Illustrator :: Layer Thumbnail Size In CS6?
Jul 2, 2012
This is probably an FAQ but for the life of me, I can't find it in your database(s). Simple: in my Layers tabs, how do I control the size of those thumbnails? By default those thumbnails are tiny and I want to make them larger.
So in the enclosed image example, I want to make the thumbnail of Title stuff larger.
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Jun 15, 2012
How can I increase the thumbnail size in my pictures ?
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Mar 7, 2008
I have Photoshop Elements 5.0 (windows). On my Organizer page, I am missing the bottom row of functions (which I have seen pictured on the Help Center). This is making it difficult to navigate and organize.
I am missing: Arrangement menu, thumbnail size slider, full screen view button, date view, map icon. The bottom-most item is the 'click here to add caption' under the photo. I looked all over the tool bars. Am I missing something obvious or do I have a software problem?
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Oct 7, 2011
My gimp opens all images in small thumbnail size (160 120). How can I get rid of this and get the files opened in their original size. I am running ubuntu 11.04 and gimp 2.6.11, and utilizing .NEF (nikon raw)
I have tried to remove $HOME/.gimp-2.6 - that didn't seem to work. I have installed and uninstalled ufraw - that didn't seem to work I have looked at gimp preferences, don't see there anything which would define reading in images into "thumbnail" size.
I am suspecting that after installing ufraw this problem appeared and I seem not be able to get rid of it. Removing $HOME/.ufrawrc didn't useful.
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Sep 10, 2012
All of a sudden my thumbnail seze changed for a good size to tiny. How do I change it back?
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Aug 22, 2008
I'm running on a 30" monitor which is really great for workflow efficiency. BUT... the thumbnail images in the filmstrip are just too small and I'd like to be able to enlarge the thumbnail size.
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Nov 3, 2008
instead of showing the thumbnail of an image in my layers panel, I got a grey box for any layer that is in there. Normally I would see a mini-version of the graphic that I am editing.
Is this something that I did or touched that made this happen, if so, how do I reverse this?
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Sep 2, 2012
How do I adjust the size of the thumbnail display?
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Oct 31, 2011
Im supposed to have a slider that allows me to change the size of my thumbnails.
I cant figure out how to get it back on my UI.
Where is the menu that tells it to show on the interface?
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Nov 8, 2013
How do I change the thumbnail image in a layer?
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Sep 29, 2013
I have an imac with 4gb memory. In the PSE9 organizer at the smaller thumbnail settings I see thumbnails as hourglasses. Could there be too many photos in the organizer?
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Dec 10, 2011
I am not able to save the changes that I make to the starting position of my scenes thumbnails when I use a Thumbnail Menu to create my DVD. I am using Video Studio X4 with Service Packs 1 and 2 installed running on Windows XP Home, SP 2 with all updates installed and DirectX 9.0. The scene changes work fine when I Preview them but they are not saved when I close the Create Disk sub-menu. When I return to the “Menu and Preview” section of the Create Disk sub-menu, the Main Menu scene change is present as is the Chapter 1 scene change but the other chapter scene changes are gone. What can I do to correct this?
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Oct 2, 2012
I'm in the process of porting my plugin to CS6 (was on CS3 SDK) on Windows and I have encountered an issue with thumbnail generation. The plugin will pick the selected art content and generate a thumbnail with AIArtSet, AIRasterize and AIRasterSuite. This code had been working on CS3, CS4 and CS5, both Mac and Windows.
Now on CS6, when calling sAIRasterize->Rasterize(), I get an error that says "The operation cannot complete because of an unknown error. [CANT]". AI pops the error directly to the user while the return value from the method call is zero (no error). While investigating, I found the error message isn't poping up if the color space is not RGB related, although the image is often a black rectangle.
I've played with the AIDrawImageSuite to try to design an alternate method to generate thumbnail but I was only successful with the Draw Color Swatch method call (copying the sample code)
I've only tested on Window so far. I'm getting this same CANT message when choosing the web profile for a new document. I'm not seeing the message on Mac but I haven't tested the code on CS6 MAc yet. How do you generate thumbnails on CS6?
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Aug 20, 2013
When I have an PSD icon set and I want to size a layer to a size that looks good. How do I see the dimentions of that layer so that I can select another layer and make it the same size.
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Sep 23, 2012
I am using Mac Book Pro / 10.8.2 and Illustrator CS6, what I noticed is when I export my files to PDF, the thumbnails only show in B&W colors and this only happens when I am using Pantone colors. If I use colors randomly from swatch or just type Pantone in CMYK, it still shows color but that bugs me still. I did a test on my old Imac which is 10.7.3 and using CS5.5 but didn't have same issue. I am wonder if this happen to everyone or just certain CS version or so.
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Jul 10, 2012
lately I've been started working on Illustrator, since I've always loved the vector pen tool in Photoshop, but I've notice something...
let's say I want to work on an A4 page. I start a new PRINT document, and set the A4 size at 300 DPI. If I do that on Photoshop, I'll get a huge white page that at 100% goes way out my screen, but if I start a document with the same size in Illustrator, I get a page that's smaller than my screen (at 100%).
I guess it's normal because those programs might work in different ways, but I'm concerned about it because this way, in Illustrator a 1pt size brush will always be bigger than in Photoshop.
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Nov 27, 2013
My Plugin does not use global suite references. Instead it acquires and releases suites as required. The problem is with the panel. I want to get the size of the panel when the size is changed (so I can change size of embedded wxpanel accordingly). To get the size, I need to acquire panel suite. However, the SetSizeChangedNotifyProc callback method only provides panelref and no message or anything else. How can I get the suite in this scenario?
