Is there a plugin or macro available that automatically moves objects around to optimize space ? I think it's called nesting by other industries, such as vinyl cutting, lasering, and signs. Basically, you end up with as little white space as possible.
I am sure this is a setvar that has somehow gotten switched on, but when I copy entities to a point on a line or object, it seems to bind or attach itself to that line/object. So when I try & move or stretch the entity, the line or object that I used as a ref point also moves.
I'm putting various doors together, and we have a variety of frame types / door leaf combinations - including occasions where door leafs are inserted in glazed screens (These are timber doors / screens).
It seems to make sense to have the door leaf as a family, then nest those into hosted door frame / screen family. This would allow the 3 or 4 different door leaf types to be switched into the frame / screen combos.
The principal seems to work - but before embarking on the process of putting these together, are there any consequences that should deter me, or that I need to take into consideration ?
I am looking for a macro for nesting different shape panels to a specific page size. each panel must have a clearance of 5mm all around. and cannot rotate. must be stay within the grain.
I am trying to create multiple bodies within a part file using multiple ifeatures. It seems that it is not possible to force the ifeature to create a new body when it is inserted. If it is inserted into a part that has multiple bodies present.
I call it "Reverse Nesting". We have a sheet of a certain size (18" x 32" in this case). I need to completely cover a much larger (and oddly shapped) panel with these sheets. I want to cnc cut these sheets into the correct shape and be able to assemble them together on the larger panel.
Create an ifeature that creates a sheet of the correct size. In a part file with a sketch (or surface) of the panel we need to cover, we can insert the ifeature and constrain its sketch to the original sketch. My hope was that I would be able to do this multiple times (each as its own body),orient them as req'd to cover the panel, and the use the original panel sketch to do an interference extrude through all the bodies. I could then use Make Componets to create an assembly of all of the parts, and generate flat profiles for each piece for CNC cutting. This doesn't work because I can't geerate multiple bodies with multiple iFeatures in the same file.Create a template part that is teh size of the sheet and constrain them together on the panel I want to cover. Use assembly features to cut way what I do not need. This does not work because there are performance and associativity issues with assembly features and no way to push the cuts back to the parts for CNC profiles.
Similar to #2 except derive the panel we need to cover into our part and use split to remove what we do not want from our sheet. This does not work because it is not easy to move a derive around within a part and link it to the other sheets that are adjacent to it.Create a template that contains parameters that contain the sizes of the sheet. Manually create sketchs and constrain them to each other on the derived (as a surface) panel, extrude each one as a separate body and then run Make components. This will work, but it is very time consuming.
I am using . I manage to jig move object, but when I trigger the function from palette AutoCAD drawing won't automatically grab focus. I need to click somewhere on the palette or the drawing.
What is the layer called ASHADE? I received the file from a customer but I am sure that ASHADE is not a user-made layer.When I use QSELECT selecting all objects on that layer there are som object marked out but I can not see them..They seems to be Blocks but there is no way to see or insert them.
I am a researcher interested in anxiety disorders in young children. As part of a functional magnetic resonace brain imaging study we need to compare children's responses to familiar and unfamiliar faces. The latter are no problem, but for the former we need to take pictures of the children's mothers and process them "on the fly" so that they can be incorporated into stimulus sets presented in the MRI machine (otherwise known as the "magnet").
For presentation in the magnet, the images have to be in a particular format. I have created an action that produces the appropriate format, and a PS3 droplet that behaves appropriately (outputs correctly modified files to the stated address) when a Windows XP (SP3) folder is dropped on it.
However, I need to automate the procedure further because it will be executed by individuals with little or no understanding of PS etc.
It occurred to me that I could call my droplet from the XP command line with the folder containing the relevant files as an argument (and then I would be able to incorporate this function into an overall control program).
In CS2 I am trying to resave a load of .jpg files but they have long file names and every time CS2 will shorten to filenames to make them compatible with mac users.
It tells me to go to the optimise pop up box and change the options in their ...
I am following all instructions that I can find to optimize an image for the web. I'm using CS3.. Either I get results that have too long a download time or the quality is not good enough. I tried using different settings. I tried making image as small as possible. Also, I thought if it was a JPEG before changing settings it would work.
