Lightroom :: Way To Preserve All Keywords / Captions / Titles

May 21, 2013

I'm currently using Lightroom 1.4.1 and am interested in upgrading soon, but wanted to know if there's a way to preserve all my keywords, captions, titles, etc. when I convert to a newer version, say L4.4?

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Lightroom :: Lost Titles / Captions With Upgrade To LR3

Nov 27, 2011

I just realized that I have lost all my titles and captions when I had upgraded to LR 3.5.  I thought when I was moving my LR catalogues to my new computer, I might as well upgrade.  Now I find out that not only have all the original file names been lost, or dropped (only my custom name&sequence.dng shows up, but now i realize that all the hours & hours of titling and captioning all my images in LR 2.6 is missing.  Does this mean that I have to go all the way back to my last back-ups of LR 2.6?  and then what?

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Lightroom :: Changing Font Size Of Titles / Captions On Webpages?

Mar 18, 2007

changing the font size that's used in the titles and captions of pictures when I create a web gallery.

I'm using LR to create web galleries of my son for my family to see him growing up and I like to use the title and captions to put comments about each picture. Some of the people who view these galleries on-line have poor vision and need to see a BIGGER font. The only font size for titles and captions seems to be embedded in LR and it's mighty small, any way to increase it?

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Lightroom :: Importing From External HD - Will Keywords And Captions Show Up?

Jan 24, 2013

Having a D100 camera and keywords filled out in Nikon View IPTC... would importing into Lightroom show up my keywords and captions?  I neglected to add that I would not be importing them from my computer HD, but from a external HD. All my past work was done on a Gateway PC.  Lightroom will probably be put on a new Mac.  I also have all these photos archived on CDs. Will this change things?  Will my keywords and captions still show up upon import?  If importing from an external HD blocks this, what can I do, what program can I add that will get my metadata across?

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Photoshop :: How To I Delete Keywords, Titles, Descriptions?

Mar 27, 2007

I created a new Metadata template and left those fields blank. (only kept the copyright field the same)

I selected the test images and applied the new template but the old info wont leave. any ideas appreciated. thanks.

(made another template with word NONE, in all fields I want blank. If I apply that new template within PS and then save the file, it will overwrite the old info, but within Bridge, if I apply the new template, Bridge will not overwrite anything -- only add new info. This will be real cumbersome to make action on thousands of images. any way to get Bridge to do this right?

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Lightroom :: Append Multiple Captions Where Captions (all Different) Already Exist

Nov 29, 2011

I caption my football photos with each player's two digit jersey number, ie. 01-99.  I then upload them to SmugMug with the intent of allowing viewers to use the "search" function to view photos of only their player. Unfortunately, the SmugMug search engine ignores any caption that has 2 or less characters.  I would like to append all my football captions in Lightroom 3 with an additional identifier to lengthen the caption so it will become searchable, for example append the "01" to "Titans01".  I don't care if identifier is at beginning or end.  I just want to be able to append an entire album at one time, not just one at a time.

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Lightroom :: Move Many Nested Keywords Back Into Main Listing Of Keywords

Aug 13, 2013

How can I move many nested keywords back into the main listing of keywords? I was up late a few nights ago and never noticed that about 80 new keywords were being placed as (nested?) under another keyword. How can I get them back from under that keyword and into the main keywrod list?

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Lightroom :: How To Select Multiple Keywords To Add To Images Without Keywords Collection

Aug 1, 2012

Lightroom has a collection containing all images without keywords.

As soon as I apply a keyword to images they instantly disappear from the collection. This is alright when I only want to apply a single keyword, but how do I stop it happening when I want to apply multiple keywords to the same image(s)?

Lightroom 4.1 trial, Windows 7

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Lightroom :: How To Add Captions To Photos

May 9, 2013

how I add captions to my photos? I have looked in the support. Read another discussion but option not coming up on my screen. I read that there should be an option in the metadata menu. But nothing comes up. Only camera settings and such.

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Lightroom :: Use Of  Photo Captions?

Oct 4, 2012

Is it possible to print address lables from info enterd into the caption field?

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Lightroom :: How To Print Captions

Nov 10, 2011

I have a few queries about Captions.How do I get the captions to print properly underneath the photographs when it is in landscape layout?I can do it if the photograph is in Portrait orintation. If it is in Landscape layout (i.e.  rotate to fit is selected) so the photo fills the A4 sheet, the captions do not rotate with the photograph so they are at 90 degrees to the photo & look silly plus it is hard to read sideways if the photo is the right way up.
Also,  is it possible to record data in custom fields & get these to print out underneath the photograph?
What I am trying to do is this: I have photographs from the local drama group. I want to record in the caption field the list of names of the people appearing gin the photo.  Ideally I want to record the name of the play in a separate field & also print this out under the photo, or do I need to put everything into the caption field? So far I have just been adding keywords - I have one hierarchical list for the names of the plays and another list of the names of the people so each photo is tagged. Next stage is to go back through & add the captions.

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Lightroom :: Add Captions To Image?

Jun 11, 2012

Lightroom is on the way. Can I add a caption to an image ala Picassa?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Preserve Raw Files After Editing In PS?

Jul 29, 2013

I have been using LR4, and am starting to learn Photoshop CS6. I thought I understood that there was not need to make a copy when editing a photo from Lightroom in Photoshop. However, Martin Evening's Lightroom 4 book (page 394 if you have it) states 'once you have converted a photo to black and white in Lightroom and edited in Photoshop, there is no opportunity to go back to the colour original'. He then talked about it being better to create an edit copy version

the original file would be lost in Lightroom. He also suggested that Virtual Copies may not be a good idea - something about if the catalog became corrupted you could lose the Virtual Copies, and it would be better to create a 'Real File'
So if I were to do some edits in LR4, including convert to B&W, then do further work in Photoshop, would it be better, or necessary to create another Edit Copy of the file so I had the original + another original I could then do the work on. And shoulkd I do this on all files

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Lightroom :: Importing TSV Captions / Metadata?

