Illustrator :: Cannot Save Illustration - You Do Not Have Enough Access Privileges

Sep 17, 2013

OS X - 10.8
Windows Server 2008 Share
This error is reported when attempting to save an illustrator file over an existing file with the same name. Yes saving it to the desktop and then copying it over the file on the shared drive works. This is not a solution for us. Full access has been granted to the user on the network share being used.

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Photoshop :: CS5 - Can't Save JPG (File Locked Or No Necessary Access Privileges)?

Apr 18, 2012

I am having this message display EVERY time I try and save something in my newly installed Photoshop (cs5) "Could not save "filename.jpg” because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privileges. Use the ‘Get Info’ command in the Finder to unlock the file or change permissions on the file or enclosing folders.

I have tried Uninstalling and reinstalling after resetting permissions, I have tried saving the file under a new name, I have tried adding a new admin... nothing seems to work and my Illustrator is working seamlessly!??

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Illustrator :: Can't Save Illustration - CS5.1

Jun 8, 2012

I have a Windows user running Adobe Illustrator CS 5.1.  SOMETIMES when she tries to save an Illustrator file over top of an existing Illustrator file, or over top of an existing PDF that she opened in Illustrator, she gets the "Can't save the illustration.  The file may be read only, or the file is in use by another application, or you do not have the required permissions. . .  ID = -54"
We are saving it to a network location, and to answer the obvious questions - she has rights, the file is not read-only and no one else has it open.  If we save the file to her desktop, we can then overwrite the file back on the original network location.  If she reboots her computer, this usually clears the issue up for a few days/hours.
All available updates are loaded, and it seems others have the same issue, but I've never seen a good fix, other than save it to your desktop, and then overwrite the file. 

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Photoshop :: Could Not Open Scratch File Because No Necessary Access Privileges

May 22, 2012

When I try to open photoshop I get the following message "Could not open a scratch file because you do not have the necessary access privileges". I click OK and get "Could not open Photoshop because you do not have the necessary access privileges". It then closes.
My CS4 Illustrator opens fine. Photoshop opened just fine 2 days ago.
I tried to open Indesign and that just crashes immediately (but I have never opened Indesign before...).
The only thing I can think of that might be relevant is that my computer was stolen about 6 months ago - when I got a replacement computer I simply reinstalled the same CS4.

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Illustrator :: Can’t Save The Illustration - File Is In Use By Another Application?

Oct 26, 2012

Just upgraded to CS6 and get this error frequently. This is a major problem for me because linked files and document management are essential to my business.

Running on Windows 7
Can’t save the illustration. The file may be read only, or the file is in use by another application, or you do not have the required permissions. Please save the document with a different name, or in a different folder or directory. -54
How to correct this

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Illustrator :: Cannot Save Illustration With Text - Unknown Error Occurred

Mar 11, 2014

I have illustrator cs6 and when I try to put some text and save, it appears de message bellow: "An unknown error has occurred". This error only occur in my computer and also with a new file. I've tried opened the file in another computer and I can save with text. Is it something wrong with my computer?

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Illustrator :: Can't Create A New Illustration / Unable To Save Print File

Aug 11, 2013

I can't open a new Illustrator file. It sends me this error: Can't create a new illustration. Problems occurred while saving the print file.I opened a previous document created in CC, but it will not allow me to copy and paste items from one doc to another. I have rebooted with no avail.

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Illustrator :: Saving As PDF In CC - Service Does Not Have Sufficient Privileges

Feb 21, 2014

Since the last adobe update;
Every time I save as a PDF I get 2 error messages:
This file does not have a program associated with it to perform this action.  Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the default program control panel.
Then this comes up after as an additional message;
This service does not have sufficient privileges, please reinstall.
This has only started happedning since the adobe update.

