Illustrator :: Create Transparent Text With Gradient Stroke?
Feb 18, 2014
I'm creating text that will be printed on a deep gray to black tshirt.
I created text, added an offset path to it with a gradient, and a deep gray color fill on top, achieving the gradient stroke. However, I'm not exactly sure what color the shirt itself will be, other than deep gray to black. And I didn't want the deep gray/black fill in my text to appear and look awkward on the shirt. Unless that is something I shouldn't be considered about.
To be safe, how would you create transparent text with a gradient stroke? I'm using Illustrator CS5.
What I'm trying to do is give the blue box a transparent stroke that will "cut through" the red boxes and show the background underneath, whatever that may be ...white, another color, or a photo.
I can easily achieve this when I give it a white stroke. It'll look like this:
When I change to a background color other than white or even a photo however, I end up with this problem:
How do I make it so that I have a transparent border (not white) around the blue box? Which effectively cuts a "transparent stroke" (space) between the parts where the blue and red boxes intersect?
I just dicovered the gradient stroke feature in illustrator CS6, the problem now is I can't get out of it. I am simply trying to apply a gradient within a shape, and it keeps only applying it to the stroke. If I try to add a gradient to a path that doesn't have a stroke, it will automaticallly add a stroke.
Is it possible to cut or erase part of a gradient stroke? The attached image shows a. the stroke I need to cut and b. the stroke as I would like it to appear - (at the moment I have just covered it(b) with white fill. I have tried Expanding, Outlining path and Flattening, but with no luck.
Why I can’t add a gradient to a brush stroke. As soon as I select the drawn brush stroke and I try playing around with the gradient, the whole stroke goes black…This is driving me nuts. And the weird thing the gradient can be applied only to the basic brush type…not the one that I need unfortunately. I’m not sure why that is…I can only add colour to the brush stroke but no gradient sadly. Is there something I’m doing wrong or a setting which prevents this from happening?
It seems that all these gradients-in-stroke options are only available for strokes that are aligned to the center of the path. I have tried to set inside and outside strokes, but i cannot for the life of me activate the right two options (even though they look like i can click on them).
Updated Illustrator to CC and now my apply gradient to stroke is acting funny (also does it with apply along stroke). First i can't get it to show up unless I find a number it likes (start out with 1 pt, don't see a stoke so increase size 1 pt at a time up to 11 to see it) now the corners have gotten strange, They seem to be missing small patches. You can see in the image I am not doing anything fancy, it's type and then just to make sure it wasn't a font problem I tried just a rectangle. It seems to be worst with corner set to round joint.
I'm trying to apply an along stroke gradient to a stroke made with an artistic watercolor brush that comes with the program. Whenever I try to do this the gradient comes out greyscale. In the gradient window it will show as the colors I've chosen (ex. white -> orange), but when I draw the stroke it comes out greyscale regardless. If I draw the stroke with a different brush, like a regular round brush, it works perfectly fine. It seems to be doing this with all "artistic" brushes.
Is there a link there between artistic brushes and greyscale? Am I just doing something very wrong?
I'm running the trail version, does it have something to do with that?
Why is it that when I apply a gradient to a stroke I cannot use the gradient tool to change the direction or position of the gradient? I can make a fill and offset the path and then move that gradient (which is a very similar effect), but gradient tool does not work on a stroke. I am just baffled by the idea that I can put a gradient on a stroke but then only change it by using the gradient palette to change the angle and /or height /width...and that honestly dosen't work well.
I need the frame of the image below as a stroke style (or at least I prefer that above having to copy-paste the elements of the sides 100 times along a frame in my design )
The thing is: it contains gradients. How do I get the frame to a stroke style so I can easily use it in Illustrator?
I have created a gradient background in photoshop and positioned this on my webpage using css.
I thought it would be nice to create some page titles in photoshop instead of using regular fonts.
Something that has always stumped me, is whenever I have created text on top of a transparent background using photoshop, saved for web, gif @ 256 colours and applied to the webpage, no matter what I do the text always look frazzled around the edges. Is there a technique to creating transparent text that looks smooth?
When I use a transparent gradient on top of a darker colored background, I can see white as part of the transition, even though I have it set to fade to no fill.
And, no I don't want to use the multiply filter to solve this issue. Needs to be set to "normal" because the object will be used for web. This feature works correctly in Photoshop.
