Mudbox :: Using Selection Sets With Paint Layer Masks?

Apr 18, 2011

I set up some selection sets thinking they would come in handy later on when I am painting. I thought I would be able to use them to paint my layer masks, but I cant figure out a way of using the selection to limit where I am painting inside the mask. I thought convert to a freeze but it seems paint layers ignore frozen areas. Is it possible, or is it a case of saving selections for sculpt and not for paitning?

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Paint.NET :: Way To Create Layer Masks

Jul 11, 2012

I've downloaded and briefly messed around with Paint.Net, and while you can work with layers, I haven't found a way to use layer masks. I used to exclusively use GIMP, but then I found out about Adobe Lightroom, so I bought that and have been extremely happy with it. However, I can't do any pixel editing to get rid of any phone lines, or people's heads, or any other item that is goofing up my photo. I didn't want to go back to GIMP (it's not the easiest program to use), but then I found out about Paint.Net and that it uses layers.

I assumed that it would also have the option to use layer masks, as a natural extension or feature of having layers. But again I can't figure out, or have found online, a way to create layer masks.

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Mudbox :: How To Bring Image Into Paint Layer

Jan 23, 2012

It try bring an image into paint layer. I found that there is this function:

PaintLayerImporter() and it takes 4 parameters. They are:

1) const QString &sFileName, ///< Name of the file to import
2) int iFileTypeIndex, < Index of the type of the file in the array returned by SupportedExtensions

3) Mesh *pMesh, ///< Mesh which contains the paint layer
4) TexturePool *pTarget ///< Destination of the import operation

But I'm not able to get this function to work. Any small example how to use it.

I think that main problem for me is that I don't know exactly what 2) parameter means(int iFileTypeIndex). It says that you get that from SupportedExtensions but When I look at it:

virtual QVector<FileExtension> SupportedExtensions( void );

It surely dosen't look int.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Masks Is A Layer Within Existing File

Jul 25, 2012

I have a psd file with several layers that includes a mask (filled in red) which is what I want to use as the shape of the image. Every tutorial has a different way of creating a mask but I can't figure out how to do it when the mask is a layer within an existing file. There's no option to save the mask to disk so I can load it into a new raster image to merge it with the image.

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Mudbox :: How To Export Ptex Paint Layer To Be Used In Another Application

Feb 25, 2012

I'm having a problem trying to export a ptex paint layer to be used in another application.

For some reason when I export it, everything seems to work just fine, until get gets to calculating tangents and then it hangs forever on 99%... Every way I try saving the file, it does this. I can easily paint on my mesh, and save the project file, but I can't export the ptex file.

Deleting the mydocuments/mudbox folder which I did.

I'm using mudbox 2012 64bit on Win 7.

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3ds Max :: Exporting Multiple UV Sets To Mudbox?

May 21, 2012

I'm having trouble getting mudbox to recognize multiple uv tiles set up in max. To start with I followed Neil's tutorial here: [URL]

So I basically unwrapped my model and moved my UV islands into different 'quadrants' (uv tiles). Q: is this all that is required to set up the tiles correctly?

If I then export this object as an obj or an fbx into mudbox the uv view only shows 1 tile?

basically i want to texture a large landscape in mudbox and 1 4k map wil not cut it, i need to split it up into 4 x 4k maps to get enough res.

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Photoshop Elements :: Layer Masks - Can't Get White Or Shown Masks To Be Taken Off With Black Brush

Sep 11, 2012

I am having trouble with using my layer masks. I can use the masks that are hidden (shown with black screen) and apply them with the white brush, but I cant get white or shown masks to be taken off with the black brush. Sometimes, not always I have trouble adjusting the opacity of white masks. I was playing around with actions I downloaded and after applying three actions to a photo, elements froze on me. I read about trashing preferences, I dont know what that does or means but I tried to hit cntrol alt shift when photoshop was opening and nothing happened. When it first opens it shows I can install the new inspiration browser ( i dont know what that is either) thinking it was a required update I tried to update and it gave me an error message, something about the installer has been mis-configured.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Use Reveal (white Paint) Function When Using Layer Masks In 9

Aug 7, 2013

When i am using layer masks in elements 9 I can conceal paint with a black brush, but when I want to go back over something to reveal (white brush) nothing happens. I have the layer mask selected as active and it works perfectly fine in reverse (black).

