Illustrator :: CC Crashes When Saving New Symbol Library?

Feb 18, 2014

When attempting to save a new symbol library that I have created Illustrator CC crashes without saving the file. It does'nt matter where I try to save it, or what the original source image was.

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Illustrator :: Add Symbol To User Defined Symbol Library

Aug 16, 2013

How do I add new symbol to an exsiting user defined symbol library? AI CS5.5, Mac.

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Illustrator :: Transfer Symbol Library From AI CS3 To CS6?

Aug 22, 2013

how do i transfer a symbol library from .ai cs3 to cs6

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Illustrator :: Symbol Library Location?

Nov 18, 2012

I have screw symbols that were imported when I converted my FreeHand file. I can't seem to locate those symbols on my drive. Might they only exist in this file, or where would I look for them? CS5.5, OSX 10.8.2.

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Illustrator :: Print Symbol Library With Names?

Jul 2, 2013

Is there a way to print a symbol library with names?

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Photoshop :: Import And Use Custom Illustrator Symbol Library

Sep 19, 2012

I would like to import and use my own (project-specific) Illustrator Symbol Libraries in Photoshop
Background info

- I create BIG amounts of assets (for UI design) in Adobe Illustrator which I save as Symbols.
- I store these symbols in a custom symbol library so I can re-use them in a different file
- Reason A: to be able to re-use these symbols within the Illustrator file to visualize different "interaction flows" to my clients
- Reason B: I use vector assets because they allow me to accommodate for different screen resolutions in the future
A:  I would like to be able to open the same symbol library I created in Illustrator in Photoshop and drag the symbols onto my Photoshop canvas.
B:  If I change a symbol in Illustrator it should be updated in my Photoshop file.

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Illustrator :: Save Custom Symbol Library As Default?

Jan 23, 2014

Is there a way to save a custom symbol library as my default?  I'd like it to show up in my panels when i open new blank document.

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Illustrator :: Symbol Closes When Saving?

Jul 2, 2013

When I'm editing a Symbol and "Save" AI automatically closes the Symbol and interrupts my workflow. Is there a way to prevent this "feature"?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Using Javascript And ScriptUI To Create A Form That Brings In Symbol From Library

Feb 25, 2012

I've been trying to pull together the right info to use JavaScript to create a form to bring in particular symbols from the symbol library based on the variables taken from the form. I've taken bits and pieces from various sample scripts and tried to make this work, but my problem appears when I try to use conditionals.This is a limited version of what I want to do, but it is enough to get the point across.
1. I want to select a script that has various dropdown boxes. I would like the first dropdown to give me 3 options: 10, 13, 18
2. I would also like another drop down box that gives me three more options: single needle, double needle, and knife edge.
3. I would then like it to have an "ok" button and "Cancel" button.
4. From here when I click the ok button, a symbol is brought in from the library depending on what parameters were given to the form.
ex. If I selected 10 in the first drop down and double needle in the second, I would like "SYMBOL A" to be pulled from the library and centered on the artboard.ex. If I selected 13 in the first drop down and double needle in the second, I would like "SYMBOL B" to be pulled from the library and centered on the artboard.
I've gotten the UI to pop up and it works as planned as well as bringing in a symbol, my problem comes when I try to incorporate conditionals and functions.Here is my script.
var myDoc = app.activeDocument;var Pallette = new Window ("dialog", "Create a Shell"); Pallette.add ("statictext", undefined, "Fill Opening in Inches:"); Pallette.orientation = "row";var myDropdown =  Pallette.add ("dropdownlist", undefined, ["10", "13", "18"]);myDropdown.selection = 1;var myButtonGroup =  Pallette.add ("group");myButtonGroup.orientation = "column";var btnCreate = myButtonGroup.add ("button", undefined,

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Illustrator :: Crashes When Saving To PDF?

Nov 18, 2012

When I try to save a pdf from Illustrator, it crashes. I have CS5. It doesn't matter which settings I choose in the dialog box, it always shuts down illustrator and says Adobe Illustrator has stopped working....

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Illustrator :: CC Crashes When Saving?

Sep 6, 2013

I became a member of Adobe Creative Cloud a few days ago. Today I started working in Illustrator CC, but it really bothers me that everytime I save my doccument it crashes.Well, at least, it says that it crashes, but if I wait a couple of minutes it works again and it saved my procress.
Also when I close the program and open it again, it already crashes before I have done anything.
I am working on a Windows 7 computer, and with Illustrator CS6 I didn't had this problem at all.

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Illustrator :: Crashes When Saving

Dec 11, 2012

So a few times now I have gone to save a document and illustrator cs6 64 bit crashes. It doesn't outright close, but it stops responding to windows and all of the pallate windows and main window begin to flash black and then back to regular.
I run windows 8 on this computer and am worried that it just incompatible for the os. So I have begun to run the program in windows 7 compatability mode. For the last 20 minutes it hasn't crashed out, but I've only saved two documents and this error has only happend three times in a month of using the application, though two of those times were within an hour of each other today.
I'm not 100% certain but I believe that each file it has happend on is also one that I had just saved for web.I found as much of a crash log as I can in this new os but it reads as follows:
The program Illustrator.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Action Center control panel.

