Illustrator SDK :: Cannot Access All Controls Within A Panel

Feb 13, 2012

I have a panel that I can only access the controls in the top 2/3 of the panel......the bottom thirds has EDITBOXES in it, but I cannot access them. It's as if they do not exist ?

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Illustrator SDK :: Slider Controls Background Within Panel?

Feb 9, 2012

I want to put a gradient color on a slider control, much like the color picker does. How do I do that?

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VideoStudio :: Access To Controls In Full Screen

Jul 1, 2012

I've been using ulead vs 10 and now corel vs x4 pro to interface and record video from a microscope. I produced a DVD for microbe identification which has been purchased by 100s of amateur scientists and organic farmers. I record direct to hard drive via firewire with a Sony HD camcorder with a remote control 10X analog zoom; 37 mm lense. It is a lovely old camera.

1/ The recording controls are not accessible when in full screen mode which means I need to start recording, open the full screen then focus and start tracking my organisms with the microscope stage controls. To stop recording I need to go to small screen again first. Has this function been changed in the x5 version?

2/ When using the HD settings on camera and software, there is a delayed reaction to the computer so this makes tracking the microbes impossible. I doubt this is caused by lack of RAM I have 24 GB on a windows 7 64 bit.

3/ Occaisionally when I am observing and/or recording, the transmission freezes. I think this is likely something trying to run in the computer....Perhaps with creating a dedicated profile where I could stop any of this interference.

4/ I've been using an external USB 2.0 hard drive for storage but it is too slow. I've been thinking of a SATA external drive or USB 3. Does any huge advantages for the extra money to get a SATA external drive over USB 3.0?

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Lightroom :: How To Access Metadata Panel

Nov 25, 2012

Setup: Windows
Lightroom Version 4
  (downloading update to 4.2 as I write this)
I'm attempting to add a caption to a few images while in "Library" mode.
The help file directs me to do it with the 'metadata panel' .  I don't see it in my current display so going to "Windows/panels/metadata" and click that.  But nothing happens... when I open the menu again I see no check mark in front of  "metadata"
I also tried going to "Develop" mode and then using  "Windows/panels/metadata", but again checking that does nothing.
Trying the KB combination Ctrl + 4 appears to do nothing as well.I may just not be recognizing the panel when I see it, but I've found nothing that says "metadata" on the current lightroom display window when in library mode.
Possibly I'm in some mode that is preventing the metadata panel from displaying, so tried closing and reopening LR.  But closing and reopening appears to have worked not one whit.

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Lightroom :: Don't Have Access To LR5 Adjustment Panel

Jan 16, 2014

With Adobe tech support, I consolidated my LR 2.7 catalog with LR 5 catalog. But when I opened up the older photos in LR5, I had only the L2 2.7 Adjustments available.
Do I need to reimport the older photos? I thought that an yellow triangle with an exclamation point in it would show up to update. Is 2.7 too far a leap to LR5?

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Edge Animate CC :: Can't Access Switcher For W In Properties Panel

Jul 26, 2013

Cannot access switcher for W in properties panel. Title field comes up instead.

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Illustrator :: Allow Gesture Controls?

May 26, 2013

All of my other Adobe products allow me to pan ad scan and zoom using my fingers on the touch pad.  Why does illustrator not?  Or if it is supposed to, how do I turn those controls on?

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Illustrator :: Controls Won't Change When Tool Is Selected

May 8, 2013

When I select a tool such as brush or eraser the controls at the top of Illustrator do not change tot the tools setting there for I can not adjust the tools settings such as size, softness etc.... How do I fix this?

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Illustrator :: Drag Global Color Swatches From Color Panel To Gradient Stops In Gradient Panel

Aug 28, 2012

I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.

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Illustrator SDK :: Unable To Access Any Key

Nov 22, 2012

I have to use AIActionManager for embedding the image...but not able to access any key...where are the available ?

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Illustrator :: Can't Access Kuler In CC

Oct 11, 2013

When I open Kuler from the Window drop down the panel is empty apart from a message telling me what Kuler is and that I need a valid adobe ID to access it.
I am a Creative Cloud member and have tried signing in to my main account and also on but it's still inactive.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Access Tools Behind Image In CS6

Jul 21, 2013

After deactivating indesign creative suite cs6, and uploading to another computer, --the illustrator cs6 tools do not allow access to the tools behind the image, like the different pen types, or the circle behind the rectangle, etc--what should i do?

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Illustrator :: Where Did Debug Panel Go In CS6

Mar 11, 2013

I was trying to do the  cmd+shift+option+fn+F12  to calculate the area on an object and nothing i was reading on the Internet that adobe dropped this feature no longer exists is this true?

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Illustrator :: Where Is Script Panel

Feb 8, 2014

Over at work I use scripts trough a script panel in illustrator (one of those little windows toggled by the "Window" menu), but now, at home, I can't find that panel anywhere!Btw, I'm aware of the File>Scripts menu but that's not what I want.

