I must make some Pie Charts at work, and the data is in a Excel file. Of course all Values are in decimal for a 100% value:
Now i realized, that Illustrator can't work with decimal? But that's wrong! The values are exactly 100 (%). Where the gap comes from? So i goggled it and find out, that this bug exists since CS2 (i have CC)! The wrong solution is to clear manually all decimal commata:
Then it works as usual, but this workflow is not a pro solution!A coworker made this datafiles in hours, and then another worker delete this again?
I've recently come up againast a wall in Illustrator. I'm producing a large, detailed pie chart, and the fine slices aren't being shown accurately.
For example, if you prodoce a simple 3-slice pie chart using: 99.5, 0.1, 0.4 .... the smallest slice will be lost. It looks as though Illustrator will not show anything under a quarter of a per cent.
I created some sample pie charts for a client - had no problems with the document while it was open. It saved fine, I even saved it as an EPS. However, when I try to reopen the document, it gives me an error (whether I open the illustrator or eps file).
I haven't been able to track down the reason for it. It has 6 sample pie charts on it. The text and labels are simply text or lines drawn on a separate layer. The "hole" is simply a white circle on top of the chart. There isn't really anything complicated with it, so I'm not sure where the error is. I've already recreated this but had the same problem again.
This does not happen for all pie charts - there is another file I created with other samples, and I've been able to reopen that. The odd thing is that even though I get the error, it seems to partially open the file - only a few of the elements show up.
I've been creating charts in Excel 2004 for Mac for years and copying them into Illustrator. They have always previously pasted into Illustrator as vectors illustrations. I've created hundreds of charts in Excel before and copied them to Illustrator to "dress them up" for reports with no problems. I just created a chart in Excel 2004 for Mac and copied it to Illustrator and it came in as a picture. This is the first time I have ever had this happen with an Excel chart.
I wish to create a scatter bubble chart where the position of the bubble is dependent on the values of the X and Y axis, the size of the bubble is dependent on a third data dimension and the colour of the bubble will vary according to another grouping type dimension. Is this possible under illustrator?
I have a Pantone + Solid coated book that has 336 new colors in the back. Specifically pms 2028 C. The problem is when I try to find it in the PMS charts in Illi CS6 or PS CS6, those 336 new colors are not in my Pantone + Solid coated charts. I ran the adobe updates and it updated what it needed but I'm still unable to find it. Am I looking in the wrong chart? The name matches that of my PMS book so it just doesn't make sense. I scroll through the Illi chart and also try to use the "find" section.
Is there a way to size without Illustrator CS6 rounding up? example, I need my document to be 3.625 x 2.125" to output a file to a printer and illustrator keeps rounding up to the third decimal 3.63, Is there any way around this? I found going back to CS3 works but all my files have conversion issues opening that far back.
I'm wondering if it's possible to change the decimal place accuracy to default to only rounded numbers i.e. 1mm instead of 1.325. I want EVERYTHING to snap to the nearest mm (Axis, Dimensions etc.) rather than 1.233 for example.
Yes, I can manually type into the dims / axis boxes everytime but thats a chore.
I have been using Illustrator for almost 10 years and have never run into this one. When enter a stroke weight on a line with a decimal point like .25 or 4.5 is keeps rounding the number up. For example I enter 0.75 and it makes it 1 point or I enter 5.5 and it makes it 6 point. Whether I enter the number manually or pick from the drop down (0.25, 0.5 or 0.75) it keeps rounding my strokes to even numbers.
I use the rotate tool to design gauges, like clocks, a lot. I hold the ALT button and click on the center of my drawing and then a window pops up to enter in what degree I want my object to be. Currently the decimal point only allows for hundredths, ex. 45.25 degrees. Is there any way to change this to thousandths or even higher, ex. 45.25125? I've attached a screenshot to show you what I mean.
Is it possible to automate the rounding of font sizes if they are in decimal form? I have a few thousand files I have to prepare for upload and they can't have font sizes such as 8.214 which several do. With AppleScript would it be possible to identify and then round up or down such font sizes?
Any good way to convert decimal values to fractions for use in inch measurements? I have a script that works great but it returns values like 5.5638 and I'd rather it return the closest fraction answer like 5 9/16. 1/16ths would be great, but I'd settle for 1/8ths.
