Lightroom :: Adjustment Brush Sliders Missing In LR4 When Trying To Manipulate Masks Originally Created In LR3
Feb 12, 2013
I am trying to re-edit some of my birding photos (CR2 raw images). I have difficult masks that were created in LR3 and took alot of time due to feathers on a complicated background. I do not want to have to re-mask everything in LR4. When I have imported my files to LR4 the original LR3 mask is still present. However, the sliders for Temp, Tint, Hightlights, Shadows, Saturation, Noise, Moire and Defringe are missing. I want to do localized noise control to keep feather sharpness so I need the Noise slider.
If I work on a photo that had no LR3 mask all sliders are available. If a mask from LR3 exists I am missing sliders. URL...
when I open DNG files in the Develop Module, the basic tab is different than when I develop RAW/NEF files? With NEF files there are sliders for shadows, highlights and clipping but with DNG they are different - blacks, recovery, fill light. etc.. Why is this and is there a way to make the Basic tab the same for both (both like the NEF Basics tab)?
this worked until yesterday. I didn't install any software on the pc or change any settings that I can think of. I'm using photoshop cs2. I've rebooted the computer several times and I've quit/restarted photoshop several times.
when I create an adjustment layer, I cannot paint black in the mask area. I can fill with black and paint white. if, after filling black and painting white, I press D (to swap foreground/background colors), I can paint, a paintbrush thing shows up in the history, but it won't change. if I press D again, and paint some more white, it shows up in white. likewise, if I choose black another way (eyedropper, setting rgb to 0,0,0), it behaves the same. likewise, if I don't start out by filling black, and I just try to paint black on the white mask, it behaves the same (doesn't work).
if I create a new layer, I can paint black on it. If I switch to the pencil tool rather than the brush tool, I can pencil black into my adjustment layer masks.
any suggestions?
or what info can I get for you so you have a good place to start?
Just upgraded to LR5 and noticed that the color has gone from my white balance and other sliders within the develop module. Ie. the channels or groves of the slider bars are all white, and lack the guideline color gradients that used to be useful. How do I get the color back?
I have PS CS6 with the latest updates, using a Mac computer with OS 10.7 also with the latest updates. When in ACR, the adjustment brush does not appear on the screen unless I click the bracket keys which increase or decrease the size of the brush.
If I paint a segment and the let go of the brush key, the brush disappears again. I have to keep repeating this if I am painting multiple parts of the photo. I have thrown away and reset the preferences for both Photoshop and Bridge, as well as repairing disk permissions on my Mac.
I'm using LR 5.2 and have seen tutorials where local white balance adjustments are possible with the graduated filter or brush tool.
With my LR these sliders are missing. I can change saturation, contrast, etc., but not the white balance. Could this not be part of the student version? The screenshot to the left shows my screen, the one to the right shows the sliders I'm looking for.
I am having trouble with using my layer masks. I can use the masks that are hidden (shown with black screen) and apply them with the white brush, but I cant get white or shown masks to be taken off with the black brush. Sometimes, not always I have trouble adjusting the opacity of white masks. I was playing around with actions I downloaded and after applying three actions to a photo, elements froze on me. I read about trashing preferences, I dont know what that does or means but I tried to hit cntrol alt shift when photoshop was opening and nothing happened. When it first opens it shows I can install the new inspiration browser ( i dont know what that is either) thinking it was a required update I tried to update and it gave me an error message, something about the installer has been mis-configured.
I upgraded to LR4 from LR3. After opening LR4 I realized that the Develop/Basic menu sliders are identical to LR3, i.e., Exposure, Recovery, Fill Light, Blacks, Contrast, Clarity, Vibrance and Saturation.
I don't know if I missed anything but when using PSE 10 I find that many of the adjustment sliders are very difficult too see. For instance if you use the spot healing tool you basically have a black slider on a black background.
In Using the adjustment brush with exposure mode active I get a light red/pink color over the area the brush is used, this is not the mask that shows up when the curser is put over the pin. I also can not not make real time adjustment but when I click the adjustment brush to turn it off I can see the changes I tried to make.
My adjustment brush doesn't want to move away from painting local colour adjustments. I would like to move it to paint local exposure adjustments. What I am doing incorrectly.
When I try to use the adjustment brush by selecting the brush, the sliders shown for the brush change the complete photograph, which I do not want it to do. When I use the brush it makes changes. But, if I make a slider change that I want for the brush it actually changes the complete photograph. It has worked properly in the past. I was able to make a slider change and it would only make changes to the area the brush selected.
In Develop, when preparing to use the Adjustment Brush, first I adjust the size of the brush. I slide my cursor along the Size slider and the displayed adjacent "sample brush" varies in size. Next, I move the cursor into the field of the image. When the cursor crosses over into the image field, the circle indicating brush size changes; it gets larger by roughly 25%. I have been using the adjustment brush now for what seems like 2 or 3 years, but I can't recall it changing size before. Is this normal? 2 screenshots: a) the cursor(sadly not reproduced in the screenshots) hovers at the slider; b) The cursor is moved to the image field, and the Adjustment brush circle has increased in size.
