Lightroom :: Develop Module - Possible To Export Changes Made To Image Recorded Under History Tab?

Jan 29, 2014

Under the Develop Module is it possible to export the changes made to an image recorded under the History Tab?

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Lightroom :: Lost All Changes Made In Develop Module In V 5

Oct 13, 2013

I have lost all changes that I made in the develop module. Most of these photos where stacked with the raw copy on top of the jpeg.  Then I had picked the ones I liked and make changes to them in the develop module. Then I and changed them to DNG. This was over two weeks ago and I think I was trying to put them in to a collection. Now all I see is the originals as they appeared on the day they where imported.

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Changes Not Reflected In Library Module Or On Export

Sep 14, 2012

After making changes to an image (sharpening, exposure, contrast, etc, etc) in the develop module, when I head over to the library module, the image does not show the latest changes. What's worse is when I export a JPG of the image, it exports the original! What's the point in having LR?

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Lightroom :: Develop Module - 1:1 And Export Don't Look Same

Jan 27, 2012

I'm using the last version of Lightroom (3.6 if I'm not wrong) and I'm facing a very uncomfortable issue with the Develop module.
I adjusted precisely every color luminance and saturation so it looks rather good in the Develop preview (set to fit), and did an export...
The preview I worked on and the export simply don't look the same.
I work with NEF files from my NIKON D3100 DSLR on a Mac OSX 10.7 MBP.This cannot be the external display profile not correctly adjusted since I viewed every pictures on the same screen.I unchecked every boxes from the presets tab in the settings window.
Here are some screenshots and exports.
Fit preview in the Develop module (left) and the actual export of the same picture (right).I didn't activated any lens correction option and adjusted any color. This is the RAW file and its direct export.Screenshot of the preview window on top of noise correction options (left) and the same area once I zoomed in in the main preview (right)
A couple of days before today I was using Camera RAW from PS CS5 to correct my NEF and was only keeping exports in JPEG. I decided to use LR 3 on my entire workflow and I'm being skeptical...
EDIT : i can join any required file or screenshot if required. I have some other shots having tthe same issue (a lot of ones indeed...)
EDIT 2 : i just found out the picture has much more acurate colors (relatively to the export ones) in the Library module in fit preview (Loupe I guess)

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Lightroom :: 4 Develop Module Differs From Export File?

Aug 20, 2012

I'm running LR4.1 on Macbook Pro OS X 10.6.8, monitor is calibrated with Spyder3Elite.

I was working on a photo in LR4 and I made adjustments in Develop module until it looks good to me. I exported the RAW file to JPEG with sRGB color profile and applied Standard Sharpening for screen. Here's how it looks:
Left side is LR4 Develop module, Right side is Mac Preview, Soft proofed to my monitor color profile.
I have no problem with the color on both applications and I have given up on the amount of noise that is significantly magnified (even exporting without sharpening gives so much more noise than Develop module displays... ) but look at those stars!!
How come the export shows SO many stars while LR4 Develop module sorta "hides" them? The look on Library module is closer to the exports when it comes to the stars only, but the absence of NR makes it way too horrible to look at longer than a second

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Image Reloading?

Jun 22, 2013

While editing a TIFF file in the Develop module, the image keeps reloading (image flashes off and on), and the adjustment sliders revert to neutral settings. Makes any editing very diffficult!  Windows 7  64-bit   8 GB Ram. 

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Lightroom :: Select Image In Develop Module

May 31, 2013

I shoot in RAW.  I import an image into lightroom 4.4.  I select the image in the Develop module.  The image loads very nicely, but within one second of the image opening on my screen, it becomes much softer and slightly lighter.  It does it with every new image. 

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Lightroom :: 4.1 Low Quality Image In Develop Module

Sep 28, 2012

I have a macbook pro with retina display, in my lightroom 4.1 the images in the library look normal but when i go to develop module the image is blurred and very low quality. In settings the rendering are high quality 2048 1:1
Any way to fix this? Also in my external monitor i notice this thing with minor loss.

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Lightroom :: Unable To See Image In Develop Module?

Jan 28, 2013

I had Lightroom 3.  I just got a new computer and installed LR 4..  In the Library module, everything looks fine.  When I switch to the Develop module, I can't see the image--just a gray rectangle.  The Develop module works, as any adjustments I make are visible when I return to Library, but I can't see what I'm doing. 
I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate, 8 GB memory, 64-bit, 970 GB free out of 1.8 TB, and working on RAW images.

