Photoshop Elements :: View Or Sort Photos By Time Not Just By Date
Feb 25, 2013In Photoshop 9 can I view or sort photos by time taken not just by date taken?
View 1 RepliesIn Photoshop 9 can I view or sort photos by time taken not just by date taken?
View 1 RepliesI want to sort the photos in an album into date sequence, that is to say, oldest first. I want to keep the photos in the organiser in newest first sequence (I don't want that photo from zillions of years ago top of the list every time I open the organiser).
I can see "Sort by" at the top but that seems to apply to the selection of photos I have showing on the screen and does not appear to be an attribute that can be attached to an album. So if I select "Oldest" as the sort order, that works nicely for the album but then I go back to the organiser and it's in oldest first order. Not what I want. So I select "Newest", then go back to the album and the "oldest" sequence has been lost.
It was really easy in PSE8. It appears that what I am trying to do is impossible and Adobe have dropped the ability to associate a sequence with an album.
Incidentally, what does "Album order" mean? That implies that it is possible to set an album order somewhere.
In version 10, I could create an album, add photos to it, and then right click on the album name and select "Sort album by photo date", or something like that. This was very convenient when I had more than one source of photos for a certain event, like a vacation. This would change the "album order", which made it very convenient for creating photobooks or other projects where I wanted chronological order. I don't want to view by "Oldest first" in media view 1st before I save the album.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got some 500 photos in a folder which were imported on two different dates. I've created a new album on the right hand side under "Organize" and just the photos I want are in there. When I look at the folder on the right, all the pictures are there. But I can't call up just that folder; instead what I get on my screen is all 2500 photos in all my photo albums! Not what I want! What I want to get is all the photos in the order in which they were taken on the actual day as all 500 photos were taken at the same day. And I want to be able to view just the 500 photos in that folder by the time those pictures were taken. But, when I imported the second batch of photos it showed the date the file was created rather than the date the photo was taken so, basically, I've got one batch of photos showing the date they were taken (which I downloaded via a link a few days later), and one showing the date they were copied!
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a facility that can group all my photos (from multiple device downloads) in a calender form - the way it does on a map when you have a location saved on the photo?
It would be cool if you can select "calender view" and all the photos with the same date are stacked together.
I recently upgraded to PSE 11 from PSE 9. I actually did this by buying a new comptuer and putting PSE 11 on the new computer. I used the Windows File and settings transfer wizard to move all my files to the new comptuer. So inside MyPictures folders, they are in the same location as in the old comptuer. But when I soft by date order, it sorts by the date of the file (which seems to be random based on when windows copied the file to the new comptuer) instead of the created date.
Furthermore, on the old comptuer, in PSE9, i set the date and time of each picture so it would be right. This seemed to set the created date (which was missing for a lot of my scans or was the date of the scan) and made the PSE9 organizer sort them correctly. Seriously, are people expected to do that months of work again every time they move to a new computer? or am I suppose to have tell my wife, "deal with seeing your kid's pictures in random order -- Adobe thinks that is best."
Is there a way to set all the timestamps in windows to the created date of the picture in one swoop?
How to put time&date on photos
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently set up Elements 12. Prior to this I used elements 11. In that catalog I have more photos that I don't want. So I decided to export the ones I want then import into PSE 12. As I do this many of the dates on the pictures change from the date taken to the current date. I have tried several different ways and can't stop the dates changing. I am putting them into mobile albums in PSE 12 if that makes a difference.
View 2 Replies View Relateddoes anyone has idea about removing date and time from photos taken by digital camera.I've tried using the clone and crop tools in photoshop but its tedious and has problem of data loss.I would appreciate if someone suggest an action or other method to remove date and time from photos.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to figure out how to remove the date/time stamp from my photos.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a file on my computer that contains photos from two cameras that took photos over the same three week timespan. I have sorted them by date and time. When I import the file the photos from one camera show first followed by the photos from the other camera. How can I import or resort in LR3 to have photos in date/time sequence?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a number of older pictures in my library that don't have Capture Date in the metadata. Windows Explorer Propoerties typically shows info like this, for these files:
Created: Tues, Mar 11, 2009 <time>
Modified: Wed, June 12, 2002 <time>
Accessed: Thu, Sept, 13, 2006 < time>
In my experience, PSE assumes the "Modified" date as capture date with files like this. (A good assumption, for these pics Im looking at now.)
From what I can tell, LR also uses the "modified" date when sorting these pictures' thumbnails. And when I do Metadata > Edit Capture Date, it shows the Modified date as the Original (all good so far).
BUT, in Grid View of the Library module, I have View Options set to show capture date in the Bottom Labal, and here it shows the "Created" date. (So it like 2009 pictures are getting placed next to 2002 pics, in what's supposed to be a chronoligical sort.)
