Illustrator SDK :: Accessing Document From A Panel

Nov 28, 2013

I created a panel by following the EmptyPanel sample. Basically, my code looks like:
AIErr Plugin::AddWidgets()
  AIPanelPlatformWindow hDlg = NULL;
  sAIPanel->GetPlatformWindow(fPanel, hDlg);
  HWND HwndSelectButton = CreateWindowEx(
    0, "BUTTON",   // Predefined class; Unicode assumed.


The problem is, when I call sAIDocument->GetDocumentFileSpecification, I get a NULL file path with an error code of kNoDocumentErr.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Change Units In Preferences Panel Or Document Setup

Feb 5, 2014

PC, Windows 7, AI CC..I have a document that displays units in points, and when I change the unit type to inches in the preferences panel and the Document Setup panel, the change won't apply.
I've tried saving as a new document, restarting, etc. I even tried setting the units to other units... doesn't matter what I have the units set to in preferences, it's always displaying points.

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Illustrator SDK :: Creating Art Present On Document But Not Visible On Layer Panel

Aug 9, 2012

Is it possible to create an art which is present on the document but not on the 'Layer' panel(F7)?
My requirement is to create an art which is visible on the document, but could not be seen on the Layer panel and user is not able to select it.
Just like it happens in case of reflection, when we are creating a copy of selected art object, the reflected copy doesn't present on the 'Layer' panel but it is visible on the document and user is not able to select the reflected one, while he can only select the original art.

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Illustrator :: Why CS6 Not Accessing Available RAM

Jun 14, 2012

Stats first... 2010 iMac quad core i5, 16 gigs RAM, OS X 10.6.8
I can only hope that there is some simple setting that I'm just not aware of.
I've been trying very hard to understand why CS6 (now 64bit) is acting more sluggish than CS5. If I start an intensive task like a detailed Image Trace for instance, I will monitor both CPU usage and memory usage. Apparently Illustrator cannot mult-thread as it only uses one core out of a quad core processor at any given time. So use of modern CPUs is not yet an Illustrator feature it seems?
When I monitor memory usage (with Apple's own Activity Monitor and also iStat menus) as I'm watching a slow progress bar, Illustrator is calling on only between 1 and 2 gigs of RAM, never more than that, and leaving somewhere in the area of 11-12 gigs of RAM free. Why is that?
Bottom line I've seen no change from 32bit to 64bit except that CS6 seems a tad more sluggish. Even to the point of seeing a short progress bar during most saves on files that I'm quite sure weren't calling up progress bars in CS5.

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Illustrator Scripting :: JS / Accessing Menu Items In CS6?

Jul 16, 2012

I just got CS6, and I'm wondering how I access menu items using Javascript?Also, I'm looking at the CS6 JS reference, and it doesn't say whether app.activeDocument.selection is Read-Only. I would need this for my purposes in accessing the menu.The item I wanna access is Select > Same > Stroke Color. Seems simple enough.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Accessing Elements Of A Page Item

Jan 6, 2014

I am working on a script that performs a series of things on all of the artwork in a document.  At one point, it needs to compare the fill color of every item to a sample color.  The problem is, the artwork is a collection of compound path items and path items.  When I look for pathItems[x]. fillColor, it works fine.  When I look for compoundPathItem[x].fillColor, it comes back undefined.  So, I've moved to looking at page items, but I seem to be unable to get to the internals on the page items.  If I have a compound path item, how would I address its properties from its parent page item?  I tried:
pageItems[x].fillColor,   & 

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Illustrator Scripting :: Accessing Text Frame Inside An Envelope?

Jan 6, 2013

I am writing a script using javascript and the ESTK. I am able to access text frames in my document by name and/or id without a problem. However if the text frame is inside an envelope I can not access it using my script.

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Illustrator :: Drag Global Color Swatches From Color Panel To Gradient Stops In Gradient Panel

Aug 28, 2012

I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.