Troubleshooting checklist:
1. When you go to Develop, do you see a blank filmstrip?" No. The photos appear in the filmstrip.
2. Does the problem happen regardless of which folder or collection you have selected in Library?" Yes.
3. If you import a new set of photos (that weren't in the original LR3 catalog), does the problem happen with those?" Yes. 4. Do you use stacks in library?" No.
5. If you export a portion of the catalog (a collection or folder, perhaps), then open the exported catalog, does the problem still happen?"

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Lightroom :: Why Doesn't Image In Develop Module And Exported One Look Same

Mar 17, 2014

When I export an image from the Develop Module, I'm having a problem with it being 1.5 to 2 stops darker than the original. 

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Lightroom :: 5 - Selected Image Does Not Display In Develop Module

Jul 8, 2013

I recently upgraded to LR5 from LR4.1. I have seen on several occasions where the selected image in the Develop Module does not appear. I can move back to the LIbrary view and the image appears, but when I switch back to the Develop Module, the image disappears and only a black box appears (dark grey really). This seems to happen after I have deleted flagged files using the ALT-Backspace shortcut. This has happeded when  I deleted while in the Library and Develop Module, but does not happen every time. I have disabled the "Show photo on Mouse Over" view option.  Prior to that, the preview window shows the selected or moused over photo. 
The only thing I can do to get the develop module to work again is to restart Lightroom. It is very annoying when trying to go through 4000 photos!

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Lightroom :: Image In Library Changes To Another Image In Develop Module

Nov 11, 2012

I can see a previously processed image in the Library module. When I try to open that image in Develop, it changes to another image in the same folder. This only happens with certain images.

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Lightroom :: Image Doesn't Come Up / When Switch From Library To Develop Module

May 21, 2013

The image does not come up when i switch from the library to develop module.

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Lightroom :: How To Save Image(s) After Processing It Under Quick Develop Module

Jul 24, 2013

I need to know how to do the above procedure in lr5 as when i did the processing of one image i saw no tab to click to save the image or move the image or clicking done? 

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Lightroom :: Image Appears To Be Damaged Message In Develop Module

Oct 17, 2013

I have several raw images that were imported directly from the memory card into LR5 as DNG files.  They look fine in the Library mode - both in Grid and Loupe view, but when they are opened into the Develop module they have gray and pink boxes as if information is missing and I get an error message saying "image appears to be damaged".
Is it really damaged or is there a way to resolve this?  When I look at the file itself through Finder it shows the damage, so I'm thinking it's damaged but somehow the previews aren't?
Just want to understand before I import again or start editing only to lose more pictures.  Is it a bug? 
We recently installed extra RAM only to find out it wasn't compatible with the Mac. We have the correct RAM in there now, but I don't know if I should uninstall and reinstall LR5 or if it should now be fine with the new RAM or if it's totally unrelated to the RAM.

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Lightroom :: Image Disappear In Develop Module After Deletion Of Other Images?

Sep 21, 2013

In Lightroom 5 and 5.2, when using the X key, then Delete Rejected Photos, the central display box no longer displays an image. If I switch back to Library mode an image will appear but if I go back to the Develop module, again it's a blank screen! If not, how do I report this directly to Adobe?

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Lightroom :: 5 - Moving Develop Module Sliders Blurs Image For Moment?

Aug 5, 2013

I'm evaluating Lightroom 5 during the 30 day trial and it's all cool except for this one big annoyance that I noticed immediately when trying to work on an image in Develop module. As stated in the title, moving any slider (exposure, highlights, noise reduction, etc.) causes the image to go very blurry for the duration of the slider movement. It goes immediately back to being sharp as soon as I stop moving the slider. This is super annoying, feels as though my eyes are going bad.
What's interesting is that the problem doesn't show up when I'm adjusting the Tone Curve directly, but it will get triggered if I'll expand and use the sliders underneath. So looks like a bug that only applies to sliders.
This doesn't happen at all in Lightroom 4.4, which I still have installed and can compare side-by-side.
As for the hardware, I'm using the 2013 Macbook Air with 1.3 GHz i5 CPU and 8 GB of RAM. The OS X version is 10.8.4 with all latest upgrades installed.
I've already tried optimizing the catalog, giving it more space (currently at 3 GB) and purging it. I'm not using Smart Previews, although I've turned them on for a moment to see if the problem persists with them on - it does. I've also re-rendered the 1:1 preview for the specific image I've been trying it on. Btw, the file is a NEF from Nikon D300 and I'm using the 2012 process (as was the case with LR4). Not sure what else might be relevant here.