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Photoshop :: Base Layer Layer Style With Clipping Masks

Feb 19, 2009

I'm using a clipping mask on a layer. The base layer that the clipping mask is referencing has a layer effect applied (in this case an inner shadow). I want to make it so the layer effect is only applied to the base layer and NOT the clipped layers.

Below is an example of what I'm talking about. as you can see, layer 1 has the base layer's inner shadow applied to it. I want the inner shadow to be hidden by Layer 1, but the clipping mask to still apply.

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Paint.NET :: Saving / Loading Only Selection / File Open To A New Layer

May 15, 2012

I was wondering if there might be a way to add the option to save a selection to the disk? when i work i create many selections with complicated shapes and areas.

since i need to use them more then once i was wondering if a feature for saving only the selection can be implemented ? this would enable me to load the selections to new projects and use them there making the same "print" every time.(my work around for this is saving a B/W picture of the shape then uploading it every time i need it , then copy and paste to a new layer

in the new project then selecting the shape area then flatting the image with the selection and deleting the internal area or the invert ) its long but works.if you can add "File Open into a NEW layer", this would save the need for part of my work around. i would then just load the save to the new layer and use it directly :-)

* This would be a great new feature anyway "File Open To a New layer" ... :-)

I saw this the save/load selection feature the other day in a photoshop presentation and was shocked that it's real :-)So if such feature can be added to even in version 4.0 it would be great and time saving too.

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AutoCAD VB :: Accessing And Iterating Selection Sets

Jul 18, 2012

I have already a Selection Set called objSS. All the objects in this Set are Multi Text, so I am wondering how is possible to have access to the property Text Height of these objects inside the Set in order to change the value of this property. I have created a variable as  AcadMText but is not possible for me to loaded it with any item from objSS.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Cannot Store Multiple Selection Sets

Nov 15, 2012

From the AutoDESK docs [URL] ......

"AutoCAD.Application.ActiveDocument.SelectionSets. Add method
Not needed/provided" in VB.Net

Thus 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application. DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.SelectionSets' will not work.

So, I can't store multiple selection sets in VB.Net?

Why is it not provided? Or is there some other way to do that?

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Photoshop :: Selection For Luminosity Masks

Jan 31, 2013

I'm trying to get a better understanding of luminosity masks. Where can I find out just what operations Photoshop is performing when I control click on the rgb composite channel to make a selection (which I then save as an alpha channel)?

My assumption is that the brightest half of the image pixels are included in the selection and the rest are consigned to black. Is that even in the ballpark?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layer Masks On Single Layer

Jan 16, 2013

A student of mine asked why you would create multiple layer masks on a single layer.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Layer States / Layer State Masks In VB

Jun 10, 2011

My goal is to batch plots using VB in Visual Studio 2008, Autocad Map 3D 2010, Win 7 Pro 64.  It all works but now I want to apply layerstates.

I am using the example in the dev. guide here: [URL]........

My questions:

1. If you use Option Strict, how do you convert from integer to "layerstatesmasks.color"?  VS shows the error "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Integer' to 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.LayerStateMasks'."  I can't figure out the conversion.  Are the values documented somewhere?  "clientmask" is not in the object browser or the dev. guide.

2. If you aren't sure what is masked, do you turn on all of the options on (on, color, linetype, lineweight, etc.)?  Is there a sum of values that means "layerstatemasks.all"?

