Illustrator :: Add Borders To Tiles When Printing As Poster?
Jan 30, 2014
I have a large project (shirt block pattern) that I need to print as a poster, I'm wondering if there's any way to add a border around each tile when printing, since I can't print to the edges of the paper it would save me having to draw in each border before cutting (to ensure I don't cut the edge crookedly).
I'm working in Illustrator 6. I've got a large piece that I'd like to print onto several 11x17 sheets. When I select Veiw---Show Print TIling, only one tile appears. I expect there to be enough tiles to cover the entire piece and be numbered for me? Where are they? How do I get them to appear?
Then when I go to Print the tile option in the print dialog is greyed out.
I was wondering if I need to "trap" all 3 layers of color in this design which will be screen-printed as a 16x20 sized poster. In some parts of the design, I purposely made the colors a bit offset. But the printer says I must use trapping. I watched a bunch of video tutorials, but none of them seem applicable to this particular kind of artwork, in which I WANT some of the background/paper to show through. But not everywhere. I work in Illustrator CS6.
how I would lay out my photos to be printed onto tiles.
For instance, printing a photo, to be printed onto 9 4" square tiles, to be placed together as one large tile mural on wall or as backsplash, that would be 12" x 12".
How would I go about 'cutting' the photo in 4" squares and pulling them apart, to get the look I want?
I am asked to do a large print of an A1 size poster which is 840mm x594mm,so would it be wiser to half those dimensions given,or even 1/4 of that size in order to avoid my maching going slow? would the printer still understand how hes meant to go about,if i specify the actual dimensions?
Look at this picture, it's a still from the TV series Dexter, and season 1 and 2 of Dexter are somewhat sacred to me as far as cinema goes. The image is taken from season 2, where a love interest of Dexter creates a painting that totally embodies his character. It would be amazing to have it printed and mounted in my entertainment room!
The image is quite raw, and I have such little experience with any kind of photo editing that I wouldn't have any clue what would need to be done to improve the quality or resolution for a decent sized poster, but Any kind of artistic flair is totally welcome as long as the essence of the image/character remain.
I have an Epson R3000 and have just started using CS6 every print is coming out slightly reduced with a white boarder,The bleed is at 0.00 and so is the border. I have the printer setting as paper size the same as output paper size. How do I get a print covering the whole area with no border.
Im trying to print 4x6. In the print module there are 4 margins. Each defaults to 0.13 in. This creates a white border. It does not let me slide these to zero.
I have it cropped correctly (4x6 aspect) and have zoom to fill checked.
I have an image which i have placed on an A4 document. I have sized it so that I can have it twice on the page, so when i print it i can cut it in half and have two small 'fliers'. I do not understand how to arrange the 'bleed' or 'borders' for printing.
I print using Lr 3.6 and seem to never get on paper what Lr shows on screen. A case in point is that if I print with no (zero) borders specified in the Layout section of the Print module I get a print which is identical to the one I obtain when I set the left and right borders to non-zero values (e.g. 2mm). This is even though Lr's screen does show no borders in the first case and the expected borders in the second case.
I use large sheets of paper in my printer and typically want to print several photos on one sheet. In order to use the entire 19" length of the paper I select "borderless" printing in the printer options of my Epson Stylus Photo R3000 printer. For example, I create a template with five 5x7 photos and two 4x6 photos on one 13x19 sheet of paper. I then want each cell to have a border of 7 pts. I set this in the appropriate print option in Lightroom. I select each photo and drop it onto the appropriate cell. When I print this selection, Lightroom fails to preserve the 7pt borders of the various cells that lie on the outside edges of the paper. It preserves the 7 pt borders everywhere else. This occurs for any possible expansion setting I choose under the 'borderless' selection.
Conversely, if I do not select 'borderless' printing I get double width borders around the outside edges of the paper, single width borders on the interior edges, and therefor I cannot fit the last two 4x6 prints on the paper.
Is this a bug or is there a combination of settings which will give me what I want.