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Illustrator :: Where Did Debug Panel Go In CS6

Mar 11, 2013

I was trying to do the  cmd+shift+option+fn+F12  to calculate the area on an object and nothing i was reading on the Internet that adobe dropped this feature no longer exists is this true?

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Illustrator :: Where Is Script Panel

Feb 8, 2014

Over at work I use scripts trough a script panel in illustrator (one of those little windows toggled by the "Window" menu), but now, at home, I can't find that panel anywhere!Btw, I'm aware of the File>Scripts menu but that's not what I want.

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Illustrator :: Lock Everything In 1 Panel On Mac

Oct 24, 2013

For Illustrator cc on a mac.  Is it possible to lock everything in 1 windows so the Artboard never goes behind my panels?  The same way it is in Photoshop.

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Illustrator :: Variables Panel Not Working 100%?

Dec 19, 2012

When you select a linked image on the artboard you should have the option to " Create a Linked File variable: Select a linked file and click the Make Object Dynamic button in the Variables panel." That is right out of the Adobe Illustrator reference. When I select linked files the button to make object dynamic is greyed out.I see no other way to continue(CS6) also reading about similar problems in (CS5).

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Illustrator :: Crashes With Gradient Panel

Jul 5, 2013

When I double click on a slider in the gradient panel (to change the colour), Illustrator crashes, every time.I am on a Mac and have the latest version of Illustrator CC.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Color Swatch Panel?

Aug 30, 2013

We just got illustrator cs6 in our office. I was given a book and told to learn it, but WOW, it is not easy.
I feel like an idiot asking a question that should be basic, but I swear I have been seaching all over the place and can't find the answer.

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Illustrator :: Control Panel Missing In CS6

Jun 18, 2013

im starting up illustrator, and the control panel (at the top) is missing. I tried restoring the essentials layout, restarting the program, and restarting the computer to no avail. the screen resolution is at the highest setting, and the control window is checked.

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Illustrator :: Collapses Swatch Panel?

Jul 31, 2013

I have an issue with Illustrator CS6, running on 10.6.8. I'll have an object selected, and I'll be using my Swatches panel to edit the colour of the object's fill, let's say. Then I will want to edit the colour of the stroke – as soon as I hit the stroke square in my toolbox, the Swatches panel disappears and the Color panel jumps out instead. I have to close the Color panel, and then reopen the Swatches every single time. Workspace: "Essentials" I don't have the Auto Collapse Iconic Panels on...

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Illustrator :: Turn Off A Control Panel?

Jun 9, 2013

I accidently did something here. I got this middle panel in illustrator and I can't get rid of it. It seems I can only click on tools or unclick tools but I can't get rid of the Glyphs, Flash Text, Stroke, Gradient, etc. I don't want this middle panel showing. It takes up too much screen space. How do I get rid of it?

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Illustrator SDK :: Cannot Access All Controls Within A Panel

Feb 13, 2012

I have a panel that I can only access the controls in the top 2/3 of the panel......the bottom thirds has EDITBOXES in it, but I cannot access them. It's as if they do not exist ?

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Illustrator :: How To Get Rid Of Free Transform Panel

Feb 13, 2014

I fail to see the usefulness of this panel. Aren't all these features accessible through modifier keys? How do I get rid of it for good?I'm guessing it's for access on touchscreen-only systems.

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Illustrator SDK :: Save Panel Information

Dec 3, 2013

I've created a panel that gets populated with project specific information that a user provides.I want to save out this information along with the project and read it back in to repopulate the panel when the project is reloaded.
Is there a way to save my project specific information in the saved .ai file?

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Illustrator :: Why Is The Kuler Panel Not Syncing In CC

Jun 25, 2013

I love using the Kuler panel in illustrator but I downloded the new CC version and my color panel will not load my themes or allow me to browse other Kuler sets.  Here is what I am seeing:

Then when I click on the Download My Themes button I get this:

Now I know I am not offline becasue I can still go on to the Kuler website and get themes  and my login apears in the box above the Download button.
So how do I browse themse and get them in to Illustrator with in the application?

