fix to the common errors caused by previous grab brushes surface proximity behavior along center axis. it was a small thing IMO but the solution created evena bigger issue.
now that is works mostly on some sort of volume proximity along x axis it becomes a big problem for moving around two discontinuous surfaces that are close to center axis.
that last version it was good was 2011. 2012 and onwards it seems to be ruined.
After hours of work, working on an Aircraft Repaint, I somehow managed to move the template so that all of the lines (in this case the 'livery lines') became out of 'sync' In other words the layers became out of line. Went to load it into my editor and every thing was all over the place
The Q there a quick way to get the template/Canvas or whatever to revert back to it's original state. i.e. everything within there parameters?
I'm scultping a mesh of 1.8 million and everything is fine and smooth. After 3 or 4 minutes the program starts lagging badly to the point it is not usable. If I leave it idle for 10-15 minutes and resume it's fine again, for another 3 minutes. If I close the program and re-open it (as soon as it starts lagging) the lag persists. If I reboot it's fine (for 3 minutes of course).
I've tried changing the graphic's card driver (currently latest nvidia), changing the features in the nvidia control panel to min, and also the ones in mudbox. To be honest I don't think it's the graphic's card fault.
I thought it had something to do with the memory (leakage maybe?), so I did some tests but the working set size is stable at 300K and the virtual memory slowly goes up to 390K where it stops (this during the 3 minutes of sculpting).
I realize with mb 2012 there will be little interest in solving the old version's problems but I reckoned I'd give it a last shot. It's also a student edition so I can't upgrade.Here's my settings
OPERATING SYSTEM Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Version: 6.1.7600 Service Pack: 0.0 Architecture: 64-bit Registered User: Alessandro Language: 1033 Domain Role: 0 Total Physical Memory: 4026 MB Total Virtual Memory: 8388607 MB
My brushes an sculpting tools arnt doing wht they're supposed to. My sculpting tool is taking from the mesh and my bumpmap is doing the same, even whn i press ctrl my bumpmap dsnt raise as much and ive checked my brush strength. how to reset my settings
should alt-left mouse rotate?I can use alt-right mouse to zoom in and out, and alt-ctrl-left mouse to tilt the model, but alt-left mouse does NOTHING?I can use alt-Left mouse in 3D Coat normally, so it's not the mouse.
How can I resolve this? I don't remember doing anything that would mess up my mouse preferences or even seeing where I could change them?I have restarted. I'm on Win7 64 with all Mudbox 2011 service packs installed.
I just update Mudbox 2012 to SP1 and now I get 2~3 seconds delay at end of the every brush stroke.
- I can fix it by uninstalling SP1 (so problem is SP1, please do not blame my hardware or setting) - No problem with Painting brushes, only Sculpting brushes lag - Problem is not Pen or Tablet, same happened when I use Mouse - Problem have nothing to do with mesh density (64.000 poly is nothing!!) - I remove all settings and setup fresh Mudbox 2012 with SP1, no chance
I am reading some drawing tutorials for Photoshop and they talk about a setting of the brush called "flow". Is there a corresponding setting in GIMP and where it is?
Edit: After some additional searching I found that the option is called "incremental", but I also found that it doesn't work as described in the docs - it is not limited to the opacity set for the tool.
I cant figure out how to add 3rd action on my button, to show an active state (basically freeze the buttonts opacity until the next button is clicked) while this portion of the stage is being visited.
I am trying to learn layers and layer masks. I loaded an image, than control J to duplicate it. I then added a layer mask. Everything good so far. I then went to filters chose a blur. Then went to brushes with black as my foreground color, I just wanted to brush away the blur, and got an error message. "could not use the history brush because the history state does not have a corresponding layer."
Everytime I try to use my history brush, that error pops up and I have no clue why. If I try to just open a blank document and use the brush it does not give me this error and I can "use" the brush but you cant see anything on the project.
so when this error happens im trying to do a project and say I place a file(picture) into the project and this is the very first thing I do. I place it, then I size the image down some. I then make a new layer to use the brush for behind the picture and then this is when I get the error. I have no clue what is wrong
I have a background with a pattern overlay effect on it. I need to send my web developer a block of this pattern in jpg format so that he can translate it into a repeating pattern in the background of the site.
It seems that there must be an easy way to do this that I'm not getting. All I can think to do is to select a part of it on the screen and copy, but since it's already set up as a seamless pattern, I don't know where its "edges" are.
for the last few months out of no where photoshop all of a sudden stoped letting me grab the corners of my selections. it realy limits what i can do an d i would really love to kno how to fix it,
I can't grab more than one object at once. I'm also not seeing the bounding boxes around the objects. I must've pressed something that disabled me from being able to grab multiple objects.
I'm looking for a plugin that will allow me to capture a single frame into Photoshop from a video feed from a device using WDM or VFW (Video For Windows) drivers. I have a video device that is using WDM or VFW drivers, but no TWAIN or WIA driver is available for my device.
I need to be able to capture a frame into Photoshop from my video-input device which is using a WDM or VFW driver. I'm hoping if one does exist, it is compatible with Photoshop CS1, because I'm using that older version of Photoshop, and don't plan on upgrading yet (it seems to do almost anything I'd ever need a graphics program to do). I'm not even sure such an input plugin exists, but if it does
When you purchase a template for a website, it often comes with the original photoshop document.