I've created a heart using many strokes (like a child would do with crayons). So it's made up of many lines grouped together. I've expaned the stroked lines, so they are now a group of objects in a heart shape. I need to fade them from 100% red to 100% transparent. I don't know how to do this with a group of items.
I'm wanting to create transparent text over a picture with only the outline of the text showing. So basically, I need to only see the stroke of the text and have be picture show thru from behind.
I want to create a gradient fill, top to bottom of some text.To do this, I'm creating my text in a solid colour (can't seem to find a gradient fill on the text tool), then wand selecting the background inverting the selection then applying a gradient.
Unfortunately, applying the fill seems to make the text lose all smoothness (anti-aliasing?).I've tried feathering (using Boltbait) but even at 1 it's too aggressive and the text ends up too skinny.
How to maintain the anti-aliasing but also have a gradient.
I do cartoons and I want to be able to use the pen tool, brush tool and/or even blob brush tool to draw. I'm trying to draw a straight line that has a varied stroke width, so it looks like it's drawn with a felt tip marker or maybe a pencil. The natural random/varied stroke width is what I'm looking for.
I see the "vaiable width profile" drop down box in the tool bar but I only see one option that looks like this (it says "width profile 2" when I mouse over it). Although this varies in width, it's too consistent and doesn't look natural at all. Is there a way to get a varied stroke width for straight lines? I have a pen talet and have tried pen pressure as well but I've not found an easy way to do this.
For some reason I cannot create a line weight/stroke under 1pt in Illus CS6. I will select 0.5pt but the selection keeps defaulting back to 1pt. I deleted my preferences, but didn't work. How can I fix?
I want to do this pixelated gradient thing for my earth. Something like the one in the picture but I don't know how to start. I found a question that is exactly like mine, but I dont really get it. So anyway, I did the outline for my earth, But what do I do after that?
Literally all I want to do is create an angled gradient so that the brightest spot is in the top left corner and the darkest is in the bottom right corner of a rectangle.
I am strating out designing in illustrator and how to created a stroked line, -----------, with each stroke ( - ) a different colour, like, each stroke having a different randomized color which differs from the next one. how to mask out parts of a template given to me by my school so i dont infringe that boundary when I add my lines to it.
Downloaded an image from iStockPhoto. Opened up in Illustrator and removed the black background because I want to set my own values for the black background in InDesign.
Noticed that there are several "bubbles" of black background behind the main image that contain radial gradients.
These "bubbles" fade from a dark blue in the center out to black on the edge. Again, I want to be able to set this "black" to the value of black that I want to use for the background of the card. When I click on one of the bubbles, I see in my Gradient palette that it's a radial gradient and the value on the left of the slider is 100, 75, 0, 50 which I can see in the Color palette. But I can't change anything there. On the right of the slider in the Gradient palette is the "black" which is 80, 50, 0, 100.
So, how do I modify the value of that black? If I choose "new swatch" in the swatches palette, it just creates a new swatch called "New Gradient Swatch 1" It shows Process Color for the color type below which is greyed out as well as everything below that. how do I go about changing the black on that gradient?
quite puzzled about the following. within illustrator i am trying to create a pattern of squares, with the squares themself slowly transiting (gradient) from 1 color to another...
see image below
i made 4 little squares, used them as a swatch. filled a big rectangle with the swatch and expanded the object again so all squares are now individual elements...
now all i need is the full gradient from left to right but filling each square with one fixed color.
I need to be able to create text so that the text is transparent and it reveals a collage of photos underneath. The box AROUND the text needs to remain that ONLY the text is transparent. The effect would be that the text would appear to be cut out of the photos behind it.
So in other words, I need to end up with a big white box that has text on top of it. Then the text in that box is transparent and shows photos underneath both layers (including the white)
Am I the only one who has edited a stroke with the stroke width tool, then outlined the stroke only to find a countless number of points and noticeably unsmooth edges? Is there a setting or certain way to ensure that the stroke width tool won't corrupt the smoothness of my shapes? The stroke width tool is the most handy new feature I can imagine, but this problem makes it almost entirely useless, unless designing something where precision and smoothness are not important.
Usually, when you check the 'dashed line' option on the stroke pallete, you will instantly create a dashed-line stroke on the selected path. What I don't know how to do is retaining the straight property of a dash on curve parts of the path.