Process ID: 1110
Start Time: 01cdd7e0adea99a9
Termination Time: 322
Application Path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit)Support FilesContentsWindowsIllustrator.exe
Report Id: 9856d88b-43df-11e2-be73-10bf48b5fe20
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:
I'm not really very familiar with the action center control panel but I couldn't find any additional information there.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Crashes When Saving To EPS?

Jul 5, 2013

I am running a fully licensed pro version of Illustrator CS6 on two machines. They both now crash (freeze) when saving EPS. Fine on PDF, Ai, etc... just EPS on both machines. No error messages, just a freeze then a force quite.
Both machines are 27in iMacs, under one year old, latest versions of Mountain Lion, all top notch and running on i7 & i5 processors. Spec is not the problem. All software is updated.
Really at a loose end. Reinstalled the software on one machine, OK at first, then back to crashing.

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Illustrator :: CC Crashes While Saving Anything

Mar 1, 2014

I am a graphic design student in college in my last semester and I have many projects invovling Illustrator I need to get done. Since a few weeks ago, both my Illustrator CS6 and CC have been crashing only when I save my progress. I have since uninstalled the CS6 and only have the CC version, but I go to save anything and it tells me Illustrator has stopped working and shuts down every time. I need these projects saved for Monday.

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Illustrator :: CC Crashes When Saving Symbols?

Nov 18, 2013

My issue is when I open an .eps, (any .eps because I tried it with a multitude of files), and I try to drag a path into the symbols panel then "save symbol library" Illustrator immediately crashes. It doesn't matter if its just one symbol or multiple symbols.
This is the problem details:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Illustrator.exe
Application Version:


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Illustrator :: CS6 Creative Cloud Crashes When Saving

Jun 12, 2012

Today when I opened a file I worked on for hours last night, an error message with a lot of unreadable characters showed up.  I relaunched it and redid the work.  Then I went to save, and it crashed with the same error message. 
Then it asked me to sign in, saying I was using a trial version, even though I was signed in and had been using it.  So I sign in again, make the changes again, save, and it crashes again.  When I open the file, the layers have been altered so that everything is now on one layer.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Crashes When Saving Or Printing Existing Document

Mar 27, 2013

The problem doesn't apply if I create a new document. This is the error code: [URL]

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Illustrator :: CS4 Crashes When Opening Or Saving A File On Windows 7?

Feb 12, 2014

I have tried CS5 & CS4 and when I open the program and attempt to open or save an .ai file, the program completely crashes. My system specs are as follows:
Manufacturer: DLS
Processor: AMD Athlon Dual Core Processor 5200B  2.70 GHZ
Installed Memory (RAM): 1.50 GB (1.25 GB Usable)
32 Bit Operating System

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Illustrator :: CS5 / Random Crashes When Saving Or Previewing Work

Jul 23, 2012

I tend to get errors when I save my work in Illustrator. A few read as follows:
"Unknown Error"
"Can't Save Illustration"
"Not Enough Ram Available"
The last error I got read: "Can't finish previewing. There is not enough memory ID = -108" These errors don't happen all the time, but they occur often. And when they do occur, more often than not end up crashing Illustrator and can't save whatever I just worked on.

Here's what I've tried doing:

Cleared my Illustrator preferencesUninstall the whole Aodbe Suite > Run the Adobe Remover Tool > Reinstall Adobe SuiteRun disk clean up/defragmenterI get some of these errors even when I only have Illustrator and my browser open - no other programs are running except for anti-virus/malware software. 

Here's some trivial information about my machine and the file I'm working on:
RAM: 4GBThe file I'm trying to edit is 0.97MB and stored locally on my desktop (as opposed to a network drive)Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 8400GS (up-to-date)Hard drive has 231GB of free space64-bit processorRuns DirectX 11

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Illustrator :: Saving Symbols From AI File In Existing Symbol File

Feb 28, 2012

I saved a symbols file with a few symbols in it.
I then create new .ai files - create some graphics then want to save some of them in the symbols file.
I dont see a way of saving symbols from the .ai file into the already existing symbols file.

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Illustrator :: Edit Text In Symbol Instances Without Breaking Link To Symbol

Sep 26, 2012

Is there a way to edit the text in a symbol instance without breaking the link to the symbol?
a really simplen example would be several instances of the same button graphic but with different labels.
I know these things are possible in Fireworks, but couldn't find a way to make it happen in Illustrator.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Crashes When Symbol Is Inserted?

Sep 11, 2011

I'm having trouble with Draw X4 now that I have moved on to Windows 7 64 bit.

When I try to insert a symbol from my user symbols, I get the message that the program has stopped working.

