Lightroom :: Upgrading Raw Conversion X-Trans Censors?

Jul 16, 2013

I a thinking of upgrading my LR to the new 5.  I was able to try Irdient new upgrade for X-Trans and my file are so much more crisp and detailed then they are in LR with your support for the X-Trans.  Are you going to upgrade you support to match those of Irdient.  I am sure you have read the reviews and have used the product for your own edificaiton.  If you are not, I may have to switch, my business depends on my best product.

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Lightroom :: Why Is V4 So Bad At Rendering Fujifilm X Trans RAW Images

Jan 5, 2013

Lightroom 4 is constantly put down as being very poor at rendering Fujifilm X Trans RAW files.  Fujifilm claims to have assisted Adobe with this new sensor design yet LR falls down hard.  Why is that?  Will it get better or are we stuck with what LR can do now?

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Lightroom :: Export Several Fuji X-Trans Files Got - Not Enough Memory Error

Apr 8, 2013

When I tried to export several (say 15) Fuji X-Trans files at the same time, I got a "Not Enough Memory" Error. This problem only occurred after after upgrading to Lightroom 4.4. I can now only export a few (3-5) X-Trans files at the same time.
I am using Windows 7 32-bit with 4GB memory, SSD System drive, and Radeon 7700 Graphics card. For Virtual memory, I set "no paging file" on C drive and "system managed size" on another SSD drive.

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Lightroom :: Upgrading From 2 To 4?

Jun 4, 2013

I currently work with Lightroom 2 and plan to purchase Lightroom 4. When installing 4, are all existing library files automatically transferred? I plan to purchase a hard copy of Version 4 as contrasted with an on line update from 2 to 4.

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Lightroom :: Upgrading From 3.5 To 3.6 On A Mac

Nov 15, 2011

I have downloaded 3.6 and run the installation but for some reason LR is not "recognizing" it.  Do I need to enable LR to run a release candidate or some other proactive measure?

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Lightroom :: Can Delete V4 After Upgrading To V5

Sep 7, 2013

can I delete lightroom 4 after upgrading to lightroom 5?

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Lightroom :: Delete LR3 Catalogues After Upgrading To LR4?

May 28, 2012

Should I delete LR3 catalogues after upgrading to LR4?

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Lightroom :: Delete The LR4 Catalogue After Upgrading To LR5?

Jun 10, 2013

Just downloaded LR5...
- Can I delete the LR4 catalog after upgrading to LR5?
I can see I am currently working on the LR5 catalog, so is there any harm in deleting the LR4 catalog?

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Lightroom :: Upgrading From 4.3 To 5 - All Existing GPS Data Are Lost?

Aug 6, 2013

After upgrading from LR4.3 to 5 all existing GPS data are lost. Also new RAW NEF photo's don't show the GPS data. The old files in 4.3 were .dng converted NEF files.All these data missing in thousands of photo's is frustrating to say the least.

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Lightroom :: How To Restore Import Presets After Upgrading From LR3 To LR4

May 17, 2013

I just installed LR4 having previously been using LR3. I went to import some new images and my import presets (such as metadata to insert copyright info) are no longer there. How do I restore these (and potentially other presets I've yet to discover missing) painlessly and quickly? I thought upgrading my catalog would carry this information into LR4 but it would seem not.

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Lightroom :: Organizing Photos On Import After Upgrading To V5

Jan 22, 2014

Recently upgraded to Lightroom 5 and when photos imported from lightroom 4 they are no longer organized they way they were in lightroom 4. They were organized by year and month, now they are all in one folder with no organization. Is there a way to change this setting to autmatically organize on import by year and month. I can't find my older pictures in lightroom.

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Lightroom :: Upgrading 3 To 5 In The Middle Of Editing A Full Wedding?

Jun 30, 2013

I am currently using LR 3 and am in the middle of editing a full wedding. Should I wait until I've edited the wedding before I upgrade or will all of my saved edits transfer from LR 3 to 5?

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Lightroom :: Picture Do Not Show In Print Module After Upgrading?

May 22, 2012

Picture do not show in Print module after I upgrade the frm LR3 to LR 4

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Photoshop :: Light Room 4 And Fujis X-Trans Filter?

