Lightroom :: Can Save Image History

Sep 27, 2012

Can I transfer/save my history from a trial package of Lighroom 3 to a purchased Lightroom 4?

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Lightroom :: How To Save Edit History When Moving Files

Oct 13, 2013

How can I move pictures without losing history (exposure changes, crop changes, etc)?  I have LR4 and am using DNG files.  No matter how I move files (move the folder within LR, move the folder than then re-sync in LR, etc) it always loses the History.  I've searched and have found numerous "tutorials" on how to properly move files but can't seem to be able to keep the History along with it (I get the last state of the image, but not the actual history itself). 

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Lightroom :: Manage Image History And Snapshots?

Sep 16, 2013

Manage image history and snapshots?

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Lightroom :: Can't Access Original Image In History

Jan 10, 2013

Photos now have presets on them but I can't access original image in the history.  How can I do this?

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Lightroom :: Delete Part Of History In History Panel?

Oct 8, 2008

I can only see how to delete the entire history in the history panel. Is there a way I can remove only selected states? I am using LR 1.4.

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Lightroom :: Image Flip Operation Is Not Saved Into History?

Oct 10, 2012

Why Image flip operation is not saved into history?

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Lightroom :: Develop Module - Possible To Export Changes Made To Image Recorded Under History Tab?

Jan 29, 2014

Under the Develop Module is it possible to export the changes made to an image recorded under the History Tab?

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Photoshop :: Save History?

Mar 4, 2007

is there a way to save a document's history with the file?

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Photoshop :: Can't Save History With File

Jul 30, 2011

I've been an amature Photoshop enthusiast since version 4.0... I remember when the history palette came out and it was so cool..

I have given Photoshop a break quite sporadically over the years.... but now I have come back in an attempt to unleash the wrath of its power and so far I have been quite impressed. Generally all I need to do is think "I wish there was a feature to do this" then apply usually not much more than a few seconds of discovery to locate the actual that exist previously unbeknown to me....

With the work I am doing right now the history and history brush feature is proving very useful... However sometimes not being able to save my history when I close photoshop or take a extended break... has proven to cost me hours of time.This is utterly unacceptable. I really hope CS6 fixes this. How can Adobe make such a great software with such a blatant flaw?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Save Script From History?

Nov 12, 2011

simply put, can I save my history into a script, or just create the script from start?

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Paint.NET :: Save / Export History To File Or Clipboard As Text List

Jun 16, 2012

would it be possible sometime in Paint.Net to save/export to the clipboard the history box as a text list of what we did ?

since I use many effects and settings in a given PDN, I sometime wants to write me some notes about how i did something and the steps i used to do it, before my old memory lets me down.

I know that the PDN it self has the history, but now I need to go over all the list and manually write/type down in notepad the list , which most of the time is very long.

Having the ability to save/export the history box text to a file or to the clipboard, make it easy to edit the list and keep track/notes of steps and ways to do something.

I don't need the settings used in the effect/adjustments , but just the TEXT names of the steps taken as shown in the history box.

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Photoshop :: Couldn't Use History Brush Because History State Doesn't Have A Corresponding Layer

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to learn layers and layer masks.  I loaded an image, than control J to duplicate it.  I then added a layer mask.  Everything good so far.  I then went to filters chose a blur.  Then went to brushes with black as my foreground color, I just wanted to brush away the blur, and got an error message. "could not use the history brush because the history state does not have a corresponding layer."

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Photoshop :: Could Not Use History Brush - History State Lacks Corresponding Channel - CS6?

Mar 24, 2013

Everytime I try to use my history brush, that error pops up and I have no clue why. If I try to just open a blank document and use the brush it does not give me this error and I can "use" the brush but you cant see anything on the project.

so when this error happens im trying to do a project and say I place a file(picture) into the project and this is the very first thing I do. I place it, then I size the image down some. I then make a new layer to use the brush for behind the picture and then this is when I get the error. I have no clue what is wrong

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Photoshop :: Image History In CS3

Oct 12, 2007

I am using Photoshop CS3 for a photography class. I was playing around with the Filters and Image Adjustments of one of my photos and my teacher really liked it. I thought I remembered what I did, but when I tried to replicate the result with another photo it didn't seem the same.

