Lightroom :: What Are All Locations Where Metadata Is Written

Dec 29, 2013

I have a question about the location of any metadata (IPTC, keywords, etc.) written in Lightroom 5 to my raw files. I understand that this data is written (embedded) into jpg files but as a .xmp file next to the raw files. My question is, if I purge the jpgs and do NOT continuously copy the updated .xmp files to my backup drives, and if I were to lose my Lightroom catalog, will all my Lightroom metadata that I added be lost? Or, does Lightroom keep all my metadata in the catalog file? Is the Lightroom catalog the "source" location of the data that's added to the jpgs and .xmp file?

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Lightroom :: Difference Between Copy Metadata And Synchronize Metadata

Mar 23, 2012

As far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing.  Is there a difference in what they do?

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Lightroom :: File Could Not Be Written?

Aug 18, 2012

I am running the latest version of Lightroom and have suddenly, just today, started getting this error. Nothing about my PC has changed. I can't export ANYTHING to anywhere on the C drive. I simply get the error message "the file could not be written". I am the only user on the PC and am also the administrator -
I am running Windows 8 Release Preview 64bit with latest version of Lightroom.
 Other PC specs:
AMD FX-4100 @ 3.6GHz
Asus 560 Ti DIRECTUCUII @ 930Hz
168GB hard drive (Ancient)

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Lightroom :: The File Could Not Be Written

Nov 17, 2013

Yesterday Lightroom 5 worked fine. This morning, nothing will export, with the message "The file could not be written." This applies to dng and jpg files. Nothing has changed as the computer was shut down overnight. My HD has 98% (1.97 TB) space available and I have Mac OS X 10.8.5. I recently upgraded to LR5. Neither new files nor old files (on another HD) can be opened, although all files could be opened yesterday. What can I do?

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Lightroom :: File Could Not Be Written

Apr 26, 2013

When exporting from LR 4.4 (and 4.3) as a jpeg, "file could not be written" appears when saving to main hard drive. Exporting to a thumb drive or external drive of any kind works fine.

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Lightroom :: How GPS Coordinates Are Written To EXIF In LR4

Jul 17, 2012

How GPS coordinates are written to EXIF in LR4.
Here's the bottom line: I understand how to insert coordinates into a photo's EXIF. I can clearly see the coordinates when viewing EXIF within LR4, but that's where the trail ends.
I am trying to view the GPS EXIF data in multiple other programs and I just don't see it anywhere. I also participate in an web sharing site that automatically maps photos upon upload, assuming the coordinates are in the EXIF. This isn't working for me either. As a test I uploaded a file that had coordinates written to EXIF (according to LR4), and then downloaded that image back to my PC, and re-imported it to LR4 ... I can see all EXIF except no GPS coordinates.
For all practical purposes, it appears LR4 is not really writing the coordinates to EXIF except for what is displayed inside the shell of Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Getting Error The File Could Not Be Written When Exporting

Jul 17, 2013

When I attempt to export a group of approximately 50 photos from LR4, a window opens at the end of the process saying "The file could not be written" along with a list of approximately 10-15 NEF file names.  I have never had a problem exporting before, but I recently started storing my LR catalog and files on an external USB 3.0 drive.

Here are the details:LR4 with latest updatesWin 7 with latest updatesLR catalog and photo files stored on external USB 3.0 G: driveTrying to export to a folder on my desktop on C: drive (46GB free out of 134GB, solid state drive)LR files are NEF, exported files are JPGI've tried to export to the same group of photos multiple times with different names and different output file sizes (8MB, 5MB, 2MB).  Each time the list of failures is different.Some of the thumbnails which appear in Windows Explorer are corrupted (part of the thumbnail is gray)When I try to export the same group of photos to the external USB 3.0, it works perfectly! 
Here is an example of one of the LR log files:

The file could not be written. (17)
    G:2013Stratton and Colorado20132013-06-23\_D7K1915.NEF
    G:2013Stratton and Colorado20132013-06-23\_D7K1918.NEF
    G:2013Stratton and Colorado20132013-06-23\_D7K1919.NEF
    G:2013Stratton and Colorado20132013-06-23\_D7K1939.NEF
    G:2013Stratton and Colorado20132013-06-23\_D7K1948.NEF


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AutoCad 2D :: Difference Between Tool Palettes File Locations And Authoring Palette File Locations?

May 30, 2013

I am new to using Tool Palettes. I have created a folder on my C: drive which contains all my tool palettes. Right now, I get the symbol of a circle with a line drawn through it and cannot use my tool palettes.

In the Options tab, I noticed that there are the "Tool Palettes File Locations" and also "Authoring Palette File Locations". What is the difference between the two? Do I need to do something to both so I can use my tool palettes without difficulty?

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Lightroom :: Delimited Keywords Written Into DNG Files As Cataloged?

Nov 13, 2012

How can I ensure that delimited keywords are written into DNG files as they are cataloged ??  
The option exists for exported images but I can't find a solution for cataloged images.

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Lightroom :: Delimited Keywords Are Not Written Into DNG Files As They Are In Catalogue?

