Illustrator :: Can't Open Appearance Palette From Window Tab
Jul 27, 2012
I cannot open the appearance palette from the window tab. I am able to open all of them except the appearance palette. I have dual monitors and running XP. Adobe illustrator CS
I've found this a most irritating issue already since CS1.I use Pantone colors a lot in my designs and always have the Pantone Solid Coated Color book open in Illustrator. However, no matter how often I save workspace, as soon as I close Illustrator and restart the color book has disappeared from my palette settings and locations. I have to re-open the color book every single time.What is the problem with this? How can all the other windows be saved in the workspace settings and preferences, but not the color books?
And why is this issue not yet addressed, when it's been coming up already since CS1? It's not a computer / preferences file issue.CS1, CS3, CS5 and now CS6 were all installed on a brand new (empty save for operating system) computer.
My Align Palette doesn't show anywhere when I check it from the Window dropdown in Illustrator. I restarted the computer and even opened a new document. Still doesn't show.
The appearance is totally change what i mean is possibly the brightness. Every single color in the color palette change and become a shocking color. But when i print it, they got printed normally as usual. i can't see the true color i want to use in my design. They're all become a really shocking color and too bright than they supposed to be :[URL]
I tried to open up my saved illustrator file, but this message box appeared on screen.
<Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window; increase document area and try again.>
I do not understand what this means. The file that I tried to open wasn't a big file. I tried to make a new illustrator but it pop up same message by the way, my computer is not mac. I'm using windows 7
Illustrator tool menu still poped up looks like on mac computer and you know that windows7 should be like that!!
When I open illustrator CS6 or InDesign I always want to be able to view my desktop so I can access files. Why has CS4, 5 and 6 gone full screen when you open files. Is there a way to prevent full screen mode? I am getting so tired of dragging the bottom right corner to make the window smaller. I'm using a mac, 10.7.5
I try to open mulitple ai files through palette dialog but it fails on Error:8702, there is no document. But if i change to var win = new Window ("dialog", "Batch"); the open file works well.
var txtSourceFolder = win.add("edittext",undefined); var btnOk = win.add("button",undefined,"Run"); btnOk.onClick=function(){ try
When press "open" the "open"-window dosn't open. Insted it open a comandpromt by the cursor that promt me to enter full search-way and name on the file I want to open.
I am creating a plugin in .Net and pondering the possibility of having a preview window? Example, say I had a plugin that created a custom 3D object and there were options in creating it, is it possible to have a preview window with a 360° orbital rotation rendered and spinning in the palette?
While I was messing with the HSV values in the pallette window I noticed that often some of the values would change from what I'd specified by increments of 1 or 2. I understand that this is a pretty small change but I still found it bothersome that something was keeping me from having complete control over what I wanted the color to be.
Is this intentional? Is this some overlooked bug? Is this common in other digital art programs? Some unavoidable result of whatever is used to calculate the color values? Something I'm missing here?
I'm having a problem with my properties window or floating palette. When I select an object, such as a "line", my properties palette refreshes itself for about 3 seconds. When I hit esc, or deselect the line, it takes another 3 seconds to refresh itself. You can even see the properties palette start at the top and go blank as it travels downward. Very slow process, I can not get anything done. IF I close my properties palette, it does not have the delay, but I can not work without it. When I reboot, it works fine for about 5-6 selections, then jams back up.
ACA 2012 sp1 with Win 7 Pro 64bit sp1 Intel i7 hex 3.0 16 gb ram Nvidia Quadro 4000
sometimes (there is no rule) when i'm opening a Color Picker window and moving cursor on the palette - my internet browser opens Adobe site.When i try to get back to PS it immediately starts another tab, and another it takes less than 1 second..
I am talking about PSE 11. How can I move the tool-palette or the Video window on a second Monitor, as was possible in PSE 10?
In PSE 10 it was possible to use all tools in one palette with one click in the Quick-Mode. Now in PSE 11 we have to open each individual tool before we can use it? After the action this tool closed, so that we have to open it again in the next step. This takes much more time. Is ist possible to switch back to the arrangement of PSE 10?
I want to create different gradients and effects on a shape and somehow copy them in the appearance panel and then reapply those gradients and effects on other shapes.
For some reason to time I need Illustrator to be perfect and it fails on me ON EXAM WEEK.
I used it yesterday perfect for a good 3-4 hour session. I get on today and I notice that clicking on my groups and paths freezes it for around 5 seconds then works again. Isolation mode also takes a while to go in and then come out and when I minimize it it takes longer to open back up again (10 seconds).