Dec 16, 2012

Converting a RAF Raw from Fujis X-E1 or X-Pro1 cameras will result in a harsh blurry JPG. The inCamera-Raw-Conversation or the RAW-Converting from Fujis delivered software results are much much better.

I know, even with Canons or Nikons LR4 does sometimes a better or a worse job than the dedicated converters, but with the new Fujifilm Cameras it is unusable.

Adobe may know the problem, because well known camera reviewer like dpreview stated there point on this topic already in their reviews. Also Fujifilm itself told me they reported the issues to Adobe.
My question here is, what is the current status? The new 7.3 or rather LR 4.3 do not give any improvements on this problem. Which is very disappointing, especially for early X-Pro1 owners.

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Photoshop :: How To Make A Dithered Gradient (trans -> Opaque)

Jun 15, 2004

Using CSS, I want to put a semi-transparent image over another image (by semi-transparent I mean a GIF in which alternating pixels are transparent - see attachment).

I drew this image basically pixel-by-pixel (via copy/paste), and it's ok as far as it goes, but what I REALLY want is for the density of opaque pixels to increase from left to right, so the effect when laid over an image is essentially that of a gradient. I DON'T want to have to draw this image pixel by pixel!

Whenever I try and accomplish this in Photoshop, it uses semi-transparent pixels which then become opaque when optimized. If I could figure out how to tell photoshop to build a gradient using only 1 color and no semi-transparent pixels (or barring that, white and another color and then I could delete the white...),

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Lightroom :: Upgrading Catalog To LR5 - All Color Labels On Images Are Stripped

Jul 20, 2013

My Lr4 calalog has all my color labels but when upgrading that calalog to Lr5 - all color labels on images are stripped and I see the label default (Red - Delete, etc)
I went into the Roaming - Adobe - Lightroom folder and found "Label Sets" but I fear what is in there is the Lr5 stuff
Question: How can I get all my Lr5 catalog images to have the same color labels as my Lr4 catalog?

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Lightroom :: 14 - Bit NEF To DNG Conversion

Apr 3, 2012

since I can't seem to find any definitive information on this... how's Lighroom 4 dealing with 14-bit raw NEF files (coming from a D7000 in this case) when it is converting to DNG? Is the entire 14-bit colour information being kept or is there some sort of loss or conversion going on?

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Lightroom :: Conversion Of Fujifilm XE-2 Raw To DNG?

Dec 17, 2013

This will allow conversion  of Fujifilm XE-2 raw to dng?

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Lightroom :: Conversion To B&W Not Working

Jan 9, 2014

I have done some heavy editing on my RAW file with numerous Adjustments Brushes and Spot Removals. Now that I'm done I want to try making a Black And White version using the standard B&W conversion in LR 5.3. Here comes the strange part....the area that I have done all the editing in remains in color while the rest of the shot gets converted to B&W. In other words, LR 5.3 fails to convert to B&W on heavily edited areas!? As you can see in the image the top left area is blue wihle the rest of the image has been converted.

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Lightroom :: Maintaining Keywords In PC To Mac Conversion

Feb 13, 2013

I recently converted from PC to Mac; downloaded and installed LR4, and it quickly recognized my photos and photo folder structure.  Also, apparently each individual keyword has been imported.  However, 3 problems:
1. no photos have keywords assigned to them
2. the keyword nested structure (keywords within other keywords) did not transfer, so they are all listed alphabetically
3. I don't see any history on the edited photos, so am not sure if I have originals (unedited) or edited.  If I have edited photos, can I go back and re-edit (non-destructive editing in LR)?

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Lightroom :: Mac - No Preview In Finder After Conversion To DNG

Jul 22, 2013

Mac OS 10.6.8
Lightroom 4.4
My Ricoh GR creates DNG files that have previews in the Finder. But because the file sizes are big (and I don't need them so big), in Lightroom I reconvert them to Lossy DNG (using compatibility with Camera Raw 7.1 or later). Now, after this conversion, these new DNGs don't have any previews in the Finder anymore.
So, the problem must be with the DNG converter in Lightroom!

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Lightroom :: Black And White Conversion / CS5 Or 4.1?

Jul 18, 2012

Is there any advantage to doing black and white conversion using CS5 rather than LR 4.1? 

