Lightroom :: 3 Won't Recognize JPEG In Folder That Has Scanned Files
Aug 12, 2012Why won't lr3 recognze files in a folder that were made from scans.
View 3 RepliesWhy won't lr3 recognze files in a folder that were made from scans.
View 3 RepliesI have just bought a new camera a canon 5dmk111 and have been shooting in Raw+Jpeg. When I try and transfer them onto my PC in Elements 10 it only recognises the JPEG's and not the RAW. I have previously been using a canon 400D and not had this problem.
View 3 Replies View RelatedLightroom does not recognize the folder and tells me the photos are not online.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I want to save a jpeg file into the same folder I opened I click 'save as' and the wrong folderopens but with the correct file number I am working on ready to save.I have to search in pictures and re-open the correct folder to save into.
The photo also appears in the wrong folder and I have to delete it from there.I have been using PS3 for years and this has just started happening for no reason.
successfully scanning photos into My Pictures. have been able to import first batch into LR3 but having a problem with the last half. i get the following message on the problem files " preview unavailable for this file". when i double click the file i get the following message "could not read preview".
using a nikon coolscan V ed negative scanner and vuescan software. no difference in naming of files between imported ones and unimported ones. again, all files successfully scanned into My Pictures.
My Lightroom 3.6 doesn't recognize *.NEF files, which hasn't previously been a problem. Software is up-to-date. New Nikon 800E took the pictures.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've been using Lightroom 4 for over a year now to process NEF files straight from my memory card. For some reason, LR has stopped recognizing my NEF files. The only change was that I upgraded to 4.4 recently. I did find a free adobe program that converts NEF to DNG files, but it's an extra step I don't want to have to mess around with if I don't have to.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I get my Lightroom 3 to recognise my raw files from a Canon T5i?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my Lightroom 3.6 no longer recognizes .RAF files from my X100s.
For some weird reason, raw files from my older X100 are recognizable.
Everything seems up to date.
Running on a Macbook Air.
I just picked up a Canon D6 today, and LR 4.2 will not recognize or import the CR2 raw files.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI opened my catalog today and went to one of my folders (2011/9 September). I noticed that there were pictures in the folder that did not belong and had the wrong name attached to them. I was surprized so I right clicked selected "Show in Finder" the folder 2011/9 September opened the photo was not in the folder.
Knowing the folder it should be in I went there and sure it enough it is there with it's original name.Went back to lightroom optimized the catalog... still there. Deleted folder in Lightroom, reimported, but the files came back.
The folder on the finder has 96 pictures, the folder in Lightroom shows 146.I can deal with removing the 40 odd files in this situation but I am afraid it will occur in one of the folders where there are a couple of thousand images.All my other folders seem fine for now, what would cause this issue?
I have LR 4.2 and using Lion with a MBP. I recently got gps4cam for my iphone to record gps coordinates.
Unfortunately i imported all the pix of my vacation to LR instead of importing them with the gp24cam app first
So Now i have the xmp files with gps coordinates in a separate file for each photo, but LR even though ca see that file, does not import any of the info on it
Is there a way to force LR to read and recognize those gps coordinates without having to delete all the pix of my vacation from LR, and re-import them to my mac before with the gps4cam app and afterwards import em in LR.?
I mean i cant believe there is not way to do that... y LR can read and recognize gps coordinates if are on a picture, but cant recognize and attach those same coordinate to the original fine if they are in a separate xmp file?
I have LR 3.6 and it will not recognize raw files from my Nikon DC7100, what do I need to do and how do I do it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedLightroom won't recognise NEF files from my Nikon D600. I purchased lightroom 4.1 new in January adn have added all of the updates.
View 4 Replies View RelatedLR 4 doesn't recognize nef files from Nikon D70.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have tried reinstalling LR - still doesn't work. It says all products uptodate as well.
My Mac can read the files fine and displays them correctly in iPhoto
Is there a way to get lightroom 3.3 to recognize importing video files with a 3gp extension? These videos do not show up during the import process.This is the format on most of the HTC Android phones. It would be nice to be able to import these videos along with the jpg pictures.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can i get adobe to recognize my Fuji Finepix S1 RAW files, Fuji Support tech says it uses same processor as the Fuji Finepix SL1000 that is supported, unless there is another work around that lets adobe products see my raw files from my Fuji Finepix S1
View 2 Replies View RelatedInstalled Lightroom 4.2 to read NEF files from a Nikon D600 and it says preview unavailable and it does not recognize the files..on a PC with windows 7..
