Lightroom :: Softproofing Shows Blacks As Milky Grey
May 21, 2012
I have seen a problem like this before, and raised a question on the forum, but realised what was wrong (the problem happened on a full colour image, and once I set the Process to 2012 it went away). However it has cropped up again, and this time the image was imported directly into LR4 so Process was 2012 by default.
I have an image which is a glass with liquid in against a black background. I have made a few tweaks in LR and am ready to send it off for printing. I just though I would take a look in Soft Proofing to see how the coloured liquid looked. When I click soft proofing and choose the correct profile supplied by my printing company (which is a 'glossy' profile), the black takes on a milky grey appearance, but according to LR is not out of Gamut.
If I choose the matt profile from my printing company, the same effect is there, but less so.
I rather think that this is quirk of softproofing black, what with black not actually being a colour and all that. Since there are no gamut warnings, and I have never had a problem with printed images on a black background, then I think I should ignore this. It does give a rather mis-leading impression though.
My L 4 Library suddenly shows only the first thumbnail in a catalog. All the rest of the thumbnail windows are grey. Only thr last import sghows the full catalog.
softproofing. I apply a color profile appropriate to my printer/ink/paper, and then I can see what colours are in/out of gamut, and won't print as I expect. But, when I click Soft Proofing, the image takes on a less saturated look, however if I select SRGB as a profile it looks normal. That is I believe because sRGB is the profile I have been using anyway. What I don't understand is why the whole image changes. I assume there is more to it than just colours in and out of Gamut.
I do so LR4 asks if I want a proof copy, which is fine and I understand why. When I make a proof copy though, all the adjustments are greyed out so I cannot do anything.
I'm able to specify a desired profile from tose already on my system; however when I print, I use Absolute/Relative. Intent seems fixed at Perceptual/ Relative.How can I change that? Is is changeable?
I recently had to get a new computer and reinstall Photoshop, I also did the update. Now when I use my color picker outside of Photoshop, it only pulls up a grey color, not the actual color I am sampling.
It works fine within the Photoshop document but now when sampling outside of it. Was this the update that messed up this functionality? Or is there a setting I need to set. All my preferences are the same from my old to my new computer.
I'm using .AI CS6. I am trying to type something and the font color is set to black. But only shows up grey. But all other colors work fine. Document color is set to RGB, not CMYK, or Greyscale. I'm totally at a loss... My customer is needing this tomorrow. So a really fast correct reponse would be FANTASTIC. Been woring on this artboard for a little over an hour and can't do what I need done. I open new Artboards and the same problem persists..
I've got some insulation that is colored white and no matter what white I use or alter the views still show grey. 2011 didn't have this problem as white-flat looked white on screen.
The slideshow module seems to autoadjust the blacks in my lowlight images making them appear grainy despite them looking right to my eye in the Develope module. How do I prevent this?
can I alter the BACKGROUND COLOUR from the Grey to a lighter grey as in P/Shop Album 2.00 which is just what I want..I hate the darker colour as background..I have just purchased the Elements 11.
I am currently running Map 3D 2012 with CadWorx and I am having an issue with one of my multi tab drawings. Any object set to plot grey (any grey), that is in paper space, is plotting black only in one of my layouts. similar objects in model space and in both spaces on other layouts are all plotting accordingly.
It was working fine. Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out. The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back. So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back. I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen. In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible. I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened. I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank. I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine. I just can't see my main assembly. I have Inventor 2012. It shows no errors or messages. I have even rebooted.
I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical. I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.
lightroom 4. Every box in filmstrip or main is greyed out.
tried optimizing catalog, tried launching other catalogs. all is the same. i cant see any pics no matter what i doi re-installed the display driver.
everything else on the computer looks fine. its weird. histograms show in devolop module, and the folders show on the botttom. nothing reporting as missing. where i can look in win 7 system?
Recently upgraded and am trying to Import Raw photos. The are imported into Lightroom but show up as grey tiles and will not open. When I go to Photoshop CS-5, they open fine. I had this problem when I first opened the program and it was a monitor problem. I got it corrected with tech support then and as I remember it was sRGB problem.
I have upgraded my Lightroom from 5.0 to the new update, so I am using Lightroom 5.2 . Yesterday I went into my old Lightroom 4 on my computer, retrieved a photo, exported it and shut down. Late last night I went to open Lightroom 5.2 and when I did all the photos are a screen of light grey with a light grey border. It seems all the date is there, but no photos show in either Lightroom 5.2 or Lightroom 4.