Is there a command in photoshop that takes what they've done and saves it all as the individual images that are usually included?
I have a template and I swapped out one image in the file, but I can't get it perfect by simply replacing the final image. I have the photoshop file with all the slices and whatever people do with templates, but I can't seem how to get it to save all the separate images again so I can grab the one that I need.
Working on a book cover but it seems that once something is down and saved - like my title - I can't just go back and tweak it with resizing and moving. How to simply rearrange the layout?
how can you adjust the "Grab Viewport" -Animation Quality for Nitrous?
Rendering any one of the styles in Animation produces horrific quality, because the viewport renderer does not spend the few extra seconds necessary to generate nice antialiased image-quality.
there is no way to adjust the rendertime. Because this would make this valuable improvement 50% useless again, if you can not use it decently for this purpose.
I downloaded a grab bar family that I thought looked very good. But then I tried to place it on the toilet stall portion (I also downloaded stall partition families). When I tried to place the grab bar, it wouldn't place -- I believe because the grab bar is WALL BASED.
So now the question is how do I go about placing a grab bar (or anything else) that is not wall based so that I can use it with the stall portion? I had tried to use face based but couldn't get that too work.
I am unable to adjust my Viewport sizes in anyway, (wont allow me to grab handles to adjust size & or move entire view port) after they are changed to the defposits layer, I cant change them back to any other layer because when I try to highlight them, it says "0 objects found". Wont even let me delete them, I don't think they are locked, as I am the creator of this drawing and have done no such thing.
there is a brush or something similar that allows you to grab a part of a picture and kinda drag it around. not cut and move it, actually distort it and such.
there is also maybe the same one that allows you just to click and sort of inflate/deflate part of the pic.
i KNOW one of you out there has to know what im talking about!!! it kinda stretches the part of the image so that you can make things look distorted or whatever. almost like if you grabbed your cheeks and pulled!
In cfx, i have a source clip which i want to grab just 1 frame of it. So what is the best way to do it in term of efficiency ?
If i'm in timeline editing outside cfx then i can use alt-E and drag the clip to have a 1 frame copy. It's cool but how to do the same thing inside cfx ? i want to do it inside cfx schematic. Actually I can use a timewarp node or mux or maybe there's some other node that can do the same function. But is it gonna affect the speed of the whole tree ?
i'm comparing the two scenarios : 1. i did 1 frame grab in the editing then bring it into cfx 2. i bring the full source clip inside cfx and apply timewarp to get 1 frame to work with.
Is there gonna be different in speed ? if only single clip , i won't see any different. What i want to know : what is happening internally ? does the second scenario will eat up more processing ? If yes, then we need to feature to extract 1 frame inside cfx (just like in editing).
As an addition, in media bin, when i'm in editing module (outside cfx) , i can ctrl-E (cursor change to red icon) to grab 1 frame . But when i go to cfx then it won't work. ctrl-E in media bin won't do anything. It will be great to have that feature in cfx.
I draw a line (no constrains) and I can move it by grabing an end or whole line by click&hold mouse button, great.
But after couple minutes of work with part and sketches I can't grab anything. Even on new created sketches and new lines. Click and drag just open rectangle selection. Oh, between these phases there is a phase when 2nd click&hold works...
When I open/create another part it is normall, but this one I must close and open again.
I'm drawing a small map, and in several places there is text rotated so as to fit next to a slanted line. The problem comes when I decide to move the text, usually along a line parallel to itself, or perhaps in some other direction.
As far as I can tell, the only way to select the text is with the lasso tool, which can be very difficult, because of the close tolerances. Maybe the easiest way is simply to erase the text and re-create it. So, is there some way to rotate the selection box, so I can grab the slanted text easily?
I have a drawing (c3d 2013) provided by a subcontractor that contains high density laser scan data in the form of Acad solids. I have a bunch of conventional QC shots on the same objects, that I would like to compare to the scan data.
I can bring the QC shots into the scan drawing as cogo points, but when I try to measure the distance to the face of the solid, I can't get the perpendicular 3d osnap to grab the solid.
Add keyboard shortcuts (or at least the option to define them) for all the layer commands. When I say, "all the layer commands", I mean a keyboard shortcut to do anything you can do with the mouse in the Layers window.
Specifically: Move Layer Up / Down, Toggle Layer Visibility, Select Next / Previous Layer (or some set of commands to navigate layers.) Select Next / Previous Visible Layer could be nice too.
This thread from 2006 asked for similar features, but no thread necromancy.
Implement these shortcuts. Having to grab the mouse to do simple layer operations feels awkward and breaks my flow.
Using CS6. In the artboard window, I select an artboard tool icon next to an artboard. The artboard displays selected, with the usual grab handles at corners and the middle of sides that in Adobe-world always signal that an object can be resized. I am unable, however, to select the grab handles. When I try to do so, "beep."
An Artboard Options panel has also opened. i can resize the artboard by changing the Width and Height, but I have to guess what I want. If I close this panel, the grab handles go away.
CS 5.5. Just restarted Photoshop and still the same problem. I should be able to hold down the space bar and grab the screen to drag it around. Not working anymore.