Illustrator :: How To Do Stroke With Fadeout
Mar 2, 2012How do i do a stroke with a fadeout?
View 9 RepliesHow do i do a stroke with a fadeout?
View 9 RepliesIs there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width?
For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.
I have a shape with a black stroke and green fill. I have a white line segment over it. How do I get it so that the end of the line segment doesn't show over the black stroke of the object? If I try to put the line segment behind the object, then the object fill hides it completely.
I'm new to illustrator and I've tried to search for an answer but I don't know the best way to accomplish what I want to do. Seems like some combination of transparency or knockout groups and I've read a bit about this and can't figure out what I need to do.
I need an outline on a stroke that i drew but when i apply object>path>outline stroke i keep getting my initial stroke applied as well. I only need the outline, not the initial stroke. I use Illustrator CC.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a smooth fade-out to total darkness from the grid border on the left and right side:
I have tried a mix of basic lighting effects and vingette with corel photopaint 11 but I cant get it smoother.
I tried air brushing with deep-paint 3d but when I open a JPEG it makes the whole image brighter so against the black background it looks messed up.
I also tried all the blur effects but they didnt work either, I just need a fadeout so smooth you cant tell where the edge is at all.
I cannot fade out the sound at the end of my movie.
I have just bought VideoStudio X5 and added the SP1. On my first try, I have added a MP3 file on my silent movie, on the music track.
On this track, I have shortened the music to the end of the movie and with the sound properties panel displayed, I have click the fadeout button which is now on. But when I test my movie or when I generate a video file, the music doesn't fade out and stops suddenly at the end of the movie.
I'm trying to figure out a way to automate a simple, yet repetative process I do countless times a day. Ideally, I'd like to tie it to a keystroke to speed up my workflow.
I work on line art and colorways for footwear, so the way I'm coloring these shapes and strokes break apart the different materials and pieces of the shoe.
While coloring line art, I work with Pantone spot colors as fills for closed path objects. I then have to manually apply that same color to the stroke, set the stroke to 0.5px weight, convert that spot stroke color to CMYK, and add 15% to the K value.
I found some code in an older post for applying the actively selected object's fill color to the stroke, but I'm having but I'm having trouble with the next step of figuring out how to take that spot stroke color and convert it to a CMYK build that I can then add 15% black to. Is this something that's even possible? I've spent about an hour playing with the script and have only had luck matching the fill color or turning the stroke white.
I'm a fashion designer and i've just learned using photoshop and my real problems are creating textures. i'm designing a T-shirt with fadeout or stone washed looks,
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an image that has a black stroke around it. I'm wanting to make that transparent and add a stroke to the outside of the black stroke, so it will basically be an invisible space there. Is that possible or is there an easier way?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having a huge problem with the brush stroke, I use illustrator CS5,(on PC) but I can't set the stroke weight smaller or bigger than 1 pt.
1. I've already resetted AI preferences. still nothing.
2. I've already created new documents of all types ''web'', ''print'', ''basic rgb'', etc. and turned on and off the ''align new objects to pixel grid''. ( still nothing).
3. I've resetted my preferences file, under Unit/Stoke ( set to pixels instead of points). still nothing
4. I've already went to the Regional and Language Options and changed the decimal symbol but nothing.
I can't set the stroke of a path to anything less than 1 pt.
Though a dragged path (by an endpoint) snaps to a point on another path, when I lift my finger, the dragged point and path jump a small distance away.
Aligning two separate paths to their common (e.g. top left) endpoints also leaves the two endpoints slightly displaced from each other.
Just started working in Illustrator CC. I can't find the control to set stroke color.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll i want is to set a stroke width of 0.25 pt. When i select it, it just goes back to 1 pt. What gives????
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn all my research of the new CC features in Illustrator I came across a video that was explaining you can now add a stroke on a placed image. My memory thinks it was a Deke McClellan video but i'm getting too old to rely on my memory being correct and I can't seem to find the video again.
I tried adding a stroke but nothing happeneds.. I still have to mask first then add a stroke.
I want to add some 2pt white strokes (no fill) to an Illustrator document to seperate some geometric paths, filled with color, into sections.