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Illustrator :: Lock Everything In 1 Panel On Mac

Oct 24, 2013

For Illustrator cc on a mac.  Is it possible to lock everything in 1 windows so the Artboard never goes behind my panels?  The same way it is in Photoshop.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Save Illustration - You Do Not Have Enough Access Privileges

Sep 17, 2013

OS X - 10.8
Windows Server 2008 Share
This error is reported when attempting to save an illustrator file over an existing file with the same name. Yes saving it to the desktop and then copying it over the file on the shared drive works. This is not a solution for us. Full access has been granted to the user on the network share being used.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Is It Possible To Access And Run A Menu Item

Feb 6, 2013

When writting scripts to Photoshop I can use the app.runMenuItem() method to acess commands in the menus. For example: app.runMenuItem (charIDToTypeID("ZoomIn")) will run the Zoom In command.
Does Illustrator have any such method (or accepts anything like action description) to enable us to acess it´s menu items? For example acess Expand comnand, or Object > Live Paint > Make..

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Illustrator :: Why Can't Access The Touch Type Feature

Jun 4, 2013

Adobe Illustrator CS6 registered with creative cloud, fully updated on Mac OSx 10.8.2. Why can't I access the touch type feature?

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Illustrator SDK :: Access Stroke Line Information

May 10, 2012

I am programming an Illustrator plug-in for flexible modifying the width of stroked lines created by the Paintbrush Tool or Pencil Tool. The way of width modification should be similar to the "Width Tool".
Now I would like to have access to the painted area of the stroke lines, which I want to modify. With the Width Tool it is possible to modify the borders of the painted area very flexible. That is the same I want to do in the first step, but I do not know how to access these borders of the painted areas of stroke lines. I would like to know which Suites/functions are responsible for dealing with the painted area of stroke lines.

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Illustrator :: Variables Panel Not Working 100%?

Dec 19, 2012

When you select a linked image on the artboard you should have the option to " Create a Linked File variable: Select a linked file and click the Make Object Dynamic button in the Variables panel." That is right out of the Adobe Illustrator reference. When I select linked files the button to make object dynamic is greyed out.I see no other way to continue(CS6) also reading about similar problems in (CS5).

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Illustrator :: Crashes With Gradient Panel

Jul 5, 2013

When I double click on a slider in the gradient panel (to change the colour), Illustrator crashes, every time.I am on a Mac and have the latest version of Illustrator CC.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Color Swatch Panel?

Aug 30, 2013

We just got illustrator cs6 in our office. I was given a book and told to learn it, but WOW, it is not easy.
I feel like an idiot asking a question that should be basic, but I swear I have been seaching all over the place and can't find the answer.

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Illustrator :: Control Panel Missing In CS6

Jun 18, 2013

im starting up illustrator, and the control panel (at the top) is missing. I tried restoring the essentials layout, restarting the program, and restarting the computer to no avail. the screen resolution is at the highest setting, and the control window is checked.

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Illustrator :: Collapses Swatch Panel?

Jul 31, 2013

I have an issue with Illustrator CS6, running on 10.6.8. I'll have an object selected, and I'll be using my Swatches panel to edit the colour of the object's fill, let's say. Then I will want to edit the colour of the stroke – as soon as I hit the stroke square in my toolbox, the Swatches panel disappears and the Color panel jumps out instead. I have to close the Color panel, and then reopen the Swatches every single time. Workspace: "Essentials" I don't have the Auto Collapse Iconic Panels on...

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Illustrator :: Turn Off A Control Panel?

Jun 9, 2013

I accidently did something here. I got this middle panel in illustrator and I can't get rid of it. It seems I can only click on tools or unclick tools but I can't get rid of the Glyphs, Flash Text, Stroke, Gradient, etc. I don't want this middle panel showing. It takes up too much screen space. How do I get rid of it?

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Illustrator :: How To Get Rid Of Free Transform Panel

Feb 13, 2014

I fail to see the usefulness of this panel. Aren't all these features accessible through modifier keys? How do I get rid of it for good?I'm guessing it's for access on touchscreen-only systems.

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Illustrator SDK :: Save Panel Information

Dec 3, 2013

I've created a panel that gets populated with project specific information that a user provides.I want to save out this information along with the project and read it back in to repopulate the panel when the project is reloaded.
Is there a way to save my project specific information in the saved .ai file?

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Illustrator :: Why Is The Kuler Panel Not Syncing In CC

Jun 25, 2013

I love using the Kuler panel in illustrator but I downloded the new CC version and my color panel will not load my themes or allow me to browse other Kuler sets.  Here is what I am seeing:

Then when I click on the Download My Themes button I get this:

Now I know I am not offline becasue I can still go on to the Kuler website and get themes  and my login apears in the box above the Download button.
So how do I browse themse and get them in to Illustrator with in the application?

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Illustrator SDK :: Accessing Document From A Panel

Nov 28, 2013

I created a panel by following the EmptyPanel sample. Basically, my code looks like:
AIErr Plugin::AddWidgets()
  AIPanelPlatformWindow hDlg = NULL;
  sAIPanel->GetPlatformWindow(fPanel, hDlg);
  HWND HwndSelectButton = CreateWindowEx(
    0, "BUTTON",   // Predefined class; Unicode assumed.


The problem is, when I call sAIDocument->GetDocumentFileSpecification, I get a NULL file path with an error code of kNoDocumentErr.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Internet Access Is Required To Access

Apr 26, 2012

Just loaded 2013. Of course right away I get an error. "Internet access is required to access the Help" Well as you can see I have internet access.

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Edge Animate CC :: Action Panel And Code Panel Can't Be Viewed In Application Frame

Sep 19, 2013

Is there a reason why I can not open the actions panel from the timeline when I have the code panel docked and open in application frame?  If I close the code panel I can view the actions panel.  Why can't I have both open?

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