing the vector text via the "Text Entry" dialog box I was hoping to be able to do this with a script. The the idea is that I would have a copy of the script for each language, change the relevant text as required and run the script. E.g. For French, I would edit the script changing "cat" to "chat" and then run the script against the French image.
So first I wanted to identify the part of the script that I would need to edit. To do this I created a script as follows: I started the script recorder, change the text "cat" to "dog" in the Text Entry dialog box, saved the script, opened it in a text editor and searched for the text "dog". However, the word "dog" does not appear anywhere in the script. I don't understand this. Where is the vector text "dog" being stored? If I run the script against a different image that also has a single instance of vector text, it changes the text to "dog", so the script is working correctly.
I've been marking-up images with vector text (on vector layer) and have some issues. After clicking to position the text box, typing in text and then clicking the CHECK tool button to 'set', how does one go about deselecting that text object? It's not working smoothly here!!
This part is logical. Add text to a vector layer and write a script to show the text and the position. From what I can tell, the Characters key is the text and the Start key is the (X,Y) position.
So far no problem, click the text 1 pixel right and the Start[0] increases by 1. Same with 1 pixel down and Start[1] increases by 1.
Now for the crunch... Rotate the text and Start does not change (no matter how much you move the text).
By trail and error, I find that the Matrix key changes.
Now, Matrix has 9 values and from what I can tell Matrix[0], Matrix[1], Matrix[3] and Matrix[4] somehow relate to angle. Probably sin and cos of the angle from the x- and y- axis respectively.
Matrix [2] and Matrix[5] do increase linearly with shifts in x and y. How does this relate to the actual position of the text
You can see a more detailed description of the problem and my sample script here. [URL]
On an image of the sea and sky- I want to Place a wavy line where the sea meets the sky Have the sea beneath the line and the sky above it Place text on the wavy line to follow its path
I am using Paint Shop Pro X - the last decent version that Corel made.
I haven't done anything artistic in Paint Shop Pro in a couple of years.
I am trying to put text in a balloon, on a photograph, to show what someone is saying.
Every single thing I try arranges the text along the outside of the balloon.
All three of my books on Paint Shop Pro X and Paint Shop Pro 9 (which is very similar), the help files, and everything I can find online, specifically discuss only how to put text along the outside of a shape, or along a curved line -even though the discussion topic and associated photos often clearly show cartoon text inside balloons in the normal manner.
One discussion does show specifically how to do it; unfortunately they are written for Paint Shop Pro 5 or something, and I don't get any such dialogue box to open when I click on either A thingy on either tool bar.
Specifically how DO I put text inside a balloon in the normal manner? By normal manner, I mean, like in this post.