Lightroom :: How To Edit Metadata Field Names
Nov 18, 2013I am looking to edit the metadata field names - not the names in the fields but the titles of the fields. Please see attached screenshot. [URL]....
View 2 RepliesI am looking to edit the metadata field names - not the names in the fields but the titles of the fields. Please see attached screenshot. [URL]....
View 2 RepliesBridge has a field in the EXIF metadata called Exposure Mode. Lightroom does not. Can this field be added in Lightromm? And, if so, how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I take say a TIFF file that has been imported into Lightroom and edit in PS by choosing "Edit Original" and than save the edit in PS, when I get back to Lightroom the image has a metadata error icon on it. When I click on the icon it asks if it should apply the disk or Lightroom metadata. I click on disk and all seems well. But why is it doing this and is there a way to get it not to do so? Is it correct to use the disk metadata?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking to edit the pre-defined selections in the metadata presets. Please see screenshot [URL]....
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am setting a mailer for a customer. Im using datamerge to to populate the addresses. I keep getting the one or more empty field names error when I try to bring in the list and I am not sure why. Here is a screen shot of the list All the information seems to have headings like it should so I dont know what the problem is. I now some of the field dont have date but it needs to be that way because some of the entrys do. I am Indesign CS6 on a MAC.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to copy the "Title"-field and the "Caption"-field into the "Keyword"-field?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAs far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing. Is there a difference in what they do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI accidentally included a file rename when I just imported a batch of several hundred pictures. I violated a rule that I teach my own Lightroom students, and that is to look carefully at the import panel choices before proceeding.
How can I correct this so that the files are named as they originally were? I know how to easily fix the filenames in Windows (using a tool called BulkRename, for example), but then I'd have to "find" each image one-by-one and correctly point to the renamed version. I tried selecting all the images and then using F2 to rename, but none of the templates allow deleting a portion of the filename.
P.S. Here is an example of what I mean:
IMG_0001 {shot by John Doe}.NEF
IMG_0300 {shot by John Doe}.NEF
my job is to make an editor for blocks in C#. There should be a WPF-window were the user can see a list of blocks. He selects one and than he should see an overview about block attributes like insertionpoint, basepoint, rotation and scaling and he should be able to edit these attributes in this form.
I know how i can populate a list of block names, but I fail at finding an opportunity to edit these attributes.
I get the blocktablerecords, but then?
Whenever I try to enter a value into one of the CorelDRAW X6 toolbar edit fields, then moving the mouse pointer away from the toolbar in order to see what I'm about to enter, CorelDRAW X6 takes the focus away from that edit field.See her for an example to reproduce the problem:
var video_8143bd82692c4abebed036cbf4afd70b = new jeroenwijering.Player(document.getElementById('video_8143bd82-692c-4abe-bed0-36cbf4afd70b'), URL.....
I have created an attribute using a date field. Now I'm unable to edit it and change or review it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can not edit the M text & field text in title box.My system is Windows Xp Professional 2002, Inventor 11.
I tried to install Microsoft Hotfix KB918118 as I did before, but I coulden't. System massege show my system is newer than that, so I do not need it. Then I installed Hotfix for text problem caused by Microsoft Hotfix KB918118. I can edit M Text now, but still I could not edit Field Text.
change copyright year in field text (through edit definition) in title block.
Our titleblocks have a copyright year statement that needs updating everytime a new year comes around.
Currently we select the titleblock, edit definition, edit text, and make the change. Currently reads "2012 (company B) CORPORATION"
I have many texts fields in my drawing. I need edit the format of all field. e.g field - 1030.60 convert to - 1.030,60 Is there any lisp doing that? I mean, select multiple field and change it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen editing the properties for the title block on each sheet of my drawing, I've become rather annoyed with the default column width of the Value column. It always opens to the same width no matter how many times I change it. Every time I edit something in the title block, I have to resize this column to see everything I'm editing.
Any way to change the default width it opens at?
Infrastructure DSP '14 / Product DSP '14 / Vault Professional 2014
Dell Precision T1650
Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit
Intel E3-1270 V2 3.5GHz / 32G RAM
Nvidia Quadro 2000, Driver 331.82
Space Navigator, Driver Version 6.17.7
If LISP can be used to edit a diesel expression in a field inserted in dtext? I need to adjust the last number in $(+, $(GETVAR, USERI2),1) .
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using a symbol that includes a several text boxes. Each text box includes "prompted text" and "drawing properties". When I insert the symbol onto a drawing, the "Edit Property Fields" menu appears. In this menu, I can input my prompted field text or see the various "drawing properties".
My question is, how do I change the order that these property fields are displayed? It seems as if it depends on the order that the text boxes were created while defining the symbol definition. Is there any other way to change the display order?
I'm in the process of creating 3D points (as an overlay) on some laser scanned data (using RiScan, it's just 3d dimensional data, with a northing, easting and RL) and unfortunately the only export option is to export to .dxf... Which is fine but when I export, the information has the point ID as the layer name.