Jun 15, 2013

adding a preset to already edited photos without changing the edit.  Basically I will edit an entire wedding and then I go back and pick out favorites for my bride and like to add the same artistic edit over them.  Since they are already all edited to my clean beautiful photo, (color balance, exsposure, editing for maybe none ideal lighting during ceremony) I would think there would be an easy way to add a preset without having it change all my adjustments I made so to speed up my process.  I know If I bring my photos to photoshop and bring them back into lightroom it pretty much resets it to basic

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Lightroom :: 4 - Auto Assigned Placenames Not Written To XMP On Export?

Mar 30, 2012

When pinning a photo to the map, and get the GPS coordinates into metadata. I also get information in the IPTC fields for ISO Country Code, Country and State/province, but they are marked in italics and with a grey-coloured typeface. I use DNG raw files.

When exporting to JPG, the GPS coordinates are included in EXIF, but the placenames are gone.
If I enter the placenames manually, they export to both IPTC and XMP tags.
Why are the automatically assigned placenames not included on export?

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Lightroom :: Sidecar File Has Conflict - Keyword Changes In LR Not Being Written To JPEGs

Jan 7, 2012

I am new to Lightroom and evalutating 3.6 on a trial.I performed the following test:

1. Imported 3 pictures into Lightroom from my hard drive
2. In Lightroom, I made a keyword change to one photo (removed a keyword).
3. All three photos' Metadata icon show the arrow, indicating that there has been a change. (I only changed the keyword on one photo.)
4. I click the icon for the photo whose keyword I changed.
5. I get the message "The metadata for this photo has been changed in Lightroom. Save the changes to disk?"
6. I click "Yes".
7. The photo's Metadata icon shows an exclamation point. When you hover over the exclamation point, it shows the message "Sidecar has conflict".
I have two questions:

1. My expectation is that when I changed a keyword, or any other metadata, in LR, it will show up on the photo outside of LR. My understanding is that this is a functionality of LR. Am I wrong? (The Help files seem to indicate that this is a reasonable expectation.)
2. I am assuming, having read many posts on the forum, that the error message "Sidecar has conflict" is a bug. Am I right? (My understanding is that JPEGs don't have sidecar files, which just makes this message even more odd.)
I am on Windows 7 Home Premium (upgraded from Vista Home Premium), 32 bit.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Images - Keep Getting Error Message File Cannot Be Written?

Oct 19, 2012

I've recently encounterd a problem while trying to export images out of Lightroom 4.  I keep getting an error messge "File canot be written."  This is happening whether I'm exporting a Jpeg or a raw file.   Cannot figure what has happend but it's doing it with old and new files, so it's not an issue of a corrupted file.

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Lightroom :: Saved Locations Missing In Map Module

Feb 27, 2013

I Upgraded to LR 4.4 RC and now I am missing my saved locations in the map module. 

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Lightroom :: Options To Backup LR4 To Multiple Locations?

Nov 4, 2012

One of the few things I miss about Aperture is the ability to create a number of backup vaults containing all the information needed to recover a database of photos. By that I mean the photos and the metadata needed to create the 'edited' photos. I'm wondering if it's possible to do that with LR4.
At the moment I'm backing-up my photos and catalog to a bootable drive and also backing up the catalog once a week. If I were also to backup my Lightroom folder and the associated photos to a drive (e.g. automically syning to a memory stick) would that provide all the info needed to create the edited files and metadata?

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Lightroom :: Tethered-dual Storage Locations For Images?

Dec 15, 2011

1-When shooting tethered, is there a way to have it place the incoming raw files in two locations at once? Such as on an external as well as the internal drive for backup purposes?
2-When I plug the camera in (D300s), Windows 7 sees the camera almost instantly. However, Lightroom takes a minute and 30 seconds before it sees it to allow tethered shooting.

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Lightroom :: How To Add Text (names Or Locations) Shows On Photo From Library Or Develop Module

Dec 14, 2012

Is there a way to add text (names or locations)so it shows on a photo from the library or develop module? I know you can add text in the slidshow module or when exporting, but it would be faster in the library/develop module.

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Lightroom :: Moved Photo Locations And Cannot Access Photo Library - LR4

Nov 11, 2012

After finally running out of space on my computer I've shifted my photo library onto an external hard drive. I did this outside of lightroom as I did not expect there to be too many complications
There is a general folder named "Photos" and within are the sub folders for the photos. I did a simple drag and drop from my computer to the hard drive and expected Lightroom to simple show the new directory in the folder panel.
What would be the simplest way to re-access the files since moving them to the new hard drive?

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Lightroom :: Getting XMP Metadata Sorted Out?