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Illustrator :: CS5 Suite - Can't Print This Illustration

Jun 6, 2010

I've had this 'Can't Print the illustration' window - brand new CS5 suite, brand new computer - 4 days old (Dell, 36bit - would prefer a Mac but there you go).
History - large format packaging file - 600mm x 1200mm. Line drawings. Black and one spot (Pantone) color only. Job needed original English version converted to Chinese language. This had to be done on an older 'chinese' PC in Illustrator 4 with correct Chinese fonts. But after the translator did her job, I needed to return it to CS5 on the Dell to make alterations. Chinese fonts converted to outlines for transfer. Once alterations done, tried to print and got the silly can't print message.
prints fine from Dell in PDF format.
prints fine from Dell in jpeg format.
prints fine form old 'chinese' PC in Illustrator 4 format with either outlined fonts or fonts.
havent had any problems printing anything else in CS5, just this one job.
The only thing I can think of is that there was a problem when converting the Chinese font to outlines there were too many points created and either Illustrator or the printer cracked the irrites.
Although I have been using Macs/PC's and all Adobe programs for over 25 years I HATE trying to figure out this stuff and prefer to just be an end user without trying to figure out why a perfectly reasonable request goes odd.

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Illustrator :: The Illustration Contains An Illegal Operand Error

Nov 7, 2012

I have however come across a real doosey - with a meeting to show the work inside this corrupted file.. tomorrow morning! love it. I'm a junior and I'm afraid of the extent my balls are on the block with this hiccup.
Placing the file in a separate AI file wasn't a solution because I am such a messy worker (outside artboards) and could only obtain a small snippet of the overall file.
I also tried turning on file recovery in Preferences>Illustrator CS5.1 Settings and the file that was recovered was blank.
It may also be of use that I was working on this file on another computer before coming home, and spilling beer in shock, denial, and disgust that I had lost many many hours of work.

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Illustrator :: Why Vector Illustration Convert To Image In CS6

Nov 20, 2013

I have done an artwork and hit save, when I reopened my file, my illustration has converted to image, the amazing thing is: just very few part of my illstration has covert to image. I didn't resterize any of my illustration and I have done all my illustration in one file, the rest of my illustrations are fine but two illustration which are in the clipping mask are now images....

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Illustrator :: Cannot Open Illustration - There Is Not Enough Room For The Window

Jan 21, 2014

I tried to open up my saved illustrator file, but this message box appeared on screen.
<Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window; increase document area and try again.>
I do not understand what this means. The file that I tried to open wasn't a big file. I tried to make a new illustrator but it pop up same message by the way, my computer is not mac. I'm using  windows 7

Illustrator tool menu still poped up looks like on mac computer and you know that windows7 should be like that!!

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Illustrator :: Can't Open Illustration / File Is Locked Or In Use

Aug 10, 2013

"Can't open illustration.  File is locked or in use.  ID = -54" shows up when I try to install the Ai2Canvas.aip plugin on my Macbook Pro.  I'm using Illustrator CS5.  What do I have to do to make this plugin work?

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Illustrator :: Removing All Shading Effects From Illustration

Jun 11, 2013

 In the above image, certain paths have some kind of brush effect or shading effect (as evident in the path above). I'm wondering, how can I remove whatever effect this is from all paths in the above shape, I don't want to have it.

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Illustrator :: Darken Line Work Manually On Pen And Ink Illustration In CS6

Mar 6, 2014

I do traditional b/w pen and ink illustrations. How do I edit the ink tones in cs6? In Photoshop it was very easy - seems terribly confusing in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Simulating Hand-drawn Illustration With Brushes And Fills

Nov 30, 2012

How to simulate the following hand-drawn picture with Illustrator brushes and fills?
The situation would be... somebody would create a new vector drawing (i.e. made from a photo reference) with outlines and fills. With some easy steps he should be able to turn it into a vector drawing that resembles this style. It should be easy to do... maybe 2 or 3 steps. It could also work with add-ons or plug-ins or something (should work with CS4 upwards).

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Illustrator Scripting :: Can't Print Illustration - Color Management Settings Inconsistent

May 11, 2013

Can't print the illustration. The Color Management settings are inconsistent.
I keep getting this message everytime I try to use any of the print script examples in the adobe javascript reference guide. I also tried the script from this thread: [URL] .... and got the same error. I'm using a windows 8 machine but got the error on vista as well.

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Photoshop :: How To Get Administrative Privileges To Install Optional Plugins For CS5

Oct 12, 2012

How do I get administrative privileges to install optional plug-ins for cs5 and or how to install these optional plugins ?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Save Changes In Access File?

Jan 19, 2012

I would like to know if it is possible to save changes directly in the source data base file (Access) from Auto Cad Map.

I have a polyline draw (Footpath network). I have converted this draw to shapefile, and then I connect it to the Access Data Base via ODBC with a join.

