Illustrator :: How Does One Add Background Color To Text Box
Jun 6, 2009
In FH I could have an auto expanding text box whose attributes included say: black text on a white ground which would expand as one types, for the life of me I can not seem to achieve this seemingly simple procedure in Illustrator.
I have a large (22"x28") poster completely filled with 8 pt text. I have a simple image under the text. I want to change the parts of the text over the image to the image color. Basically, I want to make the image out of the tiny text and delete the image from the background. As of right now, I'm individually selecting text and changing the color, bit by bit. I know there has to be a much better way, this is going to take hours! I've been using AI for a very long time and this is one of the only times I've been completely stumped! I've included a sample image, the actual one is much more involved.
When you use the Text Tool a text is added inside a frame. The frame is not visible when printing, it is only for internal use I guess. Can I add a color to it so that the text gets a background? I don't mean to color the actual text, I just need to add color to the background of it.
If it is not possible, what would be the best way to achive what I want: a text inside a shape of a certain color?
I need to insert text over some mottled regions so I want to insert black text with a white background. I can't find a way to give the text a background color. I can do this with Powerpoint and Visio, so why not with Photoshop?
So far I was able to copy a white region in the background layer and drag it to the place where I need it on the text layer, but that seems klutzy to me.
Would like to put a gray (or other color) background on some text. Drawing contains some reference numbers to others drawings that may change and would like to be able to spot them more readily by scanning for color. Do not want to mask, just a different color. Thought this would be in mtext drop down but don't see it.
The MLEADER would provide the ultimate solution if you could alter the Background color like MTEXT by clicking the ... in the properties window.
You can now change this color through the Ribbon, placing this in the ribbon Autodesk. I can't seem to change the fit ratio of the background mask itself.
We have a MLEADER with a text box and a background mask that work together however the masking gap or size is not controllable to my knowledge.
I'm new to illustrator and having trouble with changing the background color of the working board. I'd like to see how my very simple shapes look under dark conditions (black background).
So, while I was able to change the color of the background, my shapes, along with their fill colors, just disappeared. They're there, "behind" the background and I can't / don't know how to bring them to the front.
I am new to GIMP. I have a pdf with a neat picture and want to eliminate some text, essentially painting over it in the same color of the rest of the red background. Then I want to turn it into a powerpoint template with the first page the full picture but my own text and subsequent pages just a sliver of the picture at the side, with the normal ppt format and capabilities. I have attached the image.
I have a scanned image which is black text on white paper. The paper comes out darker in some section because of scan. Is there a simple way I can make the off-white background white?
I am operating on a Mac Air Book with the new Adobe Creative Cloud. I am new to Illustartor, so do not know how to use it well. I saved my document as a pdf, however, in the preview, it does not have the background color, but is jjust plain white. How can I save my document so that the color will show onto the pdf?
How can l give my artboards a different background color? When l try it all my artboards get the same color. l tried it with the colored paper tool and in other way's. It doesn't work!
I am new to Illustrator and using a Mac. When I open Illustrator CS6 the background is not the expected grey color but whever other program hapens to be open. This changes to grey as soon as create a new drawing. Is this normal?
when I switch tab once at the end of the line sits the line break outside of the paragraph text frame..The background color so then runs out of the frame.A wish at left line intent (or right) it should be possible to fill these also with the background color and a function that assigns every second line is a background color..
I did put a real photo in the background of my website to fit entire page. So the text of my webpage is black, and sometimes other colors. So what happen is that some times the text is hard to read when it come on top of dark places of the photo (for example hear of people). So i want to adapt the photo to make it more unicolor, more whiten (increase whiteness) so the black text will appear even better.
What tools and filters in gimp that give me this ability to do that ?
I want to create a transparent text on a solid color background, and I need text transparency to go all the way to through the image (i.e. do not show the solid color background). I have the transparent background layer, the solid rectangle layer that occupies part of the image, and the text layer (with text element) on the top of the solid rectangle layer. How do I make text transparency to go all the way through? Here is a similar example for Photoshop CS, only in my case, the background layer is transparent (i.e. there is no picture): URL... Basically, I need to make the letters see through, so they show the background color on which the image will be placed. Is it possible to do in Photoshop Elements? I'm using version 9 on Windows 7.
I would like to set dimension text fill color to "background" instead of, you know, dimensioning my drawings properly.
I have this code I got on these forums and it works well except for the 'TextFillColor' variable. I can't find the correct color number or syntax for "Background'. It's currently set to 0 which produces ByBlock, and any number I put in there corresponds to the AutoCAD color number (1 = Red, 2 = Yellow, etc.)
If you have a better routine that you could post that works for me too. Or maybe you could just do my work for me? Even better.
(defun c:test (/ obj num cnt) (vl-load-com) (setq ss1 (ssget '((0 . "Dimension"))) num (sslength ss1) cnt 0)
When I make my text red (standard CMYK red) on a black background, it looks rasterized. (See image below)
I tried using different standard fonts, but result is the same. Aslo when I export it for high quality printing, the resulting pdf document also show the red text somewhat rasterized. (Does not appear smooth red).
is it possible to change the background color [outside the artboard] to a dark grey? because i really dont like having a big white screen while working in illustrator.when you normally work in illustrator, the artboard is indicated by a black border line but when you select the artboard editor tool, the background changes to dark grey, so it is possible and that is the effect im looking for, but then it possible to do this via the preferences somewhere, or via a hack?
URL....I have a green vector background in illustrator and then I placed psd image over it and created PDF for press and under Color bitmap images I selected no compression.After viewing image in Acrobat all seems ok, I even checked with picker, but after I send this to printer (xerox in thsi case) I end up with this: Both .psd and .ai are in CMYK color space. For this particular case I could use mask to cover up that transparent space but my original project has shadows which I cannot mask by vector :S.
how to set color profiles or whatever is neccessary to avoid this issue. One thing I was using was, opening PDF in Photoshop and flatening all. Problem is that sometimes I need vector files and cut lines for cutter. Don't want to have bitmap, if I can have a vector? Also when I flaten image I do get same CMYK values in photoshop (with picker) than I have in Illustrator on vector object, but when I print this they don't match at all.
I have to different colors, one for the background and a second for the foreground. I want to know if there is a way that I could type my text across the background and it be the same color as the foreground and once it gets to the foreground it switches to the background color to be readable???