I saved the first one as a photoshop image. Is there any way I could find a history of exactly what I did to that first photo so that I can do it again to other photos?

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Photoshop :: Saving Edit History Of An Image

May 11, 2009

I am using PS CS3. I would like to know if it is possible to save the edit history of a file - for example if I open a file I worked on a week ago I want to be able to find out what work had been done to it (eg levels, sharpening, curves etc). As far as I know, history is lost after a file is saved (in a flattened image).

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Photoshop :: Image Suddenly Reverted And History

Apr 13, 2008

I'm running Photoshop CS3 v10.0.1 on Vista SP1, brand-new HP Pavilion m8400f machine w/AMD Phenom 9500 QuadCore 2.2GHz, 3GB RAM, ~600GB free still on HDD, not even old enough to bother defragging yet. I have a nVidia GeForce 8500 GT video card w/256MB dedicated video memory. Driver is updated.

I was working on an image and had to walk away for a bit. While I was gone, it went into screensaver, and when I came back, after logging back in I found that the image I had been working on had reverted back to an earlier state and that the history was cleared. No error messages came up and Photoshop was not frozen, crashed or etc. Business as usual, except that the image was "old," and the history gone.

Luckily it was recoverable, but I'm concerned about this happening again when it isn't. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm fairly sure I didn't click anything by mistake, press a key I shouldn't have...

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GIMP :: History Empty After Cropping Image

Aug 1, 2011

When I croped image to make a background for my web, I couldn't return back to first size - history was empty. All layers(about 30) have 192px*1px now. What I have to do?!

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Save Edited Image

Dec 11, 2012

I have just downloaded the trial version of lightroom 4 and edited my first image but I cannot see how to save that image.

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Lightroom :: 5 - How To Save Edited Image In A File

Jan 23, 2014

I am new to lightroom 5. How to save an edited image in a file. I have tried looking the tutorials, but no luck.

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Lightroom :: Flash Gallery Save Image?

Aug 6, 2013

Is it possible to use the flash gallery in Lightroom and have a way for the user to right click and save images for themselves? I see that in the simpleviewer there is an option for the user to right click and open the image in a new window so users can save the images from the new window. Is there a way for this in the flash galleries as well?

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Lightroom :: Can 3 Save Corrected Image To A File

Jan 2, 2012

I purchased LR for the simple purpose of removing dust spots. I bought and read a book. I removed the spots, and tried to save a file of the corrected image, and could not find a way to do that. I know all about catalog = DB, but really, this product cannot save an image to disk?

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Save Multiple Versions Of Image For Album From CS5

May 2, 2012

After using "edit in" to take an image from LR3 to CS5, I would then save the edited image by "save as" then add -1 for an edited version, -2 for b&w, -3 for a funky edit, etc. (i.e. name-1 or name-2 would be typical file names) They would all save to lightroom. However, since I upgraded to LR4, I can't do that anymore or it doesn't save the image in LR. This has thrown my whole workflow out of whack - especially since I want to use the album module and need those versions of the images for the album.

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Lightroom :: Get History Files From Old Computer To New One

Mar 14, 2012

How do I get my history files from my old computer to my new one?

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Lightroom :: Brush Name In History Panel?

Oct 12, 2013

I would like to know if there is a way to see the names of the brushes used in the History Panel??  All it says is "Add brush stroke"  I that if you click on the brushes dots on the photo that you can see which brush is used, but I hate editing with those on, so I turn them off.  Which means I have to do several clicks just to see what brushes I have already used. It would be so useful to just be able to see in my history which ones I used especially when you have to stop editing before you are totally finished with the photo and come back to it later.

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Lightroom :: Copy Part Of History?

Sep 28, 2013

Using Lightroom 5 I made several changes to a photo.  One of the first changes I made was to crop.  I now find I cropped too much.  Is there a way to copy or save the several correct changes and redo the crop?  Is there a way to start a new copy of the photo with some of the changes from the first copy?

