Lightroom :: Missing / Changed Adjustment Sliders For DNG Files?
Nov 26, 2013
when I open DNG files in the Develop Module, the basic tab is different than when I develop RAW/NEF files? With NEF files there are sliders for shadows, highlights and clipping but with DNG they are different - blacks, recovery, fill light. etc.. Why is this and is there a way to make the Basic tab the same for both (both like the NEF Basics tab)?
I am trying to re-edit some of my birding photos (CR2 raw images). I have difficult masks that were created in LR3 and took alot of time due to feathers on a complicated background. I do not want to have to re-mask everything in LR4. When I have imported my files to LR4 the original LR3 mask is still present. However, the sliders for Temp, Tint, Hightlights, Shadows, Saturation, Noise, Moire and Defringe are missing. I want to do localized noise control to keep feather sharpness so I need the Noise slider.
If I work on a photo that had no LR3 mask all sliders are available. If a mask from LR3 exists I am missing sliders. URL...
Just upgraded to LR5 and noticed that the color has gone from my white balance and other sliders within the develop module. Ie. the channels or groves of the slider bars are all white, and lack the guideline color gradients that used to be useful. How do I get the color back?
I'm using LR 5.2 and have seen tutorials where local white balance adjustments are possible with the graduated filter or brush tool.
With my LR these sliders are missing. I can change saturation, contrast, etc., but not the white balance. Could this not be part of the student version? The screenshot to the left shows my screen, the one to the right shows the sliders I'm looking for.
I upgraded to LR4 from LR3. After opening LR4 I realized that the Develop/Basic menu sliders are identical to LR3, i.e., Exposure, Recovery, Fill Light, Blacks, Contrast, Clarity, Vibrance and Saturation.
I don't know if I missed anything but when using PSE 10 I find that many of the adjustment sliders are very difficult too see. For instance if you use the spot healing tool you basically have a black slider on a black background.
I am using Windows Vista and Lightroom 3.The drive letter for my external hard drive has changed from "J" to "L". I changed my import preset to "L", so I can now import and access new files. However, all of my previous imports are on this elusive "J" drive, which no longer exists. When I open J from the folders list in Lightroom it shows all my folders with the dreaded giant "?". I have tried to synchronize these folders by right clicking to "merge folders". This did not work. I can open all of these files from my back up folder, but I can't do anything with them in Lightroom. Half of my catalog is un usable.
When I apply a video filter the sliders and button under the original/preview box are hidden beyond access by the windows box's boundaries.
I can see they're just hidden below the timeline of the split original/preview section. Can't seem to maximize the windows box to show the whole thing and access them. Here's a picture to show: [URL].......
Is this a common problem? Is there a work around? Has it been fixed in VS X4?
Quick edit: this happens with more than just one filter.
How do I apply an edit to every file in a folder? Every time I need to do this, I end up flailing around for 10 minutes before I can finally get it to work. Or, sometimes I give up and manually paste the copied settings to each file one at a time. It seems a no-brainer that "copy settings" followed by "paste settings" to all files selected would do the trick. Or "copy settings" foillowed by "Sync settings." But it doesn't work.
LR4 does not seem to be creating a XMP file for TIF files edited in LR4.
Here's the workflow where I noticed XMP files are missing: 1. Edit in LR4. 2. Open for further editing in PS6. 3. Save as TIF. 4. Further editing in LR4.
I'm expecting to see an XMP file associated with the TIF file. I'm not seeing that in Windows explorer. LR4 is creating XMPs for the edited NEF (NIKON RAW) files but not for TIF files.
Is this a problem (bug) or by design? If LR4 doesn't save a XMP for the TIF file and the Catalog becomes corrupted, does that mean I would loose the final editing step in LR4?
The default in previous versions of LR had the sliders set to various positions on import ie. Brightness 50 etc. You could zero out the slider by setting them at 0. Now with the sliders set to 0, yet LR adding a default processing, how to you zero out to start out flat?
I Have started to use Lightroom 4 and importing RAW files into lightroom. To this point its fine, then i export them to Jpeg, again to this point it is fine. NOW !!! when i go back to the location i picked up the RAW files from, thet are not there, have they been saved into another location? or have they been over written?
I need locating the missing files within lightroom. When I click on the question mark to locate the files, it opens up a window and I click locate, and then the files are no longer there. This happens even on files that I have not moved out of lightroom. How can I make all of my files appear as they used to?