I have LR 4.3 in Windows 7, i donloaded from Canon 60D but all i get id grey boxes in grey boxes but in PSE-11 I get photos, WHAT GIVES? i am not computer literate so keep it simple.
I have a large single catalogue of photos. Some of the thumbnails in the library are now appearing greyed out. I think they were all there a few days ago, and since then the only things I have done are upload more images, cull those I did not want and backup the catalogue. I do not recall having this issue with LR3, and they all seemed OK when I upgraded to LR4. I have restarted LR several times, and it makes no difference. My Mac tells me all programs are up to date.
If I mix a rich black using the CMYK colour picker, set it as the default foreground colour, will that black be used for printing? I am just not sure that for printing PS does not just use a 100% K.
Photoshop images that I've imported into 4.4 now apparently acknowledge any PS transparency in the Library view. This means the color of the Library backgorund shows through the image.
The image on the left was imported using 4.3, the one on the right using 4.4.
Is there a way to not have this happen? I haven't changed any prefs so something's changed.
When I use send an image from LR to PS using "Edit in..." Only some of the LR adjustments show up in PS. (E.g. color adjustments are visible while crop and exposure are not). All versions (LR, PS, ACR) are the newest. I am on mac OSX 10.9.1.
When I import images I cannot see them in the previews. I have set 1:1, standard, and minimal but it makes no difference. The images show as grey in the preview. When I go to the develop modual I can see the image I select but if I select another image the first goes gray again. For some reason I cannot render previews. Have I turned something off or on? Can I render previews after importing images? The files show up as DNG in my hard drive.
In apparently just one folder in my catalog, thumbnails in grid view have four different shades of grey:
The upper-right thumbnail is most selected, and the one to the right of it is selected. But why do the remaining thumbnails have two different shades of grey?
How can i accentuate whites and blacks in Photoshop in black and white photos? i tried silver evef 2 and there is a feature to boost whites and blacks
levels and curves don't give me the same results. I tried to create a luminosity mask of whites with selective color. Is there a great skill to boost whites for example?
a colleague has been working on a website and the below images show the files and colours they should be, but he has opened the files up again yesterday and the files show as per the second image (the colours have changed from blues to all black but with edges defined). The document was originally created in CMYK and brought from a PDF (I know, but it wasnt us!) so there may be some legacy there, but the only thing we could think of was a colour gamut or web colour warning, but changing those didn't seem to make a difference.
I edit a photograph from a Camera Raw file to high contrast, grainy black and white, then when I try to flatten it or save it, it washes all the contrast out completely. When I try to merge layers, flatten image or cmd+opt+e/cmd+opt+shift+e to a new file it does the same thing. Here's what I've tried to correct the issue:
-I've tried saving it as a PSD file, a TIFF, a JPEG and a BMP file -I've tried calibrating my monitor (X-Rite i1 Pro) -I've tried soft proofing on and off (left off for now) -I've tried resetting my colour settings to import files into the working space as ProPhoto & Adobe RGB 1998 -I've tried setting the import as the calibrated settings for the screen rather than ProPhoto or Adobe RGB 1998 -I've checked that all files (apart from a Dodge/Burn Layer which has to be on Soft Light never affected any files before) were set to normal -I've tried converting profiles from ProPhoto to Adobe 1998, Adobe 1998 to sRGB -I've tried going to preferences in User>Me>Library>Preferences>Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings and manually resetting all relevant references -I've tried flushing and resetting all preferences -I've tried to uninstall and install Photoshop SC6 from scratch -I've tried restarting the image from the raw file with the new install of CS6, done all the edits again manually...
And it still does the same thing. Whenever I have adjustment layers on my file and have some contrast added that I want to save, it flattens the whole image out..The last attachment is what it looks like in photoshop and another with my colour settings for the (calibrated) screen
I'm on Illustrator CS5 and I am exporting to PDF. My blacks are coming out grey although my settings for Appearance of Black are all set for rich black on both On Screen and Printing/Exporting. I have tinkered with both settings Display All Blacks As Rich Black and Display All Blacks Accurately, I've also tried messing with the color swatches with different blacks and I get nada!
Blacks still look grey on export and print grey.
My document is set to CMYK and on the Save Adobe PDF dialog, I go to Output and set my Destination to Document CMYK—U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2. I've turned this off and on and exported multiple ways—nada!