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Lightroom :: 3.4.1 - History Missing After Repair

Jan 7, 2012

I am using Lightroom 3.4.1 and Windows 7.  Upon shutting Lightroom down I got a message that Lightroom was unable to backup my catalog until it was repaired.  When I reopened Lightroom it gave me the option to repair the catalog.  The repair was "successful" and Lightroom opened as usual.  However, the history panel of every single picture is blank BUT the pictures did retain my Lightroom changes. How to get that back?  I do have a catalog backup but it does not include the work I just finished as I was shutting down Lightroom.  I also have all my RAW files as well as their sidecar files.

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Lightroom :: 4 - Develop History Missing?

Mar 7, 2012

I just installed LR4 and opened a catalog that was created in LR3.  There is no history showing in LR4.  How can I get LR4 to show the develop history.
Mac 10.6.8

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Lightroom :: How To Move Develop History

Oct 19, 2013

I know it's in my catalog in the back up, but is there an easier and less data heavy way to move this data?
I only ask before previous iterations of LR had the develop history in the XMP data but it's changed location. I hand off my edits to a supervisor who oversees the final pass before it reaches a client's hands and he like seeing my work progress and teaching small corrections (as to tune to his studio image standards). It hasn't been a problem for a long time but he recently found the lack of develop history.

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Lightroom :: All History Steps Disappear

Sep 17, 2013

LR5 Win7.  I open a previously edited image in Develop module.  I click on the first step of the history ("import....").  Immediately, all the history steps disappear, and a new step appears, "Post-crop vignette style: paint overlay."  There are now just two steps in my history. When I try to click on the first/origial step, LR doesn't let me do that, it immediately jumps to (highlights) the "post-crop..." step.  If I go to the Effects panel, the only option under style is "paint overlay."  If I add a few more edits (change color, etc.) they work fine. But as soon as I click on the first history step, the same thing happens again.
Update as i work on this: if I click on ANY previous step in the history, LR adds the "Post-crop..." step at the top and does not then let me click on any previous step.
This does not happen with photos I have edited recently.  It only happens with previously edited photos.  I think it only happens with photos with 2003 or 2010 process, but it doesn't happen with all of them.
Then I tried opening one of these photos in the Develop module.  I create a virtual copy, then go back to the original.  I click on the first history step in the original, it does this strange thing described above.  If I add more history steps to the original, then click on the first step, it also does this strange thing.  However, if I add edits to the virtual copy, then click on the first step, it does not do this strange thing.
What I have tried:

-I have opened and restarted LR.
-I have gone back to a catalog from a few days previously and it exhibits the same behavior.
-I have tried updating the process before clicking on the earlier step, and this does not prevent the behavior.
I wanted to try to re-install LR, but when I try to download it, I get this message, "We're sorry, something seems to be wrong on our end. Please try again later."

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Lightroom :: Sync History Movements

May 11, 2012

For the second time, which is two times too many, I've found myself browsing through images and noticed they were all starting to change. Essentially I've apparently instigated a sync settings command to too many images and it wasn't immediately noticable when it happened so I couldn't just do a Ctrl-Z to undo it. I want to make sure I'm not missing something that would allow me to sync all selected images back a step in History. I would think this would be an easy enough feature to add to any version of Lightroom (using LR3 for now because I'm waiting for the LR4 I purchased to get an update that might speed it up). I've checked out auto script programs but they're a bit unweildy and frankly Lightroom should have that feature available.

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Lightroom :: 5 History And Interface With Photoshop CC?

Dec 10, 2013

I understand Lightroom 5 does not change the original image; instead it maintains a delta-like file within its catalog.  When, in Lightroom 5, I select 'edit in Photoshop CC' and make changes then return to Lightroom 5 does Lightroom 5 delta those changes in its catalog or is the original image replaced?.
Also, in Lightroom 5, when I go back using 'History' and find a version I like; how do I lock that in.  That is how do I ignore/delete the most recent changes I no longer want?

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