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Lightroom :: 4 Conversion Causes Purple Banding

Mar 7, 2012

Converted this morning to LR 4 and hundreds of my developed photos in all Collections now have purple streaks / banding / ghosting.  I did not update to the 2012 developing engine so the same LR 3 sliders are still there.  I tried a few of them with the new engine and new sliders and the purple banding is still there, and I could not adjust them away except to slide the tint slider to the left, which is a bad effect (makes the photos green).  This is probably happening in one of ten photos. .  I went back to LR 3 and the shots are perfectly developed. 

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Lightroom :: Aperture 3 To V4 GPS Metadata Conversion?

Mar 31, 2013

converting GPS data created in Aperture 3 to the images so that I can pull this information into Lightroom 4 (which I'm currently under the 30 day trial period but despirately wanting to change to!). 

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Lightroom :: Nikon J2 NEF File Conversion

Feb 18, 2014

I have a Nikon J2 Camera.  It is set to take photographs and store them on the card as NEF files these cannot at the moment be converted to be read by my Version of Adobe CS4 Photoshop.  How can I upgrade my software to enable me to read these files?

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Lightroom :: Unable To Search 4 Images After Conversion?

May 16, 2012

Lightroom 4 just converted all my images from LR3.  The problem is that I can't look up anything in the "All Photographs" catalog. Although all photos are available in the folders below, all the collections are intact, the All Photographs catalog shows 30K images, and all other functions seem normal, clicking on it shows a blank screen with this message:Click "import..." button to beginBegin what? The import button takes you to the normal import screen with "source" as being the first step. Does it want me to pick all the photographs that are already in the catalog, so that it can... import them?  The catalog already has all this information. Right now the only way I can do a search on the catalog is to do it from a folder or collection.  I need to search the entire catalog!
MAc Pro, Mac OS 10.6.8, Lightroom 4.0, Photoshop CS6

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Lightroom :: DNG Conversion Of RAW Files Not Reducing Available Hard Drive Space

Apr 3, 2014

I am converting my proprietary RAW files on my hardrive and LR4 catalogue to DNG files for the main reason of gaining extra space on my hard drive. I have ticked the 'delete original files after successful conversion' and they no longer appear on my hard drive, only the DNG files do but the space remaining on my hard drive is shrinking? Why is my drive not reading the extra space that should be now available?

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Lightroom :: DNG Conversion Of Sony ARW Not Carrying Over In Camera Lens Corrections

Jan 10, 2013

One of the great features of the Sony NEX-7 is that the NEX-7 makes automatic lens corrections for vignetting, chromatic aberration and distortion problems. These corrections are written to the file and the preview. However, when converting these images from ARW to DNG the correction data seems to be lost, and the images revert to their uncorrected state. This requires all images to then be re corrected with the Adobe lens profiles, which is both tedious, an extra step, and also seems to produce results that are somewhat less optimal than the original corrections made by the camera.
Should not the ACR Converter and Lightroom retain the lens corrections made by the camera?

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Photoshop :: Brush For "bite" Marks? And Trans Edges.

Aug 24, 2006

I just want a brush for PSCS that I can run across an image to look like someone, or something, was biting the edge.

It doesn't have to be fancy or super "real" looking. Just better looking then using a round eraser and chopping it up. Or a "leaf" brush or some other thing.

I also have another question. It's probably quick to answer so I'll just ask it here too. When layering photos over the top of each other; what is the best way to do gradient transparencies around one image, so the image below shows through and looks nice?

I try using just the eraser with a dropped down opacity, but there is no smoothness to the transparency. I tried erasing with a feathered selection, but that was erasing the main part of the "top" image along with the edges.

Whatever technique it is, it would have to be useable on a round image, or square, or utterly hacked up shape. Simply so it has a smooth transparency to the image below.
I can do this easy with a transparent gradient, IF the bottom was just a solid color.

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Lightroom :: D7100 (Nikon) Raw Conversion - Getting Green Pixel Errors On Grey Ridges?

Aug 13, 2013

the current raw converter in LR5, Bridge CS6 and Photoshop CS6 produces magenta or green pixel errors on grey ridges (e.g. mountain structures).
In Nikons NX View 2 does this problem not occur.

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Photoshop :: Upgrading From CS3 To CS6?

Oct 31, 2012

What is the correct procedure to upgrade from CS3 to CS6?
CS3 is already installed on my Win 64-bit machine.
a) Should I deactivate CS3 first?
b) Do I just install "over the top" of CS3?

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