The problem is that this shapefile is not definitive, and it is probably that some people will need to edit and create new features, and I don´t know how to do it.

Which would be the best option to do this? It would be better if I work with the dwg drawings and the data sources?.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Modifying Drawings - Read And Write Privileges

Feb 25, 2013

There seems to be a glitch in AutoCAD with allowing another user to access a drawing that someone already has open. Most of the time , it will not allow this and will correctly give the message that someone is already in the file and give the option of opening file as read only.

There have been a few times though that someone will not be prevented from accessing the file and the read and write privileges will be transferred to the new user that opened the file last. How do we prevent this from happening??

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Photoshop :: Could Not Save Because Write Access Was Not Granted (Mac OS)?

Jan 3, 2012

I keep getting the above error when working off of my xserve in photoshop. It is new in CS5 which we have recently upgraded to. Several people at my office are getting it. Sometimes it displays a random name with afp in front of it (I assume it is the temp name when photoshop is swapping out the new file for the old file.)

It only seems to happen with psd and psb files. I have write access to the volume in question and it doesn't matter if I am the only one accessing the folder or not. I can save as and it seems to work; but it does delete the file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Access To Save As Screen

Sep 9, 2013

I have a problem for code files in inventor, my intention is codify this files whit a personal code name.

I need to launch the "SAVE AS" changing the file name that I need, with the possibility of modifying it.

ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item ("AppFileNewCmd"). Execute

Works smoothly and launches the open document window, but

ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item ("AppFileSaveAsCmd"). Execute

does nothing, either fails. At the same time would need to know how to rename the file to display.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Access To Save As Screen?

Sep 9, 2013

I have a problem for code files in inventor, my intention is codify this files whit a personal code name.

I need to launch the "SAVE AS" changing the file name that I need, with the possibility of modifying it.

ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item ("AppFileNewCmd"). Execute

Works smoothly and launches the open document window, but

ThisApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions.Item ("AppFileSaveAsCmd"). Execute

does nothing, either fails. At the same time would need to know how to rename the file to display.

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Photoshop :: Message Could Not Be Save Because Write Access Was Not Granted?

Jan 30, 2013

I'm getting the message when trying to save my homework: " message could not be save PS3-3.psd because write access was not granted."

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Photoshop :: Could Not Save (file Name) Because Write Access Was Not Granted

Nov 15, 2013

Error of "Could not save (file name) because write access was not granted. The users are pulling the files from a Mountain Lion server. They all have readwrite access. If they try to save the file in the same directory they get that error but they can save it anywhere else on the sharepoint. If they save it in another directory then reopen it make a change and do a save as they can save it back to the original directory.

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Photoshop :: Window Says (cannot Save File Because It Was Not Granted Write Access)?

Nov 14, 2013

I connect my hard drive to compuuter, I open raw files in bridge load a file into ps, after which I would like to elaborate the new hard drive to save it, but it opens a window that says'' can not save the file because it was not granted write access.''

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 - Unable To Save Because Write Access Was Not Granted

Apr 8, 2013

I previously organized and tagged a batch of raw photos using viewNX on my PC.  The PC crashed and I am now trying to edit that same batch of photos with Elements 11 on my iMac.  I am able to access the photos, but when I try to save my edits I receive the message, "Unable to save because write access was not granted."  I am not on a networked computer, no one else has access to the photos, and the photos are not open in any other program. iMac and Elements 11 are new to me.

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Photoshop :: Convert NEFs And Save As PSDs - Write Access Not Granted

Oct 5, 2013

Just installed CS6 Extended, I cannot convert my NEF files and save them to psd. I get a message that says "cannot save because write access was not granted" I am using my new Mac. I never had this problem with my Windows CS5 extended.

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Photoshop :: Illustration? Use PS Or Ai

Sep 17, 2008

How can I create an illustration like this? use PS or Ai

the shine out effect and gradient is outclass,

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Illustrator SDK :: Unable To Access Any Key

Nov 22, 2012

I have to use AIActionManager for embedding the image...but not able to access any key...where are the available ?

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Illustrator :: Can't Access Kuler In CC

Oct 11, 2013

When I open Kuler from the Window drop down the panel is empty apart from a message telling me what Kuler is and that I need a valid adobe ID to access it.
I am a Creative Cloud member and have tried signing in to my main account and also on but it's still inactive.

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