That works fine for rectange on the horizontal. But I also have some polygons that are on the diaganol.
How do I shape the ends of my stroke to match the diaganols? See attached for a close-up screen shot. The white is my 2pt stroke. I'd like it to terminate at the edge of the green path, not intrude into the orange.
Such a scenario:
1 Use the palette apperance can add a new strok to the object.
2 Now, to the stroke, I might add transformations.
3 I want to creatively find the amount of transformations. Turn to preview the changes.
4 Unfortunately, the slider is not precise and varies the size too much.
5 So I make the cursor to the field, and now controls the change of the unit using the keypad.
For example,
Shift + Arrow UP or Down - increments of 10 units
Alt + Arrow UP or Down - jump by one unit
CMD + Arrow UP or Down - jump about half of the
I do work in mm, I would be more precise if I can change the pitch CMD + UP or Down Arrow to jump about 1/10 the unit?
When working with a palette of transformations in view of the above, it is impossible to move the cursor selected object, such as it is in Photoshop when working with a palette of effects? Such a solution would be very fast and very creative.
Okay so I've browsed these forums and everybody keeps saying to turn off Align new Objects to pixel grid well I've done that and it still keeps resetting. I've been using a Print document since I am trying to draw illustrations for a children's book but somehow when I choose anything below 1 pt it keeps going back to 1 pt no matter what.
Opened up transform panel too but it's not checked and grayed out so I can not turn on / off again. I am using Adobe Illustrator CS5.
I have a circular / elipse type shape which has a stroke border of 3. I make a copy of it, and I want to delete the copies stroke border so I can fit it exactly within the original shape.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to produce a white image of a stag without a background. I traced the image and have it rendered with a path using the stroke tool. You can see the stroke selected below.
My goal is to remove the green circle in the background and save the white stag only. Right now the stroke is not filled -- the white color is the transparent background. This is what the image looks like in Illustrator without the background and no color applied to the stroke.
Of course if I deselect the stroke, the object disappears, and when I save it, there's nothing visible. My goal is to print a white stag on a green T-shirt. Do I need to convert the stroke object to something else, then apply a fill? I don't know how to proceed.
When I scale my artwork I have scale strokes and effects checked but the effects dont appear to be scaling. They look as though they arent even there at all after the scale. Am i missing something?
View 35 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble with stroke option in illustrator. It was working just fine but now its stuck at 1pt and I cant increase or decrease the stroke width no matter what I do.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI got this pattern I created : And I would like to add a white stroke involving it like this :
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just dicovered the gradient stroke feature in illustrator CS6, the problem now is I can't get out of it. I am simply trying to apply a gradient within a shape, and it keeps only applying it to the stroke. If I try to add a gradient to a path that doesn't have a stroke, it will automaticallly add a stroke.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to cut or erase part of a gradient stroke? The attached image shows a. the stroke I need to cut and b. the stroke as I would like it to appear - (at the moment I have just covered it(b) with white fill. I have tried Expanding, Outlining path and Flattening, but with no luck.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a piece of artwork with loads of curves and I'd like to smooth out a few areas that appear a little "wobbly". Is there an easy way to do this in Illustrator CS6 (other than adjusting with handles)?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble with the stroke of an image I drew changing once I drag it in front a square of color.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Illustrator CS5 to build a logo that uses brush strokes. The strokes are translucent but I want them to be opaque. The setting for the stroke is 100% opaque. I can't find a way to change this. It seems like a glitch. I've used brush strokes many times before, but have never had this problem.
View 34 Replies View RelatedI am making a 15x22" print of a map of Baltimore and am not sure what pt size to maket the lines separating the neighborhoods. I want to be sure the lines are visible from far away, and, since this is my first time printing something this size.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI seem to be missing the stroke functions such a creating dash lines etc, I have the latest version of CS6 Illustrator but don't understand why its missing all I have is the stroke weight (see image below). At first I thought it was because of changed and the effect is no longer there but I read forums and it seems to be everywhere.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy does illustrator default the pt size back to 1 when you try and do 0.75, 0.5 etc?
It's not consistent throughout the document, I have other shapes/ lines with 0.75 pt stroke..