Keep getting this message on lots of my photos. I move the majority of my photos to an external hard drive for volume reasons. Even when I have the external hard drive attached I get this message. Seems I can only access photos that are on my computer hard drive. I read through all the suggestions and followed guidelines for clicking on "find in explorer." This does indeed take me to files and tells me where it thinks the file is located. And yes, I can then go to the external hard drive and find the photo. However, all it does is pull it up and does not import it into my LR program. So I still cannot work on the photo or have access to it. I am frustrated as I need to access photos for printing and uploading to stock sites. Lots of good work is sitting in my files and I cannot get to them. And on top of that, if this is the way to access the photo, then I have to do this one photo at the time.
After upgrading from lightroom 3 I'm having a problem importing my raw files. Most of the time Lightoom 4 will only recognize some of my .CR2 files and only the JPGS of the rest of them. The weird thing is that it's not my card reader. When I access the card through finder I can see all of my files. It's only in Lightroom that I can't access all the files.
It's very random about which CR2s will and will not be recognized at any give time. Sometimes it's one day only of a shoot, sometimes it's completely random photos spread across different days. I always shoot RAW+JPEG on a Canon 60D. As of now I just keep plugging and unplugging my card until all the RAWs show up for an import but this is annoying and time consuming.
I recently edited about 1000 travel shots, organized them into collections, accessed those collections many times during the vacation, had no problems. Now, returning home LR suddenly says the files are off-line or missing. I've tried to re-import the originals to repeat the edits, but am told that the pix are already in the catalogue.
In the develop module, when I switch to B&W treatment, my understanding was that a different set of sliders such as fill light, brightness would appear. I just see the same sliders as with color treatment.
sliders move but do not effect image, histogram moves and allowa image to be changed.I have lr5.2, MacBook Pro maverick. How do I get sliders to work again
I have PS CS6 with the latest updates, using a Mac computer with OS 10.7 also with the latest updates. When in ACR, the adjustment brush does not appear on the screen unless I click the bracket keys which increase or decrease the size of the brush.
If I paint a segment and the let go of the brush key, the brush disappears again. I have to keep repeating this if I am painting multiple parts of the photo. I have thrown away and reset the preferences for both Photoshop and Bridge, as well as repairing disk permissions on my Mac.
I installed Lightroom 4 on my laptop a couple of months ago. Since then I’ve had to replace laptops so my computer support person backed up what I’d done on Lightroom and reinstalled the software on my new laptop (which I just received yesterday).
Under the folder section when I view my Galapagos photos, on each photo there is a statement saying “The file named ‘May 2012, Galapagos, Jude (photo #).JPG’ is offline or missing.” This statement is also on the photos in the collection section. As I’ve spent many hours in the development module I don’t want to lose what I’ve done.
I did have a '?' on the impacted folder but that's not there anymore. I had right-clicked on the '?' and attempted to locate the missing folder. The folder name is now lightroom and I can't rename it!
When I downloaded my photos into Lightroom today I used today's date on the folder, but got the year wrong, 2013. After I completed editing my entire photo session, and tried to export some of the images, I realized I had the date wrong on the folder. I used my Mac's "Finder" to locate the file and change the name to 2014, with the rest of the folder name. I see now that this was a mistake and I should have probably changed the file name IN lightroom instead. Now I cannot export because I am getting the message about the files being offline or missing. I have tried to correct this by changing the folder name back to the original incorrect name (year), but this did not solve it. I clicked on the question marks and tried to "find" the folder, but that did not work either. It would be nice to be able to save my work in editing, rather than to have to start over again. In addition, Lightroom now shows several extra folders with the same folder names have been created that I didn't plan or create, purposely at least :
I am using Lightroom 2. I have many photo folders on an external drive that show as off-line when I open Lightroom. I can see the photos in Lightroom but can not do anything with them.
How do I reconnect this folders that show off-line and have a ? mark?
So I managed to have a fatal two disk crash and almost lost half of my catalogue. Luckily, I recovered one of the drives, but it renamed all of my files. I was using original file names (dumb mistake), and it seems there is no way to recover them. In the future I will be using YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS to keep things recoverable.
So at the moment I have recovered and renamed the files along those lines (YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS). What I want to do is rename the links in the catalogue to match as the files have that exif data, and then I think I can recover the files. Of course, Lightroom is throwing up roadblocks. I'd like to recover the photos with their edits, so is there a way to rename the files in the catalogue to match my new files?