3. LAS files are DXF format.  Do I have to read the LAS to detemine what the user wants?

4. The second argument to .restorelayerstate is the viewport id.  The examples use objectid.null.  I could have several layouts to plot, and maybe several viewports.  Is the process a) Make the layout current, b) activate each viewport, c) set model space current, and d) restore the layerstate?   

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3ds Max :: Edit Named Selection Sets Window Will Not Open?

Aug 1, 2012

My edit named selection sets window will not open. The button will not work nor the shortcut under EDIT, i have restarted, i have competely uninstalled max and i have updated with FBX plugins from autodesk. I use this command A LOT and it will not open.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Use Selection Sets To Quickly Pull Up Kfs

Jul 17, 2012

I'm struggling with Selection Sets in 2012 Adv..I have a batch fx with 3 Action nodes in it. Each has a lot of stuff so I was hoping to use Selection Sets to quickly pull up the kfs I needed to tweek.

I set up about 4 sets but once I exit and go back in 3 of the sets (the ones in the action node I'm currently working in) have cleared. ie, they're still there but empty. The one set I've defined for the other Action node is ok.

I have tried setting them with 'Define' and with 'Add Selection to'.I think I must be missing one trick here, like not saving correctly?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Error - Exceeded Maximum Number Of Selection Sets?

Nov 14, 2011

By doing this simple command I get this error message after a while of working...  2011Map 3d, Windows 7, 64 bit....

Select Line:

Select objects: 1 found

Select objects:

; error: exceeded maximum number of selection sets

Is there a setvar or toggle to change the max number of selection sets or to change to an unlimited setting anywhere?

At this time I have to save my work and close the dwg, reopen the dwg and I can resume picking objects etc., with no problems, untill it reaches the "majic" number and the error pops up.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Dimensions And Selection Sets

Nov 1, 2011

I have a lisp routine that creates a "frame wall" and I want to be able to automatically dimension said wall within the same routine. I have created two sets of points, each set being on its own new layer. I have made selection sets of each set of points, and want to cycle through each set dimensioning as required. This what I have so far for this part of the routine:

(command "DIMSCALE" 24)
(setq sel1 (ssget "x" '("VPOINTS")))
(setq TC (polar (ssname sel1 0) (dtr 180.0) 9))
(command "DIMLINEAR" (ssname sel1 0) (ssname sel1 1)) "V" (polar TC (dtr 180.0) 9) "")

When I run the program I get the error: bad point argument. So what I think is happening is that the ssname command is not returning the actual value but just the name? I am new to AutoLisp and even newer to selection sets so be easy... Along with this, I am also curious as to how a selection set is ordered when it is chosen ie how does it determine what would be in (ssname sel1 0). Also, how would one go about deleting the points in these selection sets after the dimensioning has been completed.

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3ds Max :: Assign Keyboard Shortcuts For Different Selection Sets Functions / Commands?

Oct 10, 2012

I am trying to find a way to assign keyboard shortcuts for different selection sets functions/commands.

I failed to find selection set commands in customize user interface menu. seems that they named it in a manner so that people cant find them when they simply look for "selection" or "set" or "create selection set" or "make selection set" .

what I need is:

1. when I select a group of objects I want to make them a selection set with one keyboard shortcut. (to go to the sets menu window and press that "create a selection set" button is too time consuming. I am also aware that just writing a letter to the selection sets dialog creates a set but still I want that shortcut.) an object and immediately jump to the whole selection set with a keyboard shortcut. or toggle through selection sets.

3.delete the active selection set with one keyboard shortcut.

are these functions available as native commands in customize user interface?should I go looking for a maxscript ?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Paperspace Selection Sets

Jan 10, 2002

I wish to collect a selection set of blocks in paperspace of a certain name. For model space I would use the following line:

(setq x1 (ssget "_x" '((2 . "*etc*") (410 . "model"))))

when it comes to setting paperspace as the 410 ssget list value as the name can be modified and I need it to work in all drawings. I tried
setting a variable to the paperspace layout name and using a print function at the (410 . "model") point but without sucess.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: VLA Move With Selection Sets

Oct 3, 2011

I wrote a lisp program which creates a selection set using ssget. Then I use the bounding box commands to get the lowest point of that selection set. Now I want to move that selection set as a whole using the vla-move command. I am having trouble doing this. Is this possible? Can we vla-move a selection set? Is there a workaround?