I am aiming at getting this data into another program to analyse and it needs the point ID or name to be my annotation, as opposed to the layer.
So what I need is a way of converting the names of each individual points layer, to the point ID.
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.
I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".
I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.
It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.
Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.
By accident I changed all my photos names. All my 30.000 pictures have the same name now.( with different numbers at the end.) How can I fixe this. I have an old back up catalog with the right names. Or is my only option to copy my back up from my external hard drive to my computer and synchronise it in lightroom..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI’ve moved the folders for LR 3.6 to an external drive. Now the folder names are grayed out and, rather than a file count on the right hand side, there is an ellipsis (“…”). I’ve tried “synchronize folders” to no effect. Running on OS X 10.7.2 with a Mac Pro.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm just learning Lightroom 5. I've imported pics successfully from my compact flash card and from my hard disk to an external drive. But have decided I want to rename (in Finder) some of the folders. How do I resync the names in the Catalogue?
Mac OS 10.8.3
I use a variety of programs to edit the xmp data (mostly Lightroom and exiftool right now), so I know the importance of the "Automatically write XMP data to file setting" (ON in my case). After a few days (actually more like a week) of writing xmp data and then reading into (or synching folders in) Lightroom, I found a number of "metadata conflicts" in my catalog. Since these are basically impossible to fix for a large catalog (since there is no way to show the files that have conflicts), I started over and created a new catalog, and imported all 40,000+ images into it.
However, with my new catalog (with presumably no metadata conflicts), the first image that I tried to change the metadata on gave me a metadata conflict (presumably when Lightroom tried to save the xmp data after I changed it). This was a jpg file, so the metadata is being (or not being) written into the file. Reading the metadata from the file into Lightroom did not fix the problem. The Metadata Status field in the Lightroom Metadata panel says "Unknown" and clicking on the word "Unknown" brings up a panel saying "There was an unknown error while writing metadata to this photo. Retry?", and neither retrying the save nor importing the settings from disk resolves the conflict.
I think that the problem is that the jpeg is somehow corrupt, because if I save a copy in Photoshop, I can read and write the metadata in that copy. And, the copy has, I think, the same metadata as the original. (Of course, the image is probably imperceptibly degraded because I re-jpeg'd it).
There is no message in Console (I'm on Mac). (See PS)
I am worried that I have a number of files with this kind of problem, I guess I could "Save Metadata" for all files in my catalog (thus updating the file modified date for all 2 TB of data, and causing a massive backup issue), and then look through my catalog for those elusive exclamation points. But I'd like something the jpeg could have gotten corrupted, but I do have an archived version that I could look at.
I have a new Geotagger Pro 2 GPS (Solmeta) and tried it out yesterday. The GPS coordinants are not in the metadata. I do get the elevation and the direction the photo was taken. I tried Updating & Read Metadata in the menu but I still do not get the info. When viewed the photos in the camera, they had the GPS data.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi must have a preset metadata because all my photos have been imported using the created year as 2011, location as London and keyword as travel.
How do I clear the metadata?
all my photos have a date of 1-1-11 and travel as a keyword.
is there a way to change these as a group instead of individually?
is there a way to find the date the photo was taken?
My metadata presets are not appearing in the library module. Preset None and Edit Presets appear. There are various presets in the Users/Roaming/Appdata/Adobe/Lightroom/4/Metadata Templates folder. the metadata presets have disappered from my images as well?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy original digital camera (Nikon E880 point-and-shoot) did not insert the date that the picture was taken into the metadata. How can I add the date that the images were taken with this camera in Lightroom 3?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've made development changes in Lightroom to photos on my laptop. However, they aren't showing up when I import them to my desktop (I'm not applying any import settings upon import).
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to display the IPTC metadata in Lightroom 4 in the same way as in Bridge CS6 so that it only displays the fields I want to use - is this possible without having to install 3rd party software? I've tried the metadata pop-up menu selections but these either omit items I want to see or include many items which I don't use. I bought Lightroom because it was designed for photographers but I am discovering that there are a number of areas where it is not as flexible as Bridge.
View 8 Replies View RelatedUsing the publish feature, I published some files to a hard drive using a publish service. Some of the files I had renamed from the default camera name convention to my own name convention. Others I had not changed the name from the default. After working on the original files, I renamed the files that had not been renamed, and then I republished them. I was expecting the republished files to have their new name, but they did not - they had the old names. I've tried republishing several times. I deleted the republished version of the file and then republished and it still came back with the old file name.
What in blue blazes is going on here? How can I get the names of the published files to match the names of the files in Lightroom?
I am new to LightRoom and am about to import more than 600 folders.These folders on the disc have names that relate to the content, and I was wondering if it is possible to add the folder names as keywords during import?
So if a photo is in /Weddings/New York/Chris and Charlie Hansen it would be tagged with 'Weddings, New York, Chris and Charlie Hansen' as keywords during import.
Naturally I would like this to happen dynamically so when import hundreds of folders in one go, the keywords are assigned as relevant. should I do it manually after import (which is of course possible, but quite a bit of work).