Quite often I use teh brush tool on clouds, to define edges a little better. However when I do it leaves 'splatter' all over. Sometimes due to colour and texture you can't see it very well, but most times I have to cancel the edit because of this splatter.
I can only describe splatter as spurious drops of brush effect.
When using the Adjustment Brush to mask a portion of a RAW image so I can reduce the exposure of only a part of my photo I get an uneven effect. It appears that the mask is not affecting some pixels of the area I'm trying to adjust. The photo was taken inside a cathedral in Vienna where the lighting wasn't great so I used an ISO of 3200 on my Nikon D7000 camera. I made noise reduction adjustments before attempting to use the Adjustment Brush. A portion of the image is shown below. I have had the same problem with other photos when using the Adjustment Brush. I've tried different Feather, Flow, and Density settings without noticable improvement.
I've noticed this in LR4 and now in LR5, often times when I just use the adjustment brush to increase or decrease the exposure the edge is speckled. It looks a lot like the "desolve" blending mode in PS. It doesn't happen all the time but it looks terrible when it does.
When I use the healing brush is tends to "skip". It leaves a line of circles like a stamp would instead of a flowing line like it should leave. No matter how slow I move the brush it leaves a circle and then as I continue to draw nothing happens until I reach the edge of the first circle, it then drops another circle and it continues that way as long as I draw with it. The brush tool works fine, leaves a smooth line. The Spot Healing and Patch Tool work fine but the healing brush will not heal in a smooth stroke. It skips along a leaves a tail of circles the size of the brush. I am using a fast computer, i7 processor, 16bg ram and a SSD drive so I do not think speed is an issue. I upgraded from CS4 where the healing brush worked fine on this computer
While trying to use cloning tool, it would leave a trail of white & would not clone the designated area! If I buy the full version, I don't want my money waisted on a program that doesn't work properly!
I am using illustrator cs6 and whenever i try erase paint lines it leaves a thick black ouline of where i erased, i have seen a few posts with the same problem but no solutions. Is their any way to fix this issue or change the settings of the eraser?
Basically whilst using a tablet to draw the outline, i want to fill in the space with a colour. however, this leaves a pixellated edge around the fill, resulting in the piece looking far from perfect. how can i get around this without having to hand fill each individual pixel? is there any way to turn the sensitivity on my tablet off on the tool so that i just draw thick black lines instead of ones that get lighter around the edges?
I am fairly new to Lightroom, and the Adjustment Brush tool specifically, and I am having some problems with it! I have watched tons of tutorials on using it, and it seems relatively easy...although when I go into my program and attempt to use it, nothing happens to my photo...say if I wanted to adjust the exposure on the face of an individual, I will go in and select the tool, decrease the exposure, make the brush and feather the size I want it, and when I go to "paint" the area I want altered, nothing happens? The pins appear as if to show me that's where I started, but then no change happens to the area I attempted to paint. Do I need to select something somewhere to be able to actually use the brush to paint?
i have photoshop cs6 , and i was watching a video about the new lightroom features it was amazing how in this video lightroom v5 brush tool work does cs6 have such feature ? or is included in cc only?
I'm trying to fix the exposure on the TV screen using the brush tool, and it's not doing the job at all. Even with multiple overlays of adjustments it's not changing the exposure nearly enough, and you really can't see the game at all. The white areas of the image on the screen are remaining that way and the rest is just slightly darker and becoming less saturated as well.
I thought maybe LR was just not up to such a radical adjustment and that I need to use Photoshop (which I don't own), but then I tried changing the exposure on the whole photo, and taking it down to zero made an enormous difference on the TV screen, which turned out at the correct exposure, well saturated, with only a little loss of data. This tells me that the data is there in the image--so why can't I get it locally with the brush tool?
After that I tried leaving the whole image underexposed and then using the brush tool to increase the exposure everywhere but the TV screen, but it stayed pretty dark.
After installing LR 3.2, the first thing I noticed is that it is much slower than the previous version (using XP Pro + 3GB memory and a speedy processor).
But the most terrible novelty of this version is that the Adjustment Brush is going berserk after a while:
It first slows down to a crawl, so slow that it's almost impossible to work with.While working with it after a while, it starts to show random rectangular areas that are copies of other areas of the image that have nothing to do with the area I'm working on. This happens after a brush stroke. The Undo command makes these rectangular "patches" disappear.From time to time, the whole image is flipped upside down (You can't believe it? Neither could I) eventually, after a brush stroke, the sandclock mouse cursor is displayed and the program freezes (at this time it can be using over 1 GB of memory although I'm working on a single, standard EOS 5D image). The only way to stop this madness is to kill the process. The Heal/Clone tool also shows a similar misbehavior. I didn't have these problems with the previous version.
I am finding that while reviewing / rating my pics lightroom will often lose a pic (pics located within a folder on the desktop - move them to a nas drive later as faster to work from hard drive than accross the newtork when importing and exporting and creating previews etc). I will have a pic on my screen and then use the numeric keypad to rate the pic or the arrow keys to progress to the next pic and then out of the blue lightroom announces that the pic is missing. I look at the hard disk and find that there is now a .swp and .tmp file left in the directory where the pic was. eg below
I can then either rename the tmp file back to a jpg and all is OK but I have just started dragging another copy of the image from the card again. This is not just a lightroom 4 issue I used to have it in Lightroom 3. Its got to the stage where I am now keeping a copy of all images while I do my initial shortlist just incase I lose something which frustrates me somewhat.
I'm having a problem with the Blob Brush tool where I can't change the basic brush to something else. Whenever I pick a brush I want and I try draw with the Blob Brush tool, the brush I picked reverts back to the basic brush. Here are screenshots:
I pick a brush that I like first
But when I start drawing with the Blob Brush tool, it reverts back to the basic brush automatically
Am I doing something wrong or is the Blob Brush tool only capable of using the basic brush?
The brush tool loses the outline of the tool as the diameter gets larger. e.g. at 175px there is a fill outline of the tool. At 200px only a semi-circle is shown.
So everything is fine until I use the select tool, and then free transform a part of the image. Then my brush and eraser stop working until I save and restart the program.
I've seen it many times before and I just can't seem to get it right. I'm looking to find out how to make a paint splatter look genuine, you know, as if you just dropped a bucket of paint or if a fountain pen dripped.
What I'm trying to find is either a filter, or a tutorial on how to create, an effect with using multiple colors, for one effect.
Ok follow me for a sec on this, say you have a vechile and you run into say 7 colors of paint, it splatters across the front of the vechile, and runs down the sides, where can I get a filter like this or find a tutorial for this very effect?
how to make a paint/blood splatter in photoshop? every where i looked they are offering a brushes for download but I need a tutorial so i can make my own.