Lightroom :: Incrementing Creation Date Times To Preserve Sort?
Sep 7, 2013
I've got bunches of scanned analog photos. The creation dates were the scan time, not when the photos were taken. And some are out of order.
I don't remember the exact times and dates, but I do recollect the sequence. And I can use a "user order" within LR.
But how do I preserve that order in the metadata in the files for use in other applications, etc? I can set a creation date, but it appears to be the same for all. How I could increment the date/time so that I'd end up with the same sequence when sorted by "capture time"?
In the thumbnail view the newest pics are at the bottom, the oldest at the top. But in my list of folders on the left panel, they're sorted by name, and I get figure out how to sort that list of folders so the newest ones are at the top. Like it is in Picasa basically.How do I perform this elementary sorting operation?
Scanning old photographs, with multiple photos in each scanned image. I've created a virtual copy for each individual photograph and then crop appropriately. However, photographs have different dates and I want to be able to sort them chronolgically. Ideally I'd set the Capture Time on each virtual copy and use that as the Sort order, but LR doesn't separate images co-joined in a Virtual set, so to speak. It seems like it looks at the Capture Time of the Master copy of a virtual set.
The only way I can see how to do this is to export, re-import into a different catalogue, and then apply Capture Time metadata. This is quite a cumbersome workaround. I'd like to do this all in the same catalogue...also exporting / importing re-compresses the image and would like to avoid that.
Suddenly I can no longer sort JPG and RAW files together by capture date. I have two Canon SLR's shooting in RAW and one Canon point an shoot shooting in JPG and want to collate the photos in LR4, which I was able to do up to now. I cannot find out what I did to make this happen or correct it in LR preferences.
I'm finding that Lightroom changes the file creation date when embedding metadata. I notice that this behaviour differs from Bridge, which manages to write metadata changes to the file without affecting the creation date, only touching the modified date.
I've read in other threads that it doesn't matter anyway because moving files between disks will write a new file and therefore a new creation date, but while this may be true in some systems (I don’t know) this is certainly not the case with Mac OS. For example, I have files going back to at least 1998 which have been moved from disk to disk to disk yet still retain their original creation date. Which is as it should be. For many of my older images there seems to be no recognisable embedded capture date anyway, so the file creation date is the only time stamp.
It seems perfectly logical that the modified date of a file should be updated to reflect that the file has been modified (e.g. though adding metadata), but it seems equally logical that the file creation date should be retained as the original date that file was created. Changing them both to the same date seems to be a needless loss of information.
Some might argue that the process of adding metadata to a file creates a new file, therefore the creation date needs to be updated to reflect that. But I would say that the creation date should be what a normal user would understand as the creation date. We don't expect the creation date to be changed simply because a file is rewritten to disk (for instance when defragging), however technically accurate it might be to say that it is a newly created file. And the difference in behaviour between Bridge and Lightroom shows that there is some confusion about this.
All of a sudden I notice that when I open a file in Autocad Architecture, it shows the file creation date and not the actual last save date. Only thing I can think of is I reinstalled 3dsmax Design and I wonder if that changed something. I attached a screenshot for reference.
Building Suite Premium Win 7, ultimate i7 1.86ghz, 4meg ram ATI 5730
I shoot raw and after developing and exporting the pictures to jpeg in OSX, the new files show the export date as the creation and modification dates. How can I keep the shooting date as the creation date to sort the pictures in the finder appropriately?
I recently upgraded to PSE 11 from PSE 9. I actually did this by buying a new comptuer and putting PSE 11 on the new computer. I used the Windows File and settings transfer wizard to move all my files to the new comptuer. So inside MyPictures folders, they are in the same location as in the old comptuer. But when I soft by date order, it sorts by the date of the file (which seems to be random based on when windows copied the file to the new comptuer) instead of the created date.