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Edge Animate CC :: Action Panel And Code Panel Can't Be Viewed In Application Frame

Sep 19, 2013

Is there a reason why I can not open the actions panel from the timeline when I have the code panel docked and open in application frame?  If I close the code panel I can view the actions panel.  Why can't I have both open?

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Lightroom :: Lost Basic Panel From Righthand Side Adjustable Panel?

Nov 28, 2013

lost basic panel from righthand side adjustable panel, how can i restore it? There are everything else but basic ones.

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Illustrator :: CS 5.5 - Pantone Swatches Panel Not Persistent

Feb 14, 2012

Bog-standard install of CS 5.5 Design Standard suite on a Mac, OS 10.7.3, everything is up to date.
No networking, all apps insatlled locally, Swatches reside in /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5.1/Presets/en_US/Swatches/Color Books.
I'm logged in to an admin account.
I've tried saving workspaces with the Pantone Solid Coated swatch open and marked "persistent" and nothing seems to work.

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Illustrator :: How To Open Graphic Styles Panel

Oct 25, 2012

With the latest Illustrator update through Creative Cloud, every time I try to open the Graphic Styles panel my Illustrator gets the spinning beach ball on the Mac (OS 10.7.5) and I have to force quit.

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Illustrator :: Workflow Optimization Layers Panel

Mar 20, 2013

Every time I'm working in an Illustrator file with multiple layers and hundreds of objects on those layers that sometimes aren't grouped yet, I find it hard to select click on the objects in the layers panel on the right, selecting them via shift-click (you know, selecting all objects between the first and the last clicked object).
Is there a way I can select layer objects with the shift-option and afterwards have all of the items selected on the artboard? See the images for illustration.

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Illustrator :: Fractions - None Of Possible Options Available In OpenType Panel

Oct 15, 2013

I would like to create a fraction with illustrator in one of my drawings but I can't seem to be able to do it.
I went on the internet to see how I could do it and I learned that I should write my fraction like   text1/text2  then go to the OpenType panel and select fractions.
Somehow when I select my fraction and go to the OpenType panel none of the possible options are available. They are writen in a pale color and inaccessible. How do I do to make those options available? Do i need some kind of add-on?

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Illustrator :: Can't Find Fit To Artwork In CC Artboard Panel

Jun 26, 2013

In CS6, you could select the artwork, then go the the Artboard Panel, choose options, and then choose "fit to selected artwork" or "fit to artwork bounds." This resized the artboard to fit your artwork. In Illustrator CC, both options are absent in the Artboard Panel and "Custom" isn't there either. I can't find these options anywhere else. I am reopening files in CS6 to do this now. Can't believe they eliminated this feature. I use it everyday.
CS6 Version CC

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Illustrator :: Change Panel Setting / View?

Jan 19, 2014

I am a PC user and have just bought myself a new Macbook pro. I am stucked with the first hurdle, the moment I launched the AI program the middle is empty with only top and side panels. This panel setting is something very odd to me and coming from PC I never had problem changing panel settings. I spent 4 hours including googling this forum and deleted old preferences three times, no luck. How do I toggle between panel viewing options?

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Illustrator :: Get Info Panel To Update When Using Guidelines In CS6?

May 15, 2012

I'm using "Essentials" to learn the product (CS6).
The tutorial shows you how to accurately line up guidelines by using the Info panel.  However for me the info panel "locks" as soon as I select a guideline from the ruler and drag it onto the artboard. It only starts updating when I move my mouse off the guideline - which makes it useless.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug introduced since Adobe CS6 was first released?  (I noticed there was an update this morning - 15th May 2012 - which I've applied)

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Illustrator :: Save Option In Gradient Panel?

May 28, 2012

I wanted to save a gradient to apply to other elements.

The drop down menu in the gradient panely only presents the option to show/hide options.  The help files seem to think I should get a save icon.

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