That is also not the only problem
I'm trying to copy the appearance from one group to another by dragging the swatch in the appearance panel. When I apply it to an object that object turns invisble but I can still see the path it just has no fill or stroke
I have a question about expanding appearance and multiply. I work in print-on-demand, and one of the limitations is that we can not use multiply on artwork. In order to achieve a similar appearance, when I receive these kinds of files, I flatten transparency, and that will sear in the way the multiply effect is interacting with the other elements of the same art file. (in the example below there are no interacting elements) However, if it is intended to interact with the background, I have to fiddle with the cmyk values (adding k) and opacity level until it is as close as possible. It is time-consuming.
we use 'expand appearnce' instead, and I tried it once and it worked! It did all the legwork for me; it spit out a different cmyk value and opacity level that mimics the effect of multiply, so I don't have to calculate it manually. However, I can't get it to work again. Illustrator thinks it is already its simplest form of appearance and will not expand it further. I've tried adding another effect and expanding but it will only expand the effect and keep the multiply.
Maybe she and I were both tripping when we thought it worked once? how to expand the appearance of multiply? Here's a picture of the 3 methods I'm speaking to: on the left is multiply, the center is flattened transparency, and the right is achieving a similar effect of multiply with opacity & color build.
In older versions of Illustrator, I used to be able to make a selection of multiple objects and give them a stroke or other attribute. Now it says “Mixed Appearance” and I can't do anything to the selection. How do I modify a multi-selection if it says “Mixed Appearance?”
Expanding Appearance on a closed path with stroke, fill, and a Round Corners effect produces a group of two paths in CS6. A path with just a fill and a path with just the stroke.
Is there an option to just generate one path like CS5 and earlier?
I'm working in an Illustrator file that needs to use artwork that is in PDF form. I've been either placing the PDFs into the Illustrator file or opening the PDFs as Illustrator files. Either way, I'm getting a message that says "The document contains PDF objects that have been reinterpreted: To preserve appearance, some text has been outlined."
As you'll see in the attached, what ends up happening are these strange looking white lines that occur around the artwork (you'll notice them most around the CD in the center.) Is there anyway around bringing the PDFs in without having them reinterpreted? I do not want to make them jpegs and then bring them in.
When i open a PDF in acrobat X Pro, edit object, it open in Illustrator, its coming normal with all editable text, after making the changes saved the file. Again if I open same pdf in Illustrator (from as edit object in Acrobat X Pro) some text fields are becoming outline (The document contains PDF objects that have been reinterpreted: To preserve appearance, some text has been outlined.
I have created a method to create line art roof shingles row-by-row. I think something like this is a good candidate for scripting, but I run into a dead-end quickly when trying to script this. Basically, I use "expand appearance" multiple times during the course of this process and I can't find any way to script that action. I have heard about using MenuIDs, but I can't find anything on how to discover what the MenuID for "expand appearance" is.
I have also tried recording an action, but "expand appearance" doesn't get saved.
I'm having this really annoying problem in Adobe Illustrator CC
When I use a tool such as the extrude and bevel tool to make an object 3D, it all works fine untill I have to expand the appearence then I get this edge on my object and I can't find any way to get rid of it.
Take a look at this pic to see what I mean [URL]
As you can see, their's an annoying white jagged edge and it's really annoying and I can't get rid of it.
I am constantly getting the error message: "an error occurred while processing the appearance of an object". I get this error even on very simple artwork, one layer / one filter. Having this problem with the "latest and greatest" version of CC products?
Just passing along this preview "glitch" in CS5 that could cause some headaches or costly reprints.
We had a file where some text "appeared"on screen as a solid fill even though it was mistakenly filled with a gradient in the colour panel.
When the job was output the type was missing.
Upon investigation it was noted the text was filled with a gradient through the color panel....however the preview did not reflect this. The proper way to apply a gradient to text is in the appearance panel> add new fill>gradient.
This will preview the gradient in the text properly. Shouldn't there be an friendly error message or pop up to warn users that this fill option is not available?
Is it possible to add text to the fills, strokes, drop shadows & textures that I already created using the appearance panel? Seems like you can build upon text using the appearance panel, but not visa-versa. Is that correct? I thought I was being proactive using the appearance panel the other day to build a burst that I was later going to add text to. But now that I have the text I cant find a way to add it into the appearance panel. I got around it by making what I had built into a graphic style and then applying that to the text. But I had to redefine the shapes that I had originally built to make it work.
Also, is there any way to break these elements apart when you use transform in the appearance panel? For instance, sometimes I will create a pattern using the transform tool and then I am asked to change the color of the shape in the middle.