Also this piece of code to embed wxpanel inside aipanel, handle resize etc is going into a dll so that it can be used by multiple plugins. So I do not want to use global suite ptr.
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Jul 25, 2013
I'm trying to write a script that renames a layer, and group within the layer, then an object within the layer (but not a part of the group) and have it run in a loop.
Here's what I've got so far, the group rename doesn't work.
#target Illustrator
var doc = app.activeDocument;
idLayers(doc)//IRename layers
idGroups(doc)//Rename groups
function idLayers(doc){
I haven't put in anthing to rename the single object yet since I cant even get the group rename to work. I suspect that the group re-name section isn't working because I'm either using bad syntax or an invalid command.
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Sep 14, 2012
In AI CS5 Version 15.0.2 for Windows 7 64-bit; Is it possible to hide a hierarchal layer from one that is lower in the layer stack? I would like to make visible one of the bottom layers and hide a layer near the top that is on a separate artboard.
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Apr 25, 2009
Every time that I open a file, almost all the layers in the first level appears expanded, even when the file was saved with these layers colapsed.
So, as I have a lot of layers and sublayers/groups, it is difficult to navigate to a specific location and I need to collapse layer by layer.
Are there some trick to force Illustrator to remember the layer status?
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Dec 7, 2013
I have two objects intersecting each other on different layers. The object on the top layer I reduced the opacity for and the bottom layer which was previously hidden now is shining through. I do not want this to happen. I want the bottom layer to remain hidden beneath the top layer despite the lowered opacity. How would I accompish this simply? I have CS2.
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Sep 17, 2013
I'm on a Win 7 machine using Illustrator CC, using a mouse with the pen tool.
I created some shapes on one layer, and now want totrace just the outside of those shapes on a different layer. It worked well enough on the first two shapes I did this with (both comprised of ellipses layered to create a particular shape) but on this third one, it keeps bouncing me back to the original layer. This is the only shape that includes straight lines but I can't think of a reason that would keep me from being able to trace the outline of shapes on a different layer.
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Dec 25, 2004
I am facing a problem of adjusting layer size. I created a new document and I used a move tool to bring a movie poster to my document. Unfortunately, the picture is too large and I press The CTRL and+ buttons to adjust the size of this movie layer. But the result is that all the document (the background) is going to be small. How can I adjust only the size of the movie layer?
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Mar 31, 2012
I am using Photoshop CS3 extended 10.0.1 on Mac Intel. I have made a layer of one photo that I want to blend into another. Last time I did this in the distant past, there were handles in the selected layer that I wanted to blend and I could grab and drag those handles to change the size of that layer in relation to the other.
It was very simple. I have been at it for quite awhile now but those handles are not there and I can find no way to make them appear. I cannot change the size of one layer in relation to the other.
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Oct 23, 2002
I want to know how to change the size of a layer.
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Mar 13, 2011
when i make a new project it says what size you want it to be set on. i want it to be set on a standard size of printing paper. so i measured a printer paper and put in the details as millimeters in the box and set the size to 100 but when i hold up a paper to the screen its not the same size its much smaller. How would i make it actual size of the paper? (8.5x11) and if it does not print the actual size how could i make it so when i print it it does not make it bigger or smaller to fit on page or whatever. I know this is very basic but its been bugging me forever and i need it to print the exact size.
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Oct 14, 2012
I duped a layer and the file went from 600mb to 2GB.
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Jan 10, 2013
I have a ton of seamless images I want to make most into tile in this or that project but I don't want to make them all into .pat files because I hate hunting up .pat files plus if I am in the middle of a project with 25 layers. I want to simple pull in the image I want and use it without having to close everything to make a pat file then reopen the project I am on and have to hunt down my pat file to load it to use.
Now I have moved on to using 3D > New Title Painting which works great on a simple layer I need to turn a seamless tile into a pattern for that one project. However I am having one problem. Say I am working on a project where all the layers must be 2500 x 2500 pixels (for example) and I pull in an images onto one of the layers. Can I do one of the two:
Can I set photoshop cs5 to let me have different size layers in one project so the title paint can see image size it wants?
Can I set the title painter to have it set my layer size?
The problem I have is when I pull in a seamles image into a layer then make it a smart shape so I can resize it, make it smaller, then use title painter it makes spaces between the tiles.
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May 13, 2013
I noticed that there are two different sizes of the "T" icon in the layer panel. How did it happen?
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Jan 26, 2013
Why should scaling a layer in photoshop CS6, have an effect on the size of the file?
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Jun 12, 2012
I have a black/white linedrawing, TIFF, where I needed to replace som texts. I saved it as PSD, lassoed the texts, erased them and inserted the new texts in about 20 different places.
The text size is only about 6 pt., and the whole drawing isn´t more than about 14 by 14 centimeters. In the PSD file all the changes now appear in separate layers (with the background drawing at the bottom, see inserted .png) one for each erased bit of text, whereas I thought it would be convenient to have all in one layer.
How does this influence the filesize, and how do I combine all new texts in one layer, if that takes up less space? Layer 3-5 doesn´t seem to serve any purpose, how does one see what´s actually in a layer? I also need to save the file as EPS, and doing so the filesize goes from 3,4Mb in PSD to 45Mb in EPS. What are the possibilities of minimizing this EPS-file?
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