View 2 Replies View RelatedPhoto shop elements 10 and lightroom 3 will not recognize raw files from my canon 6D camera .. what should I do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to figure this out for over a week since I got my D800 and am not making any progress. I am using LightRoom 4.1 and Adobe Camera Raw 7.1 on a Mac OS X v10.6.8.
I read that I need ACR 6.7 in order to recognize the D800 NEF files, but I don't know how to remove 7.1. I tried deleting ACR from my .library folder and reinstalling 6.7 but it still says it's 7.1 when I open up LR4.1 again. Also, I only have Photoshop CS5 and I read that 7.1 supports the D800 NEF files in CS6 only.
On a probably unrelated note, I bought the educational version of LR4 and when I go back to my email that contained the download link, it shows a blank page on "My Orders" even though I've purchased this and other educational versions from Adobe in the last few years. I got the LR4.1 download file and reinstalled after removing the release candidate I was checking out, but wasn't prompted for my registration code that was in my purchase email.
Following previous LR upgrades (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6), old files were automatically removed from the Program Files folder. However, I just upgrades from 3.6 to 4.0 and notice that the old files are still on my hard drive in the 3.6 folder. Do I need to keep these files or can I UNINSTALL LR 3.6?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn Photoshop CS 6, I noticed that some of the filters I use (Mostly The Cut Out Filter in the Artistic Folder) is not on the filter dropdown list anymore like it has been on other versions of Photoshop. I have to go to FILTER GALLERY Then I go to ARTISTIC then I can see the Cut Out Filter.
Is there any way I can make the Artistic Folder, or any other Filter Folder in the Filter Gallery a part of the Filter dop down list? This would be be a little faster and save me a few clicks with the mouse.
Question # 2. I have an EPSON 3490 Scanner and I scanned a document into PS 6 and it asks me to save it in a folder before I can open it up in Photoshop. Can I just Scan it in, and then decide where I want to save it? This was always the way in every other version of Photoshop. I really do not want to have 2 versions of the same picture on my computer.
Question # 3 Why does it always save as a .jpeg when I scan using Photoshop? I would like to always save it as a .psd as it scans in to Photoshop.
I have a foler with just over 5065 images that I am trying to import, but when the imprt dialogue window comes up, it only shows 4995. Have tried unchecking the 'dont import duplicates' and have trried multiple times, but for some reason it only registers 4995 images. Where the other 75 could be hiding? all the other folders in the main folder imported fine..
View 9 Replies View RelatedI created multiple folders under "My Lightroom Pictures." I created two separate folders titled "Herons and Egrets" (one folder misspelled "Heerons") and would like to move the single photo in one folder to the other. How do I do it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSupose I would like to convert my RAW files to JPEG (not export them!) in Lightroom, so that the RAW files would get replaced by the JPEG files, but keeping the whole history of adjustments once made to the RAW files on the develop panel.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am transitioning to using RAW files more often. I add metadata, including GPS info, captions etc. Then invariably I need to get JPEGs to someone and have to go through the hassle of exporting the RAW as a JPEG with the metadata.
Is there a way I can get that metadata into the sorta sidecar JPEG file on my Mac without having to go through the export process?
I suppose I could designate the preference that on import the RAW and JPEG were treated as separate files; could I then just copy the metadata in? I haven't really worked with separate JPEG+RAW before. Would it happen automatically if I stacked them? Haven't really explored that.
It just seems that every time I have decided to use the RAW invariably I need the JPEG and if I don't have LR available (say I'm working on someone else's computer but accessing my own files)
RAW to JPEG and RAW files go missing?
I Have started to use Lightroom 4 and importing RAW files into lightroom. To this point its fine, then i export them to Jpeg, again to this point it is fine. NOW !!! when i go back to the location i picked up the RAW files from, thet are not there, have they been saved into another location? or have they been over written?
How do you convert several cr2 files to jpegs in lightroom?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy can't my Lightroom read my (jpeg) files now that I have reloaded it onto a new imac hard drive?
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes Lightroom allow you to convert cr2 files to JPEG? If so how do you do this? are othere adobe products able to accomplish this as well?
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