Mac OS 10.7.4(current), Macbook Pro w/ NEC external mon., 2.8GHz, 8GB ram on 2 cores, Catalog on internal HDD, Library on external HDD, LR 4.1, Nikon raw files.
I am using LR 4.2 and I have a question about the non-destructive editor, specifically the use of adjustment brushes. After I work with an adjustment brush and then go on with my editing I can't figure out how to make tweaks to what was darn earlier on the adjustment brush area. With all the other editing functions I can change something and then later make a change. For example, I can set -10 highlights and then later I can change it to -15 highlights and then later change it to something else. With things I have done with adjustment brushes though I haven't figured out the technique to do that. If I select adjustment brush and then click on the area that I had earlier changed with an adjustment brush it doesn't seem to reselect that area so that I can tweak it. Is there a way to go back and tweak areas selected with an adjustment brush?
When I select the adjustment brush and paint across the image no changes are made. I have tried moving the sliders to the extremities but no effects to the image are made.
I have a couple questions regarding adjustment brushes in LR 3.6 .
1. I recently found out there should be Iris Enhance, Skin Soften, etc. brushes in the presets. I can't find them under the adjustment brush. I've tried going to Edit->Preferences->Presets->Restore Local Adjustment Presets as several others have suggested but it doesn't appear to do anything.I have found these files where I've read they're supposed to be (../AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Lightroom/Local Adjustment Presets) but I can't find them in LR unless they're somewhere other than the Adjustment Brush panel.
2. Also, 'O' turns the mask overlay on and off as it should. I have 'on' set to red but for some reason 'off' is set to blue and I have to desaturated it everytime I turn off the overlay mask. How do I change the "off" state to be no color?
My adjustment brush is not working. I can select it, move it, etc. but it makes no changes. i.e. I want to whiten teeth, I have tried to adjust exposure, brightness, contrast even make them green nothing works. But I can move the brush, it shows up as if I had made changes when I click the done button and reselect my adjustment brush but no change has been made!
In Jeff Schewe's book "The Digital Negative," I read that Lightroom 4 comes with Adjustment Brush and Graduated Filter presets. I use Camera Raw (CS6), which doesn't come with presets. Looking for the settings for each Lightroom 4 preset so I can create the same presets in Camera Raw?
I am fairly new to Lightroom, and the Adjustment Brush tool specifically, and I am having some problems with it! I have watched tons of tutorials on using it, and it seems relatively easy...although when I go into my program and attempt to use it, nothing happens to my photo...say if I wanted to adjust the exposure on the face of an individual, I will go in and select the tool, decrease the exposure, make the brush and feather the size I want it, and when I go to "paint" the area I want altered, nothing happens? The pins appear as if to show me that's where I started, but then no change happens to the area I attempted to paint. Do I need to select something somewhere to be able to actually use the brush to paint?
Trying to edit text in Photoshop CS3 file causes a crash - Tried on multiple PC's.File originally created in Photoshop CS6 with "Maximise PSD/PSB File Compatibility" set at "Always".
Document size A4, using Arial Regular. RGB. 8Bits. 72dpi Colour Profile: sRGB IEC61966 Multi business licence for CS3 and CS6 Design Standard/Premium/Master Collection all on PC
So why in the world would I update Lightroom in the middle of a job.?
Before I was able to do in and touch up shadowy areas using (K) adjustment brush, but now it doesn;t seem to work. The radial brush does a good job for a defined area but for SPOT touching I have always used the the adjustment brush?
Is there a setting or am I missing something or is this a bug?
I recently took some Milky Way photos and was attempting to process them in Lightroom. Many of the effects I am using are hardly doing anything. I'll use clarity for an example.
I typically use the adjustment brush to add effects like clarity soley to the Milky Way. I find a setting of 40-60 is usually sufficient. Sliding the scale from -100 to 100 is DRAMATIC, making the Milky Way overly "pop" in a disgusting, artificial manner.
However, on my most recent batch when I applied a clarity of 50 I could hardly tell. Sliding the slider from -100 to 100 had a very small difference. Other effects are behaving similarly.
When I go back to my older photos the brushes seem to work. However, any of these new photos (which have various exposures settings) all behave similary in that I just can't get the effects to do much. The originals of my older photos and my new photos look comparable.
When I first started using Lightroom, the adjustment brush worked fine. Now, I will select the adjustment brush, click on the photo I'm editing, and a red circle will appear depending on the circumference I chose. If I look at the thumbnail in the navigation sidebar to the left, the red circle appears as a black circle in that photo. In addition, none of the sliders will work with the exception of the exposure adjuster. However, the effects of adjusting the exposure only appear in the thumbnail in the navigation sidebar; the main image will stay red in the area selected.