I have tried chaging the compatibilty but that hasn't worked.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Why Can't Symbol Manager Find Symbols Library

May 24, 2012

Just installed X6. However, even though I installed Symbols and Objects from the content install, symbol manager does not see the symbols library on my hard drive. I guess it expects me to add a library, but where this symbols library is. Am I supposed to install the entire content package (I really don't want to clutter my hard drive with thousands of unwanted images) in order for symbol manager to be able to automatically find where the symbols are?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating A Symbol Library In Drawing Mode

Mar 8, 2013

I am using inventor 2013. I am doing some standardization process to make design drawing.How can i create library for "Symbols" so i can use it in any drawing?

Thing is, I am creating a symbol in drawing and using it many times in one sheet.Now when i prepare a next drawing, i can not use the same what i have to do is i have to create a symbol everytime for each drawing.I am not able to maintain consistency.

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VideoStudio :: X5 Crashes When Trying To Access Some Photos In Library

May 22, 2012

I have imported multiple photos in the VSP photo library. Some photos are fine. They can be added to the project with no problem. A couple of photos when I try to move them to the project or right click for properties, VSP locks up with an unspecified error and creates a dump file. Then the program shuts down.

I have deleted the photos from the 15.0 directory and am able to delete problem photos from the library. Tried to import photos as a media file and it imports some photos ok and same photos lock up VSP x5.The issue seems to be with certain photos but I have not been able to find anything different with working photos so far.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Crashes In Library On XML Import From FCP

Oct 21, 2011

I'm new to Smoke and have an issue. Im importing an xml from FCP and Smoke crashes in the library. I'm taking a class @ FXPHD and the first class is an easy xml import reading the source media.

As soon as I load the xml into the clip library Smoke crashes. I've already gone thru the system set up requirements and have a great machine built to Smoke requirements. I'm wondering if it is a network configuration of some sort? Not sure...

image attached at freeze point

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Photoshop :: CS3 Crashes With MS Visual C+ + Runtime Library Error

Nov 20, 2013

I came into work on Monday morning and started working on this business card design for an associate of mine. I got to the point where a first draft was almost finished, I went to save it as a PDF (keeping all the layers separate and retaining Photoshop editing capabilities), and it suddenly did this (attached photo). It's now Wednesday and not only have I never run into this issue before, but it seems no one else has because I haven't been able to find anything on it this whole time.

It seems to be saving to PSD and JPG just fine, but I need to be able to save to PDF for printing. I've checked a couple times to make sure Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat are fully up to date and they are. I've tried holding CTRL+ALT+SHIFT while starting the program to delete the preferences, and that didn't work. I've run a spyware/malware scan on my computer and it came back clean.
- I'm running Photoshop CS3, with the new 10.0.1 update
- Windows 7 Professional 64-bit /w Service Pack 1
   - Dell XPS 8300, 6GB RAM, Intel Core i5-2300
- My system is completely up to date (according to Windows Update)

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3ds Max :: Crashes While Saving

Mar 16, 2011

I'm using Max2011 64bit SP1 under win 7.I have modelled a scene with about 100.000vertices so not too much and shaded it with a few standart materials and a few material libs I downloaded. now max crashes sometimes while saving a scene... and makes that file corrupt! but it doesn't happen everytime just sometimes and the most time if the animation curves are opened and i animated something!

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Photoshop :: Crashes When Saving?

Aug 8, 2006

everytime i save a file in photoshop CS2, pshop crashes. tifs, psd's, eps', pdf's - pshop crashes everytime.

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Photoshop :: Saving .psd As .jpg Crashes

Apr 30, 2009

I recently upgraded to CS4, and am having a problem saving a flattened .psd file to .jpg (saving to any other format works just fine). When I try to save as a .jpg (RGB, 8-bit), the program partially locks up, and no .jpg file is created. The File menu has only two or three options, including Close and Open As, but I cannot actually select these options. All other menu options are grayed out; no tools work. I cannot quit Photoshop in this state without using Task Manager. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Modified Appearances Library - Now It Crashes On STEP File Opening

Mar 1, 2013

We recently purged our part templates of unused materials and appearances because there were duplicates after our merge between our original 2012 library and 2013 library.  We deleted these duplicates but retained all materials that inventor uses by default, such as the "default" material.

Creating new files causes no problems, however when opening a .STEP file Inventor immedietly crashes and exits to the desktop.  We tried re-assigning the default templates that came with our install of 2013 and we can open STEP files just fine.

We tried uninstalling the latest update (Update 2 for SP1.1) but that did not change the problem.

We are using confirmed STEP files that have opened fine in the past and new STEP files that are freshly downloaded.  NOTE: the same crash occurs with .SAT and .IGES files as well, however we primarliy use STEP files.

This is occuring on two seperate machines, both running Windows 7 64-Bit with i7 processors and 16 Gigabites of RAM.

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