Furthermore, on the old comptuer, in PSE9, i set the date and time of each picture so it would be right. This seemed to set the created date (which was missing for a lot of my scans or was the date of the scan) and made the PSE9 organizer sort them correctly. Seriously, are people expected to do that months of work again every time they move to a new computer? or am I suppose to have tell my wife, "deal with seeing your kid's pictures in random order -- Adobe thinks that is best."
Is there a way to set all the timestamps in windows to the created date of the picture in one swoop?
I want to sort the photos in an album into date sequence, that is to say, oldest first. I want to keep the photos in the organiser in newest first sequence (I don't want that photo from zillions of years ago top of the list every time I open the organiser).
I can see "Sort by" at the top but that seems to apply to the selection of photos I have showing on the screen and does not appear to be an attribute that can be attached to an album. So if I select "Oldest" as the sort order, that works nicely for the album but then I go back to the organiser and it's in oldest first order. Not what I want. So I select "Newest", then go back to the album and the "oldest" sequence has been lost.
It was really easy in PSE8. It appears that what I am trying to do is impossible and Adobe have dropped the ability to associate a sequence with an album.
Incidentally, what does "Album order" mean? That implies that it is possible to set an album order somewhere.
In Photoshop, how do I keep the shot/creation date after editing/adjusting a photograph from raw to psd in order to keep hundreds of images in a chronological order? I am combining files with a second shooter on an event an the timeline is essential.
In version 10, I could create an album, add photos to it, and then right click on the album name and select "Sort album by photo date", or something like that. This was very convenient when I had more than one source of photos for a certain event, like a vacation. This would change the "album order", which made it very convenient for creating photobooks or other projects where I wanted chronological order. I don't want to view by "Oldest first" in media view 1st before I save the album.
In Photoshop, how do I keep the shot/creation date after editing/adjusting a photograph in order to keep hundreds of images in a chronological order? I am combining files with a second shooter on an event an the timeline is essential.
I need to assign the same creation date to several pictures. On the modify file format (batch process) window there is the possibility to include date but I cannot find a method to modify the date only.
I went through about 100 files and did what I wanted in Camera RAW (started out with NEFs). Thereafter I had Bridge make TIFs of all the files in the folder using the PS Image Processor.
Now, looking at the TIF folder in Bridge, I find that about 80 of them has a wrong creation date (I checked the Preferences and I have asked for the date of creation - and not the date of modification). As I watch (several minutes) Bridge changes some of the dates to the ones known to me to be correct - but not all. If I close Bridge, restart Bridge and open the folder again the same happens, i.e. it starts all over. Even stranger is that the Windows Pathfinder have problems with the same files - i.e. does not show the date of creation at all.
The date of these 80 files are all the same - and they have been edited over several days!
I have done a lot of work on those files and would hate to start all over. I checked and of course the dates are the original in the RAW folder that I started out with.I am sure that I do not have any bugs in my PC.
Has it become a possible option to automatically grab the Date-of-shoot (instead of the DAYToday) when renaming files (that should show shooting- date) in LR5?
Why does the capture date in the metadata panel not match the capture date seen in the grid extra view and how do I fix it? The images that I have in my library are digitized negatives and I've corrected the capture dates and times to be accurate; however, the capture date and in the metadata window shows what I've changed it to and the date in both the grid extra view and the Metadata>Edit Capture Time... options both reflect the date the image was last modified. Not all of the images in my library are this way and some show the correct information. When sorted by Capture Time, all images fall exactly where they should in the proper order (based on the changed, corrected edit time and not the modified date). I saved metadata to the file with the new date but it didn't fix it.