I created a pattern tile swatch, and am certain that the edges are perfectly matched. However, when I fill an object with the pattern, on the monitor there appear to be vertical seams. If I zoom in very large, the seams go away, and they do not print. Is this just an artifact of the monitor or should I be concerned that the seams will appear if the illustration is posted to a web page?
It seems as though having this option in the Preferences unchecked is the default. I work with pattern tiles a lot and I ALWAYS want them to scale and move etc... with the object they're applied to. Every time I open an old file (from a previous version of AI where this option was checked) or start a new file, the option is unchecked, and I've really messed up some art when I've edited without realizing my pattern tiles aren't following along.
How do I make this option persistent? I always have to go in and check the damn little box before I can make any edits. BTW, I'm using AI CS6 through the cloud, so I should be all up to date.
how to create this mottled texture used in the poster below? Looks like a noise filter of some kind. Would I be better using Photoshop or Illustrator for this? I am using the texture in the context of a book, repeating the texture on certain pages.
I was wondering if it is possible to style only the borders of an icon. On these icons [URL].... you can see they have some kind of effect around the borders. that I am trying to accomplish the same thing in a set of icons but I can't figure out how to make a similar style/effect.
I have a rectanlgle the same size as the artboard. I added a 2px border around the rectangle. It is centered vertically and horizontally to the artboard. When I save it as a PNG(save for web) the border gets cut off.
How can I prevent this? I am using illustrator CC(64)
How I can export this banner within the borders? When i export it as a JPEG it exports the whole thing instead of just the borders. I was expecting it to be a bit like Flash, where you can draw outside the borders yet it will only show within the borders.
I'm designing a new logo for a client and I would like a rectangular form on the background. There is a C-formed shape in the rectangle which should be clipped in the final version. (so if used on black background for example, there's only the regular form on the background with the C in it, but not the shape of the C outside the rectangle on the left and right of the rectangle).
Clipping could be an option but it gives me those fine strokes...
The first image is the ideal result (but not clipped so with shapes of the C outside the box on a coloured background). The 2nd is the result when clipped. Note the small lines where the C-shape touches the borders of the rectangle on the left, right and bottom of the rectangle.
I create all of my lineart for illustrations, in Adobe Illustrator. I use the pen tool in combination with the line width tool to create line weight. Once I have completed all of the line work, I select everything and Expand. This results in not having fills for teh areas of the illustration which need to be colored.
From there, what I do is select everything > livepaint > make. I then fill in each area with a base color, using the live paint bucket tool. Once completed, I again select everything > expand. This leaves me fills that I can select indivually to apply gradients and work with directly.
This process works great until I expand the live paint group. After expanding, there is a very thin white border everywhere that two seperate colors meet. This only happens after expanding, it does not happen when it is still a live paint group. I have tried every option in the expand window, and get the same result.
I have exported the completed work in several formats ( .jpg, eps, .png ) and the lines are still there.
Sometimes when UV unwrapping, the map, for some reason ends up as individual tiles, even though the mesh is a single object. How can I fix that? Every single polygon has thick, green lines - like seams. When generating normal maps, it simply comes back as 'squares' of nothing, but laid out accordingly to the UV layout, so it's useless and holds no detail what-so-ever.
There are no inverted faces or overlapping faces, so that is not it. I can't weld every single vertex - there are thousands of them, of course, so it's rather baffling. The vertices, though, are connected, so that too is not the problem.
I have access to OS tiles that I need to put on to a drawing and I copy and paste the tile into modelspace then add my blocks and all looks good, then close the file switch off computer.
Next day come into work switch on computer load 2012LT, open file and the drawings have gone except for the outline of the tile with the path name of that file (Like a broken Hyperlink)...
Do I have to somehow import the file in to the drawing to stop this from happening somehow?
I've got a model with uv tiles that I painted on, all good so far, exported out the maps.
now I need to move some of the uv tiles and my question is, how do I reassign the textures in Mudbox so that they appear in the new position of the corresponding tile? Is this possible?