I've made a model I'm content with - editable poly, and have added a UVW Map modifier and Unwrap UVW and subsequently rendered the UVW, taken it into photoshop and done what I would like to it then brought it back in as a diffuse material - all worked fine.I'm going to be using the asset in a prototype game so want to decrease the number of triangles rendered. So to decrease the polygons I've added an Optimise modifier. This is great for decreasing the number of polygons, but unfortunately as it changes the underlying geometry, it appears is mucking up the UVW coordinates and my material is all over the place.
What is the correct process or technique to decrease the polygons and preserve the UVW map appearance on the object, which was set on the higher res version? I've tried changing the modifyer stack order but as the shape has a number of irregular surfaces, the unwrapped UVW in peel mode is a real mess and would be extremely difficult for me to texture with any consistency.
I've used Lightroom since the beginning but am having issues with LR4. One of the problems I am facing is that when I backup my LR database that it brings my entire system to a complete hault for over an hour. It seems to do that during the optimize catalog phase. I can't do anything else on my computer as my mouse and everything else freezes until the very slow backup completes. I didn't have this issue with any other version of LR. I first had this problem on my computer after upgrading my LR3. When I encountered this and other problems (mostly related to locking up or working very slow) I started with a fresh hard drive and re-installed windows and LR but still had the same problems.
I'm using Windows Vista 64, 8gb of RAM, 2.83 Ghz, a fast drive with loads of extra space, etc. I do have a large LR database (7gb) but I had that in LR3 as well.
I can't optimize my main catalog any more. LR5 sends the error message that I have to restart it in order to check the integrity of the catalog. It then restarts without problems, but I face the same error again when trying to optimize.
Importing the old catalog or a copy of it into a newly created one does not work at all, LR states that it can not created a temporary copy necessary for this. Changing directories or drives does not work either.
The catalog seems to work fine once I open it, but I can't check fpr its integrity,
I just built a new editing system and am exporiting a new project and my cpu sits at 58-65% usage and gpu at 2-6%. Ram usage is about 8GB. The file is from dslr .MOV clips to H.264 MP4 export, 1080P 30FPS 20Mbps CBR. Total lenght 6min 20 sec with warp stabilizer, contrast, sharpening filter, and neat video applied.As far as I know all of those effects are CUDA accelerated.Media is on my Raid 0 Segregate 3TB x2 drive (about 350 Read/Write) Scratch is on 120gb ssd drive, OS and Adobe CC on 240GB SSD. Both ssd's 500 read/write. Exporting to either os drive or raid 0 has no difference. Export time is about 25 min.
Are there any optimizations I need to do to speed things up or is this normal? I ran PPBM7 yesterday and sent in the info. I got the following results from the output file,
I/O time = 111 Sec 334.16 MB/S , h.264 Timeline = 208 Seconds, MPE gain 461/18=25.6 .
Below are PC specs. Everything is stock, not overclocked yet.
4930k, gtx titan black , 32gb ram 1866 , 650watt 80gold psu, 240 ssd os, 120 Ssd scratch, 6tb raid 0 for media, win 8.1 , premeire CC.
I am unable to locate the artistic filter called "poster edges". According to the online info on PSE 10, I should be able to find "poster edges" by going to editor, effects, filters, artistic and under artistic the POSTER EDGES should be there. All are there EXCEPT poster edges.
I want to optimize the images in my blog posts since it is loading very slowly. Due to this my blogs loading speed is very high. I have no idea to optimize the images in Photoshop. You can see my images loading very slowly here
I have hundreds of web galleries that I need optimized. I need each photo opened and resaved. However, I need the photos to be saved via "save for web" so that the files end up being about 20-30 k. If I use just "save as > jpg" the files end up being about 100-130k. IMPORTANT NOTES: I want the current files to be overwritten (partly because, if I designate a destination, they will be unorganized, and partly because each photo comes in 4 diferent versions: bwlrg, bwsml, clrlrg, clrsml.
I discovered, with horror, that the catalog HAS CREATED VIRTUAL COPIES FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 15,000+ photos in this catalog. I wanted to RELAUNCH and OPTIMIZE it, but the button is missing! All I see under GENERAL in Catalog Settings is the name and location of the catalog, date, size and HOW to backup.
On another matter, I have just found the bevel lisp routine by Terry Miller which works great BUT only for imperial measurements. How to make Terry's metric, that will work for metric measurements.