After opening Bridge CS6 (and using mini Bridge), there are no thumbnails showing. I've pointed Bridge to just one folder with less than 5 photos in it and it cannot even display them. I'm running a recent Mac Pro with 16GB RAM and kick graphics card.
I'm a hobbyist photographer with lots of personal photos and some I might use for work related projects. I'm just getting started with LR and want to make sure I start right.
1. What metadata fields should I consider using that may be useful in the future? None of my images currently have metadata applied. 2. Will star ratings and labels from Bridge show up in LR?
I used to mark images yellow in LR if I needed to do further work on them in Photoshop. Once exported as jpegs, I'd open them in Bridge and sort for color labels. In the last year or so, Bridge stopped seeing those labels. It doesn't work in CS4 or CS6.
Just installed acr7.3 and cs6. I have previously saved jpgs but wanted to play with POSSIBLE settings in the new ACR. Ok so I make some changes and only say DONE.. I do not open and resave. Going back to Bridge.. the preview now shows me the 'new' acr tweaked version and that jpg will NOT open in CS6 again without going through bridge to apply the tweaks I made.
Problem is, the jpg itself is still saved the OLD way and I want that version back. How do I get the bridge to show the saved jpg that I have, once I play with it in acr??
In CS6 Bridge it shows an image that has been first time imported and put thru raw and photoshop. that the process version is 6.7. Should that not read 7.1. Images taken on canon EOS 450D
I haveElements 9 and CC on the same computer. When I click to open images from Bridge, 9 is shown as the Default and CC is not shown. How do I eliminate Elements 9 as the Default?
After an external backup drive had its partition deleted we used recovery software to get as many files back as possible. It sorted the files by types but gave them all numbers for names. Using bridge to preview the illustrator files, most show a thumbnail, some just a small illustrator icon. When I try to open the files, some open no problems.
Some of the files are collections of vector art (multiple clipart in one file). In the preview that Bridge shows, the file is complete and all art is there. When I try to open some of these files, I get error messages like:
"Can't open the illustration. The illustration contains an illegal operand. ##.####.## %##.####.####.###.....etc."
And when I click "OK" the file is either missing some of the artwork or it is completely blank. How does the preview show the complete file and when opened it's either missing elements or blank?
It was working fine. Then I just did a simple command (pattern a part) and the entire workspace blinked out. The first time it happened I hit UNDO and it was back. So I got out of the drawing and got back in and tried the pattern again. Same issue but this time when I hit UNDO it would not come back. I closed the file without saving and when I went back in the file the workspace is still nothing but white screen. In the browser everything is still visible except for those that I had already changed to invisible. I tried making an invisible to visible and nothing happened. I got out and tried opening the "old version" which should've been before any of this happened and it is also blank. I can go to an ipt or iam in the browser and hit open and it will open in another screen just fine. I just can't see my main assembly. I have Inventor 2012. It shows no errors or messages. I have even rebooted.
I looked thru the forum and found a past issue back in 2005 identical. I tried doing Find in Window on an item in the browser but for some reason that option is not even in the list when I right click.
I am trying to create a surface rise:run slope label for our company template file. I have it set using the default values that I want. But right now the text is just 1:1...where we want it to read 1V:1H.
how I can keep the label dynamic to the surface, but put the V & H in the label after the values.?
Photoshop images that I've imported into 4.4 now apparently acknowledge any PS transparency in the Library view. This means the color of the Library backgorund shows through the image.
The image on the left was imported using 4.3, the one on the right using 4.4.
Is there a way to not have this happen? I haven't changed any prefs so something's changed.
When I use send an image from LR to PS using "Edit in..." Only some of the LR adjustments show up in PS. (E.g. color adjustments are visible while crop and exposure are not). All versions (LR, PS, ACR) are the newest. I am on mac OSX 10.9.1.
I think it is normal to want a style showing stationing, speed design stattions, etc.But.... Radii of curves ? Clothoid parameters ?
Why is the reason Autodesk developers think that designers dont want to see this information instead of "add labels, aligments, multiple segments,. etc ....
I have a LR 4.2 and NIKON D80. I shoot in RAW format. When i import imahes from camera into LR some images shows quite destorted. The distortion is usually shows on 1/3 of lower part of the image and makes this lower part of the image almost unrecognizable. When i import the same image on another machine 64-bit version of LR the image looks OK.
I have been having real problems with Lightroom 3.6 showing RAW files (from Canon 400D) as very soft focus, whereas Zoombrowser and Photoshop Elements show the images as crisp and sharp.
I have wasted hours trying to sharpen images which did not need sharpening as I assumed my photos were bad, but they are not.
This has also been found to be the case on other photos taken in RAW with another Canon 50D. So the fault seems generic.
I have a folder on my hard drive with 72 photos (files) in it. When I pull this folder up in Lightroom 3, the number next to the folder incorrectly indicates that there are 73 photos in this file!? When I "Select Al"l photos for this folder, it indicates that 72 out of 73 photos were selected. Why does Lightroom indicate one extra photo that should not be there, and how do I correct this? Synchronizing the folder did not fix this.