I have been using LR4, and am starting to learn Photoshop CS6. I thought I understood that there was not need to make a copy when editing a photo from Lightroom in Photoshop. However, Martin Evening's Lightroom 4 book (page 394 if you have it) states 'once you have converted a photo to black and white in Lightroom and edited in Photoshop, there is no opportunity to go back to the colour original'. He then talked about it being better to create an edit copy version
the original file would be lost in Lightroom. He also suggested that Virtual Copies may not be a good idea - something about if the catalog became corrupted you could lose the Virtual Copies, and it would be better to create a 'Real File'
So if I were to do some edits in LR4, including convert to B&W, then do further work in Photoshop, would it be better, or necessary to create another Edit Copy of the file so I had the original + another original I could then do the work on. And shoulkd I do this on all files
I'm currently using Lightroom 1.4.1 and am interested in upgrading soon, but wanted to know if there's a way to preserve all my keywords, captions, titles, etc. when I convert to a newer version, say L4.4?
Is there a way to preserve the folder structure of a catalog when exporting JPGs of everything to a new location? I know there is an option to save the export into the same folder as the original file, but i am talking about a completely new location.
Im shooting Nikon D5100 and D3200 cameras. Im recording GPS data with a Nikon GP1. Im shooting jpg FINE and LARGE 6016 x 4000; 24.1M. I need to be able to batch and individual edit the images which Im able to do but after exporting them my GPS data is gone. Im running an iMac with the latest software and LR 5.
Working in LR 3.6, if I export files with "minimize metadata" checked, I loose the tags. The only way they stay in the exported JPG is if I enable that check. But I don't necessarily want all my EXIF data available to everybody.
If i had a file called example.jpg already saved in a folder how can i get Photoshop to save the same image again but as example(1).jpg (or similar). At the moment it will just save over the original file if i don't change the name .
Any alternative way to increment an objects specific R, G or B color value? What I am trying to accomplish is to take a group of objects and increment the red, green or blue value by 5 without effecting the other values.
This has to be an increment on all existing values of each individual object. So if 3 objects have 3 different RGB's but I want to increase the RED on all of them by 5.
EXAMPLE Object 1 : R-35 G-35 B-35 Changed to R-40 G-35 B-35
I know this sounds specific but I am trying to create an RGB table the easiest way possible. In this example I`m referring to RGB but it could be for CMYK as well.
I realised too late that the two cameras my husband and I were using for a shoot were not in sync timewise (not sure what happened - they usually are), so all the photos from the event we shot are out of sync, which is causing me no end of problems. Any way to ask LR to account for the time difference so that the photos are in order, or otherwise to manually change the order (the less prefered option as will be time consuming, but better than nothing).
In LR5 I wish to sort by file name. However my camera names files as ABC123, ABC124, ABC125 etc etc. Lightroom sorts such names as ABC3, ABC2, ABC5 etc because the numeral part of the name is looked as as an ascii not a numeral. I think!!
However whatever the reason, sorting such file names doesn't work. As each import may consist of several hundred files, renaming manually to avoid numerals isn't an option.
Is there a naming system that can be automated that would result in this type of sorting resulting in what a human would expect?
Filenames such as Garden(1), Garden(2) etc are no better by the way.
I would like to be able to sort a set of photos by those that have Develop Adjustments and those that do not. For now, I don't want to sort by the type of adjustment.....just whether or not an image has one.
I am tired of my zillion of photo's scatered over my harddrive. I have backups of backups of my photo's, and sure have duplicates. Maybe even 6 times. Who knows.I used picasa to sort things out, but I am beginning to dislike this way of working.
So I looked at some reviews of lightroom. Can I sort/rearrange my photos. And how. As the folder is 30gb big with subfolders and subfolder in that. Most of the 30gb is duplicates.I want to have it sorted by date. I can always manually change a folder name. But need to get rid of the duplicates and have it sorted.I downloaded the trial, and tried to import photos. But is get to 199 pics and then it stops.
I have just downloaded a batch of images into LRM 5 - with earlier versions in 'Library' I have been able to go quickly through all the images using P or X.
I have just found that in 5 when P or X are used, the image either shoots to the start or the end of the group. So to move on to the next image you have to sort back to where you were previously - this is a real PAIN and makes a mockery of Quick Sorting'
i am using a PC with Windows 7 - upgraded from LRM 4 - at the moment everything else seem to be working OK!