I am using the library filter in Lightroom 5. I have flagged some photos and want to use the filter to find these photos.The filter is including both the flags and the star rating. I only want to search the flags and don't know how to stop the filter from using the star rating at the same time.
I would like to add some fields to filter on in the Library Filter section of Metadata. I do not see an option or a way to do this natively in LR. I am running Windows 7 64 bit with LR 4.2.
This is from an online tutorial and is a typical view of the Library Filter. Notice that there are photo counts to the right of each of the search criteria. For example, All (2 Cameras) - 487 photos. Canon EOS 5D - 404 photos, etc.
Now notice a screen shot from my iMac with Lightroom 5.2 on OX 10.9 Mavericks.Notice that there are no photo counts after the search criteria. WHERE DID THEY GO? Or for that matter, were they ever there in this iteration of LR?Incidentally, I am aware the count will appear in the filmstrip (see the next photo) but that is not nearly as useful.
When I do a filter search in the library module, the quantities are no longer appearing at the right side of the columns. They used to, but not in the past few days. I can not find where to fix this...
How do I search for a collection name using the library filter? Or through a different search tool? I am hoping that I can just type in the collection name to have it be brought up or highlighted for easy access.
See the below text box, which I frequently use to retrieve lists of requested photos. This box does not comport to industry standards. When you click on it, the last whole word erroneously becomes highlighted --I expect the cursor to be positioned at the pointer so that I can add or insert text. Instead my first keystroke erases the last entry! Additionally, the undo/redo keys (ctrl Z/Y) are non-functional. Applies to at least the last few versions.
Is there a way to Sort or Filter only the RAW files in a Library folder that have had adjustments made to them in the Develop Module? Not by date, key words or flags etc. Only develop adjustments.
I have been using LR each and every day I have never once utilized any of the four default terms cooked-into the 'Metadata' Library Filter ('Date', 'Camera', 'Lens', 'Label').
Is there a way for me to set up new metadata search terms as defaults so I don't have to putz w/changing the same-old-same-old each and every time I open this filter?
I have just moved from v3.6 to v4.3. When using the library window, grid view, I use the filter bu selecting a specific date but images are being returned incorrectly. For example: When I select a date i.e. 25/05/2011, I have images being shown for that date but also others with a capture date of 06/02/2012. How can this issue be corrected? I have over 60,000 images to review.
I have smart collections simply gathering together all images with a specific star rating, very very simple! I have one for 1 star, one for 2 star and one for 3 star and above. So far so good, have been using these for ages - but - I have just noticed if I go to Catalog/All Photographs and place an identical Library Filter (that is the filter at the top of the library grid view) I get different results. In fact if I place an attribute filter that says "= 2 star" images only I can look at the strip that runs across the bottom of the screen and it says "All Photographs / 1056 of 1647 photos". If I then clear that filter and scroll down to my smart collection that applies the very same filter to the entire catalog (and I have triple checked this, no difference at all, I haven't said less than or greater to in here its the self same "=" only!) and it says "1066"! So the smart collection finds 10 more images than the other, identical filters working on the entire catalog If it wasn't for the number of images involved I would go though them and try and find the extra files by hand!
I would like to use the Library Filter to show images that have a keyword of "Wildflowers" and an empty title. I can do one or the other, but I can't figure out how to have two text filters ANDed together.
In Lightroom 2, I entered data into the Location field. When I transitioned to 3, the Location field then changed to Sublocation in the Default metadata panel, but it had my data in there. Recently now the Location column in Library Filter does not list the entries in this field, it just shows everything as Unknown Country. How do I fix this, or have the data show in the Filters?
How do you sort (ascending/descending) keywords in Library Filter Default columns? Lightroom 5.2. Mine begin with Z; I have seen others that begin with A.
I'm working in Illustrator CS3. Recently the program has begun to do something I have never notice before. If I use the round corner's filter: Filter>Stylize>Round Cornors then every box I create after using it has rounded corners that I cannot get rid of. Things drawn with the pen tool also have rounded corners I cannot get rid of. The only way to stop the problem seems to be to open a new document and then the tools are set back to their default without automatically rounding corners.