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AutoCAD VB :: Manual Work Faster Than Automation - Selection Sets

Oct 13, 2011

I need to explode ~2000 PolyFace meshes in a drawing.Manually I can do the following:

> QSELECT - PolyFace Mesh - Select All

> Explode

I get a question if I want to "Disregard DrawingOrder for this operation due to the fact that it might take some time", by selecting "Yes" the process takes ~10 minutes (one explode).With an VBA automation I do the following:

> Create a selection set of all PolyFace meshes

> Explode each obj (2000 times) in the selection set with SendCommand (as .Explode does not work on polyface mesh objects)

I have waited hours for the same process (might be due to multiple explodes and/or screen updating taking place).I have always though automation is faster than manual work, but this proved me wrong.So to the questions:

1. How can I prevent screen updating in VBA (disregard draw order) during "long actions"

2. Is there a better way to explode a selection set than looping through each and every object calling explode (obj.handle)

For one drawing I can do it in 10 minutes, but I have 50 drawings with the need to explode this, having an automation run over night sounds great, but having it take 6x+ times longer for each drawing causes the night not to be long enough.

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Photoshop :: Differences In Transferring Masks To Selection And Back

Aug 5, 2012

I make layer mask which is a bit fuzzy, so it merges picture from both layers in some parts. Then I want to save it in order to use it later somewhere, so I convert the mask into a selection. But the selection does not hold the fuzziness of original mask, so when I use it as a mask somewhere else, it varies from original.

I attached the psd file with example what I mean, I have saved mask of the Layer 1 as selection, loaded into Layer 2, created mask, but it is not the same, when I switch on and off visibility of the Layer 2 the picture changes.

Is there a way to make the selection to hold all the information about the mask including fuzziness exactly ?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing Color Of Selection Sets?

Jul 27, 2013

I need to create a command which could change a color of an allready existing selection set when activated. For example i have a command which creates a cube, where each specific group of lines were added to different selection sets. how can i recall any created selection set by its name and change its color?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Dynamic Block Creation With Selection Sets Of Drawing Objects

Mar 19, 2012

It's possible to create a dynamic block programatically? I want to create a command that captures different selection sets of drawing objects and assign them to different Visibility States of a new block deffinition, on run time.

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Photoshop :: Layer Sets In CS3

Oct 12, 2007

have they removed the layer set feature? No where do see any option for a new layer set. You could create one from linked layers before and I don't see it.

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Photoshop :: Layer Sets Not Working

Jan 6, 2008

Ok, I need to make a main layer set and another layer set within that main set so its a kind of sub set. But for some reason photoshop simply refuses to do it, I can make two layer sets fine but it wont let me drag one of the sets inside the other set, it will only drag to above the set or below it, not inside it.

Looking at the picture, if I try to drag set two into set one so its inside set one it will not do it. You cant see it on the screenshot but the cursor turns into a grey circle with a cross through the middle.

Is there supposed to be some kind of setting to allow me to do this or is my photoshop completely screwed up? I am using PS7

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Photoshop :: Two Masks On One Layer?

Jul 1, 2006

I added another mask, when I start brushing it just switches back to the other?

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Photoshop :: Regarding Layer Masks

Oct 25, 2006

If I have already made a layer mask for a specific do I copy the same layer mask and apply it to whatever layer I want?

Also, how do I make it start out all black instead of all white when creating layer masks?

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Photoshop :: Layer Masks

Jun 30, 2006

I have added a layer mask and now they want me to fill it black... problem is when I do will it black it removes the blur and revert back to the normal image?

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