Supose I would like to convert my RAW files to JPEG (not export them!) in Lightroom, so that the RAW files would get replaced by the JPEG files, but keeping the whole history of adjustments once made to the RAW files on the develop panel.
Years ago I scanned old family photos using Adobe Photoshop and saved them as pdf files. Now I don't have the software to open them. I've read online that I may have success if I download software called Image Converter Plus. Should I go that route or will today's Adobe Photoshop software convert them? I currently do not own any of the Adobe products.
In elements 10 i used to be able to convert multiple .nef files to various jpeg resolutions at one time by using "process multiple files" under the file heading. When i try to do this inelements 11, that option is unavailable (unhighlighted). How do i do this?
How do I process multiple files and turn them from raw to jpeg. Ive tried and it seems to go through the files but doesnt seem to process them or store them in the selected folder
I am trying to batch convert several thousand TIFF files to lossless JPEG-2000, but I can't get it to work.
When I open a single file and "Save as" JPEG-2000 with the lossless option checked, the result is truly lossless. But when I record this as an Action and then Automate/Batch this action, the output is not saved as lossless.
I mostly shoot in RAW + JPEG and when importing my catalog I converted RAWs to DNG. However, I have on some occaisions had to shoot JPEG only and I'd like all my masters to be stored as DNG. The only option to convert JPEGs to DNG that I can find is via Export. I presume if I used this I'd have to export them all then delete the JPEG masters from my catalog before importing the DNGs.
I am transitioning to using RAW files more often. I add metadata, including GPS info, captions etc. Then invariably I need to get JPEGs to someone and have to go through the hassle of exporting the RAW as a JPEG with the metadata.
Is there a way I can get that metadata into the sorta sidecar JPEG file on my Mac without having to go through the export process?
I suppose I could designate the preference that on import the RAW and JPEG were treated as separate files; could I then just copy the metadata in? I haven't really worked with separate JPEG+RAW before. Would it happen automatically if I stacked them? Haven't really explored that.
It just seems that every time I have decided to use the RAW invariably I need the JPEG and if I don't have LR available (say I'm working on someone else's computer but accessing my own files)
I Have started to use Lightroom 4 and importing RAW files into lightroom. To this point its fine, then i export them to Jpeg, again to this point it is fine. NOW !!! when i go back to the location i picked up the RAW files from, thet are not there, have they been saved into another location? or have they been over written?
I just recently shot a session in raw (also new to that) to expand my editing process. I downloaded them to my laptop, edited them, and exported as a jpeg file. When I went to move the edits to my terabyte the files copied over as "untitled CR2 files". I don't know how to get them back as a jpeg.
Suddenly, after 3 months of easy use, LR5 says it can't import standard JPEG files form my Olympus OMD because it can't read them. But iphoto has no problem and imports them easily. This just started happening out of the blue.
I did a series of shots with an incorrect EV setting ( Exposure compensation) so I used Lightroom 4.3 to modify the exposure on these jpeg files. I then exported the modified images, and found that the file size was only 50% of the original.
some time ago (and I cannot connect it to some specific action from my side) I'm facing an unpleasant fenomena: when I'm processing a CR2 (Canon RAW) file and exporting the result to the hard disk as JPEG, the resulting JPEG file looks completely burned out ... but only if viewed in the Lightroom. If I view it for example, in a browser, or with the FastStone viewer, or whatever -- it looks perfectly normal.
I would like the caption or title to show as an overlay on exported jpeg files. How do I do it? Do I need to do it in Photoshop or can I directly do it in Lightroom 5 CC.
In CS6 I work with .tiff files and then export them to LR4 for editting. When I try to export the files back to CS6 they are converted to .jpeg files. Why?
Lightroom doesn't import my GPS data - it is there in the RAW (NEF) and jpeg files but doesn't show in the Metadata within Lightroom. Nikon View NX shows the data but I want to use Lightroom!
I convert all my raw files to DNG files when I import my files in Lightroom. when I exported it as a TIFF to Photoshop CS5 and reimport it in Lightroom 3 the file is in the Library but not in the Develop module. I have to shutdown Lightroom and reopen it to see the TIFF file in the Develop Module. It's getting old.
The problem appeared when I updated to version 3.
Adobe support was nice but said they could not reproduce the problem thus no problem. The problem does exist under Windows 7 64bit or Apple systems.
When I try to import photos (from several card readers or straight from hard disk) by convertting them to DNG files I only get few of them to Lightroom library. Last time I tested I got 2 out of 16 to library, in Finder I can find all 16 of converted files. I'm using Mountain Lion Os X version 10.8.2, and Lightroom 4.3.
The jpeg files generated with LR export menu are not displayable on my TV (store on a DNLA server), instead of Jpeg generated with CaptureNX2 (from the same Raw file).