I shoot a lot of images with the background blown out (I shoot RAW of course; on my preview the background is flashing like crazy). I do this deliberately!
But LR4 apparently insists om saving me from myself. It automatically pulls back the blown-out areas so they become visible again. And no simple edit brings them back: I have to move whites to +80 to +100 and exposure up by half a stop as well. This is silly - I blow out my backgrounds very deliberately.
Is there a way to stop this behaviour, to turn off this show-stopper compulsory protection?
This image shows it: in the original the bg is 255-255-255 - full blinkies on the LCD. But in the RAW there is, alas, enough detail left ion the bits to bring it back:
it is fully made out of tracing , to be able to blow it up. it is my first so how do I blow it up, can I attach everything together (vector and color) to do it all in one shot.
I have been blowing up images (pictures, drawings, art) recently but am having difficulty in defining the colours and edges in them art for silkscreening. When i blow it up the resolution goes way down and i want to make things as clear as possible. So is there any tips out there for getting that blur out of my life.
I have been unable to get the BOM for an assembly to give me a full bill for my top level assemblies. While the list of top level components is usually what I want, I would like to be able to add another sheet for the top level assemblies that has the full BOM of all piece parts of all the sub assemblies.
If I start a Parts List and set the drop down to all levels and the next to parts only, before selecting the view I would think it would give me what I want but after placing a list with all the different combinations selected, my lists ALL look the SAME. WHere do I look to make this change?
Lines are drawn together. So that the file is busy. I am looking for a command that extra line below the main line is being erased. As the top line is there to stay, and underline and additional lines to be deleted.
"xref object blow up max on loading scene" thats all I can add only into the scene I have a CAT rig, some cylinders with skin,cloth,ffd modyficators. After importing and xref object i close max. Then, when I am trying to open max with xrefobject i get an error. I unchecked the "automatic update" option, with to effect- still max cant open the scene and gimme an error.
I've been watching the Luminous Landscape video tutorials on Lightroom 3 and find them immensely useful. However, I've just watched the tutorial on printing and obviously haven't understood it. I've made changes to my print settings and profiles and now find I can't print at all from LR, all that happens is that the paper is fed through the printer, no printing. I'm using Windows 7 32 bit.
revert back to my non messed up print settings/profiles etc?
I just updated to Camera Raw8.3 and now when I'm in LR5.3 and attempt to edit an image in PS5, the image does not move from LR to PS. Should I just go back to a previous CR version?
This is the error message I get when I try to upload my raw files into LR4 from my Canon 5D MarkIII:
"The files are from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format support in LR. (7)
ex file # 5B9A0008.CR2
I recently upgraded from a 5D classic to the MarkIII. Jpeg's upload fine. I've googled, looked in the manual, searched for LR update and nothing has worked.
I am running Lightroom 4.4 with Camera 7.4 and Photoshop CS 6 will no longer let me edit directly from Lightroom. I am on an IMac running the most recent OS, OS X 10.8.3.
When I first purchased my D700, I didn't have a CF card reader, so I've been using a cable with it to import my photos and love doing it that way. All of a sudden, the cable won't work with LR4 anymore. I can still use it to transfer photos to my computer, and THEN import into LR4 but that takes double the amount of time, and it's miserable. I want to keep using my cable, but it doesn't show up with my D700 in the import menu anymore.
I can no longer edit from LR 5 in photoshop CC. When I right click on the DNG image in my filmstrip, choose edit in> Photoshop CC nothing happens. If photoshop is closed, it will launch the program but does not open my image. I haven't changed any settings that I know of.
I have been successfully using Lightroom 4 for several weeks (and the Beta version before that), but today, after downloading the Nik Software Viveza plug in, when I tried to open LR, none of my images were there, and when I clicked on a module, I received an error message saying there was an error trying to change modules. Not sure what to do. I've uninstalled Viveza, but that did not fix the problem. I've rebooted many time, that also didn't solve this issue. I also tried opening a backup from yesterday, but that doesn't work either. I use a MacBook Pro and am running Lion.
I'm thinking I may want to uninstall LR 4 and reinstall..
Everything has worked perfectly until today. Yesterday evening, I received an update notice from Adobe for an update called Adobe CSXS INfrastructure CS6 and I agreed to let install. It installed.
That seems to be where the problem started. Now, when I send an image from LR to Photoshop, it does not open. The "Edit in" command isn't working. PS opens, but the image does not appear.