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Lightroom :: Main Develop Module Controls Have Disappeared From Develop Window

Feb 11, 2014

The main develop module controls have disappeared from the develop window.  How do I recover them?  I'm working with Lightroom 5.3.  The missing controls are the sliders for exposure, contrast, clarity, etc.  I must have inadvertantly clicked something that made them disappear but nothing I've tried brings them back.  I've never had this experience in the years I've been using Lightroom (since version 1.1).

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Lightroom :: Images In Library Module Aren’t As Sharp Compared To Develop Module

Nov 28, 2013

For some reason images in the library module aren’t as sharp compared to the develop module. If I’m in develop images are nice and sharp but as soon as I select the library you can see the image quality drop and image becomes less blurry!

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Lightroom :: Sharpening In Develop Module Is Not Shown When Switching Back To Library Module

Feb 7, 2014

Sharpening applied in develop module is not shown when switching back to library module. It looks the problem occurs when having size to "FIT".  With 1:1 there seams to be no issue. Export also looks fine in 1:1.    
I use Mac 10.9.1, LR5.3, Nikon NEF 24Mbit from D600.
I hope this is a way to get support from Adobe.

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Lightroom :: Basic Develop Tab Has Disappeared In Develop Module?

Jun 29, 2013

I can't process any images as the basic tab has suddenly can I get it back?

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Lightroom :: Moving Photos From The Develop Module To The Web Module

Dec 8, 2011

When I move photos from the develop module to the web module they get a garish/reddish look . I want the photos in slide shows to look like they do in the Develop module. How do I do that?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Develop History Missing?

Mar 7, 2012

I just installed LR4 and opened a catalog that was created in LR3.  There is no history showing in LR4.  How can I get LR4 to show the develop history.
Mac 10.6.8

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Lightroom :: How To Move Develop History

Oct 19, 2013

I know it's in my catalog in the back up, but is there an easier and less data heavy way to move this data?
I only ask before previous iterations of LR had the develop history in the XMP data but it's changed location. I hand off my edits to a supervisor who oversees the final pass before it reaches a client's hands and he like seeing my work progress and teaching small corrections (as to tune to his studio image standards). It hasn't been a problem for a long time but he recently found the lack of develop history.

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Lightroom :: How To Edit History After Making Some Changes In Develop

May 17, 2012

I am trying to edit the history after making some changes in Develop.

I have highlighted the last (ie top) entry in "history" and used CTRL and Z.

I get the "undo" message on the screen.

However, the bit of history I am trying to get rid of stays there.

It was working fine yesterday.

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Lightroom :: How To Make Changes Made In Develop Permanent Without Opening In PS

Dec 30, 2010

How do I make changes made in develop permanent without opening in PS and saving as a copy? Any way to do that directly?

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Does Not Appear?

Aug 8, 2012

When I open Lightroom the develope module does not appear with the other modules in the upper right hand corner. How do I corret this?

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Lightroom :: Old Develop Module In New Upgrade LR5

Oct 7, 2013

I am trying out the 30 day LR 5 trial to see if I would like to upgrade.  For some reason my Develop Module contains the same tools as my older version, though I know I shouldn't even see a "brightness" tool.How do I fix this and get the new tools so I can continue my 30 day trial?

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Lightroom :: Can't Access Hue Tab In Develop Module

Dec 8, 2012

I can't access the "Hue" tab in develop module. I can only access Hue by selecting "All."

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Lightroom :: Develop Module Not Working?

Feb 28, 2014

My develop module is not fully opening. The only items it is allowing me to edit is lens profile correction, vignetting. How to restore the full develop module starting with temperature, contrast, blacks, whites, shadows, etc., all the way down the whole module.

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Lightroom :: How To Upgrade LR4 Develop Module To LR5

Jan 8, 2014

My LR 5 is developing with LR4 processing. How do I upgrade so I am developing with LR 5 develop tools?

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