In Lightroom, right clicking on a picture, chose "Edit In", one of the choices is "Untitled Preset". If I choose that it opens a box to "Edit Photo with PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe"
I no longer have Photoshop Elements installed, how do I eliminate this choice?
Just did update to LR 4.2 When I tried to do an external edit to PS cs6, I got no options: edit original, edit a copy, edit with LR settings. It goes directly to PS without bringing the PS window to the front. It is also not added to the LR catalog. Photos are raw. Did not notice this happening before update.
If in Library mode I click "All Photographs" in the upper right, then turn off all filters, then hit CMD-D so that no photos are selected, just above the filmstrip, in the lower left corner of the screen, I read:
"All Photographs [X-1] of X photos"
where X is the total number of photos in my Catalog. For example, right now, it reads "11090 of 11091 photos." If I were to import another 50 images, it would read "11040 of 11041 photos."
It's been this way for a while, like I said. And I guess it doesn't make much difference. I do sometimes wonder, though, if there's some mysterious ghost photo in there somewhere, that's not displaying for some reason.
Lately I've had a couple of folders that I might make a virtual copy in or add some metadata - when I right click to sync the folder, the popup menu says there are 30 new photos to import. When I click the Synchronize button, the screen goes through the import phase and then an dialog comes up saying No Photos or Videos were found.
The label for Library, i.e. the word 'Library', no longer shows in the line of module labels along the top panel of my Lightroom 4 window; all the others from Develop to Web are still there. I see they're called Module Picker Buttons (Menu - Lightroom - Identity Plate Setup..). I've just downloaded Lightroom version 4.4 but that hasn't triggered the reappearance of 'Library'. So I now have to use alt-cmd-1 to access the Library module. retrieve 'Library' for the top panel? Have I unknowingly made a keystroke that disabled it? I'm running Lightroom 4.4 on Mac OS 10.6.8.
I created a collection called, "favorites." The catalog indicates there are 48 images in that collection; however, the images do not show up. (This seems to be different from the "missing" problem - I understand how that can happen...) don't know where to look and don't know if I have lost those images somehow? I have approximately 25 other collections, all of which seem fine.
When I preview or play a slideshow in Lightroom 5 I see a black screen. I've tried it using various settings, images, lengths, and with the show saved or unsaved, all with the same result. In a preview I can see the show advancing through the slides; all remain black.
Sometimes (unpredictably) the screen isn't black, but rather two colors or color washes separated diagonally.
There are no videos in the shows. (A black screen for a slideshow with a video as the first slide is a known issue mentioned in the Lightroom Journal.)
Exporting to pdf works properly. An exported video shows as a black screen.
(Mac Pro, OS X 10.7.5, Radeon X1900 XT video card)
I've moved my catalogue to LR3, and want to update the procees to 2010. However, when I do, it marks the photo as developed in the Library. This means I cannot see which photos I've simpy updated the process on, and which I've actuall developed. Can I hide the 'developed' icon for photos I've simply updated the process on?
Develop Module: when using brush, it often shows up as a big square. Only the actual round brush area is modified, but it is annoying to have a big square block the view. The included cropped screen shot shows the brush working on the green part of the plant - and a larger square lighter part around this.
My problem is, that photos are shown different in color between libary and development tool in Lightroom 3.6. The libary shows corrected color in photos, the development tool not.When I switch between libary and development tool sometimes, the development tool shows then the same colors.
I have seen a problem like this before, and raised a question on the forum, but realised what was wrong (the problem happened on a full colour image, and once I set the Process to 2012 it went away). However it has cropped up again, and this time the image was imported directly into LR4 so Process was 2012 by default.
I have an image which is a glass with liquid in against a black background. I have made a few tweaks in LR and am ready to send it off for printing. I just though I would take a look in Soft Proofing to see how the coloured liquid looked. When I click soft proofing and choose the correct profile supplied by my printing company (which is a 'glossy' profile), the black takes on a milky grey appearance, but according to LR is not out of Gamut.
If I choose the matt profile from my printing company, the same effect is there, but less so.
I rather think that this is quirk of softproofing black, what with black not actually being a colour and all that. Since there are no gamut warnings, and I have never had a problem with printed images on a black background, then I think I should ignore this. It does give a rather mis-leading impression though.
I've just tried downloading LR4 on my girlfriends computer (my comps HD just failed) - but when I go to download it, I get a message saying "this type of file can harm your computer. Do you wish to continue?" Her comp is a macbook pro 15" and I was trying to DL the mac version.
I have problems with displaying images in develope mode. On the main screen it keeps simply black, on the second screen (scaled fullscreen view) is shows blurry and not sharp...
I'm using LR 4.4. 64bit PC, yesterday I tried an installation of LR 5 beta and got the same problem with showing images