I just downloaded and reinstalled PS CS6. I then asked PS CS6 to update, which it did. When finished, there was an error saying that Adobe CSXS INfrastructure CS6 could not install. Error code: U44M1P7
The good news is that now it all works again! So, the problem lies in the Infrastructure update, which I will not allow to update again.
Windows 7, 64 bit Photoshop CS6, all updates Lightroom 4.1, all updates
Suddenly LR no longer makes a copy when I select "edit a copy", for example "edit a copy with LR adjustments", in PSCC.
Instead, it sends the MASTER to PSCC.
In the case where I have done no editing in PSCC and simply try to close the PS edit window, I always have to click "Don't Save", whereas before this GLITCH in LR, PSCC would simply close the image since I had done no editing.
Don't know if these two things are related but I have used both for many years and this is the first time I have seen this problem.
I get the "Photo upload failed, but no error string was returned from Facebook" and "Can’t update this collection. Photo upload failed, but no error string was returned from Facebook."
The plugin diagnostics report is as follows:
**** Error 1
This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.
Photo upload failed, but no error string was returned from Facebook.
Now I have searched and searched for answers, which is normally it's a permission problem with facebook. Well it's on fb page, it's set to public and app has a permission of public.
I have removed the app from fb, removed authorisation from lightroom, deleted the prefs file, logged out of fb, tried to publish when all access to fb was logged out etc, etc and still no joy.
It doesn't matter if it's a new album, an existing album, my profile or a page!
Error Message is :- Unable to Export :- an internal error has occurred; WIN32 API error 2 (the system cannot find the file specified) when calling ShellexecuteExW fromAgWorkspace.shellexecute.
Photos are exported, but without the EXIF data?
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Lightroom. I have also tried Restoring Win 7 to an earlier build, but with no success.
The print resolution is no longer displayed making it difficult to decide if I need to modify the resolution prior to printing. Second, Lightroom 5 no longer generates a print preview. I select this option in my printer interface but sends the image directly to the printer without generating the preview. I did not have these issues with Lightroom 4 or earlier versions.
My edit information ( stack counts, ratings picks etc) is showing in grid view but is no longer showin in the filmstrip even though my settings (view options) are set to show details.
I run Lightroom 4.2 under Windows 7. All went well until this morning the development module showed a greyed out screen and LR stopped working. All other modules seem to work well. I tried a reinstallation but that doesn't work, nor does a return to 4.0 work.
The label for Library, i.e. the word 'Library', no longer shows in the line of module labels along the top panel of my Lightroom 4 window; all the others from Develop to Web are still there. I see they're called Module Picker Buttons (Menu - Lightroom - Identity Plate Setup..). I've just downloaded Lightroom version 4.4 but that hasn't triggered the reappearance of 'Library'. So I now have to use alt-cmd-1 to access the Library module. retrieve 'Library' for the top panel? Have I unknowingly made a keystroke that disabled it? I'm running Lightroom 4.4 on Mac OS 10.6.8.
In the early days of Lightroom there was a problem where if you cancelled a edit on a raw file in Photoshop without changing the file (maybe you opened in error) you still ended up with a tiff or PSD file that then needed manual deletion.
This was corrected in later versions. Now however the problem seems to have returned! Am I missing something or is it a screw up by Adobe?
LR4 has a longstanding bug where it can no longer edit RAW files in Photoshop CS6.
Most (including me) appear to be using a work-around where a copy is made of the Photoshop CS6 executable and slightly renaming it. this is then plugged into LR4 as a third-party editor. A far from convenient or professional affair!
Why does the Adobe Labs ADOBE RAW beta not update RAW in LR4 but only CS6?
I'm been humming along just fine in Lightroom 5 until this morning. I might explain that I have been using an old iMac. The speeds been killing me so I decided to use my new MacBook Pro and get a display with it. So this weekend I set up the MacBook Pro with LR presets etc. I use an exteral HD for my photos. Since that drive was getting pretty full. I purchased a new one and copied my photos to it. In LR on the MacBook Pro, I clicked "find my photo" and it did. After that I did some editing and exporting. This morning, I couldn't export or edit in the development module. I still have my old iMac installed and I noticed I can't export from it either. Not sure what I need to do to use it.
I only looked at a few photos so I could be premature in my assessment (and I don't have time to hunt down a fix list if one exits), but it appears the v2012 exposure (and other basic settings) no longer interferes with the lens vignette correction. In other words the lens vignetting takes priority over all other adjustments, as it should.