Aug 10, 2011

I use a variety of programs to edit the xmp data (mostly Lightroom and exiftool right now), so I know the importance of the "Automatically write XMP data to file setting" (ON in my case). After a few days (actually more like a week) of writing xmp data and then reading into (or synching folders in) Lightroom, I found a number of "metadata conflicts" in my catalog. Since these are basically impossible to fix for a large catalog (since there is no way to show the files that have conflicts), I started over and created a new catalog, and imported all 40,000+ images into it.
However, with my new catalog (with presumably no metadata conflicts), the first image that I tried to change the metadata on gave me a metadata conflict (presumably when Lightroom tried to save the xmp data after I changed it). This was a jpg file, so the metadata is being (or not being) written into the file. Reading the metadata from the file into Lightroom did not fix the problem. The Metadata Status field in the Lightroom Metadata panel says "Unknown" and clicking on the word "Unknown" brings up a panel saying "There was an unknown error while writing metadata to this photo. Retry?", and neither retrying the save nor importing the settings from disk resolves the conflict.
I think that the problem is that the jpeg is somehow corrupt, because if I save a copy in Photoshop, I can read and write the metadata in that copy. And, the copy has, I think, the same metadata as the original. (Of course, the image is probably imperceptibly degraded because I re-jpeg'd it).
There is no message in Console (I'm on Mac). (See PS)
I am worried that I have a number of files with this kind of problem, I guess I could "Save Metadata" for all files in my catalog (thus updating the file modified date for all 2 TB of data, and causing a massive backup issue), and then look through my catalog for those elusive exclamation points. But I'd like something the jpeg could have gotten corrupted, but I do have an archived version that I could look at.

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Lightroom :: GPS Data Not In Metadata

Feb 23, 2014

I have a new Geotagger Pro 2 GPS (Solmeta) and tried it out yesterday. The GPS coordinants are not in the metadata. I do get the elevation and the direction the photo was taken. I tried Updating & Read Metadata in the menu but I still do not get the info. When viewed the photos in the camera, they had the GPS data.

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Lightroom :: How To Clear The Metadata

Oct 8, 2013

i must have a preset metadata because all my photos have been imported using the created year as 2011, location as London and keyword as travel. 
How do I clear the metadata?
all my photos have a date of 1-1-11 and travel as a keyword. 
is there a way to change these as a group instead of individually?
is there a way to find the date the photo was taken?

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Lightroom :: Metadata Presets Do Not Appear In 4?

Aug 17, 2012

My metadata presets are not appearing in the library module. Preset None and Edit Presets appear. There are various presets in the Users/Roaming/Appdata/Adobe/Lightroom/4/Metadata Templates folder. the metadata presets have disappered from my images as well?

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Lightroom :: Add Date To Metadata?

Jan 19, 2012

My original digital camera (Nikon E880 point-and-shoot) did not insert the date that the picture was taken into the metadata.  How can I add the date that the images were taken with this camera in Lightroom 3?

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Lightroom :: DNG Metadata Changes Not Showing Up

Nov 28, 2011

I've made development changes in Lightroom to photos on my laptop. However, they aren't showing up when I import them to my desktop (I'm not applying any import settings upon import).

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Lightroom :: Displaying Metadata In 4?

Aug 14, 2012

I want to display the IPTC metadata in Lightroom 4 in the same way as in Bridge CS6 so that it only displays the fields I want to use - is this possible without having to install 3rd party software? I've tried the metadata pop-up menu selections but these either omit items I want to see or include many items which I don't use. I bought Lightroom because it was designed for photographers but I am discovering that there are a number of areas where it is not as flexible as Bridge.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Save Metadata Tags

Jul 29, 2013

I am trying to save the metadata tags I have created, but I am not given the option to do so. I tried CMD + S, but that does not work and when I go to Metadata -> Save Metadata to files is not an available option. I am using Lightroom 4.4 and working with .mov files.

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Lightroom :: Adding / Editing XMP Metadata?

Aug 15, 2012

How to add and edit xmp-metadata?

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Lightroom :: Getting Metadata Into JPEG Files From RAW

Sep 5, 2013

I am transitioning to using RAW files more often. I add metadata, including GPS info, captions etc. Then invariably I need to get JPEGs to someone and have to go through the hassle of exporting the RAW as a JPEG with the metadata.
Is there a way I can get that metadata into the sorta sidecar JPEG file on my Mac without having to go through the export process?
I suppose I could designate the preference that on import the RAW and JPEG were treated as separate files; could I then just copy the metadata in? I haven't really worked with separate JPEG+RAW before. Would it happen automatically if I stacked them? Haven't really explored that.
It just seems that every time I have decided to use the RAW invariably I need the JPEG and if I don't have LR available (say I'm working on someone else's computer but accessing my own files)

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Lightroom :: Copyright Metadata And Printing?

Jul 1, 2013

If I apply copyright metadata to a client's purchased images will this in any way affect their ability to get the files printed (pro-lab or with public-lab) or print them themselves?

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Lightroom :: Camera WB Setting In LR Metadata?

Dec 22, 2011

Is is possible to include the camera WB setting (e.g. daylight, cloudy etc, or temp K) in the LR metadata?

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Lightroom :: Filter By Unwritten Metadata?

Feb 12, 2012

In a catalog full of DNGs how can I display only files with metadata that has not been written to the files themselves. The goal is to avoid unecessary file updating in terms of backups. I don't want to update files that don't need it, so I guess the other question is does Ctrl+S atcually update selected files if there is no unwritten metadata

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