I started trying to come up with a large if with lots of > and < conditions, but it might be better not to reinvent the wheel.
We have a project to make flowcharts in Photoshop. I know there are programs specifically used to produce flowcharts, but PS CS3 is what we have. We have the text boxes and now trying to decide what line tool to use to connect the boxes. We tried the brush and pencil tool at 6 pixels and hold down the shift key to draw horizontal, then click and hold shift again for vertical, but we are getting "ink/Paint" blotter bleed.
I tried the pen tool, but it doesn't seem to allow you to draw a single line one way, select it and then apply a 6 pixel stroke. Is it possible to use the pen tool this way?
I have been using CorelDraw for years (since version 2) to dress up charts generated in Excel by using copy picture from Excel and pasting (special) as an enhanced metafile. Now since moving to Excel 2010 and CorelDraw X5 it seems some functionality has changed so that most of my chart objects (symbols, lines, but not text) appear in CorelDraw as two separate objects when I view them with wireframe mode.
One seems to be the outline of the object, the other is the centreline (see below). This makes editing tedious because for symbols, I must individually delete the outline object. For lines it is impossible - basically a line in the Excel chart turns into a "sausage" which can be both filled and outline edited. Maybe I am just missing an option somewhere to deal with this or is this some option in Excel that I need to change (re- the latter, a colleague with Adobe Illustrator doesn't have this problem on the same Excel charts).
I'm trying to import Excel charts (from Excel Office Home and Student 2010) into Autocad LT 2009. I've been doing this for years without a problem using Excel 2003 but now that I've upgraded to Excel 2010, I loose a lot of formatting (line weights are different, fonts are jumbled). how I can import with Excel 2010? BTW, I tried the trial of Autocad LT 2012 and still had the problem.
I have drawn a model using imperial units, at a scale of 1:1. When I switch the units to decimal, the unit factor remains the same, eg 5" shows as 5mm.
Is there a setting anywhere that would automatically show 5" as 127mm, or do I need to scale my model by 25.4.
I have a number like 4534.3245 If I say 4534.3245 as Integer I get 4534 thats fine.
Is there an easy way in maxscript to return the number after the decimal only no matter what it is? like saying: 4534.3245 as fraction returns .3245?
With the numbers I am dealing with the integer part could be any size and fraction decimal section could be any size so I am hoping for a general rule or method for getting that after decimal number.
when I try things like formattedprint there is a rounding off happening changing it to .3245 to .3247 and more digits added etc but I dont want all that because it is changing the value of the number before I have even done anything with it. Maybe their is a formattedprint method but I am not seeing it.
I am having trouble with drawing lines in decimal. My length is Decimal, insertion scale is feet. So say I wanted to enter 21 inches in feet. I just click to draw my line, then use 21/12 as my input for length. That works fine. But when I have a line that I want drawn at 21.5" (I enter 21.5/12), it won't work, saying point or option keyword required.
So we have started some work overseas and I have been trying to make sense of the metric units in CAD. Metric units in general, make way more sense then imperial units but how they work in CAD has been confusing.
I am familiar with the UNITS command and have changed the drawing units to "decimal" and the insertion units to "unitless"
I know that when you draw a 1 unit line in model space it could represent a 1 millimeter line or a 1 meter line and that it is up to the drafter to decide what it will be. I also am familiar with setting up dim styles to dimension correctly based off of whether you are drawing in meters or millimeters.
I have set my Adobe pdf printer to A1 23.4" X 33.1" (594mm x 841mm). when I draw a 1 unit line in paper space and print the layout the 1 unit line measures 1 inch?
I am running AutoCAD Map 3D 2011. When i use the ID command to acquire x,y coordinates by snapping to an object, it gives me only one decimal place. When i do the command out in space, it gives me 4 decimal spaces. I need to get at least two decimal places while snapping to objects. Examples below:
id command (out in space, not using osnap)
X = 4006431.3366 Y = 359556.5635
id command (snapping to entity)
X = 4006252.3000 Y = 360712.5000
by the way, my units precision is set to .00 and it doesnt seem to make any difference with the id command.