Who do I use the rounded corners filter on a single object at a time and not get to automatically be applied to all subsequent objects created.
Lightroom version: 4.4 [891433] Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Version: 6.1 [7601] Application architecture: x64 System architecture: x64 Logical processor count: 4 Processor speed: 2.6 GHz Built-in memory: 6087.8 MB Real memory available to Lightroom: 6087.8 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 523.6 MB (8.6%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 551.5 MB Memory cache size: 1012.7 MB Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 2 System DPI setting: 106 DPI Desktop composition enabled: No Displays: 1) 1600x900
If I am in Library module, select filter Metadata, select Keywords from dropdown (no other filter panels selected), and start to scroll down the list of keywords, I can select keywords by mouseclick, and see the matching photos as thumbs in the main window.
However as I scroll further down, I can no longer select keywords - the mouseclick no longer highlights or selects. This happens rather incosnsistently - by which I mean, the point in the eyword list where the select stops working is not always the same place in the keyword list.
If I click several times on the same non-selecting keyword, LR4.4 jumps to taking 50% (exactly) of processor time (shown in task manager) , and the memory usage climbs steadily until all free RAM is consumed.
This is a small (~8000 image) catalogue, with ~2500 keywords, entirely non-hierarchical.
The catalogue is set to optimise on backup, weekly.
I've tried deleting and recreating the preferences file btw to no avail
I have been using the Dark Strokes filter.. now suddenly when I go to apply it the image is turning orange. My foreground & Background colors are set to white and black.
It seems that in Lightroom 4 you have the ability to turn off individual modules by right clicking on them and unchecking whichever ones you don't use. I'm wondering if when modules are unchecked, does that increase the speed or performance of the system?
I recently upgraded to LR4 from 3 and definitely experienced a major slow down. That being said, when I uncheck everything except the development module, the sluggishness completely disappears. Is turning individual modules off actually improve performance?
I have looked on the web and in some books I have and I don't understand the purpose for turning panels on and off or what it does. I see that the features are unusable when they are off. I understand why I would want to hide a panel.
Does it turn off any changes I made using that certain panel? What does it do?
I'm new to Lightroom 4. Had 3 up until recently, and also upgraded to a Nikon D7000 from a D5100, which i had no problem with. Tonight after i imported a shoot, all my pictures started turning black and white one by one in front of me. Now I have to also check my camera settings to see if I mistakenly shot like that, I've done the pressing V on each photo, but the color gets screwed up seems like.
When I save my slide show and click at the butten " play" the screen turns black and stays black. When I click the butten " preview" it works ok. Why? I have Windows 7
In the Print area, Lightroom 4 says in italics at the bottom to turn off the colour management in the Print Dialog if you're chosing to print with a profile.
how to do this with my Canon Pro9000 mk2 via OSX Lion 10.7?
I use a QNAP Network Attached Storage as the home for LR library so that a number of computers in the house can access the same files and various other DLNA clients can do slideshows on partcular directories if we want.
This is great when we are on our home network, but if I want to work on an image in LR while I am away from home I have to remember to make local copies (to my laptop HD) in advance.
I have a static IP and can access the required directories and files through a browser or VPN when I'm away from home. I was wondering if it's possible to give LR the web address of the directory I want to use as my library so that my photos are available to me anywhere so long as I have a web connection?
Using LR5 and for some reason, the library module just won't open (image goes gray then error message "an error occured when attempting to chage modules") . Had been on beta with no issues and used the upgraded version for the past few days. Rebooted system (iMac 10.8.4) with no success.
I am considering moving to Adobe lightroom. Currently we have all our photos in iPhoto.My wife prefers to use Windows, but I like Mac. I have setup my iMac as dual boot and I will by an external SSD HD to hold all our photos and can be accessed by both mac and windows. Is it possible to be able to use Windows to work in Lightroom, and the next day boot into Mac and see the same library? And when I make changes, add photos etc in Lightroom, they are visable in Windows?