I can not change date and time
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow i can change the Date and Timestamp on my Photo ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I add the time and date to a capture it is on my camera and will only show if I was to print but not when I send by e-mail. I have a FujiS5Pro and use Elements 7 the pictures taken will go to UK Courts and used as evidence in our Legal system.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI appear to have come across a problem. Elements 12 Catalog loses adjusted dates.
Feature: right click on photo --> Adjust Date and Time --> Change to a Specified Date and Time
I've noticed the catalog consistently retained dates that include a month, day, and year. However, those that have only month and year have lost the adjustment. Sadly this problem has cost hours of work on possibly over 100 photos and was unresponsive to repair, optimize, closing, and reopening.
How Can I change wrong date and time on a picture using photoshop elements 11 ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedPrevious versions of PSE have displayed the date/time info for each image in the organiser. PSE 11 doesn't do this. Where I can change settings so that it does - this info is very usefu to me.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I get PSE11 t display the date/time groups against each image like we had in PSE10 and earlier?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need a tool or option in order to set the time/date of a series of scanned slide files into the date/time sequence of my choice (when browsing with the Organizer in "Thumbnail View" (I.e. in Date/time order).
For those slides that I had sent within slide-trays, I asked the scan shop for the following for the photo-files resulting from the scan:That the name of the photo-files include a trailing number reflecting sequence as the slides within their trays.That the scan timestamp sequence reflects the sequence of the slides within their trays (this was and is important for me, in order to be able to browse within the PSE Organizer through the scan-result of one tray, in the same sequence as the slides within their trays; even when the resulting photo-files are not organized in a PSE Album; and even when being in “Thumbnail View” sequence). Unfortunately, the scan shop forgot about this request and I can therefore not look (in Thumbnail View” mode) at the scan results in the same sequence as the slides within their trays.
I am looking for a Windows Tool (or a PSE Organizer Tool/plug-in) that will allow me to set the time of a series of Foto-Files in ascending time sequence. A tool that will for example allow me to select multiple foto files • then, allow allow me to specify the date/Time of the first photo-file within the selected files to the date/time of my choiceand then add an increment of 1 or n seconds (or 1 or n minutes) to each one of the fotos that follows in the selected series. Question: For a Windows 7 and PSE 8 environment are you aware of such a tool? (the scan shop told me, they are not aware of such a tool)
Two details: When looking (before importing the foto files into the PSE Organizer) with Windows Explorer at a folder containing the scanned photo-files I can see the following: the foto files have both a “Date Created” and a “Date Modified”. But they have not yet a “Date Shot”. I do not know, whether this can make it simpler to find a solution.I tried without success, the following within the V8 Organizer, I displayed the photos in “Folder Location” view (in V8, this will show the foto-files of each folder in file-name sequence),while in Folder Location view, I selected all photos of one folderthen, while still in Folder view I did “Adjust Date and Time of Selected items” --> “change to a specified date and time”.
It seems that all selected photos got (exactly?) the same time, Unfortunately this did not work for me. Why that?
After the Time-Adjust, when switching from “Folder Location” view to “Thumbnail View”, the photos of that folder were still in the desired sequence (that looked great and I was happy). After editing one of these photos (and when storing the edited result within a versionset) , the edited version of the photo was still in the desired sequence (this still looked great!). But surprise – surprise..., once I exited from the Organizer and then relaunched it, the Versionset containing the edited Photo changed its position to the end of the series of photos having the same date/time – this was no more its desired position/sequence.
I have spent many hours getting my catalog of pictures in order, only to close the application and come back in to find that it has in fact not saved any of it. Is there someway to ensure that this data is saved so that I don't have to keep redoing this work?
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy G12 Camera is able to super-impose date/time information on the images.
How can I remove this from the images using PS Elements?
Is there a way to sort and view thumbnail view alphabetically
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing PSE 11. I am trying to sort my photos in order Newest first. I select Sort by: Newest and they are sorted in newest DATE order but within each date they are sorted on oldest time order, which seems odd... how can I get PSE to sort so that Newest is based on date and time?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHaven't used Elements in awhile, and actually, the chronological order was never a big deal. For this vacation, I really want them in the order taken by date because I used two different cameras.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I sort the files by filename in Media view in Elements Organizer 11?
I know I can do this in Windows Explorer, but it's important that I be able to do this in PSE, because I have a lot of files, and managing them is getting time-consuming.
Can you sort pictures as to the date they were taken, if so how?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do I add a date stamp to photos
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter installing Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photos from my files on my computer. Many of the photos were upside down and needed to be rotated. When I rotated them, they were moved to the current date (when edited). How can I keep them in their original sequence (date)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I installed Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, I imported all my photes from files and folders. Many of the photos were upsided down. When I rotated them, they moved to the curent date. How can I keep them in the original dated sequence?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have PSE 10 installed on a PC with Windows 7. My camera is a Nikon D90 using a Sandisk 8 gb SD card. When I take photos at different locations on the same date and download them into the Organizer , instead of keeping the photos from the different locations together by location, it jumbles them all up. It does not keep them in order by time taken from first to last for that day , it just mixes them all up in random order.
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