Jun 13, 2012

it is possible to import a TSV Metadata file into lightroom? I can't seem to find any option for this. Thinking about moving to Lightroom and the only way I can bring 400,000 captions with me is to hopefully Import. If I can't I'm probably staying put.

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Lightroom :: Use Word To Write Captions

Oct 11, 2012

I have to use Word to write captions to be sure I don't make typos and spelling errors. It sure would be nice to have spell check in the Caption/ Descrition field and Keywords. PhotoMechanic offers this. I really would prefer to just use Lightroom alone.

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Lightroom :: Linebreaks In Slideshow Captions?

Apr 14, 2013

When I import Captions into the slideshow they only come in a single line. How do I format them to be multi line?

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Lightroom :: Can Move Metadata Captions?

Dec 2, 2013

However, When I was meant to add the persons name in the photo to the "caption" section in the default metadata section.

I actually added the persons name into the IPTC Extension "Persons show in image" Section.

There are lots of different people in lots of different there a way to move the information from one field to another for all images without having togo in an copy and paste each one?

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Lightroom :: How To Remove Captions Appearing Over Photo

Mar 31, 2013

For some reason, the photo captions have started appearing in quite large font over the top left of the photo in Develop. How do I remove them? And why did they suddenly appear? (the answer to the first will probably answer the second).

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Lightroom :: Scanning Old Pictures And Adding Captions

Mar 3, 2013

I am scanning old photos and introducing into lightroom.  I would like to insert a name, date, etc onto the photo. 

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Lightroom :: Importing Batch Metadata (100 Different Captions)

Mar 27, 2014

If I have 100 images in Lightroom how would I import a folder of 100 different captions all at once?

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Lightroom :: Preserve Folder Structure When Exporting JPGs?

Nov 12, 2011

Is there a way to preserve the folder structure of a catalog when exporting JPGs of everything to a new location? I know there is an option to save the export into the same folder as the original file, but i am talking about a completely new location.

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Lightroom :: After Editing Images How To Export And Preserve GPS Data

Oct 25, 2013

Im shooting Nikon D5100 and D3200 cameras. Im recording GPS data with a Nikon GP1. Im shooting jpg FINE and LARGE 6016 x 4000; 24.1M. I need to be able to batch and individual edit the images which Im able to do but after exporting them my GPS data is gone. Im running an iMac with the latest software and LR 5.

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Lightroom :: Incrementing Creation Date Times To Preserve Sort?

Sep 7, 2013

I've got bunches of scanned analog photos. The creation dates were the scan time, not when the photos were taken. And some are out of order.
I don't remember the exact times and dates, but I do recollect the sequence. And I can use a "user order" within LR.
But how do I preserve that order in the metadata in the files for use in other applications, etc? I can set a creation date, but it appears to be the same for all. How I could increment the date/time so that I'd end up with the same sequence when sorted by "capture time"?

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Lightroom :: 3 - Changing Style Of Text Font When Inserting Captions?

Aug 12, 2012

I am trying to produce a slideshow in LR3 of a series of travel shots. Problem is that I want to insert a nice caption to each individual shot showing the place, country etc etc.

It seems the only way to do this is to enter the caption initially in the Metadata in the Library module and then select " Captions " in the Custom text box in the Slideshow module.

My problem is that I hate the clunky big white text that shows on the slideshow. I cannot seem to find anywhere where I can change this to a nicer text font, style and colour. You can change the style text in the text overlay panel but that then applies to the whole slideshow. I need a nice individual caption for each shot.

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Lightroom :: Cannot See Titles On Bottom Of Each Photo

Sep 5, 2013

I've added titles to my photos which show up in a slideshow.  However, when I email these same photos, the recepient cannot see the titles on the bottom of each photo.  How can I correct this?

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Lightroom :: How To Preserve Tags While Exporting Files With Minimize Metadata Checked

Aug 28, 2012

Working in LR 3.6, if I export files with "minimize metadata" checked, I loose the tags. The only way they stay in the exported JPG is if I enable that check. But I don't necessarily want all my EXIF data available to everybody.
Is this problem resolved in 4.1?

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Lightroom :: Unwanted Duplication Of Picture Titles?

Jun 25, 2013

I had a batch of 42 photos and laboriously entered titles for each one. At about the 40th, I discovered the program had copied into all the picture titles the most recent title entered. So it had overwritten my work. I started over and entered titles again. This was not a synch action on my part and there were no efforts to have a repetitious action that might apply to the pictures included in my collection.
I will understand this is probably some kind of "feature" but if so where do I turn it off? This is Lightroom 4 and involves both raw and jpg files.

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Lightroom :: Rename Photos On Import Without Losing Previous File Names And Captions?

Aug 10, 2012

How do I rename photos on import without loosing the previous file names and captions?

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Lightroom :: Can Text List Of Image Titles Be Generated?

Mar 20, 2014

Trying to produce a list ( text) of image titles from LR to generate a scoring sheet for club competitions.

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Lightroom :: How To Put Titles / Descriptions Into Photoshop File Info

Oct 6, 2012

How do I put titles, descriptions, shooting info, etc. into the photoshop "file info" using lightroom?

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Lightroom :: Grayed Out Folder Titles And No Photo Quantity Numbers?

Oct 18, 2012

Just noticed that all of my folder titles are grayed and not white and the photo quantity numbers don't show.....everything is still in place, what gives? I am new to lightroom and starting to panic!

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